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What Would Your Character #72 (or so)


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Your character is approached out of the blue by the world's foremost hero team (or this part of the galaxy's foremost hero team, if the character already belongs to the world's foremost.) They reveal that they've been watching the character for a while now, and feel he/she/it is qualified to join up.


There's a small catch though. According to the recruiter, the character's current team (or someone he's close to, if not in a team) is not trustworthy. He must cut off all contact with those people or persons immediately, in preparation for the new team taking them out/bringing them to justice.


The recruiters have a good reputation for trustworthiness, and appear to have genuine evidence. As far as the character can tell, they're the genuine article and appear sincere. Unfortunately, they tell the character he must make his decision now. If he refuses, the recruiters will have to assume he has already been corrupted and treat him just like the rest of his associates.


How does your character react?

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Re: What Would Your Character #72 (or so)


Adonis – Would start laughing at them with the invitation, and probably never get to the ultimatum. Adonis has made it clear that he will never be a full time hero. He is an actor that feels a civic duty to use his powers to help out, but does not feel the calling to be a full time public servant. While he respects those that do have the calling, he knows he could never make that commitment.


Assuming that they than managed to discussing their issues with his acquaintances. He would start siting certain Senate hearings from a handful of decades ago, and telling them to pretty much either let him ____ them, or they should go do it themselves.

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Re: What Would Your Character #72 (or so)


Starguard (who is already on the world's foremost hero team) -- "... Horus, what do I do?"


(Horus being the team leader, and her superhero mentor, as she's quite inexperienced. Oh, and if Horus is the one being named as 'untrustworthy'... well, right there, she'll *know* the other guy is lying. Horus-Re is the son of the god of Light, Justice, and Truth, and hasn't been known to tell even the smallest lie or betray a single oath in, umm, sixty thousand years...?)



Dr. Pain -- "... you want me on the world's foremost hero team, but you want me to sell out a buddy? PROVE he's a bad guy, hotshot. As in, 'if you have the proof, why aren't you arresting him? You expect me to sell somebody out on a rumor from some stranger? I do that, how the hell could *you* trust me?'


(Leon's not a genius, but he does have his street smarts.)



Baron von Darien -- "I'll get back to you."


(And then proceed to unleash his eleven centuries of master vampire/intriguer experience at quietly snooping around and finding out just what, precisely, the hell is going on around here.)

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Re: What Would Your Character #72 (or so)


Uncle Slam doesn't do the team thing anymore except on the temporary "team-up" type of thing.


Audra Blue has no interest in joining a team. She's a recluse and hosts a team at her base.


Anthem was turned down by the campaign's super-team, the Sentinels, when they were selected by the city. Turning lemons into lemonade, she realized she's too low-powered for them and is actually better off preventing super-crimes on a street level. She would feel even more out-classed by some mega-team.

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Re: What Would Your Character #72 (or so)


How does your character react?


Peacekeeper's Response: Peacekeeper is already a member of the world's premiere UN backed superteam. He is not interested in joining another team, though he would be willing to assist them if they require his talents. He will immediately inform his teammates (including the suspected character) of this other team's concerns.


Iron Demon: "I don't do teams."

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Re: What Would Your Character #72 (or so)


Twilight would be honoured to be asked, especially since he's only about sixteen years old though naturally very talented for his age. However once told his friends were untrustworthy, and bearing in mind Twilight has a HUGE crush on his mentor Lady Midnight and considers Knightraven to be the brother he never had, he would likely turn them down flat without a second thought.

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Re: What Would Your Character #72 (or so)


Ghost Archer:

"Of course some of my teammates aren't trustworthy. I've got a half-demon, a fallen angel, an alien conqueror, an ex-Soviet assassin, an ex-cat burglar, a female super-patriot, hell, even my own wife was a gun runner and drug dealer. But they are MY teammates. If you want to come after them you will have the whole Wild Hunt to deal with, including me."

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Guest bblackmoor

Re: What Would Your Character #72 (or so)


Possible rsponses from my current faves:


Darknight (teleporting supernatural avenger type)

Is suspicious by nature. Is also very territorial. Would have no interest in becoming a "cosmic" superhero, but would take any accusation seriously. Would probably silently teleport away after hearing the offer.


