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NGD Scenes from a Hat


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  • 2 weeks later...

My second post was supposed to be a continuation of the first, so let me finish that off with...You start seeingHot Chocolate, cookies and Reindeer Chow at the Continental Breakfast Bar.

Seeker's resolution is to stop getting knocked out during combat in front of photographers who keep putting the picture on supplement books so that players will have to find another way to tell the good ones from the bad.

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  • 2 weeks later...

NT:  You just won the Powerball jackpot and decide to use a chunk of the money to make a movie.  What is it?  (the more ridiculous, the better)


Bambi Meets Godzilla - A live action version.  Most of the budget will go into creating a live-action Godzilla, of course.



New Topic: How many Presidential candidates does it take to change a light bulb?

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New Topic: How many Presidential candidates does it take to change a light bulb?

None. Change is bad. Unless they say otherwise. In any case, it's better to leave that for the private sector. Unless it's a lightbulb in Benghazi and then the woman must be pilloried for hours. And it only needs changing because some government agency has failed and must be disbanded.

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New Topic: How many Presidential candidates does it take to change a light bulb?

Depends. If you're poor, you can get along just fine in the dark -- and if you can't it's your own fault. If you're rich, they will give you a continuing supply of newer, fancier bulbs that let you light every square inch of your Stately McMansion.


NT: What Donald Trump would do for a living if he didn't have his fortune.

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  • 2 weeks later...

NT: What Donald Trump would do for a living if he didn't have his fortune.


Infomercial huckster for "Hair Club for Men".


New Topic: There's an interesting planetary alignment in the morning skies these days. It must be a sign! Of what?

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New Topic:  How your favorite Champions Universe supervillain(s) will respond to the coming US East Coast blizzard.

Foxbat will hack into networks, and show his musical challenge!


"The Snow glows white on the city tonight

not a hero, to be seen

Gone is my trepedation

because it looks like I get away clean!"




"The wind is howling and I should stay inside

but can't stop scheming, heaven knows I've tried."


"I want to win, I want them to see

that I'm no villain of mediocrity

Steal a mil but they must know

Yes they'll know!"


"It's my show, it's my show

Can't hide my genius anymore

It's a show, it's a show

That's what I'm stealing for!"


"I don't care

about the pay

let's have some fun!

My Master Plan is making the news today!"


"Its sad how the cold sends all the folks away

To get to their warm houses while they can

but I'll never let the weather

thwart my Master Plan!"


"It's time to show the world exactly what I can do

Foxbat has no limits, heck I even flew

No right, no wrong, no rules for me... I'll be....

on News 3!!!!"



"It's my show, it's my show!

I'm the one with the dreams so high!

It's my show, it's my show!

You heroes will never see me cry!"


"Here I scheme, come let's play

Forget the storm!

Winter scenes are more climatic anyway!"

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"It's a sign, all right.  A Going Out of Business sign!"


New Topic:  How your favorite Champions Universe supervillain(s) will respond to the coming US East Coast blizzard.



Icicle:  I'd say 'cool' but I'm not sure I should respond due to copyright issues.

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