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A Modern League of Extroardinary Gentlemen


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Re: A Modern League of Extroardinary Gentlemen


I wish I knew what you people are talking about. This mythical modern LoEG is drawn from what? Comics? Pop culture? Popular media?


There's no rules saying what it's drawn from. That's what we are discussing...


I wish people would quite the posts they're responding to' date=' so I know who they're talking to.[/quote']

I was responding to you. ;)

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Re: A Modern League of Extroardinary Gentlemen


I wish I knew what you people are talking about. This mythical modern LoEG is drawn from what? Comics? Pop culture? Popular media?


I would imagine that all sources should be available. Comics, pop culture, popular media... sure. The League was drawn from book sources, as far as I can recall, but books and plays were pretty much the pop culture of the Victorian Age.


I think the only limitation on a modern League would be to have characters that are based somewhat in the present-day real world. James Bond would work in this case, but not Dangermouse.

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Re: A Modern League of Extroardinary Gentlemen


Comics, pop culture, popular media... sure.


comics yes, but not super-heroes, per se.

except in the batman sense. or elektra. or daredevil. or the shoveler. or punisher....


the original LoEX were all highly skilled normals, more or less.

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Re: A Modern League of Extroardinary Gentlemen


Picking only from 2009-2010 season prime time television series:


Detective Kate Beckett (Castle, ABC

Dr. Walter Bishop (Fringe, Fox)

Chuck Bartowski (Chuck, NBC)

Sayid Jarrah (Lost, ABC)

Clay Morrow (Sons of Anarchy, FX)


Short listed runner-ups:

Seely Booth (Bones, Fox)

Temperance Brennan (Bones)

Ryan (V, ABC)

John Casey (Chuck)

James Ford (Lost)

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Re: A Modern League of Extroardinary Gentlemen


A bit of thread necromancy I saw this and thought it needed to be posted hereThe league of extraordinary gentlemen 1988/


That is awesome! That is the coolest thing I've seen this week, and I watched Mayhem of the Music Meister again.


Team Noughties

Patrick Jane: people reading, deception expert

Michael Westen: tactician, weapons expert & counterespionage

Dr Helen Magnus (and perhaps her daughter): occult knowledge (pragmatic)

all we need is a technologist - maybe someone from Torchwood





Don't know them, but I must vote for Ianto from Torchwood. As much as I like Captain Jack, he'd steal the scene too much.

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Re: A Modern League of Extroardinary Gentlemen


League of Extraordinary Helena Bonham Carters


Bellatrix Lestrange    - Magician
Marla Singer           - Rogue, Thief
Ari the Chimp          - Diplomacy
Doctor Serena Kogan    - Science
Maggie Lovett          - Crazed Killer
Emily van Dort         - Queen of the Undead 
Morganna Lefae         - Witch

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Re: A Modern League of Extroardinary Gentlemen


Gotta have Jack Bauer from the TV show 24 to fill Allen Quartermain

Harry Dresdon from the books the Dresden Files to fill in the supernatural role

I could see Buffy the Vampire Slayer filling in for Dorian.

Dr. Who filling in for Nemo

The warewolf kid from the Twilight series of books for Jeckel/Hyde

Jason Bourne from the Bourne Identity books/movies filling the Tom Sawyer role.

The chick from the TV show Alias to fill in for the Invisible Man.

Not totally happy with the list, the werewolf guy could go but couldn't think of another brick type non-vampire, and there really should only be one female and I dig Buffy, but meh.

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Re: A Modern League of Extroardinary Gentlemen


Gotta have Jack Bauer from the TV show 24 to fill Allen Quartermain

Harry Dresdon from the books the Dresden Files to fill in the supernatural role

I could see Buffy the Vampire Slayer filling in for Dorian.

Dr. Who filling in for Nemo

The warewolf kid from the Twilight series of books for Jeckel/Hyde

Jason Bourne from the Bourne Identity books/movies filling the Tom Sawyer role.

The chick from the TV show Alias to fill in for the Invisible Man.

Not totally happy with the list, the werewolf guy could go but couldn't think of another brick type non-vampire, and there really should only be one female and I dig Buffy, but meh.


For including the sheer Horror of Twilight, we render this selection moot, and strike it from our collective consciousness.


~Rex....Anti Twilight League representative, Master at Arms.

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Re: A Modern League of Extroardinary Gentlemen


Buffy's too predicable. What about Willow, Angel or Riley? Or Xander?


No Jack Ryan?

No Spenser?

No Easy Rawlins?

No 80-year old Professor Henry Jones?

What about Lestat?


Pretty easy to stay in whatever genre you choose or cross it up something fierce. I liked RexMundi's novel idea and HooliganX's appointment TV team.

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Re: A Modern League of Extroardinary Gentlemen


Buffy's too predicable. What about Willow, Angel or Riley? Or Xander?


No Jack Ryan?

No Spenser?

No Easy Rawlins?

No 80-year old Professor Henry Jones?

What about Lestat?


Pretty easy to stay in whatever genre you choose or cross it up something fierce. I liked RexMundi's novel idea and HooliganX's appointment TV team.

