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Most Embarassing Champions Moment

Cosmic Man

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Re: Most Embarassing Champions Moment


Mine was an early game with my renegade ninja who had set out to destroy the evil that spawned him. He was dealing with a minor bankjob, a goon got a lucky hit with an energy blaster, and down my character went. His ED was puny, my GM had noticed, and he decided to bring this to my attention. This was rectified asap. ;)

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Re: Most Embarassing Champions Moment


My sneaky-thief/wizard character "Vixen" broke into someone's house to check out what was in his safe. She tries to open the lock, using her considerable thiefy skills. She fails, so she tries again, and again, and again, for an hour. The lock is just too hard.


The GM finally says, "That lock is so difficult to pick, it would take magic to get it open."


I sigh and say, "Sure, but how am I going to find a wizard at... this... time... of... oh, yeah."


It's been years since I did this, and the other players still haven't let me live this down. Now, when someone forgets crucial character information, we call it "Having a Vixen Moment." :snicker:



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Re: Most Embarassing Champions Moment


I've managed to avoid most *huge* embarassments ... most of my losses have been good fights, and I triple-check all character designs for gaping holes like 'no resistant defenses' and the like. Can't say the same for some of my past gaming associates.


I saw someone who had 'Enraged when he takes BODY damage' throw a punch at someone with a Penetrating Killing Damage Shield. He hit, took Body, went Enraged, kept punching, kept taking BODY, and eventually killed himself on the damage shield.


Huge RKA, Armor Piercing, Area Effect, No Range. No Personal Immunity, No Resistant Defenses. "It's the Stupendous Splat-Man!" I think we've all seen one of these.


My favorite embarassing moments, however, came from my Fantasy HERO game (4E). The first was a running gag ... we had a Swashbuckler named Alan in the group. He was good, pretty typical for a buckle-swasher ... good DEX, defenses were poor, but he was hard to it ... unless you used a hammer. If you used a hammer, you would always hit him at least once. In the crotch. ALWAYS in the crotch. And 4E hammers had +1 Stun Multipliers, so ... yeah.


In the same game, our barbarian tracker is trying to hunt down a Forest Drake. He rolls an 18 (more properly, I rolled it for him ... secret check) on the Tracking, but he finds the tracks. He follows them for a while, then he notices that four humanoids on foot have joined the dragon, because the tracks are overlapping.


About twenty seconds later, someone realizes what this means, and turns around to see the Forest Drake point-blank behind them ... it'd been following them around in a circle. :) One thorn-breath blast attack later ...

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Re: Most Embarassing Champions Moment


My favorite embarassing moments' date=' however, came from my Fantasy HERO game (4E). The first was a running gag ... we had a Swashbuckler named Alan in the group. He was good, pretty typical for a buckle-swasher ... good DEX, defenses were poor, but he was hard to it ... unless you used a hammer. If you used a hammer, you would always hit him at least once. In the crotch. ALWAYS in the crotch. And 4E hammers had +1 Stun Multipliers, so ... yeah.[/quote']


Reminds me of a person I knew, in a vampire game.


His Toreador martial artist was celerity-maxed, it was supreme, it was unstoppable. The man was like Jet Li on vampire crack, with an Old World European veneer. He was awesome, badass, and handed out the pain to things that scared the piss out of 99% of the planet.


... unless he was fighting a Gangrel.


Vs. Gangrel, he would almost always botch, and they would almost always crit. Every single time. In one infamous incident, he killed a 6th generation Sabbat bishop with his first attack... and then spent the rest of the fight unsuccessfully trying to damage its 9th generation Gangrel henchman pud.


And this was with two customized Glocks firing white phosphrous bullets.


Edit -- for those who don't play Vampire, this was the equivalent of swooping in, punking Batman cold -- *punking* him *absolutely* -- on your first Phase, and then spending the rest of the Turn getting your ass kicked by Robin.


To this day, we mock him mercilessly (like, oh, right now, with this post I'm writing *eg*) with the fact that he bears the Curse of the Gangrel.

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Re: Most Embarassing Champions Moment


I wasn't present, but heard this story from some friends. The heros track down some baddies and chase them into a danceclub. All the normals run, the heroes wade in, except The Clown. (I don't remember The Clown's true name though) The Clown runs into the DJ booth, locks the door and finds a copy of "The Duck Dance".

