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Best Champions Moment

Super Squirrel

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I could have sworn there was already a thread on this but I couldn't find it anywhere. Well here we go.


Last night, my players are facing off with Demo who's writeup can be found in this thread. http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=2345


The session is part one of a three parter and after some awesome investigation skills, the players quickly find a warehouse that may have some stolen trucks and hopefully also contain the stolen merchandise from a high tech firm.


One of the bad guys there is Demo, a speedster demolitionist who isn't afraid to blow himself up (he regenerates from death anyway). Whisper, an energy manipulator, decides that she has had enough of Demo who has done nothing but set charges to blow-up the warehouse for the entire combat while the team has been facing goons. She jumps onto the back of a motocycle with C4 on it to catch up with Demo. SPD 5 vs. SPD 9 here. She blinds him and makes her Combat Driving Roll. He retreats to the far end of the warehouse near the door to set charges on that side now that the ammo dump and the trucks are charged. He gets his sight back in time to see Whisper driving straight for him.


He makes his roll to dive from the hex. Whisper is going around 20" / phase trying to pull a move through at the time. She makes her combat driving roll and turns the motorcycle into a last minute turn. The turn destroys the rear tire and it skids and skids and stops in the corner. She dives off the bike last minute, makes her Breakfall roll, and gets her force field in time to avoid being killed by Demo when he detonates the charge on the motorcycle.


The scene was breath-taking.

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The best moment I have ever seen came from my wife, while I was GMing. Note- this will require a bit of set up, and it contains details about Wings of the Valkerie so consider that a spoiler warning....




The World- a Wildcards plauge swept the world at the start of the campaign creating the worlds first superheroes. My wife created a "What is Henry Peter Gyrich got superpowers" character. Ultra conservative, antisuper, the whole works. The opening adventure was everyone being put in a "Study Camp" that was run by a Dr Allanis and my wife's character. Then she got supers and switched from researcher to study object. Then she found out that test subjects were being routinely killed by Dr Allanis*. So she and the rest of the opening PCs broke out.


Over next couple of years, the character overcame her racism and became the "Patriotic Hero" in the mode of Cap America; The Marshall.


Next - The adventure.

The bad guys go back in time and kill Hitler in the Beer Hall putchsk (sp). The world changes, and the characters minds flip between the current incarnatios and thier regular selves. The longer it takes them to go back in time the more time they spend in the alternate timeline selves. Now in the module, without the example of WWII the US has gone fairly fascist, based on an anti-super attitude.


I postulated the The Marshall never got superpowers (and thus never overcame her biases), and had people close to her killed by supers, and was in charge of the orginization designed to hunt down, capture or kill supers.


So they go back in time. Big fight.

The Marshall ends up slamming the guy who masterminded the whole time travelling fiasco into the wall, classic fist in the shirt, face to face type threat.

He- "Do you realise what you did, millions will die because of this"

She- "It doesn't matter, that is what happened already."

He- "Why did you do this, why did you stop me?"

She- is a growl "Why?! Why?!" she shakes him with one hand and points her other finger at Himmler "Because YOU turned ME into HIM"

And slammed his head against the wall and knocked him out.


Everyone at the table had chills from that exchange.

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My character, Anthem, was really created to be a sidekick, not an up-front fighting type. In fact, the campaign idea was that everybody built two characters--one that was a full powered hero and one that was a lesser, more investigative character.


There were only three players at this point in the campaign, so it made sense since it was the climax of the adventure for everyone to bring bothe characters. So we're in the fight and the frontline heroes are failing to take down the big-bad (a mentalist named Death Spiral, who is one of these mega-villainous types. Anthem shows up and knows she's outclassed, so her job is to pull innocents out of the way, yank downed heroes out of the fray, and play distraction to the villain. Well, as she's crossing the battlefield (A state of the art facility for crafting drugs that can target an individual based on their specific genetics; great for assassination attempts), the big hero who belonged to my friend hits the ground. She runs in to yank him back, but just as Anthem does, my big hero falls. Now she's standing in the middle of the battlefield without cover while the big villain smiles and gloats.


