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Wwycd? #82


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Several major cities- including Houston, London, and Paris- have been attacked by energy beams from the sky in the course of an hour. Shortly after seeing reports of the devastation on the news, you get a knock on the door. A PRIMUS or UNTIL agent asks you to come with him back to the local HQ.You and several other supers are gathered in a large briefing room, where a USAF general explains what has just occured:


During the Cold War, the U.S. military built the five Democleas Satillites as part of SDI to protect the U.S. and her allies from nuclear strikes by the Soviets. Each satillite was armed with a pulse cannon for purposes of destroying inbound nukes in space before they could connect with targets on the ground. During their years in service, Democleas I, II, III, IV, and V rendered the Soviet nuclear program impotent and were instrumental in causing the Soviets to ultimately conceed and come to the negotiation table in the early 90s. Since then, they have been the best line of defense against nuclear programs being developed by rogue nations and international terrorist organizations.


Unfortunately, someone or something has taken control of the satillites and is now using them to wreak havoc. Ground control has tried to shut them down by remote, but they've been locked out. According to telemetry, the Democleas satillites have now gone into recharge mode, preparing for the next round of strikes. While they're charging up , there's a five hour window to get someone up to each of the satillites and effect a manual shutdown from the control rooms aboard each, but the teams sent will have to contend with their secuirty robots and other defenses since they can't be shutdown from the ground. In addition to all that, teams will also be needed to keep tabs on certain hostile powers while the Democleas satillites are deactivated and the Air Force is investigating the cause of the attacks.


At this point, they begin taking volenteers for the teams to be sent to Democleas I, II, III, IV, and V, and the teams that would be incharge of monitoring rogue nations on the ground during the shutdown. What do you do?

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Re: Wwycd? #82


Problem -- the energy requirement to destroy a city is over a million times(*) what is necessary to simply KO a ballistic missile in flight.


So unless it's *supposed* to be a plot point for the heroes to discover that they've been duped, and that that 'defense system' was actually the Secret Atomic Death Cannon of Doom (to take over the world with, of course), you need to change a few things.



To answer the questions in character:


Starguard -- could smoke all five satellites by herself in five minutes flat.


Dr. Pain -- is useless for a mission of this type and would never be asked.


Baron von Darien -- likewise.





(*) Actually, it's considerably /more/, but I'm not going to bother doing all that math when I don't have to. Suffice it to say that it's *at least* a million times plus, and move on. :)

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Re: Wwycd? #82


Any of my heroes would go up and fix the problem, except for Thirteen who'd figure out who had taken over the satelites. Not much of a choice for any of the Champions groups I've GMed or played with.


OK, tactics:


Style: Performs a ritual to deactivate all five satelites from Earth. If it fails, goes up and sees what can be done.


Flesh Gordon: Has his own space ship with wave motion gun. No problem.


AnimeGai: Transmits his program up to the satelites and tries to take back the computers.


Thirteen: Takes all of the data, spends fifteen minutes or so considering it, then reveals the name of the person or persons most likely responsible. Goes to deal with them, probably needs help getting there.


Indomitable Will: Uses the Mother Box to build a set of Space Armor with jet pack and blaster rifle, goes up and deals with all five satelites himself.

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Re: Wwycd? #82


The Mask of Justice has been retired since sometime in the 1950s, if he's even still alive. And since his combat effectiveness was human-level, he'd be a pretty darn useless in his nineties.


Rock Bottom would love a chance to go up with the satellite-smashing crew, but who'll watch Baltimore?


Calculus will figure out a way to use existing space debris in a billiards fashion to knock all five satellites out in one shot, thus saving most of these folks a trip.


Kira Midori will be more help on the ground, she's not very effective against robots.


Talion, likewise, is utterly useless against robots.

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Re: Wwycd? #82


My character would prefer to just blast them out of the sky. Though if that is out of question. He would stay behind to keep up with the rogue nations rather than get involved stopping what he would consdier a tainted machine (and he isnt exactly someone who generally likes machines, especially one that has turned :) ).


Then again if the defenses on the sattellite would give a good workout, he might go along for the fun.

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Re: Wwycd? #82


Audra Blue begins to concentrate all of her informatin gathering efforts on rogue nations and starts to coordinate ground defenses, pushing ot info at a moment's notice to waiting teams.


Anthem would volunteer to join the teams, though she's no techie. She didn't even finish her senior year of high school. But she's willing to put a hand wherever it's needed.


Uncle Slam is more the man for this. He'd take a team of agents with him, freeing the heroes to concentrate on the other 4 satellites.


This does bring up a character I made but have NEVER had a chance to play, and that I've also never used because... well.. with two young female PCs, it seemed a little odd that I had a third. As a result, Pathfinder is an NPC, with space travel capabilities, and an uncanny ability to track people and things. She's about the only character in the campaign specifically designed for space combat.

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Re: Wwycd? #82


With the assistance of his faithful robot companion Husky would take off for the satellites immediately after wading through the defenses a quick change into Kenneth (when nobody is looking) and the captured satellite becomes a spaceflight capable weapon platform. The cpatured satellite will be used to destroy the other 4 satellites (assuming other heroes haven't captured them yet). Kenneth will then modify the satellite to make it as effective as the previous 5; modify it to destroy nuclear threats from any source (including the US); and finally make it tamper proof to anyone but him. Then he'll change back into Husky and deliver a rousing speech about how he's made the world a safer place (the kind of speech that stops politicians from denouncing his actions).

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Re: Wwycd? #82


Nova would have probably calculated the location of the satellites by himself after the first strikes. He can easily go spaceborne and smash all the killer satellites with his powers in less than an hour, depending on the relative positions of the satellites, all while muttering to himself about one more reason to despise £$%& authorities.

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Re: Wwycd? #82


Meteor man (came up with him before I heard of the Hero verions) is a GL kidda gy except there are only two rings at any time, the all-powerful master (probably has a 1000 CPP not including the control cost, current goes by the name Orion) and the aprentice, who is well me, and learnign to use the ring. )


any way, M.M. would just Megascale TP to the satalites soon as he heard about the attack and smash them with his body drain.

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Re: Wwycd? #82


None of my character have appropriate powers to combat the defense systems of an orbiting killer satallite. They would instead volunteer for the investigation team to attempt to take back control from on Earth from whoever currently has it.


Cobalt: Start working on a computer virus that will shut down the satellites ability to recharge, which will give other heroes more time.


Vantage: Use information already gathered by the DOD to begin using Mind Scan to find someone remote controlling the satellites.


Zectron: First into the master villain's secret fortress to confront him directly in a climatic battle.


Kristian Rolyat: Sneak in the back, using Zectron as a destraction, and disable the villain's control mechanism.

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