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Dust Raven

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On my way to class today I got hit by a violin. And then I got hit by an oboe. And then I got hit by a French horn.


Now I'm just trying to figure out who orchestrated the attack. 

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The growing pilot shortage has led to lowering of standards at airlines, and the following incident:

A new pilot and copilot landing for the first time at Des Moines, Iowa, International Airport, are flummoxed by the runway.

After a minute, the pilot says, "Wow! This is short. We need full flaps and air brakes."

Co-pilot replies, "Sure!"

The pilot looks ahead and tells the co-pilot, "This runway is way so short, when we touch down I need full reverse throttle."

Co-pilot says, "Ok, sir!"

The plane touches down on the numbers! With all the dirty wings and reverse engines, it makes a horrendous noise, skidding and swerving until it comes to a halt just short of the grass.

The pilot says, "Wow! That’s the shortest runway I’ve ever seen!"

The co-pilot looks out both windows and says, "Yeah, but did you ever see one so wide?"

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A hiker is passing by a farm and stops to say hello and pet the farmer’s dog.  After a brief chat with the farmer, the hiker starts making barking noises, which the dog responds to.

“What are you doing?” the farmer asks.

“Oh, I can speak with animals.” says the hiker.

“That’s impossible.” the farmer says.

“Well, your dog tells me that you live alone out here on the farm, and he is your best friend, and sometimes you give him steak off you plate when you have dinner.”

“Well, that is all true, but you could have guessed that.  Animals can’t talk.” says the farmer.

The hiker then makes some neighing noises, and the farmer’s horse responds in kind.

“Well, now, your horse tells me that you brush him daily, and he gets oats and carrots at least once a week.”

“Lots of horses eat oats and carrots.  That doesn’t mean anything.” says the farmer.

“Okay, then, let me ask your sheep over there something that only she would know.” says hiker.

The farmer says angrily “Now don’t be talking to the sheep, she’s a damn liar!”

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Knock knock.

Who's there?


Tank who?

You're welcome, bro.


Knock knock.

Who's there?


Nobel who?

No bell. That's why I knocked.


Knock knock.

Who's there?


Alex who?

I'll explain later.


Knock knock.

Who's there?


Radio who?

Ready or not, here I come!

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