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Sex and the Single Superhuman


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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


Eww! Even I think that's weird.


Does that mean he only plays androids, aliens, or castratos? :nonp:


With a few exceptions, yes.


As to just not wanting to explore your character's romantic life, I think that's mostly a matter of taste, depending on the character, player and campaign.


But if a player starts insisting on castrati only, well, there might be something going on there. ;)

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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


Soulbarb is 14, and has issues. She hadn't had much time or a ton of inclination towards romance prior to the start of the game. She's recently picked up a boyfriend, however, after one of the boys in her crowd managed to acquire super-powers that left him unable to go out in public much. So far the relationship hasn't gotten physical yet.


Will it last? Who knows. We're talking about high school here...


Cerulean has a public ID and is more than a bit of a weirdness magnet. He's probably been involved in a few, but romance isn't really one of his priorities, and none of them have lasted.

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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


Firestorm was a public identity B-movie actress. Flirting, appearing on tabloids and showing cleavage were part of her job. She was in a relationship with The Harlequin, until he became too powerful to relate to her. Now she buries herself in her Heroing and movies, as her heart is broken.


Dragon Jane is just starting out as a model when not heroing, and her career is still in its infancy. She has had no offers to date yet as being a six foot tall woman with Dragon wings who can breathe fire and punch through walls tends to scare most men away. Before she did that job for the Chinese Cleric-type she was a green, scaly reptile. They don't get many dates.


Wicca is in a committed relationship with the Wizard in Babylon she is apprenticed to. She has no memories before the start of the campaign and her Master says she appeared in Babylon just months before her memories began. She is not even sure if she is a real person. She has seen a copy of herself at a distance and been mistaken for that copy. Echoes of people do exist in her time and dimension hopping campaign, so the concepts of past and future don't mean a lot.


Mind Flair is married to her career and is too plain and boring to interest the average Super. Invictus' interest in her at times is something that bewilders her to this day.

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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


Okay, here's a breakdown of some characters that I'm playing and some that I'm just writing about.


Alejandro Esteban De La Vega (active)

He lost his wife to an evil cult, and was transported to a different world when he interrupted the ceremony for which she was being used as a sacrifice. He spent the next few months in mourning and shock, living only for the hope of dying in battle. When he finally achieved this, he met his wife on the Other Side and got a chance to say goodbye, and for her to tell him that he still had some living to do. Restored to the mortal world by a minor miracle, he now searches for a cause. He isn't ready for a relationship yet, but he is trying to move on.


Cassandra Tsujimoto, AKA "Shining Warrior Cassandra" (active)

Not quite 14 yet, she hasn't had anything beyond school girl crushes yet. She may have trouble adjusting to the fact that the world she's in now considers people mature at a younger age than twenty-first century America does. She'd find the idea of romance exciting, but isn't ready for anything sexual yet.


Special Agent Michael Trent, AKA "Agent Orange" (inactive, currently fiction character)

Trent had a few relationships in high school and college, but his law enforcement career got in the way of any permanent relationships. Now, thanks to the side effects of the changes that granted his psychokinetic powers, he doesn't consider himself emotionally stable enough for a relationship--yet another reason to be bitter about it.


Nathan Hawking, AKA "Icefox" (inactive, currently fiction character)

A fairly normal college student, except that he's a super-dextrous "ninja" with minor cold powers. Between school, superhero stuff, and trying to earn enough money to keep himself in textbooks and ramen, he doesn't have much time to pursue a relationship, although he has growing feelings for:


Amanda Powers

Daughter of a wealthy man who developed medium-level brick powers at puberty. She became a hero partly because "that's what you're supposed to do when you get powers", partly to be rebellious, and partly to do something where she could be recognized for her own attributes instead of her father's money. As an attractive (rich!) blonde in great shape, she's had no shortage of dates, but hasn't bothered trying to settle down yet. She's somewhat frustrated that her superhuman strength makes it dangerous for anyone to have sex with her, but hasn't really gotten around to wondering how that will impact the rest of her life yet. It may become an issue soon, as she returns Nathan's feelings.


Alex Brown, AKA "Der Rustungsoldat" (fiction character)

He was a more or less normal guy, studying mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and physics in college (okay, maybe not all that normal) until a dying great-uncle bestowed upon him the secret of some lost Nazi science. Alex went back to school until he had the knowledge to construct a suit of powered armor around the technology he received. He's never had a relationship, and wouldn't really know how to handle one if it came up.