While "The Duck Dance" plays on infinite repeat, a bad guy stands menacingly at the door and snickers at the weakling Clown, so Clown decides to move-through out the window. Short run, hop, Splat! The Clown KO's himself on the glass, not realizing it's plexi-glass.

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Re: Most Embarassing Champions Moment


that was a slightly inaccurate account of the fight, it was a 6th sabbat archbishop and her entire inner cluster of henchmen that I took out in one round.


And then the Gangrel...


It was like Superfriends, and I was Superman, and everybody gave the Gangrel kryptonite. For the entire campaign.

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Re: Most Embarassing Champions Moment


*sighs* I said I was sorry already about that. geeze, next time I'll roll in secret.


Oh, my most embarressing moment. Well, other then newbie mistakes... Oh, yeah. Nox. Besides the totally embarressing fact I forgot to mention that she was taking her name(and possibly powers) from a greek goddess, and that another player hunts down instances of the gods working in this world...


Ok, Demon fight. My character is already completely mindscrewed from earlier(My character, who doesn't know the source of her power, throws her +40 Pre fear attack at a Demon member, who decides to worship her as the Queen of Shadows....), does pretty much nothing during the fight(rl reason: I spaced out and forgot half my abilities). Then, the DEMON leader, who's bound at this point, calls out a phrase in Latin... we have a demon show up, and in Nox's only decent roll the entire session, she hits and does... no damage. Mainly because it turns out to be a mental illision... (I missed it out of game completely) and then blew two other rolls to find the members who fled. By the end of that session, I was completely reminded never to play tired again.

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Re: Most Embarassing Champions Moment


I was gming a group in the No Tolerance era of late 1990's comics. Where superheros were mistrusted and hunted and feared by most governments.

Well the villian they were fighting in this was a multi billionaire businessman, but of course he was also a vampire. Well the group was investigaiing one of his companies warehouse for illegal bio wpns and of course ran into the villian and his cronies... a mix of vampires and hi tech henchman. They were doing a pretty good job of beating the tar out of the henchman when the master villian tried to escape...needless to say they noise and destruction had alerted the local law enforcements SWAT team ..specializing in taking on supers... well as the master villian escaped through the warehouse he came across this SWAT team and with a mixture of his public ID and vampire charm informed the LT that he was being attacked.....

When the group reached the door the team spokeman came forwrd first .. they saw that their master villian was protected by this SWAT team.. well another character behind him decided to try to strike at the villian with her prehensile hair around the spokeman in the doorway ... she rolled 6 6 6 ... so for effect I had her role again to see where her attack actually struck... this time she rolled 1 1 1 ... down goes the LT of the SWAT team... critically hurt ... the rest of the SWAT team seeing their Lt go down respond ...the target .. the PC in the doorway ... with no resistant def... after the insuing battle ... more villians reinforcements arrive...the bullet ridden barely holding on PCis approached by the master vampire... long winded speech... the master villian turns the PC... it save his life but made for some interesting rping the rest of the campaign.....

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Re: Most Embarassing Champions Moment


A couple of months back, my martial artist, Tiger-Eye, was caught up in a grab and about to be obliterated by the giant electro-acidic goo creature that held her in it's grip. I was desperately trying to figure out if she could use her Contortionist skill to wriggle out when I was finally reminded- by everyone at the table- that she could just Teleport out.




Another time, I forgot to turn on her Force Field and she nearly died by a single attack that normally would have only stunned her. Since her FF does not use END, I have now stated that anytime we go into combat, Tiger-Eye's FF will be turned on- even if I forget to say it- as long as she is aware that she is in combat. The GM was nice enough to allow this.


Now, where did I put those Ginkgo biloba pills?



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Re: Most Embarassing Champions Moment


Well, let's see. There was the time we were attacked by a Wendigo. "St Barbara"was clawed (got too damn close, and he was quicker than I thought !) and was in danger of being transformed into a huge hairy monster. "St B''s comment wa along the lines of "But I don't wanna be a huge hairy monster" and she was quite upset about it. "Blackwing"the team's brick (think a huge gargoyle type figure) made a somewhat unkind comment about "full body waxing"and "St Barbara"turned around, localised her force field to her hand and flattened the big lug ! The rest of the team were highly amused at the sight of an eight foot or so character being knocked flat by a five foot two inch,hundred and five found teammate. Even "Blackwing"saw the joke, after "St B"had calmed down and apologised !

