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The "Nice Happy" Thread


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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


I went to a friend's wedding this weekend. Saw an old buddy who I haven't seen in probably 10+ years there. Seems he's teaching down at my old Junior High these days. Small world. He also told me that I'm a legend among northern Colorado gamers' date=' still talked about in many circles. :o[/quote']


From the quotes you've posted from some of your games, I can believe this.

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


I've always wanted to hit the GBBF. One day. Get to have any fun Yankee beers? Some of our craft brewers like to send stuff there just to show off and such. Always a positive for people to know there's something in this country other than watery macrobrewed pisswater.


I always tend to hit the European stuff more. Had some Japanese beer which was nice. But I did have one of the American Porter style beers, that was pleasent. But there was one from the Netherlands which was 11% proof while most are 6% or less.

The Americans are represented well and enjoyed.

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


I read that as "Good crusty bread and humans for lunch." And I wasn't really shocked.



It was a good weekend. We let Mom have the day off from the kids on Saturday, so the big one and I conspired to make her some cupcakes, which were well received. The small one meanwhile continues to progress at astounding speed; he now has very good neck and hand strength and control and he grabs onto anything that strays into range. Straightened up and cleaned the house a bit. Big kid loves to watch Olympics, which is good; it's hard to find kid-friendly TV that isn't Dora or Disney. Says he wants to be a gymnast.

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


Did my first soccer practice as a coach tonight. I have never played soccer. I have never coached anything. I have never, in fact, been involved in any kind of organized sporting event and all and, in fact, I only know the rules of soccer because I've played a lot of soccer video games (and that has let me know all the rules). First-graders, 11 of them, running around, being crazy, being disorganized, trying to get them in line and do things, forgetting all the things I planned, driving me nuts. Fortunately, my co-coach, though also a first-time coach, played soccer in college, so has a handle on the organizational thing much better. Oh, and I mis-read the schedule, so I showed up at 5:45 instead of 7:15, so I felt like an idiot and then had to go back at the right time. I basically ran around for an hour trying to get kids to do things and felt like a fool in front of both them and their parents. I'm tired, I'm still a bit stressed, and I'm having the beer I really, really needed, and on Wednesday I go back and try again.


Then, after practice, one of the moms came up and told me that her son, who's never played any sports before and was really not sure he wanted to play at all, thought his coaches were really cool and he can't wait to come back next time.


And I suddenly realize why I volunteered in the first place.

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


Now that is nice and happy. Congrats man! Do Hero gamers rock or what?


Congratulations! :thumbup:



Way to Go!


Wtg lm


Yeah' date=' now [u']there's[/u] a w00t!!

Thanks! The well-wishes may come in handy. :)

I'd offer you my copy of Epidemiology but I've decided I want to hang on to it.
Drat. But I've decided to try to buy an many books I can new.


I'm particular that way. Too.

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


Well, I'm home, mostly unpacked and I killed a (maybe two) frickin' huge spider.

Its been raining all night and is cool and still raining. I like that.

so I had a great week, will spend this week mostly recovering and sorting. And job hunting. And I went six days with no WoW so once I play tonight the shakes will stop :)

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