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Marvel's Ten Best, Continued...The Ten Best Energy Projectors


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In tribute to the great Ten Best Bricks thread, how about this one, the Ten Best Energy Projectors. It's a pretty wide and impressive field but Ive left out the mystics (maybe wrongly) since they're kinda borderline energy projectors (and borderline eveything) but have included the cosmic types and brick hybrids. So good luck. Can't wait to see what the consensus is if any.


Marvel's Top Ten Energy Projectors (unranked, except for the Surfer):


1) The Silver Surfer

2) Magneto

3) Invisble Woman

4) Captain Marvel 2/Photon (Monica Rambeau)

5) Cyclops (as pure an energy projector as it gets)

6) Havok (ditto but with cooler SFX)

7) Iron Man

8) Human Torch

9) Quasar

10) Thor



It's an unusual list and there's zillions of others who qualify but it's start.



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Re: Marvel's Ten Best, Continued...The Ten Best Energy Projectors


Magneto is more of a Controller than a Blaster.


Unless something has significantly changed since I collected the Invisible Woman isnt a Blaster either.


Firestar is a pretty powerful Blaster

Blackstar...the Inhuman King is a uber powerful Blaster

Banshee was pretty crazy in his hey day

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Re: Marvel's Ten Best, Continued...The Ten Best Energy Projectors


1) Cyclops

2) Human Torch

3) Iceman

4) Invisible Woman

5) Havok

6) Banshee

7) Dr. Strange

8) Silver Surfer

9) Iron Man

10) Phoenix (Jean)


Ok, assuming we’re talking coolest/favorite and not most powerful.

Included here are energy manipulators, but not gadgeteers.


Thoughts on others: Storm would have been on here years ago, but I just really don’t care for her anymore. Never liked (Rachel) Phoenix, or (Monica) Captain Marvel. Don’t much like Justice. Sunfire, Siryn, and Polaris would be in the next ten.

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Re: Marvel's Ten Best, Continued...The Ten Best Energy Projectors


In no particular order:

Silver Surfer


Captain Mar-vell(either one)

Phoenix(Rachel Summers)


Electro(actually quite powerful but a loser nontheless)


Dazzler(as long as there is enough sound around her- see her fight against Klaw)


Black Bolt

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Re: Marvel's Ten Best, Continued...The Ten Best Energy Projectors


I'd contemplated Black Bolt, for my list, as well as Blastaar and Annihilus, maybe they should have made it. I guess Galactus counts as an Energy Projector but that just may not be fair at all. Then you'd have to include the Stranger and the Celestials and why not the Beyonder? But still none of them throw a zap like Cyclops, lol.

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Re: Marvel's Ten Best, Continued...The Ten Best Energy Projectors


Oh yeah, and I think the controller vs projector thing may be a distinction without a difference. Magneto, for instance controls magnetism but he throws one of the meanest EBs in the MU when he wants to. Graviton too.

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Re: Marvel's Ten Best, Continued...The Ten Best Energy Projectors


Human Torch (My original superhero idol)


(Oh, man...just imagined a TV show called superhero idol, where Simon Cowl...dressed in a cowl, sneers at their choice of dress and how they rescue damsels)




Human Torch

Silver Surfer (Wouldn't have thought of him but he's a good choice)

Iron Man



[simpsons Reference]"Wait, I have a campaign song too!......I am IRON MAN, Du nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh Vote for me!"[/simpsons reference]


Wow, I better get out of here before I go on another tangent!--

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Re: Marvel's Ten Best, Continued...The Ten Best Energy Projectors


Other than the Surfer, who is the ultimate MU energy projector (barring the Elders and Power Wielders) I think the greatest energy projector among the heralds (maybe even on par with the Surfer) is Air Walker. He seemed to control not just air but raw energy in a way no other herald ever has. He was ultimately cool!

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Re: Marvel's Ten Best, Continued...The Ten Best Energy Projectors


Man, I couldn't begin to narrow down that field.


Okay, that's a lie, because I'm going to give it a shot.



the Human Torch



the Scarlet Witch



Dr. Strange


would Hawkeye count?


I don't feel Iron Man is rightly here, as he's just as likely to punch it out as anything. If I included him, I'd have to put Dr. Doom on the list as well.


I didn't include the Silver Surfer because he's, well, really goofy.

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Re: Marvel's Ten Best, Continued...The Ten Best Energy Projectors


I agree. I don't see Haweye as primarily or even secondarily and energy projector. He's more a Weapons Master/MA type. I inckuded Iron Man because of his flexibility as brick/energy projector but it's equally arguable that he shouldn't be included because he's more of a gadgeteer or even a brick. Same goes for Unicorn (who's a really great choice, btw, and a really underused character). It's these damn hybrids that screw everything up.