Avalon (idealistic Ukrainian energy projector speedster)

Would agonize for a bit, and eventually say that she would have to talk to her friends before believing the accusations of strangers.


Dr. Redgrave (super-scientist Dr. Octopus type)

Would raise an eyebrow. "Interesting. I would like to review your evidence, please."

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Re: What Would Your Character #72 (or so)


Princess Cyrande would be... shocked at the invitation, at all. After all, her reputation on Malva is an impulsive killer and cruel, along with being a typical member of her race. And anyone that could consider her more reliable or trustworthy then Horus or Starguard or any of the Sentinels would have to be crazy. Of course, she might consider it a test from her father, the Phazor...

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Re: What Would Your Character #72 (or so)


Husky would never betray his team (even the ones he doesn't trust with his secret ID). Now later when he transforms into Kenneth things will be different.


Kenneth will launch a deep investigation of the both his own team and the "superior" team.

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: What Would Your Character #72 (or so)


Princess Cyrande would be... shocked at the invitation' date=' at all. After all, her reputation on [i']Malva[/i] is an impulsive killer and cruel, along with being a typical member of her race. And anyone that could consider her more reliable or trustworthy then Horus or Starguard or any of the Sentinels would have to be crazy. Of course, she might consider it a test from her father, the Phazor...


For her, howabout this: They know that the traitor has ALSO replaced one other teammember... but not which one. The other team figures that she's the one most likely to be base state. :)

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Re: What Would Your Character #72 (or so)


Cannis would be positive that the hero had mistaken her for someone else. After all, she’s far from cosmic level and she’s not a hero nor are any of her teammates.


On the other hand, at least one member of the city’s hero team has been making a few efforts to redeem her, since he’s pretty sure she’s not “eeeevil.†So its not entirely beyond the realm of possibility that he might try to recruit her.


As for the “not trustworthy†part, she knows her team very well. She probably would have a good idea about who he was suspecting. Either Southern Belle, who we all ready know is a spy for a conquering alien race, or Kono who is an assassin. Though most of the other members of the group have untrustworthy parts as well. We are villains after all. The fact of the matter is that Cannis doesn’t mind any of the untrustworthy parts. She is completely loyal to her pack and the only way she’d stop being loyal to a member is if said person betrayed the pack itself.


She’d never cut off all contact with her teammates, especially not to join a group of heroes. At this stage in her life, I can’t even see her joining a band of heroes unless Wheeler did a –lot- more redeeming.




Sailor Io would be very surprised to discover that there was a more powerful team of Moonites already in existence and would try very hard to get as much information from them as she could. However she would not be willing to leave her own team to do so.


The ties between Io and her teammates are forged steel. Though they’ve only known each other for a year or so, they’ve been through so much together that they are closer than family. Once again, she would have fairly good guesses about who the “untrustworthy†member was. After all her boyfriend was their enemy for quite a while and still fears that he might turn evil again someday. And two other members were tricked into committing murder. But she also knows the full story behind each of these events and trusts all of her team mates with her life.


She would speak with the Cosmic heroes politely and try to convince them that they are wrong about her friends and would attempt to get both groups together for a nice long talk. If that failed, she’d support her friends absolutely. A fight against one of the Scouts/Knights is a fight against all of us.


Hmm…though she might feel forced to make one exception. Oden did murder an ally and while he was manipulated into it, he freely admits he did it of his own free will. If King Oberon demanded he stand trial for what he did, she’d allow it. Though I don’t think she could stand by and see him put to death for it. That would be a hard one for her, and something that I have a feeling the GM will make her and the rest of the team face someday.

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Re: What Would Your Character #72 (or so)


Well, Starguard is potentially dazzle-able... problem is, she's *already* been dazzled, by her *current* team. :)


... oh, and re: the 'impersonation' scenario... she's got Cosmic Awareness. It's really hard to ring a shapeshifter in on her.

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Guest bblackmoor

Re: What Would Your Character #72 (or so)


So' date=' I'm taking it that no one has a character who'd be so dazzled by the offer that they'd do as the recruiter asked?[/quote']


If the evidence were compelling, and it could be independently verified (very important), Dr. Redgrave (of the three characters for whom I gave responses) would do as asked, but would observe the "bringing to justice", and would document everything.

