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Sex and the Single Superhuman


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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


Badger's last girfriend was killed by his archenemy (as was most of his family). He hasnt dated since (several years). Has hangups about the whole "everyone he cares about dies" thing. Though he is very traditional about marriage. And believes in the "wait for marriage" thing. Thanks to his upbringing by his mother (Catholic), his father came from a warrior class alien race that were human in every way except they superpowers were common for them, sex life of the race never has come up BTW (and in any case his father disappeared when he was 5, just several months after his sister was born, who was also killed by said archenemy).


The other members of the group:


Frosty Bob- The ex-Green Beret granted immortalityby Death. Lots of one-night stands. Lots and lots of one-night stands. His life consists of fighting and women. It is suspected he got immortality because he hit on Death's wife. LOL


Weasel- Mathmetician and scientist, typical geek. Women show little romantic interest in him. Besides he would probably be afraid to take off the power armor. LOL.


Bumblefly- Despite the fact he is only 2 feet tall. Gets lots of dates with normal height women. Maybe it is the fact he seemingly oozes charisma.

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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


Neutron starts at 3x normal human density (over 500#) with enough strength to bench-press a buick without even trying. Non-plutonic relationships with a normal woman would get messy. Unfortunately, the other members of his band, Dark Sun, view the situation as "more groopies for us". I just had to make a superhero who also wants to be a rock star.


Ghost Hunter has a girlfriend who has no idea what he does at his 'night job'. She thinks he goes a little too hard during tournaments and sparring sessions (he runs a martial arts school) as he's always got new cuts, bruises, sprains and the like.


Freon had a body temperature just above freezing, so I'm sure you can see the problems there. Plus, he was a bit too busy trying to keep anyone from finding out that he was really an ex-cop who'd been bounced off the force under suspicion of being 'on the take'. The fact that the mob was after his real ID didn't help matters either.


The other players' characters in our group have simlar problems (radioactivity, possessed by an alien symbiot, already married, etc.)

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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


I forgot to mention this is a really cool topic. Wish I'd thought of it.


Thanks. I've always found romantic relationships interesting in RPGs myself. This post has been getting more attention than my other post about "What RPG would your character play?" I think it's due to the title. :)

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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


Falcon's father died when she was 16, leaving her the sole heiress to the Blake millions. By the time she was 17, she was throughly sick of men vowing eternal faithfulness to her bank account (no, really, they're in love with her :stupid: ). It's not impossible that she would marry, but she'd have to be darn sure the gentleman in question genuinely cared for her. He would almost have to be another hero, as well, because only a hero would be willing to let her continue her adventuring.

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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


Freon had a body temperature just above freezing, so I'm sure you can see the problems there. Plus, he was a bit too busy trying to keep anyone from finding out that he was really an ex-cop who'd been bounced off the force under suspicion of being 'on the take'. The fact that the mob was after his real ID didn't help matters either.


Oh, he's gotta get married, if only so he can run through the house asking his wife were his supersuit is.

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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


Blackcat is in a stable relationship with a supervillian who reformed* that is also a honorable martial arts based character. When the villian was introduced, sparks between the charaters flew, and so I made it a mission of the character to help this villian and start up a romance.

* he didn't want to be, but he owed an honor/life debt to a group of people and they went supervillian and thus they called in that debt and forced him to be on the team (and be tactical leader actually). Cat leaned of this, and set up a situation where the rest of the teams actions would break that debt, and set him free of his obligations. He of course turned himself in. He went to prison.

I ran Cat gets possesed by her powers, goes evil, looses powers plot. While she was in prison she and Chuck began thier relationsship. They kept the rest of the prison inside during a breakout, which got them their pardon.



Ballistic has an ex-wife, no kids. He had a fiance that showed up as a minor NPC and thier relationship grew during play. She was killed during an invasion of earth.


Terminal Velocity is too good looking a teenager not to have had a lot of girlfirends. His new one (the one I have as a DNPC) was just introduced.


Meeb is asexual. He/She/It reproduced by mitosis. No real chance for a romance.

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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


Oh' date=' he's gotta get married, if only so he can run through the house asking his wife were his supersuit is.[/quote']




Old campaign that's no longer running. I have occationally thought about re-doing the character for the current game, though.

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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


Hahahah. What a merry jest!


Wait a minute...she's been staying up all night...sleeping in...and I keep finding tights in the laundry...


Naah. :)


Well, she is a fashion designer. :winkgrin:


Now that I think about it, weird costumes, lots of travel, odd hours... I never reallized just how good a cover that is for a superhero. :think:

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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


Dude' date=' you haven't told your wife that you're a superhero? :tsk:[/quote']


How do you bring that up in games?


"Honey. I have a little confession. You see, there's something you don't know about me."

"You don't have to explain. I.. I saw your closet, when you were asleep I saw you sneak out of the house with your friends... You don't have to hide it from me. I still love you and we'll face this together."

"You knew I was Captain Paragon?"

"Captain Paragon? You're Captain Paragon? THE Captain Paragon? I thought you were just a cross-dresser, you mean that big tall and musclely woman really is a woman?"

(Captain Paragon rubs his forehead, this was going to be a long conversation.)

"If you're Captain Paragon, how come we live in this dump? Can't you squeeze coal into diamonds?"

