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Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind.

Snake Gandhi

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Re: Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind.


The Hulk's trousers. Why on Earth didn't Banner get his tailor to make the rest of the suit out of the same material? The trousers are the only thing to survive the change. Heck, why don't the military use the fabric to armour-plate their tanks?


And regardless of the decade, who told him that purple suits are a Good Thing?

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind.


The Hulk's trousers. Why on Earth didn't Banner get his tailor to make the rest of the suit out of the same material? The trousers are the only thing to survive the change. Heck, why don't the military use the fabric to armour-plate their tanks?


And regardless of the decade, who told him that purple suits are a Good Thing?


Actually... turns out, the Hulk doesn't _completely_ turn green when he gets mad.


Those aren't pants.


And know you know why it's hard for Hulk to calm down. I mean, wouldn't _you_ be mad if.... yeah.

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Re: Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind.


Here's one that bothers me sometimes, but that I use anyway:


Violent masked men can be trusted.


In the real world, when a bunch of masked private citizens decide to meet out justice, it starts with cross burnings and leads quickly to lynchings and worse.


In comics, the angry young men in masks are sober, and can be trusted to only attack bad people. They never decide that (fill in popular target group here) are the real threat to their communities.


In most games, I try not to think about it.


This one doesn't bother me at all. Most law enforcers, while not masked, are fairly faceless. We trust the uniforms.

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Re: Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind.


This one doesn't bother me at all. Most law enforcers' date=' while not masked, are fairly faceless. We trust the uniforms.[/quote']


Most of us trust, more or less, the institutions. A police officer is answerable to his department, which is in turn answerable (in theory, eventually) to the public. The real identity of that police officer is very easy to ascertain. When trust in the institution breaks down, we stop trusting the uniforms.


A masked man using a false name is answerable to no one, until he's caught and the mask removed.

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Re: Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind.


A masked man using a false name is answerable to no one' date=' until he's caught and the mask removed.[/quote']


It's a throwback to the old Zorro/Robin Hood archetype, I suspect ... the vigilante who thwarts a corrupt authority figure and his either evil, or simply dumb and obedient, henchmen. It's a romanticism (if I'm using the term right), and adds a flair of mystery and panache.

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Re: Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind.


It's a throwback to the old Zorro/Robin Hood archetype' date=' I suspect ... the vigilante who thwarts a corrupt authority figure and his either evil, or simply dumb and obedient, henchmen. It's a romanticism (if I'm using the term right), and adds a flair of mystery and panache.[/quote']


Yup. As I said up thread, it's the core of the heroic myth, the idea that one good, strong man can step forward and set things right.

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Re: Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind.


I love costumes and spandex and secret identities' date=' and I don't mind the fact that no-one ever sees through the Clark Kent glasses or the Green Arrow micro-domino mask.[/quote']

There was a great line about that in Mike Grell's "The Longbow Hunters." "All those years of maintaining a secret identity and you're telling me the only reason nobody found out was that nobody cared!?"

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Re: Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind.


A masked man using a false name is answerable to no one' date=' until he's caught and the mask removed.[/quote']What? You mean the masks that supers wear can actually come off?


Well, okay, they can take their own mask off in the privacy of their own home/lab/space station/base/cave... but no-one else can take them off! Ever! Right?

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Re: Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind.


What? You mean the masks that supers wear can actually come off?


Well, okay, they can take their own mask off in the privacy of their own home/lab/space station/base/cave... but no-one else can take them off! Ever! Right?


If anyone does get the mask off, then of course everyone recognizes the person under the mask (in fairness, I seem to recall a few exceptions where the unmaskers were nonplussed that, getting the mask off, it was just some guy, not someone they all recognized).


And they don't all wear masks. How come no one recognizes Black Canary? She's not even using the "wig" excuse any more.

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Re: Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind.


We all have god days and bad days' date=' and the comics ask us to accept a pretty wide variance between the two for most Supers.[emphasis added']

Realize that's a typo, but a very approperate one given the comments made about Spider-God in another threat.

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Re: Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind.