"Mr. Shoggoth" (fiction character)

Once there was a scientist who discovered some ruins in Antarctica. Foolishly exploring those ruins by himself, he came across a large puddle of iridescent, bubbly black goo that moved by itself. It ate him. Unfortunately for both parties, the shoggoth was sick, and somehow, during the digestive process, the scientist's conscious mind was copied onto the shoggoth's, replacing it. The resulting chimera eventually made it back to the states, where it joined a superhero team mainly to have someone around to keep an eye on itself. Since "his" body and subconscious are those of a not-even-remotely-human being, "he" has no interest in sex, although being a shapeshifter certainly opens up possibilities for pleasing partners.



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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


Style - Now in a serious relationship with Hexencat, another PC. Was briefly involved with Chisako, a Japanese heorine turned villainess.


Flesh Gordon - Has been involved with a long list of minor super-villainesses, starlets, news women, make-up girls, waitresess, flight attendants, and politicians. Most of them have attempted to kill him, to the point that it is now his standard first scene in any adventure.


Legend - Single, not involved with anyone at the moment, would be interested in a relationship but is probably too far on the Dad side of the Dad vs Cad scale to interest most supers, and would not date a normal for fear of the possible danger to her.


Do they try to kill Flesh before or AFTER the relationship has run its course?

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  • 2 years later...

Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


Optimus: Hasn't gotten over the fact that it's only been a matter of months to him since he was a newlywed, but his wife died in her sixties several years ago. (Mine)


Futurian: Married to a Malvan (PC)


Terra: Mentally a child, unable to comprehend sexual relationships (PC)


Horizon: Playboy industrialist who can manipulate time. He does all right and never fails to fit everyone he has to do into his schedule (PC)


Sideswipe: Essentially a Transformer. Apparently nonsexual (PC)


Vigil: Psychologically scarred young Empyrean. With his looks and charisma he is successful at hooking up but not long-term material (Mine, not yet played)

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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


Iron Maiden is involved in a long-term threesome with a married couple, and has a number of other lovers as well.


Man-Ape lives the life of the average tabloid celebrity (and former actor). He dates some hot new starlet for a while, then they break up. Lather, rinse, repeat.


Black Knight is making up for a long, long life of middle class suburban boredom prior to his wife's death and his transformation. When he's not out fighting supervillains for the adrenaline rush, he's drinking, carousing and bedding a never-ending parade of one-night stands.

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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


Aquatic- In love with a talented and beautiful young woman who has a lot of baggage, and justifiably so, but she's growing stronger right before his eyes. As she is a liason for the team, and he's a superhero, there has been some awkward moments where he's had to yank himself back out of respect for her job, because her career means everything. They're in a monogamous relationship, and the sex is great. However, nothing 'official' has been declared beyond their love for each other, and Aquatic finds himself wondering if he shouldn't bring up possibilities.



Banner- Had a major attraction for a certain half android half mutant, and took her departure hard. Fortunately, one of the ladies on his team took him out dancing and helped him unwind, though it didn't go anywhere (by mutual choice) beyond just getting to know each other and having a nice night out. He is considering asking her on a second date. He also seems to have (in his secret ID) impressed Letha, a supervillaness.

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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


Volt- 67 year old widower. Lost his wife to a drunk driver at age 62, the year before he gained his powers. No looking for anyone, but finding someone would be a blessing. No sex before marriage for him, and she need not be a super.


Olorin - 747 year old unaging mage who stopped aging at 33. He was married 4 times and outlived them all, since he can't duplicate his eternal youth. Two died violently, 2 of old age. Three times to adventurers (supers in effect) and once for the longest time - over 50 years to a peasant. Not actively looking, but keeping his eyes open. Super or not would not bother him, but super would be easier to protect. Would also marry before sex.


Black Tiger - Not looking. Wants to find out what happened during his memory gap during which he somehow gained his powers first. No casual sex, but may do pre-marital with someone he cares for and considers wife material. Would prefer a super for protection reasons.


Futurian. - Would prefer long term for sex, but not bound to it. Female must be infertile before he does, since he's from the future and does not want to mess up the time line. "I do not want to be my own great great whatever long -grandfather. That would be awkward."