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Re: What Would Your Character #72 (or so)


Cyrande actually might believe the inflitration part, especially since she knows one of the team is a mentalist. And since she isn't a member of the team yet (long story), she might go for that, though not as a "joining the team" sort of thing. Again, it depends whom they name.


On the bedazzlement part, my character is within the top five political entities in the galaxy. She doesn't get dazzled. Not even by that Presence 45, Com 20 hunk she's hanging around with.

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Re: What Would Your Character #72 (or so)


If the evidence looked convincing to Microman II's eyes, but the claims were still appropriately unbelievable, he would insist on showing the evidence to Dr Danial Collins, his "father," for further examination.


He also is unlikely to believe it, period, especially because the claim that they are recruiting him for some uber galactic team makes zip sense, given he just went public three days ago. . .

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Re: What Would Your Character #72 (or so)


Blackcat would chuckle. She was a member of one of the worlds foremost teams until it broke up, recently joined the Unity (think JLA) and has worked for an interdimensional lord as part of his squad and as a trainer, so getting invited would almost be par for the course.

Her responce to the allegations (because she joined this team recently) would be a request for proof and leads, that she may make her decision. If refused she would tell them to take a hike, but look into what they said anyway.


Ballistic is not a member of any team right now.


Terminal Velocity could believe the allegations (his teamates include Deadboy the Goth hero and a fairly darkish streetpersonality (if not powers) teammate naked Jepeordy). They are a new team, and he doesn't know them yet. His responce would not be unlike Justice's (from the new Warriors) upon getting invited to the Avengers.

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Re: What Would Your Character #72 (or so)


Warp: Even if the evidence looks authentic he would have some serious doubts. Horus, as mentioned by others, is practically the incarnation of Truth. And he's mind-merged with Starguard so deeply they virtually know everything of importance about each other. So getting him to distrust those two would be a losing proposition.


I could see Warp pretending to join them in order to learn more about their plans while secretly contacting Horus to let him know what's going on. And independently investigating the charges to verify or debunk them.


Spectrum: Well, on his team that could have been is the vampire Baron Von Darien, who is already known for his mastery of sneakiness and intrigue. It might be possible to convince him that he's just playing everyone for his own purposes, depending how far along into the team's existence this happens.


That said, Spectrum wouldn't join them, they'd join him. As the preeminent superhuman working for the United States Government, he'd insist on taking charge of the matter and having their evidence confirmed independently. They move on his word, only if and when he's satisfied that what they say is true. This is a matter of national security, after all, and too important to be left in the hands of independents or aliens.


Mystic: Uses his arcane senses to directly measure the trustworthiness of his fellow team mates, and then acts appropriately on what he learns.

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Re: What Would Your Character #72 (or so)


Cobalt: "Worthy of your trust they may not be, but friends of mine they are and as such are part of me. Would you have me sever my arm as the price to join you? Thank you for your time but there are things I must attend to now. Have a nice day."


Vantage: "Wait... you want me, but think my friend aren't trustworthy?" Radios his friends "Hey guys, the worlds foremost superteam has been compromised by some malign force, get 'em!"


Zectron: "Why thank you kind sirs, but one cannot be rushed into decisions like this, nor can I just leave without saying goodbye. But if some crisis awaits and you need my help I am here as always to defend the Earth from the vile tyrrany of invaders and world conquerors. It is my oath I have sworn on my life to defend this city and this country and this planet from evil and you need me for that I'll be at your call. For if any danger rears it's ungly head I'll be there to face it head on, head to head, and... hey wait guys, at least give me your number!"


Kristian Rolyat: "Hold on...who did you guys say you were looking for again? Oh no, he's up at the university. I'm just a guy with a cyborg arm. No, no, That's okay. Say hi for me!"

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Guest Soulcatcher

Re: What Would Your Character #72 (or so)


Darkwyn: being of a devious and manipulative mind and since the choice has to be made right away without the ability to verify the truth, would join the formost Hero group as an infiltrator. Her objective would be to find out what is really happening: whether this is actually the formost Hero group or a clever deception, whether someone is feeding the formost Hero group false information or whether the old group is actually corrupted. She would still maintain surreptitious contact with her own group, keeping them informed if appropriate.


Soulcatcher: would take a more direct approach. " Why don't you just screw off! If you think our group is corrupted, you ought to take a close look into a mirror. I think you'd find the answer staring right back at you!"

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