"That's the other guy. And he's fictional, and I'm real."

"So that girl you hang out with? That's Amazing Amazon?"


(turning cold) "I could see why you hang out with her, she's so much better looking than me."

(He kept rubbing his forehead, definately a long conversation.)

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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


SPOILER! If you're one of the PC's in the campaign, look elsewhere :evilgrin:


NeoChampions -- The Disruptor

A tragic "romance" is actually his primary motivation. Chuck is actually one of his world's first novas (people with superpowers), as was the 'girl next door' Jenny -- AKA the Silver Streak, who would become one of the world's most prominent novas before her mysterious disappearance. Chuck is one of 2 people alive who knows what really happened, and it's the reason he's a villain now.


What follows is spoiler text. To read it, "quote" this post and read the next paragraph



The Emergence -- Stefan "The Gray" Sashkey

Before leaving the Earth, Stefan and Syrthkai professed their love for each other, got married, and had one night together. Leaving Syrthkai on Earth (where he knew she would be comparably safe for a few years), Stefan started his twin mission -- to save the Earth from the evil machinations of the (deleted for spoiler reasons), and to save the Universe from the scum of the Earth. Syrthkai gave birth to the twins Kit Walker Sashkey and Sala Sashkey... After the Great Galactic War, he brought her a safe haven he'd created so she could live out her last years in peace.


Truth and Consequences SythRyss the kobold telepath

As of 18th level (it's a D&D campaign) he still hadn't had time for a romance -- he's too busy avenging his race against the "scaleless ones"

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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


Sniffle ! "St Barbara" has never had a romantic involvement ! Not from lack of trying, and her background was such that I would have thought that every male above the age of 13 would have been interested in her too ! Too busy fighting vrime/ saving the world to have any romance (sigh !)

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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


Scales: He's still very much in love with his wife who died in the 60s. Of course she still talks to him as a ghost...


Triad: Two rival scientists (male & female) and an idiot janitor sharing the same energy body. Can't see any romance going on here.


Spectrum: Currently dating a hero in New York while she operates out of Detroit. But she's got a long range tport, so it's not really a long distance relationship.

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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


Pinnacle is currently dating a nice lady attorney named Margreat Lewis. She's a commitment, monogamous type with surprisngly conservative views on romance and sex, all things considered


Stopwatch, well, she gets around. She's pretty brassy and is definitely no virgin but talks a bigger than she plays and has only been intimate beyond the petting stage with two boys so far. Does give credence to the idea that "oral sex doesn't count".


Menagerie. Considering themselve beyond Baseline morality, Evolution can be pretty debauched when they get in the mood. Combined with Menagerie's shapeshifting powers its...best left to the imagination (Not that this gets gamed out beyond the innuendo stage). With the creation of the Gene Pool, sex is considered almost entirely recreational among them now.

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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


Some supers would be drawn to relationships with normal people who have absolutely nothing to do with the business, as a way to maintain as much "normality" in their lives as they can.


Some supers would be drawn to relationships with other supers, trying to find someone who understands their life, that they don't have to hide half their life from, whatever. They immerse themselves as much as possible in the superhuman world, for whatever reason they personally have. Or they're looking for someone they don't have to worry about crushing in bed.


Some supers would cling to whatever existing relationship they might have had when they first gained their powers, or got involved in "the business".


Some supers would be very cautious, seeking slow-developing relationships based on trust rather than simple passion. They're leary of enemy schemes, or looking for someone they can confide their secrets in, or looking for stability in a volatile life.


Some supers would avoid long-term relationships, not wanting to get to close to anyone because of the uncertainty in their lives, and/or not wanting anyone to become an obvious target for their enemies over time. They might just date, or might actively sleep around.


Some supers would avoid relationships, period.


In other words, they'd be a lot like the rest of us.

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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


Spartacus: Currently lusting after Weather Girl.


Weather Girl has a 20+ COM, and is the only female in the group, so he's competing with an Atlantean prince, a powerful sorceror, an intelligent and charismatic martial artist, and a rugged military hero. Bad.


However, Spartacus has an edge, as his player is married to Weather Girl's. :)


Minor nit, Riptide is Lemurian, not Atlantian. Atlantis is in the OTHER ocean. ;-)


Bingo the Clowno: Married with two little clowns back at the home he calls circus. ( Or is that the other way around? He is a strange one... )


Paladine: Single and looking but without enough clues to find. :-D


Señor Mysterio: Married with a couple surprisingly normal children considering daddy's profession as Luchadore (24/7 in the mask) and Master of the Mystic Wrestling Arts.

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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


Special Agent Trent is single and unattached, and likely to stay that way for the forseeable future. He's not too worried about his psychokinetic powers going out of control, but the incident which forced those powers upon him has left him irritable and slightly unstable--not good relationship material. Furthermore, in his more reflective moments he realizes that continued association with the spandex set is likely to bring him a messy death eventually, and he wouldn't want to make anyone deal with that.



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Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


Vandal- is engaged to a normal who is aware of his other proffesion.


Blakc Arachnia- being a teenager she is not sexually active but there are several fellow students,of both sexes, at the Redwood academy she finds attractive and would possibly consider a relationshipe with.

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