Bringing in an old character:

Leadman - Good Catholic boy. No sex before marriage. Kinda in love with the local waitress at the cafe where he gets his coffee: "Black. Hot. Lots of it. Now." His prior wife left him for another man and he's afraid to try again. He also wonders how much of is his fault. (Not much, but he is not totally blameless. Just a bit distant at times.)

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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


These characters are (or were) high school aged.


Monolith:Originally emotionally detatched (in that B-movie wise old martial arts master who lives on a mountain way), he was in one brief relationship with the prettiest girl in school (Silk) who was also a superheroine, but that ended badly because of his detatchment. His second relationship (Mindscream) had sonic powers, and their love continued after they both graduated. They haven't been RPed since graduation, though.


IMP:At 15 years old, he's a playa'. At 14, he was trying to be a playa', but he didn't quite have the chutzpah and finesse to get it right. The notches on his bedpost total 4 (though one was erased from existence) and he's making plays for possible 5th and 6th lovers. All of them but the first happened after he turned 15. (And he turned 15 in April). Note that all of his lovers are fellow superheroines.


Knight Errant:17, too geeky to get a date. Already missed his last homecoming, and finds himself rather frightened of losing out his last chance at a prom. Of all my characters, the most likely to die a virgin...and not by HIS choice. He has a crush on a fellow geek (power armor wearing) but hasn't had a chance to even ask the woman out.

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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


A while back, some people were talking about Rogue's 'problem' in a detailed way. I just wanted to put in my two cents.


I never saw her problem as being a sexual tension inducing one. In theory, no skin to other person's skin (Or other 'bodily surface') contact is necessary for a release of sexual tension. If the worst comes to the fore, she can have Professor X mind-diddle her into not having those kind of feelings anymore until she can act on them safely. (Oh man, I just realised what mind-diddle sounds like. I meant alter her perceptions mentally.) Other than the obvious everyday problems of not being able to go around in public without very covering clothes on, just in case, Rogue also has the psychological/romantic/family-or-friend-love of hugs, someone stroking your hair, chaste (ie fatherly/motherly/brotherly) kissing or even brushing your cheek (perhaps to wipe away a tear or something, denied to her by her 'gift'. These might not seem important/to happen very often, but just try being told that you can't do X normal thing without killing your loved ones. No matter how rarely you usually did them before, chances are, you will want to do them all the more now.

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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


Scion - may one day be a player, but for now is so wrapped up in becoming a hero he doesn't have much time to think about it.


Challenger - his personality is largely modeled on Dick Grayson. I think you know what he's like.


Thump - Although this aspect of his life is unexplored at this point, he's a serial monogamist.


The Altar Boy - Is it a wholesome relationship leading to marriage with a woman worth giving up his dream of the priest-hood (he's 15 now)? If not, then probably not interested.



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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


Gunnodoyak; Brick P.E. Teacher at meta school is currently sleeping with the Headmasters' assistant (without his knowledge of course). He also regularly has to fend off other random females he encounters.


Dr. Wonder; Super Scientist Gadgeteer is usually too busy saving the world with nuclear powered toasters to actively date. Though He'd like to, he just doesn't want to have to build her.


Rush; Teen Speedster, he's afraid to start in case he finishes before they know what's happened.

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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


Anvil - Male brick, married (twice now, actually). Has a secret ID. One daughter, early twenties if I remember right. He has always been the mature responsible type, one woman at a time and loyal.


Chill - Female energy projector/martial artist. Her powers are ice/cold-based and her low body temperature (always on, as in public ID) makes her unpleasant to be around for normals and most supers alike, so she is a loner both by fate and by choice.


Mercury - Female teleporter. Metallic silver skin (all the time, public ID) and fame get in the way of romance, but she is approachable and does date when opportunities present themselves.


Bishop - Female brick. Powered armor in hero ID and a normal outside with a secret ID. Too devoted to the pursuit of heroic angles, justice, stopping bad guys, and business pursuits to think (much) about a date.

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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


Vigil would love to be able to date again. The problem is that his background as an ex-supervillain means he has a few too many secrets to risk doing so...


That's an excuse, if I've ever seen one. He's in the closet. (Of course, if he claims to be gay, that could lead to all kinds of... stuff.)

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