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New Avengers


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Re: New Avengers


Aside from Alpha Flight, which scene didn't really bother although it was something of a "Worf Syndrome", I loved the way Tony just infuriated and brushed off the head of Shield. Tony can be a real ****head sometimes. Which is perfectly in character.


I actually like this comics. It's not the best, and yeah there are things that don't ring true, but for me it's a fun read.

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Re: New Avengers


Did I miss the thread where everyone ranted about DC killing off the Freedom Fighters?


While I don't like the ideal of killing of Alpha Flight, they are Marvel's IP, and Marvel can do what they want with them. How many series have they had, and how many lasted any length of time? No one wants to buy the books, but everyone wants the characters to last forever??


Frankly, I'd rather see them dead than see them subjected to more of the BwaHaHa style of their last series outing. It might have been better to kill them off before that series. It's like cancelling a TV show while it's still good instead of dragging it out long after all the plots have been used and the major characters are gone.


I suspect this will ultimately be one of those "they were beaten but not killed" moments if and when someone wants to use the Alphans in future, regardless of whether this was billed as their "final battle". How many characters actually stay dead anyway? Hopefully, their next outing will be more reminiscent of their first series than their most recent failures.


Haven't read comics since the mid-90's but from what I can tell, one thing remains the same: No one stays dead. No individual, no team.


You can come up with a handful that have? Great, tell that to the truck-loads that have been brought back.


Sounds to me like the reason Alpha Flight was dropped between panels is related to the above. Everyone comes back. Death is no big deal. There's no great loss, no profound meaning, no lasting impact. Presumably their characters visit the john between panels and death in their minds is about as significant as that.


Just sad.

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Re: New Avengers


that wasnt the only thing that annoyed me about it it was the fact that they hadf just wasted 8 pages on wide screen filler crap they could have had a nice super battle my guess bendis didnt have enough written to fill the comic but thats just annoying you could easily have fitted the whole first 3rd of the book into a single page and given alpha flight a proper fight.

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Re: New Avengers


I'm going to take a wild guess that Carol Danvers will die absorbing enough energy from the villain to help the Avengers beat him. She'll have a huge heroes' funeral, everyone will come to it, etc.


Otherwise, why fill up a whole issue with her talking to Cap about "proving her worth"?


They are starting a new Ms Marvel month comic. It seems that during the whole House of M thing, Carol, known as Captain Marvel, was one of the great superheroes of the world (think Superman in style and public reaction). After that was over, she decided that she be that person in normal continiuty - so I thought of the stuff in the NA as support for her own comic.



Yes, I'm planning on buying the Ms Marvel comics. I've always liked Carol.

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Re: New Avengers


With the exception of "Binary" I liked Ms. Marvel. If Bendis isn't writing it, I might check it out.


Besides, just not enough hotties with their own titles out there.


I'm wondering if the New Avengers even has an editor or anyone with taste, a sense of history, or any sort of moral compass. Funny, with all the stuff about The Avengers comcis said here lately, I couldn't get worked up. But this really did piss me off.

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Re: New Avengers


With the exception of "Binary" I liked Ms. Marvel. If Bendis isn't writing it, I might check it out.


Besides, just not enough hotties with their own titles out there.


Written by Brian Reeed.

Pecnil/ Inked by Roberto De la Torre / Jimmy Palmiotti.

Cover by Cho.


And judging by the unfortunitely titled "Giant Sized Ms Marvel" it will definatly qualify for the second statement. She is almost getting the "power girl" treatment. Though not that bad.

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Re: New Avengers


Written by Brian Reeed.

Pecnil/ Inked by Roberto De la Torre / Jimmy Palmiotti.

Cover by Cho.


And judging by the unfortunitely titled "Giant Sized Ms Marvel" it will definatly qualify for the second statement. She is almost getting the "power girl" treatment. Though not that bad.

She'll be a role model for all women facing the crippling social stigma of living with enormous, perfectly symmetrical breasts.

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Re: New Avengers


Interesting crew. Cloak is a bit of a surprise to me; Has he been appearing in some book somewhere?


Is that Blob in the back row with the goggles?


