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Seemingly Silly Things to Model

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Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model


"You didn't frisk me well enough.": You have somehow managed to mount functioning weapons on a certain type of intimate garment. This makes your Concealment roll for the weapons much easier, but there is a serious downside: given where the weapons are located (which varies depending on your gender), actually firing them is quite painful, meaning you do STUN damage to yourself when you do.

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Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model


Chopsticks: Look cool because you can actually use them.: +5 PRE (5 Active Points); Requires A Luck Roll (Active Point penalty to Skill Roll is -1 per 5 Active Points; -1 1/2), Side Effects (You end up with food in your lap.; -1/4)

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Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model


"This'll fix you right up! Don't believe me? Ask Joe!": You have the ability to whip up a potion/drug/whatever that will be effective in curing the illness or injury of one specific person but nobody else. A typical use is to go to an area riddled by a plague, publicly cure one person, sell the potion to everybody else in town, and then skedaddle with all their money before the survivors catch on and catch up to you. Also useful for rescuing spies in enemy territory.

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Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model


What we Need Now is a Cunning Plan....: When you as a player are stumped as to how you are going to get out of the mess your in, you can ask the GM to make an INT roll on your behalf in secret. If the roll is made, he gives you a suggestion that might get you out of your predicament. If it is failed, he gives you a suggestion that is guaranteed to get you into even deeper trouble. What you do with this information is entirely up to you. Further, the GM is under no obligation to tell you whether the roll was made or failed.

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Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model


What we Need Now is a Cunning Plan....: When you as a player are stumped as to how you are going to get out of the mess your in' date=' you can ask the GM to make an INT roll on your behalf [i']in secret[/i]. If the roll is made, he gives you a suggestion thnat might get you out of your predicament. If it is failed, he gives you a suggestion that is guarunteed to get you into even deeper trouble. What you do with this information is entirely up to you. Further, the GM is under no obligation to tell you whether the roll was made or failed.


"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Michael Hopcroft again."

Well :tonguewav to that!


:mad: And here I was gonna rep you for two consecutive Blackadder references.

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Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model


well, since you asked:

"How Did You Get So Much Custard from Such a Small Cat?": The culinary equivalent of the Disguise Skill, this enables you to make something look and occasionally even taste somewhat edible that is, in reality, anything but. Your "subjects" will not even suffer ill effects from the realization of what they actually ate, although if their "food" is actually harmful to humans they will suffer those effects. Usually used out of desperation rather than malice....


"My Lady is Like the Sun in the heavens....": You have a knack for figuring out the right thing to say to prevent utterly insane authority figures from inflicting extreme harm and pain upon you, and to make them believe that you think they are, in fact, perfectly rational. It helps to know that your King or Queen is a total barking nutter, and in what particular way, so that you can use those elements of his or her unique lunacy to your advantage. But when this skill is failed, it tends to backfire in truly spectacular ways....

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model


"This Gives me the Strength of Twenty Atom Bombs for a Period of Twenty Seconds!": You have access to a special drug, usually in pill form, that boosts your physical abilities to an alarming degree. However, the abilities go away at the end of your next turn and it does not give you any additional phases. In addition, you use the full END of your new ability levels while they are active, and you can only carry one dose on your person.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model


The Coyote Effect: The Laws of Physics are wonderful things. They are rational, predictable, orderly and they work just fine -- for everyone except you. Unfortunately, you have done something to thoroughly annoy whoever enforces the Laws of Nature, so in your case they are applied selectively. You could blithely walk or run off a cliff, and would be just fine until you realize what you've done, at which instant Gravity comes back from its coffee break and has its usual effect. Even causality itself will malfunction in your presence, and it will always do so to your detriment. The Cosmos has enough pity on you that it will not kill you outright with this effect -- why destroy your favorite plaything? -- but your life will be unpleasant if interesting for some time to come. You ca usually overcome this problem only by completing some fantastic, impossible task (such as catching an elusive bird with Superspeed) at which point the Universe might forgive you. Mind you, I said might.

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  • 2 months later...

Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model


It's been long enough, I shall now give in and name the reference ;)


"How can you doubt a man who has muscles like these?!?": The character can use his Strength in a Persuasion attempt. This isn't Intimidation; he is effectively seducing you with his bright, perfectly sculpted body.


Major Alex Louis Armstrong, from Full Metal Alchemist.

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Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model


Not Tonight, Dear, You've Got a Headache: You have the ability, with just a single icy glare, to make those members of the opposite sex who are giving you unwelcome attention decide they have better things to do with their evening. Things like washing dishes or organizing the sock drawer.

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Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model


Didn't somebody on these boars solve the age old question "How Much Wood Would A Woodchuck Chuck If A Woodchuck Would Chuck Wood?" by building a woodchuck with the hero system rules? If they did does anyone have a link? I couldn't find it when I went searching for it.


I couldn't find a full writeup for an actual woodchuck, but I did find Sean Waters' answer to Lucius' question about how much wood could be chucked with 10 Strength TK:


There was also a silly thread dedicated entirely to the woodchuck:


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Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model


I don't know exactly why, but this strikes me as a very cool, if disturbing, power. Also, I have no idea how to model it.




Bit late on this one, but I just stumbled across it.


Had a villain with a similar problem, only plants within thirty yards of him died instead of fish, and animals hissed and spat, etc.


Modeled it with Distinctive Features, as it had no real 'game value.' Yes, the case could be made that against a hero with a plant motif, it could have value, and therefore should be built as a power.


But it wasn't, because there wasn't, and it didn't. I would think something similar would work for 'Fish Fear Me.' Now if you can work up a 'women want me,' we'd have the entire bumper sticker.