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Re: Marvel's Ten Best, Continued...The Ten Best Energy Projectors


In no particular order

Human Torch.


Silver Surfer

Captain Marvel II

X-Ray (from U foes)

The Invisible Woman (Sorry, she has a force blast, force fields, and so on... she fits fine by champions definition)

Firestar (her microwavery hotness)



Binary (okay, she's back to Brick mode now, but hey)

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Re: Marvel's Ten Best, Continued...The Ten Best Energy Projectors


Y'know, it's interesting what Killer Shrike and Log said about the distinction between pure energy projectors ("blasters") and energy manipulators or controllers. If you differentiate that way, I thinkI would create two rather different lists.


So...that being said...


Marvel's Top Ten Energy Projectors (Blasters):


1) Blastaar (after all it's practically named after him)

2) Cyclops (still the archetype)

3) Havok (previously he had the coolest costume of all EPs)

4) Banshee (the best pure blaster of all, IMO)

5) Electro (may be a bit of an energy manipulator too)

6) Annihilus (one really really big EB)

7) Warbird

8) Dazzler

9) Moonstone

10) Nitro



Marvel's Top Ten Energy Manipulators (Controllers):


1) The Silver Surfer (the Power Cosmic trumps anything else)

2) Magneto

3) Dr. Strange

4) Graviton

5) Captain Marvel 2 (Monica Rambeau)

6) Scarlet Witch

7) Invisible Woman

8) Sersi

9) Black Bolt

10) Firelord

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Re: Marvel's Ten Best, Continued...The Ten Best Energy Projectors


I was originally thinking of more straight up blaster types but the differentiation suggested by Log and Shrike (there's a gimmick legal firm for sure) struck me as worth exploring. It seems that in virtually every case the line is pretty gray, anyway. I can only think of a small handful of pure blasters (Blastaar, Cyclops and maybe Havok) so maybe that says something about how varied the whole archetype has become.

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Re: Marvel's Ten Best, Continued...The Ten Best Energy Projectors


Come to think of it, can you think of 10 MAJOR characters in Marvel who just blast? Not fly and blast (although flight is an accepted energy projector attribute) or have super strength and blast but just plain old blast? It's tough to think of more than few.

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Re: Marvel's Ten Best, Continued...The Ten Best Energy Projectors


Come to think of it' date=' can you think of 10 MAJOR characters in Marvel who just blast? Not fly and blast (although flight is an accepted energy projector attribute) or have super strength and blast but just plain old blast? It's tough to think of more than few.[/quote']



Off the top of my head:


- Cyclops

- Havok

- Living Laser

- Avalanche

- Dagger

- Energizer (From Power Pack)

- Electro

- Jubilee

- Sunfire



Hmm. Cyc and Havok are the only "A" list players here, but I don't think the others are that obscure.

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Re: Marvel's Ten Best, Continued...The Ten Best Energy Projectors


Well, Magneto might throw a mean blast, but its not the first thing that leaps to ones mind when you think "what would Magneto do?".


I didnt mean a Controller as in an Energy Controller. I meant a general archetype or style of character.


Controllers specialize in tieing up many opposing characters at once and generally bending things to their will. While they may have a vaneer of another type of character, its their ability to disrupt, hamper, hold, or otherwise hinder their opponents that defines them.





As a side note, in the old Marvel Super Heroes Advanced supplement, The Ultimate Powers Book, Control was considered seperately from Emission.


Here are some great old MSHA resources:



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Re: Marvel's Ten Best, Continued...The Ten Best Energy Projectors


No list from me. The definitions are too mercurial. I'll likely go over the Champions-defined archetypes again at some point in the near future and come up with suitable lists, but it gets too difficult to narrow down characters sometimes. Hawkeye--gadgeteer or energy projector? Pheonix--mentalist or energy projector? Iron Man--power armor, brick or energy projector?


But Cyclops is my first choice, cuz yeah, he's the archetype. Iceman and Human Torch, too.

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Re: Marvel's Ten Best, Continued...The Ten Best Energy Projectors


Energy Projectors, moreso than most are difficult to define.


Is it all a matter of SFX? In that case, virtually any character with a ranged attack of any sort could qualify (and even some without).

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Re: Marvel's Ten Best, Continued...The Ten Best Energy Projectors


Surely Pyro counts. He doesn't fly (or he didn't used to' date=' anyway).[/quote']

Actually, Pyro was a controller. He couldn't create or project his own flames. That's why he wore a small "flamethrower" as part of his costume.

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