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The "Nice Happy" Thread


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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


This is gonna sound weird, but bear with me.


At the funeral for John (Jen's brother-in-law) today, his casket was made of simple yellow pine and the "flowers" were all greens and browns (he was an outdoorsman) and all I could think was: "I hope people know me that well, when I go."


When my wife passed away (it'll be 3 years, in September), we decided to hold a party celebrating her life on Halloween, one of her favorite holidays. I had rented our clubhouse, and grabbed a lot of food, including quite a bit of Halloween candy. After about an hour of swapping stories, and talking about what an incredible lady she was, we decided to open the main doors to the clubhouse to get a little air circulating. Shortly after that, a few kids walked by, and yelled "Trick or Treat!" We all looked at each other and smiled, and then a couple of us got up to dispense candy. She would have loved that she had trick or treaters at her wake.



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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


When my wife passed away (it'll be 3 years, in September), we decided to hold a party celebrating her life on Halloween, one of her favorite holidays. I had rented our clubhouse, and grabbed a lot of food, including quite a bit of Halloween candy. After about an hour of swapping stories, and talking about what an incredible lady she was, we decided to open the main doors to the clubhouse to get a little air circulating. Shortly after that, a few kids walked by, and yelled "Trick or Treat!" We all looked at each other and smiled, and then a couple of us got up to dispense candy. She would have loved that she had trick or treaters at her wake.




What a fantastic and beautiful story. Thank you for sharing it.

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


What are those things ? :think:


The Stress ball has one of the emoticons on it and is about tennis ball size. You can throw it at walls etc. It is bouncy and squeezy, thus reducing stress.

If you go onto Deviant Art you have a figure that appears and is known as Fella. Thus Fella stickers are available and a plushy.

You can also give people Llama badges so a Llama sticker is invaluable.


30 days and I'm unemployed, doo dah, doo dah !


31 days and I get lots of money oh doo dah day !

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


Sabrina completed her 5k and I'm so proud of her.Yesterday she was a pile of sore. She's been getting up at 4 am to work her new position at work - and not sleeping so well for week one, but she got up at 6 am for the fun run and killed it.


This morning she decided she's now training for a 10k.


I'm so proud of her I could burst.

Maybe even I could run.


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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


I'm not Chad, but unless I miss my guess, he's referring to a 5 Kilometer race.


Edit: And absolutely she should be proud of completing it.

Ah, that makes sense. I thought it might be a work-related exam or something similar.
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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


You know those evil people who buy Christmas presents ? Yeah I'm one of them and I succeeded in getting a joint one today.

See the London Film and Comic Con was on and the Divine Gillian was in attendence. As were Mitch Pillegi (Skinner) and Nicholas Lea (Krycek). So I got their autographs as the present. And pictures with them for me.

I did the preview last night which was a good thing as I got to book photoes and autographs. But when I booked the autographs yesterday I picked the three aforementioned and Al Leong. You know Al. He was in Big Trouble in Little China and Die Hard. So last night I got Mitch and Nicholas (as Gillian was only going to be there for the Saturday) and went to get Al as well as there were few people near him. Al seems to have arthritis or something as he had to write with his left hand. Why I picked him I don't know but I'm giving money to someone who I now believe needs it.

I also picked up ex WWE wrestler Virgil's autograph and those of Anthony Head and Charles Dance. And then delight of delight. Someone was selling Vanilla Crack er sorry Coke. All the way from the States. So I had some of that as well.

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


Someone was selling Vanilla Crack er sorry Coke. All the way from the States. So I had some of that as well.


When I was a young lad, I had vanilla coke all the time (and still do) thanks to my grandfather. Go to the grocery that sells the best coffee. Look around the coffee for vanilla syrup for flavoring coffee. Buy it. If you can find coke with sugar, buy that too. It's easier to find during passover. Hoard it. Go home and get a glass. Put a cube of ice in it. Get a regular tablespoon. Fill the spoon twice with vanilla syrup. Put the syrup on the ice. Add the coke and stir gently with the tablespoon.


That is the closest you will ever come to a vanilla coke from a soda fountain.


If you're feeling super adventurous, add a tablespoon of grenadine for a vanilla cherry coke.


Declare victory over your enemies.

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


On the happy front, it looks like I will (barring catastrophe) have enough money this year to go up to Seattle in August for Dragonflight.


I haven't been to that convention in years -- it's been so long that it was still on the Seattle University campus and I slept in the dormitories. Now it's at a hotel in Bellevue. I know where I'm probably going to stay (and hoe much it will cost), how I'm going to get up to Seattle (and about how much that will cost) and when I'm going to buy my membership. Now I just have to look at my first-weekend-in-August paycheck and see how much of it I can spend in Seattle and how much I'll need to pay bills (and whether these particular bills can wait until the next paycheck).


Plus I'm going to a Game Day tomorrow, though I don't know yet what I'll get to play.

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


I started to read my boys their devotional the other morning. I started it with a question (both of my boys love to build with blocks, canisters, anything that will stack), "Have you ever built a house on the sand?"


My eldest (4.5) gave me this confused look. "No, Daddy! That's what the foolish man does!"


Looks like he pays attention in Sunday school.

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