So she pulls her shurikens, her only ranged weapon, which are pretty meaningless to him, but she suspects she can distract him if he bothers to dodge them or something (which is unlikely). She hurls them and makes a roll to bounce them off of an enormous metal vat. My GM decides to make her luck roll now because she's desperately going to need it. He pulls down one point on the 3D6 roll, which isn't all that great. The player of the downed hero yells, "I've got two dice!" So the GM rolls for him and gets another 1! "Does the villain have unluck?" I ask, praying that he doesn't look to see if the villain has luck. He has 3D6 of unluck and rolls two levels of unluck! Now we're laughing and scratching our heads as to how to figure this when the GM decides to make Me roll for damage with the shurken. I do 12 Body on a KA (small attack but I had pushed, figuring I'd mangle the shuriken in the throw and the GM okayed it). The little 5-pointed throwing star rips through a weak point in the thick steel vat and chemicals come spraying out over the villain and the one hero who is closest (the other unconscious hero). The hero is pulled out next round, but the villain, who was knocked over by the torrent of chemicals, being an egoist has only a fair DEX, and cannot get up. He spends another phase in the chemical soup while Anthem yells to the other "weakling" hero to open the other vat. When he does, the chemical reaction causes irrepairable harm to the villain.


The GM, with a great sense of humor and knowing that my character is never recognized for anything she did, has the Villain say as he fall unconscious... "Who the hell was that?". The players burst out laughing.


Until that GM stopped running, Anthem and Death Spiral maintained a Hannibal Lechter/Clarice Starling relationship, where she'd go to super-prison and he was mildly civil to her while taunting her with things he knew about villainous activities around the world.


I still have the character, although I never use her (Being a GM rather than a player). Modernized Picture is attached.


Encounter was mostly luck, but it's stil my character's one true shining moment as she took down the big-bad who was wasting us.

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I was running a game with the Hellraisers. They're mostly villains stol... I mean adapted from Villains Unlimited. Aggressor, Onslaught, Besieger, Hellhound, Electrocutioner, and Cremator, all rather nasty individuals. They took one of the NYC bridges and herded half of the trapped commuters into a bus and the rest into the back of a semi trailer. They put the bus half-off the bridge, and ran a steel cable through the tires and axles of the semi to attach it to a gas tanker truck.


When the heroes showed up, they worked with PRIMUS on a plan to save the hostages. Tempest (an air-controlling character with a strong TK) flew up under the bridge to catch the bus and lower it to a barge set to pass underneath at the right time. One hero snuck to the truck and unhooked the cables, while another got a PRIMUS agent into the cab to drive the semi to safety. The others set out to stop the fire characters (Hellhound and Cremator) and Electrocutioner from igniting the gas tanker.


When the heroes made their move, Onslaught pushed the bus off the bridge (no surpirse there) but Tempest caught it and spent most of the combat lowering it to the barge and flying back up. The others managed to KO their three main targets as the PRIMUS agent hotwired the semi. Unfortunately, Hellhound came to and lit up fuel spilled around the tanker. Everybody (villains included) starts to scatter, and it looks like the semi won't clear the area in time.


Up flies Tempest. Seeing the situation, she grabbed the gas tanker and starts pulling it toward the side of the bridge away from the slowly accelerating semi. Toward her. With her air powers fanning the flames.


Since her actions were very heroic, when the tanker blew (less than a dozen meters in front of her), I gave her a chance to dive for cover under the bridge. And she rolled a critical failure.


The next game session, I gave the player a death certificate for Tempest and had her draw up a new character. Of course, in true comic book fashion, she wasn't really killed, but did have amnesia and was found by one of the team's most hated enemies (Ravager), who turned her (temporarily) into a villainess. But that moment when she pulled the tanker toward her, knowing what would happen, was a pivotal moment.

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Back in the 80's I was playing a teenaged superhero named Wonder Boy. We had already had one run in with a flaming flyer named Pyron where Wonder Boy had been pretty badly injured. The GM informed up later than this wacko got his kicks off of flying over grade schools and burning up the kids. My major one-charge attack was my "Spectrum Action Figure", which was an action figure that looked like my teammate, an EP named Spectrum. It was 3d6 of explosion. Up to this point, I didn't ever have to use it, but Pyron showed back up and talked some smack. I announced to the GM "I'm going to kill Pyron. The bastard doesn't deserve to live. Three!" I let the dice go and there they were, 1 1 1. Come to find out, Pyron had no resistant defenses (bad design on the part of the GM).




