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Trolling for suggestions, 1982-style.

Darren Watts

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Hey gang! It's about time for me to start writing the "Official Hero Con Adventure" for 2005, which I'll run probably half-a-dozen times over the course of the year at various shows and events. Last year's "Pulp All-Stars" was a pretty successful adventure, pitting Doc Savage, the Shadow, Tarzan, Mandrake, the Saint, Nancy Drew and occasionally Indiana Jones against the malevolent menace of the Volcano Master in 1936.


In that spirit, this year's event will be a similar collection of all-stars, except this time around the year is 1982, the Cold War is on, and the heroes will no doubt be heavy on bionics and talking cars. So I'm looking for suggestions of characters, shticks and events that absolutely need to be in the story. Keep in mind the following ground rules:


1) No comic-book superheroes. (There are occasionally gray areas on this, but no straightforward costumed heroes owned by Marvel or DC are allowed.) OTOH, frex, "Greatest American Hero" is in fact available. (So don't bother to mention him, 'cause he's already in the plot.)


2) No characters or events from settings impossible to reconcile with the "real world." So, no Star Wars characters, since it's a long time ago in a galaxy far far away. OTOH, "Star Trek" might be a possible future, so connections to that timeline are allowed. (Gary Seven is an established character in our timeline.)


3) Crossovers and connections between characters, a la "Wold Newton" but without so much obsession over family relations, are not only allowed but actively encouraged. Continuing with our GAH example, Kelly Robinson and Bill Maxwell are clearly the same guy, with some sort of incident in between the shows that led to him changing his name. Likewise, John Drake is Number Six, and Jaime Sommers did in fact wind up in the Village. (If the preceding doesn't mean anything to you, don't worry about it.)


So let's hear some ideas! dw

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Re: Trolling for suggestions, 1982-style.


I remember a lot of vehicle related plots in those days, like knight rider, blue thunder, air wolf, foxfire, etc.


And Clint Eastwood. Lots of Clint Eastwood. Of course I was....8 in 1982, so my memory is hazy.




An American pilot that stole a top secret Russian MiG. It has all sorts of crazy features.


The bareknuckles fighter with an orangutan side kick.


A character built with a permanent duplication representing archetypical members of the A-Team (played as one character by one player, but with 4 dupes to cover a Hannibal, Murdock, Face, and B.A. Barracus equivalent). An A Team style van isnt out of the question.


An advanced Helicopter and pilot.


Was the 6 million dollar man still around in 82? Gotta have a bionic man.


A Bondian world-famous "secret" agent with gadgets of course. Aston Martin optional.


Just for wildcard value, you've got to have a break dancer, but one capable of wild stuff like spinning on the ceiling.


A vice cop/detective with a Ferrari or some other kind of Italian sports car. Big mustache and pastel blazers mandatory.

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Re: Trolling for suggestions, 1982-style.




Over the top Teams: The A-Team, Airwolf

Private Detectives: Magnum PI is a must. David Addision in jockey shorts with big hearts on them.

Detective (Cop) Types: Miami Vice's Crockett & Tubbs, TJ Hooker (Cling +10 STR, Only to hood of speeding car (-1))


and the ultimate bad-ass:

Alf as a boss supervillain operating out of the home of a nebish and his unsuspecting family, like a spider in the middle of a vast web of intrigue and crime.



Buckeroo Banzai gives you a total wealth of characters with cool names and such. And a theme song, you gotta have a theme song.

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Re: Trolling for suggestions, 1982-style.



Hawk, the bird man from Buck Rogers. http://members.cox.net/twiki/bucktime.htm

( The Hawk people were from earth, but left for another planet somewhere around 10,000 BCE. )


There is always 007...


Hulk Hogan, of the cartoon series, Hulk Hogan's Rock 'N' Wrestling


Most of these are a little late though, 83-85ish...

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Re: Trolling for suggestions, 1982-style.


- Be careful not to get too vehicle heavy (KITT, Airwolf, etc.). However, if you bring KITT in you have automatic cool evil vehicles in KARR and Goliath. Still, who wants to play David hasslehoff?


- Detectives! Magnum has been brought up (don't forget Rick, T.C. and Higgie-Baby) but there were a bunch of mystery solvers in the eighties. I personally always loved Simon & Simon (Rick & AJ), and you can't forget Rockford, but, if you want to go in a little unexpected direction, you could include Jessica Fletcher (Murder, She Wrote) in the mix.


- Loved Matthew Star, it had Louis Gossett Jr.!


- Did you know that Jackie Chan had a small role in The Cannonball Run in 1981? As himself? Hmmmm?


- Finally, Charlie's Angels ran through 1981, so Kelly Garrett, Kris Munroe, and/or Julie Rogers (the Angels when the show closed) could make an appearance with their buddy Bosley.

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Re: Trolling for suggestions, 1982-style.


Andre the Giant and all the old WWF boys, as back-up for Hulk Hogan.


The Incredible Hulk may be out, but how about Lou Ferigno, Arnold, Mike Metzner (Anne Rand quoting loonie), and a gang of their bodybuilding buddies?


The Invisible Man of the period, and the Man from Atlantis (who both clearly worked for the OSI).