If anyone does get the mask off, then of course everyone recognizes the person under the mask (in fairness, I seem to recall a few exceptions where the unmaskers were nonplussed that, getting the mask off, it was just some guy, not someone they all recognized).


And they don't all wear masks. How come no one recognizes Black Canary? She's not even using the "wig" excuse any more.

I always loved the excuse not to unmask their opponents as "it might be booby trapped." Just what kind of a trap are you going to put right next to your face? I picture an explosive device of some sort.. :lol:

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Re: Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind.


I always loved the excuse not to unmask their opponents as "it might be booby trapped." Just what kind of a trap are you going to put right next to your face? I picture an explosive device of some sort.. :lol:


Cobra Commander actually had such a trap on his helmet. Nutjob. :rolleyes: IIRC, the idea was that it was a shaped charge that would exert the vast majority of its force outward, ie at the people taking the helmet off, and not injure CC himself too much.


But then, brain damage might improve him, especially the cartoon version. :dyn:P

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Re: Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind.


If anyone does get the mask off, then of course everyone recognizes the person under the mask (in fairness, I seem to recall a few exceptions where the unmaskers were nonplussed that, getting the mask off, it was just some guy, not someone they all recognized).


And they don't all wear masks. How come no one recognizes Black Canary? She's not even using the "wig" excuse any more.


I've met a fair number of celebs face to face and not recognized them out of context. In a sweat suit without makeup, Uma Thurman or Tricia Helfer are good looking women, but I didn't instantly say "Beatrix Kiddo" or "Number Six" when I saw them. Once I met one of my students when she was working as a model, and I had no idea who she was until she started talking to me.


All of which is to say that, so long as we're not talking about the police or a trained observer trying to identify someone, I can see a costume even without a mask doing a good job of keeping casual observers from connecting a super with his or her Secret Identity.


Of course, Lois and Jimmy knew Clark's secret as soon as Superman started talking with them. They just couldn't convince anyone else, and the government just openned a file. ;)

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Re: Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind.


Long conversations in the middle of combat.


Completely whacked, real people don't converse while trying to beat each other up but it works for flow in the comics.


Yup. And long philosophical conversations between people who intend to kill one-another. No cinematic bad guy ever just kills the hero. First, he always has to explain why it's OK for him to kill the hero.


Actually, scratch that. I hate that one.

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Re: Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind.


I always loved the excuse not to unmask their opponents as "it might be booby trapped." Just what kind of a trap are you going to put right next to your face? I picture an explosive device of some sort.. :lol:


what comics have you been reading???? I've never seen this.

I can remember tons of foiled attempts to unmask characters though, and a few successful ones.

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Re: Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind.


what comics have you been reading???? I've never seen this.

I can remember tons of foiled attempts to unmask characters though, and a few successful ones.

I don't remember issue numbers or anything, but I have seen several Bat-Rogues say this about Batman. I just want to see someone reach under the cowl and *snik* there go two fingers. But I still giggle at the thought of "Unmask him.." *boom*





"Well, at least we don't have to worry about Batman anymore..." :snicker:

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Re: Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind.


I don't mind Spidey's horrid costume changes. Accepting the black costume, which is my favorite, and the future spidey jacket, which I thought was clever, his costume changes are ridiculous. Steel Spider anyone? And my new personal favorite worst costume: IRon Spidey




Scroll down about halfway.

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Re: Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind.


I don't mind Spidey's horrid costume changes. Accepting the black costume, which is my favorite, and the future spidey jacket, which I thought was clever, his costume changes are ridiculous. Steel Spider anyone? And my new personal favorite worst costume: IRon Spidey




Scroll down about halfway.


Yeah, like I said in the NGD, I hate the booties.

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Re: Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind.


I don't mind Spidey's horrid costume changes. Accepting the black costume, which is my favorite, and the future spidey jacket, which I thought was clever, his costume changes are ridiculous. Steel Spider anyone? And my new personal favorite worst costume: IRon Spidey




Scroll down about halfway.

I bet the iron spider mask is booby trapped... :sneaky:

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