The look on the GM's face was priceless.

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My greatest moment ...


There used to be a little con run by the gaming group on the nearby college campus every year (I both played and ran at it a lot). One year, since this was back in 4th Edition days, the six player slots were filled by ... The Champions! I think Starburst and Crusader were available if the Champs were filled and more people showed, but we got six. Always having an affinity for the animal-looking heroes, I chose Jaguar.


The opposition was Project: Sunburst. Sunburst, Ray, Radium, and Armadillo. Now, I may not get all the details right, so bear with me, it's been a while and I don't have my Classic Enemies with me. But this is what I remember ...


Ray went first. He promptly attacked me with his claws, and with minimal rPD, I took body. Ray goes *Berserk* at the sight of blood. Meanwhile, the Body was high and the Knockback dice low, so I went sailing backwards ... directly into Sunburst, to the total of, I think, 15d6 of Knockback, doing enough damage to Stun him. Meanwhile, Ray attacks whomever happens to be closes to him ... which turns out to be Radium. He cuts open Radium's suit, so he starts combusting and taking damage. Radium stays up about two more phases before falling over and radiation leaking all over the place.


While he's stunned, his Force Field is down, so Sunburst becomes easy prey for a Quantum-Obsidian teamup. Defender wraps up Ray with a Bolo-thing, and Solitaire and Seeker slap him senseless in short order. Which leaves 5 Champions to dogpile on 1 Armadillo. To which, all I could say was ...


"I have accomplished more in defeat than most superheroes do in victory!"

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My best moment was walking across a completely well lit enemy airfield and into the enemy base without being noticed. Additionally, I "carefully" tore my driver's license phot (when they were still made of paper) and duct taped it to the ID badge of an incapacitated agent to gain access to the interior of the base.


Been far too long to elaborate on many more details...memory no longer serves me too well.

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Hmmm...so many characters over the years. Almost enough shining moments to ease the pain of the defeats...


But just this past week, Marchwarden outdid himself in Champions 2018. Our archenemies, as I'd mentioned on my I-need-a-hug thread, had truly whupped us. Trashed the base, captured our team leader, scattered us to the winds. Two teammates were in the hospital, and one was physically fine but mentally traumatised. Marchwarden had taken a lot of STUN (been knocked out for a bit, even), but was spared lasting harm: he'd run out of arrows, and chose to haul a dying teammate to safety rather than rashly take on the whole villain team with only his long-handled woodland-knives.


We, as players, were keen to bounce back. The GM agreed to an out-of-schedule session with Defender II's player and myself (D2's player is the GM's roommate, so he was available if necessary). He PBEM'd some noncombat interaction whereby two of the original Champions came to see the wounded team members, and they role-played their way through the doubt and shock of our team's first severe defeat, and emerged the stronger.


Meanwhile, Marchwarden tracked down the Crowns. Seeing an opportunity and the need for haste, he undertook to rescue his friend. It was a simple matter of:


- Infiltrating the enemy base solo, knowing that several of them can sense souls, smell blood, detect vibrations etc..


- having to leave his bow and arrows behind , as there was no way to smuggle them in under the circumstances(Marchwarden is a reasonably well rounded weaponmaster, but his archery is by far his primary "power").


- crawling through 200 meters of blood and effluvia (sneaking into temple-converted-from-slaughterhouse via drainage sluice)


- making a nail-biting series of skill and stat checks as he slunk around, hiding from the Crowns, mugging and interrogating cultists, and puzzling out where the prisoner was kept.


- spotting Phoenix, who was on guard outside the cell door, and downing him with a do-or-die, push-everything charge, before he could raise an alarm


- reviving his teammate


- finding the armour and getting his friend into it just as someone discovered an unconscious guard and the alarm was raised


- clinging to Defender II's back as he blasted out on jet-overdrive. They outflew all the pursuit...except Dark Talisman, Bride of Krim, who bescried their location when the overdrive burned out, and 'ported in front of them in a burst of brimstone.