Jackie Chan as Jackie Chan (as suggested), undercover Hong Kong Supercop posing as a movie star who plays cops ... or just use his Supercop persona.


Puma Man! (He got his belt from the same aliens who gave Ralph the Suit; these are also the same aliens from ET and Close Encounters, which gives you the little boy who was ET's bud and the emotionally shattered gang from CE).


A geriatric Indiana Jones, long retired.

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Re: Trolling for suggestions, 1982-style.


Here are some 1982 facts I found on the web...


March 10 - Syzygy: all 9 planets align on the same side of the Sun.


May 14 - Conan The Barbarian is released, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger


May 28 - Release of Rocky III starring, written, and directed by Sylvester Stallone also starred Mr. T of A-Team fame (possible tie-in there)


June 2- First bomb later attributed to Unabomber injures professor Diogenes Angelokos in the University of Berkeley in California


June 11 - Release of E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial directed by Steven Spielberg


June 25 - Release of Blade Runner starring Harrison Ford


July 1 - The Reverend Sun Myung Moon marries 4,150 of his followers at New York City's Madison Square Garden.


October 22 - First Blood is the first Rambo film to be released, starring Sylvester Stallone This guy was busy!!


December 17 - IRA's Harrods bomb kills 5 and injures 80


Many of these events / people could be worked in. Hope that helps...

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Guest rbezold

Re: Trolling for suggestions, 1982-style.


This may be a bit out there, but wasn't 'Back To The Future' out about that time? A time traveling Delorean could be interesting...

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Re: Trolling for suggestions, 1982-style.


I'm almost certain the PCs will include Steve Austin, Buckaroo Banzai, Michael Knight, and the Man From Atlantis, and the group will be sponsored or recruited by the government a la League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. I like the Invisible Man idea as well- I'll need to do some research on the show. Manimal might get a nod just 'cause he keeps coming up- I have no idea why the character is so memorable, since the show is dreck, and not even fun dreck, just boring. But the power level seems to be sufficiently high here to make bringing in Magnum or Jessica Fletcher a bit untenable. I'd completely forgotten Matthew Star- dunno if any players will remember him, either, but a mentalist on the team might be pretty useful.


Secretive government agencies will be plentiful- OSI, UNIT and the CIA will all have their hands in. I'd like to develop a Unified Theory of the various private good-guy organizations and foundations out there- from the Phoenix Group to Knight Industries to Charlie.


I'll fit in as many other references as I can muster- the Pulp game included Green Hornet & Kato, Alexander Waverley (from UNCLE), Tom Swift and Masado Banzai as supporting characters, a visit to Skull Island, and Radium-X figured into the plot.


How about some villains? There have to be some Russkies running around causing trouble... dw

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Re: Trolling for suggestions, 1982-style.


Dirty Harry Callaghan




The Square Pegs kids.


Or, build your heroes out of bands, ala "KISS Meets The Phantom Of The Park". Duran Duran did a slew of videos that screamed pulp adventure, DEVO are quintessential nuclear fear, the Ramones are...well, they're The Ramones, what more do you need?


"Stripes" came out in '81. Lots of potential comedy fodder there.

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I'd completely forgotten Matthew Star- dunno if any players will remember him' date=' either, but a mentalist on the team might be pretty useful.[/quote']

It's not about the powers. It's about the hair.

The Square Pegs kids.

Especially since we know that SJP's character will grow up to be slutty Carrie on Sex in the City. boom-chikka-wow-wow.

Or, build your heroes out of bands, ala "KISS Meets The Phantom Of The Park".



Red Dawn was about that time ("Wolverines!"). And Footloose. Guess if you don't want Russians invading as a plotline, you could have the Government team sent to help high school students whose small town preacher has denied their prom. Matthew Star could hook up with Carrie "square peg" Bradshaw, and KITT would once again demonstrate David Hasselhoff's car is smarter than him...


hmm. Too bad Sixteen Candles and Pretty In Pink came out a few years later, ~1984.

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Re: Trolling for suggestions, 1982-style.


Secretive government agencies will be plentiful- OSI, UNIT and the CIA will all have their hands in. I'd like to develop a Unified Theory of the various private good-guy organizations and foundations out there- from the Phoenix Group to Knight Industries to Charlie.


I'm fairly sure Knight Industries is a government contractor testing out equipment like Kit and Air Wolf that they've built for the OSI; Charlie is Oscar Goldman (who is also Smith of CURE), using the Angels for off the record black ops that don't require the services of one of his precious Bonics or Remo. For the darkest stuff, he has tentative control over a group he helped to frame and send to prison (as he had with Remo years before) called the A-Team.

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Re: Trolling for suggestions, 1982-style.


How about some villains? There have to be some Russkies running around causing trouble... dw


Well, there's the evil disguise wearing android from The Bionic Man, all of the aliens from Doctor Who, the Evil versions of Kit and Michael Knight, the Evil Invisible Man and Cyborgs developed by the Russians, maybe that weather controlling alien from Wonder Woman (even if she's not there, and even if he reformed), lots of faceless thugs, and all the bad guys from the WWF.

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