Who is the guy on the left edge with the headband and the red cloth wrapped around him? And for that matter, the similar looking girl next to him?


Who is the pointy-eared guy in front of The Thing?


Is the redhead in front of The Hulk, Jessica Jones? MJ? Other?

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Re: New Avengers


Interesting crew. Cloak is a bit of a surprise to me; Has he been appearing in some book somewhere?


Is that Blob in the back row with the goggles?


Who is the guy on the left edge with the headband and the red cloth wrapped around him? And for that matter, the similar looking girl next to him?


Who is the pointy-eared guy in front of The Thing?


Is the redhead in front of The Hulk, Jessica Jones? MJ? Other?

The only one I'm sure of is the pointy-ear guy is Namor. :)

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Re: New Avengers


Well I thought they might just dissolve Alpha Flight (as a government backed team) and those characters might be used later. As I posted earlier I think that panel could be taken in two diferent ways. The Chief of SHIELD said that they were down but did not expressly say that they were dead. But if they are dead I have sympathy for the fans that will miss them.


I understand that some people liked Alpha Flight and would appreciate seeing a throwdown. So they complain that the writer does not appreciate the characters or the fans. Of course you have the Fans that loathed Alpha Flight and would complain about the Writer wasting too much time on a team just to show how cool they could be. They would say things along the lines of "If you liked Alpha Flight so much, why don't you write that and leave The Avengers alone. Man I remember back when the ...."


At any rate I took the issue as a way for us to get to know a little more about SHIELD and it's new Director because they are shaping up to be major players in the storylines to come, as well as to introduce a new Villian that people won't complain about The Avengers fighting like they did when the weaker half of the team took on The Wrecker.


All truth be told I am shocked that people are not complaining about the fact that for the last two issues, the Avengers looked more like they were Guest Stars in their own comic than the main characters.

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Re: New Avengers


Interesting crew. Cloak is a bit of a surprise to me; Has he been appearing in some book somewhere?


Is that Blob in the back row with the goggles?


Who is the guy on the left edge with the headband and the red cloth wrapped around him? And for that matter, the similar looking girl next to him?


Who is the pointy-eared guy in front of The Thing?


Is the redhead in front of The Hulk, Jessica Jones? MJ? Other?

The Blob looking guy is from The New Warriors but his name escapes me.


The guy is Wiccan from Young Avengers the girl next to him is Kate Bishop, she does not have a code name yet.


The woman standing in front of the Hulk is also standing next to Black Bolt which leads me to believe that it is Medusa

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Re: New Avengers


Interesting crew. Cloak is a bit of a surprise to me; Has he been appearing in some book somewhere?


Is that Blob in the back row with the goggles?


Who is the guy on the left edge with the headband and the red cloth wrapped around him? And for that matter, the similar looking girl next to him?


Who is the pointy-eared guy in front of The Thing?


Is the redhead in front of The Hulk, Jessica Jones? MJ? Other?


Cloak and Dagger have done gueast spots in Runaways. In fact, they were in the last arc, which took the kids from LA to NYC.


The guy with the goggles is Microbe form the New Warriors limited series.

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Re: New Avengers


Well if this poster for the upcoming Civil War story is accurate Puck, Guardian and a critter that looks an awful lot like Sasquatch will survive the Bendis off screen killing of Alpha Flight.




The Blob

Union Jack

Captain Britain

Wonder Man

Iron Fist



Speed Ball


Dr. Chen





Songbird (aka Screaming Mimi)

Luke Cage

The Thing

Silver Surfer

The Falcon

Black Cat



Human Torch

The Invisible Woman (aka Ms. Fantastic)


Black Panther


Mr. Fantastic

Dare Devil

Mary Jane-Parker (aka Ms. Parker)

(aka Young Avengers)

Iron Man

Doctor Stranger (aka Sorcerer Supreme)


(aka Young Avengers)

(aka Young Avengers)

Captain America

(aka Young Avengers)


She Hulk


Spider Woman


Black Widow

Cloak & Dagger


Ice Man

Ghost Rider


Professor X

Moon Knight








P.S.: Why is Bendis being given free reign?

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