- facing her, bowless and arrowless, after she dropped D2 into GM's option; the fleeing heroes had radioed an SOS, but it would take time for help to arrive; she needed to be stalled...


- ducking hellfire gouts, dodging lightning bolts, feeling her evil will press against his... and that's when I casually asked the GM what class of minds her EGO attack affected (she was momentarily puzzled by her spell's lack of effect; then Lomion Tar-Terevhen, Marchwarden of the Galadhrim, threw back his hood and introduced himself properly).


- getting subsequently chased by a seeping, expanding cloud of carnivorous mist, dropping to one knee, pitching slowly forward...barely clinging to life...


- and hearing every audio device within three city blocks come to life and begin blasting Queen's "We are the Champions". The rest of the team had gotten the SOS. Three wounded but determined superheroes plus Ironclad and Sapphire came barreling in to the rescue. The Dark Lady of the Iron Crown was put to flight. The team was reunited. And our leader had even had the presence of mind to recall a few tidbits of information he'd overheard as he languished in captivity...we know now how the got the drop on us last time...we are all looking forward to the rematch.

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Back in the 4th ed diz-ay, I was wrapping up a two year campaign because I was moving to Orlando. Since Mayhem, our mad mentalist had finally proposed to his DNPC Glenda, we had a New Year's Eve fancy dress masquerade wedding at his ancestrial home in Cumbra.


Every NPC from two years showed as did most of the group's hunteds. Roy, the armored super-genius decided to go as Mayhem to the ball. He was in the mansion for two minutes before a 50pt normal with a grudge against Mayhem punched his lights out. His non-armored form had twenty stun and one haymaker cleaned his clock.


At midnight, the happy couple said "I do", then Glenda's accidental change kicked in and Mayhem discovered his new bride was also super-thief Cobweb, his arch-nemisis.

At this point, all the baddies dropped their disguises and attacked. A thirty person battle royal erupted, culminating in victory thanks to a well timed recovery and instant change by Roy.


Cobweb and Mayhem kissed and left for their honeymoon in Arcadia as the guests threw rice and broken foci.


It was so beautiful. I may cry.

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HAHA! I sorta remember this one too! Didn't you stroll across the lit airfield too in this one?


My favorite Champions moment was the time that we set off the nukes meant for Earth on the invading Planet Boa (ruled by the Boans, naturally). A real saving the earth adventure...


Originally posted by Alex Raven

My best moment was walking across a completely well lit enemy airfield and into the enemy base without being noticed. Additionally, I "carefully" tore my driver's license phot (when they were still made of paper) and duct taped it to the ID badge of an incapacitated agent to gain access to the interior of the base.


Been far too long to elaborate on many more details...memory no longer serves me too well.

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During a game session I missed most of the members of my team particpated in the cold-blooded murder of an evil sorceres they had captured (the least any of them did was participate in her capture and either avoided or been distracted from the scene where she was killed). Two sessions later she began tormenting the whole team from the astral plane. (Me and the other person who wre not there were indirectly attacked in our efforts to help our teammates).

Consultation with two NPCs sorcerors revealed that she could possess people temporarily (and would be vulnerable then) but to stop her would involve killing herhost. We also learned that existing solely on the astral plane, her power was greatly increased there; we could go there but have only our normal power level).

My characters powers are based on having absorbed a portion of the soul of her predecessor (who had done the same and so on for over 1800 years). I did not have a chosen successor. I realized that if I died I would not only have an increase in my base power, but bring the souls of all sixty-plus of my predecessors with me (and that I had no karmic burden towards the sorceress). I killed myself when the rest of the team was transported to the astral plane magically. The sorceress kicked everyone else's ass by the time I showed up and I defeated her one on one with my death power up.

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  • 1 year later...

Re: Best Champions Moment


Years ago I was part of a high powered mini-campaign in which our PCs were an ad-hoc collection of the mightiest heroes in our game world, including several from published 4E Champions books. I got to play my favorite Champs hero, Nuada of the Silver Hand from Kingdom of Champions - an immortal super-cyborg who was the basis for the mythic character. We were brought together to combat an invasion of Earth by Lovecraftian demonic beings, simultaneous from space and from another dimension.