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Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model


Modeled it with Distinctive Features, as it had no real 'game value.' Yes, the case could be made that against a hero with a plant motif, it could have value, and therefore should be built as a power.


But it wasn't, because there wasn't, and it didn't.


But if a player wanted to take plant powers later on, would that new character need to take "Susceptibility: powers that would cause plants to die" as a Limitation? Or would consistency (with the Distinctive Feature, which was not bought as a power) demand that the Disadvantage (of Distinctive Features) not be allowed to cause an advantage against someone who actually paid points for their Plant powers?


I mean, obviously, the Distinctive Features couldn't simply be rewritten as a Power, nor could a special exception be made for such a case. Changing one's mind about how it was originally statted out would be tantamount to admitting that one hadn't done it perfectly in the first place, wasn't playing HERO as it ought to be played :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model


I'm Too Sexy For My Shirt: Any clothing you wear becomes alarmingly provocative, regardless of what it shows and what it doesn't. People of the appropriate orientation will make lewd comments, proposition you and leer suggestively at you no what you wear -- even a burkha.


So Sexy It Hurts: When your lustful impulses are aroused, you take STUN damage every turn as your erogenous zones give off sensations so intense they are searingly painful. Sexual activity itself is so intense that it can cause you to pass out from the alarming combination of pleasure and agony (Le petit mort has a quite literal meaning for you). Despite this, your sex drive can be normal or even more active than normal....

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Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model


I'm Too Sexy for my Cat: All types of feline creatures that have not been "altered" find your presence induces heat or rut as gender-appropriate. What is more, they will tend to act upon their new state immediately, and if they cannot find an appropriate lust object they will find an inappropriate one -- usually the one that is least convenient to you. with domestic cats this is inconvenient and annoying, but should you be alone in a tiger cage with the tiger....


I'm a Model, You Know what I Mean: PS: Chippendale's Dancer.

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Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model


The "Tonight Show Announcer" point reminded me of a villain I have.


Whenever they arrive, everyone is startled. This person could be EXPECTED, yet will still cause a startle reflex when they arrive.



Oh! and don't forget...


Bowler's Telekinesis: TK STR 0; Usable only on Bowling Balls, Gestures required.

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Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model


Bowler's Telekinesis: TK STR 0; Usable only on Bowling Balls, Gestures required.


I would dearly love to see writeups of some of Fred Flintstone's "trick shots" with a bowling ball as attacks. Although the way he bowled is not physically possible in the real world (tiptoes just doesn't work, guys), he was able to do some fairly amazing things with a ball, including make strikes on two different lanes simultaneously.


Most Energy Projectors would love to have their main attack be that versatile.

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Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model


Put A Little English On The Ball: you can cause any game-related sphere to bend and curve in its flight in truly astounding ways. Pool balls bounce and "fade" unbelievably, bowling balls practically sneak between pins to hit other pins, and your baseball "curveball" is legendary.


When, that is, it works. Since in Hero terms this has an Activation Roll, it doesn't always work. When it doesn't, the ball lands up covered with lettering.


The lettering is, of course, a quotation from Shakespeare or other great English writer.

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Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model


Issue #10, BTW.



Of the year.



It's a very funny article. A few more examples:


Overall Levels: The character is +1 with everything, but only if he's wearing overalls. Very popular in rural areas.


Bus Transfer: The character can ride public transportation all day, with only one transfer (but he has to buy the transfer with money like anybody else).


Defect: A character with this power can change loyalties at any time, even in the middle of combat.


Missle Detection: The character can spot an incoming Ranged Attack. Not that he can do anything about it...


No Identity: The character doesn't know who he is. The authorities don't know who he is. NOBODY knows who he is. It's recommended that the best (well, most amusing) way to play this disadvantage is for the GM and the other players to completely ignore the player whose character has this.


Diving Under The Covers: This combat maneuver can be performed if the character is within 1 hex of a bed. Could be useful for dealing with boogymen...


Move Away: The character can, during his phase, move to a new residence, making it hard, or even impossible, for a Hunted to find him. There's a "Forwarding Address" option, which means the character will, eventually, be found.


Never On: A power with this Limitation can never be used. It's a -10 Limitation.


And the most unlikely one of all...

Common Sense: The character can tie his shoes, eat with a fork, and know that a $1,000,000 phone bill should be discussed with customer service. In short, the character has enough brains to be allowed out in public without a keeper. Most heroes should have Common Sense, far too few do.


For Shame Basil! You forgot the most important power from that series.


Absolut Time Sense-the character knows when it is time to drink Vodka.


Who could resist having potato alcohal powers?

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Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model


For Shame Basil! You forgot the most important power from that series.


Absolut Time Sense-the character knows when it is time to drink Vodka.


Who could resist having potato alcohal powers?


Ah yes. That was from Champions Minus, Too!, from Adventurers Club #26, about 8 years after Champions Minus came out.


It contained such "marvels" as:


Cheating: Like Cramming, but required use of cheat-sheets, copying others' work, and so on.


Simulate Amusement: For players not characters, it allowed one to pretend to enjoy the GM's jokes


Microwave Skill Levels: Can be "take[n]...in addition to Range Skill Levels." Recommended in modern genres, to handle cooking.


Pretend: A General skill similar to Knowledge, except the character doesn't really know anything, he just acts like he does, usually parroting popular or sterotypical beliefs


End Battery: The character can make others stop the crime of Battery. "For +10 points the character end stop Assault as well." --- Hey, I'm only quoting! Don't blame me, assault!


Diplomatic Immunity: This Power Advantage prevents the Power from harming anyone who works in an embassy, consulate, etc.


Chunneling: The character with this power can drive underwater, but only between France and England.


There were more, but I'll spare you. :eg:

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