I wanted to stay away from Vampires since the original had one, and we don't need Willow when we have Harry Dresden. Xander or Riely would be irrelevant with Jason and Jack around... Although Riely would fit the role of Jack's student better than Jason would (who's a bad ass all on his own).

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Re: A Modern League of Extroardinary Gentlemen


Here's something to consider. Most of the original League were thought to be dead or actually died in thier source material. Hyde and the Invisible Man both die in their respective books. I'm pretty sure Nemo does as well. Quatermain is shown as being being old as this is years after his last known adventure and had basically disappeared. Mina is the only one who lived "happily ever after" in her original source material. It might be interesting to apply something like this to the moder line-up. Characters are either missing in action, dead, or just really unlikely canidates...

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Re: A Modern League of Extroardinary Gentlemen


I wanted to stay away from Vampires since the original had one' date=' and we don't need Willow when we have Harry Dresden. Xander or Riely would be irrelevant with Jason and Jack around... Although Riely would fit the role of Jack's student better than Jason would (who's a bad ass all on his own).[/quote']


The ORIGINAL Alan Moore League didn't have a vampire in it. Mina Harker wasn't a vampire, nor did she display any superhuman powers at all. Nor was Dorian Grey featured. Alan Quartermain wasn't the leader, either. That was Mina.


So, vampires and immortals are not required, although in LXG: Century 1910, Virginia Woolf's "Orlando" is a member of the new roster and Mina looks like she hasn't aged at all in the intervening 11 years.

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Re: A Modern League of Extroardinary Gentlemen


Mina's very proactive, even in the first graphic novel. For eg: it's Mina that actually captures Hawley Griffin by chucking whitewash over him and then bashing over the head with the bucket. And it's Mina that figures out that "Fu Manchu" is hiding under the river.


As for her unaging nature - I think that was probably a "gift" from the Count. The edge on her tongue is probably all her own though. :D

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Re: A Modern League of Extroardinary Gentlemen


A bit late coming into this but...


I've read pretty much all of the League and am waiting for the newest ones to come out. Here is the list I've made after alot of thought and looking through this thread. Kept in line with the history of LoXG (invasion of the Martians, Fall of the 1984 Government, etc). I figured the original LoXG used famous characters in fictional novels, while the more recent ones (The Black Dossier) have used TV heroes such as Emma Peel. I figured with the modern age, new mediums can also be used for the League. The popularity of a medium during the era was important for this, so video games, movies, and anime were some things I looked into along with TV shows. Anyways, here is something I have come up with.


-The Modern Day of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen


The year is 2010. The world is recovering from the after effects of the short lived global climate shift event as well as the economic repercussions of Project Mayhem. A string of terrorist attacks and war have erupted across the globe. The United States is embroiled in a bitter war with the country of Qumar. Tensions in South Africa rise as hated alien refugees are taken to a new holding facility in Johannesburg. With the world reeling in violence, remnants of Project Mayhem have entered the world stage and has declared war against the superpowers of the world. With alien technology, gene therapy, and nuclear capabilities, the group is poised to plunge the world into eternal war. Now, the US, Russia, and the EU have convened in secret to reform the League. Here are the members:



League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: 2010


First we need a leader type hero. Someone who has seen it all in his/her life and knows their way around adventure, violence, and saving lives. Probably reluctant to help but his/her sense of duty forces them to help save the world. Preferably unpowered, but has alot of skills with combat and out of combat skills.


My vote: David aka Solid Snake


Has great skills in martial arts, weapons, and is quick on his feet. He is a bit disgruntled at working for the government, but will do what it takes to stop terrorists. With his trusty SOCOM and cardboard box, he will lead the team.


Other Notables: Sam Fisher, Jack Bauer



Next, we gotta have someone who is the thinker. They can analyze crime scenes and data in a pinch. Maybe knows alot about pretty much everything.


My vote: Chuck Bartowski


Incredibly smart, great analytic abilities, and can hold his own in a fight. Also has that nerdy charm that everyone loves.


Other Notables: Gil Grissom. Adrian Monk



Next, you need the big brawler. Someone who can take hits and kick ass. The original team had Mr. Hyde. This team will need some muscle.


My vote: Brock Samson


Brock Samson is a big, cold-blooded killer with a heart of gold. He is the bodyguard of the Ventures and is capable of great feats of strength. I'd give my vote for him to be the big guy.


Other Notables: Heavy Weapons Guy


Now for the mystic. Someone who can use magic and knows alot about the magic world. I wonder who...


My vote: Hermione Granger


Now, I know that Harry Potter would be the more obvious choice, because of him being the "chosen one" type character. However, I find Hermione more studious and has more room to grow magically. She would know alot more about magic, and her personality would be interesting to see clash with the others. Im sure at this point she would be 20.


Other Notables: Willow



Finally, I think we are missing the scientist. Technology and gadgets are their thing. They are brilliant, if not eccentric, and often misunderstood.


My vote: Washu Hakubi


She is pretty close to a mad scientist, looking to surpass any problem with the power of science! She is also very knowledge, being older than time itself (depending on what series you've seen her in).


Other Notables: Dexter (from Dexter's Lab)


So lets see what you guys think.

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