The climax of the campaign saw us split into two teams: one would assault the mother ship of the space invaders, while the other would prevent the opening of a gate to the dimension of a trapped Elder God and its minions. The GM had made it clear that the world would be in big trouble if either of these threats remained undefeated, but if both of them were successful we might as well kiss the Age of Man goodbye. We actually had two GMs that night, each of them running the scenario for one of the teams. Each turn they'd switch the action from the gate to the ship and back again; we were all experienced players, and willing to not use OOC knowledge to govern our own actions. It was as exciting for me to watch and listen to the other scenario as to play in our own.


Nuada (me) was in the group of three heroes attacking the gate, in a labyrinthian underground temple in the Andes Mountains. Fighting our way through fanatical cultists, traps and several demonic horrors, we confronted our main opponents, the Horsemen (from Wrath of the Seven Horsemen). Their leader, Fear, was about to complete the ritual that would open the gate, but I teleported to the altar stone and drove him away from it. I was promptly set upon by War and Death while my comrades squared off against the rest of the Horsemen.


I dueled with War and Death for nearly two full Turns; it was a bloody, vicious fight, and we were all taking significant BODY damage. Finally I connected with my HKA energy sword against Death while rolling almost all 6s; Nuada's sword skewered Death through the heart and jutted a foot out his back. Death stared at me a moment with his empty eye sockets, his bony jaw hanging open in shock. He had never spoken a word since his superhuman transformation, but now he said "No" in a dry, rattling voice before expiring.


War was still standing stunned by this turn of events when I picked up a radio signal from our teammates on the alien ship. I had just enough time to gather up my two comrades (one of whom had been Knocked Out, both almost out of BODY) and teleport well away from the temple, before our teammates brought the giant mothership crashing down onto the mountain above, crushing the ship and collapsing the mountain in on the temple and the gate, sealing it away forever.


"Phew" I get a little breathless remembering it. :)

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Re: Best Champions Moment


My best Champions moment came while playing a character I only used for a very short time. His name was Dragon Fist, and he was more or less an Iron Fist clone. His gimmick was that he had mastered every single fighting style from Earth's history. Every single one.


Anyways, we got into a fight with CLOWN. Yes, CLOWN. I was pummeling on various clowns, when the dancing guy with the damn cane (Softshoe? I forget his name, I'm sure someone knows who I'm talking about) gets behind me and smacks me with that damn cane. So I start dancing, caught in a mental entangle. Having a low ego, I know I will be stuck for awhile...and then I remember Caperiera, and that my character has KS: Dance, and that many martial arts styles have dancing steps in them, and that some martial arts have stylized dance forms.


I spent the rest of the fight beating that poor guy up with dance moves, and finished him off with a leaping ballet kick to the head.


My special effect OWNED his special effect.

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Re: Best Champions Moment


Anyways, we got into a fight with CLOWN. Yes, CLOWN. I was pummeling on various clowns, when the dancing guy with the damn cane (Softshoe? I forget his name, I'm sure someone knows who I'm talking about) gets behind me and smacks me with that damn cane. So I start dancing, caught in a mental entangle. Having a low ego, I know I will be stuck for awhile...and then I remember Caperiera, and that my character has KS: Dance, and that many martial arts styles have dancing steps in them, and that some martial arts have stylized dance forms.


I spent the rest of the fight beating that poor guy up with dance moves, and finished him off with a leaping ballet kick to the head.


My special effect OWNED his special effect.

Jackalope is...



Breakin' III: Beyond Thunderdome

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Re: Best Champions Moment


Our archer is ambushed by the villain team while she was away from HQ. She manages to radio back to the rest of us that she's getting mauled. We immediately assemble, but the GM tells us that it'll be at least 5-10 minutes (game time) before we get there (an eternity in combat time!).


She has managed to hold them off/run away from them for a couple of minutes (game time), but she's winded and almost out of arrows. The main bad guy has got her cornered in an alleyway. He flies up in front of her, smug as can be, and says "Where are your friends now, archer?"


I couldn't help myself. I shout out, "Right behind you, villain!" The whole table burst into laughter.


After we calmed down, the GM nodded and said, "Yeah, that's dramatically appropriate. The team shows up."


We gave those villains a right-proper rogering after that. ;)



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Re: Best Champions Moment


The team is sent back in time to prevent someone from cloning Grond to make an army of Gronds...


The team gets through the ambush of the guards outside, and learn that it their former characters (from the previous campaign, the mentors of their current team) that are doing the cloning (under the orders of "The Master"...).


They get into the lab, when one of the characters, Chaos (a super-mage who is usually invisible) is detected by the player's former character, Iron Man (who has Radar).


Chaos's player: "Damn, taken out by my own character!"

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  • 4 years later...

Re: Best Champions Moment


I swear I've told this story before, but is seems fitting for this thread.


We had a group of six heros. My character was Moleculon - a shape shifter with control of his individual molecules. We also had Knocker, who was a cop in a battle suit, a character with darkness powers, a martial artist, an invisible mentalist, and Terrastorm, who had electricity and cold powers.


The campaign begins with a full page ad being taken out by The Admiral, a mastermind type villain who runs a criminal enterprise called The Circle. The Admiral published a poem that outlined the crimes he is planning on committing because he likes to show off his intellect by "outsmarting" the heroes.


The first couple of battles we tangle with minions in power armor. Good fights, but before we can take out the minions, they manage to grab their objective and their fallen comrades and escape.


So we're back at base, trying to figure out where they will strike next, and to come up with a tactic that will let us take out a team of minions. Moleculon's head come up from studying the clues and he says, "No, we don't. We let them get away again."


Knocker looks at me and says, "Are you nuts? They're making us look bad. We have to stop them."


"No, we attack them, I get one of their guys and pound him under cover of 's darkness power. Then I change to look like the guy I just took out and I fly back with them to their base. And the whole time I'll be talking to you and the PRIMUS team giving a running commentary, and then we'll raid the base."


Knocker looks at Moleculon and says, "Can you do that?" ... and Moleculon changes into a duplicate of Knocker's battlesuit. Everyone had forgotten that Moleculon had 4th edition's Instant Chance power at the "any outfit" level. He could duplicate any outfit's appearance.


Knocker's Player looks at the GM and says, "Can he do that?" Knocker's player was used to very linear games and was completely thrown off by the idea that I could jump the script to the final battle at the villian's base. The GM just said, "I don't see why not."


So we did it. At the next robbery, I got one of the minions on his own. Our darkness guy put up a big darkness field. I pounded my guy to GM's discretion, changed and then came flying out as one of the bad guys with heavy battle damage. I followed the rest of the crew, limping along (our flight inches and speeds didn't match) but keeping up, and motioning to my head to indicate that my radio was out of commission. And the minions bought it and led me right to the enemy base. About five minutes after I touched down, PRIMUS stormed the place with the rest of the team. Most of the minions were captured, but The Admiral got away.


The next day, the paper ran another full page ad from The Admiral. He congratulated us on our victory. He had underestimated us, and it had cost him this game. He looked forward to the next game, when he would try our mettle again.


So a 10 point power let us take out the bad guys and earn their respect in doing so. :D



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Re: Best Champions Moment


I'm also pretty sure I've mentioned this one before, but it's also fitting to include in this thread.


I'd had the chance to play in several of Rod Currie's SuperSquad America runs at GenCon and Origins; my usual pick of characters was Silver Bow, a Batman-esque female archer.


To make a long story short, Rod had the heroes facing off nightmare versions of themselves in a dream world. Silver Bow found herself facing Death Bow, whose thirst for revenge had turned her into a stone-cold killer.


Death Bow taunted the heroine by claiming "there's no difference between us" and shooting an arrow. I called Silver Bow using one of her own arrows to deflect the incoming missile and rolled a 3. Rod told me that she had successfully overcome the nightmare and to describe the scene.


In a burst of inspiration, I related:


Silver Bow's arrow glanced off Death Bow's and continued on, cutting the string on her doppelganger's weapon.


In a low growl, Silver Bow said, "We are nothing alike. Without your bow, you are nothing. While I," as she dropped her own bow, "don't need mine to take care of you."


She then proceeded to go medieval all over Death Bow in hand-to-hand combat.


It was such a crowning moment for me that I decided to not play her again. After that, I figured I couldn't top that scene. :D

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