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Re: Most Embarassing Champions Moment


My flying speedster has this AoE 1 hex Hand Attack that she uses in conjunction with her Passing Strike. (Yeah, I know. I hadn't realized how cheesy this was until after everyone gave me grief for it)


Regardless, there we were in the middle of a fight and one of my teammates was engaged in HtH with a villain. In fact, he'd just finshed performing a Grab maneuver and so had the baddie in place.


So what do I do? I fly by this guy and give him a whack with my Aoe Passing Stike. I hadn't realized then that my teammate was also considered to be in that same hex.


I knocked them both out.




I've since removed the AoE aspect of the power. Too cheesy.

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Re: Most Embarassing Champions Moment


The little bro had the nickname of 'digger' because he was always picking at his seat.

Hmmm. I went to High School with a kid we all called Diggin Dennis, cause he always had his hands in his pants (making furious motions). Creepy.

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Re: Most Embarassing Champions Moment


At the risk of "Me too"ing...


I had a character with shapeshift. And he was hiding the fact that he was a shapeshifted demon that was trying to avoid detection by passing himself off as a hero.


First combat, car was thrown with 80 STR and I tried to catch it with my 45 STR without realizing what a huge gap 35 STR was. Anyways, my character goes unconscious and reverts back to normal form.


First adventure, all the fellow PCs learn the horrible secret that I swore I would never reveal. Of course, he denied it as soon as he regained consciousness and shapeshifted.


"You're a demon!"

"No, I'm not! Do I look like a demon?"

"Drop the act, you were unconscious, we saw you."

"Maybe that was an illusion that I looked like a bat-eared winged demon."

"We never said anything about wings..."

"Ah ****!"

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Re: Most Embarassing Champions Moment


My PC: Troubadour, the premier martial artist of the Vanguard Comics universe. Dex 27, Speed 6, enough levels in Martial Arts to amp his Martial Dodge DCV up to a 20.


The Opposition: The Gourmand. A SPD 4 culinary themed Paul Prudhomme clone.


The Fight: He managed to get the drop on me and held his actions so that he had two in a row. He hit me with an area-effect NND from his oversized pepper grinder, then wrapped me up in an Entangle (a giant crepe).


Then he tried to feed me to his teammate's giant mutant ants.

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Re: Most Embarassing Champions Moment


Well, there was this one time I was playing my psychokinetic FBI agent, and I was trying to find my way out of an abandoned Viper base that we had dealt with earlier. I climbed about halfway up a ten-story ladder before I remembered that I could fly. That's not the embarrasing moment, though.


That ladder eventually led to the sewers. Since it was dark and smelly in there, I decided not to hang around, and teleported out. Agent Trent has Safe Blind Teleport, but I don't know how far underground the sewers are, and I don't want to teleport right in front of a truck, so I teleport 100 feet straight up.


That's when I realized that I didn't have my Flight on.


Lucky for me, I had my force field up, and only KO'd myself when I hit the street.


Trent usually only teleports when he's at least hovering, these days.



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Guest Champsguy

Re: Most Embarassing Champions Moment


I'll leave out the stories about rolling 18s to hit, or doing a PRE attack and averaging 2s on the dice.


The most embarrassing...


That's probably when Superboy (son of Superman and Lois Lane), and the Falcon (son of the Marvel Falcon, raised by Captain America, and trained by Batman) were trying to stop the Controller from taking over the world. Most of the heroes had disappeared (what we later discovered was that the Secret Wars were taking place). Those who weren't were gradually being mind-controlled by the Controller. Thus began some of the biggest screw-ups in the history of gaming.


So the first guy we run into is a super-powered martial artist that the GM had played in another game. It just so happens this "other game" was my Dragonball Z-level martial arts campaign. So he promptly trashes us. Humbled, we decide to cheat. So we change into our secret IDs, follow him back to a coffee shop, and use some slight-of-hand rolls to slip Ex-Lax into his cappuchino. 20 minutes later, he's in the toilet stall. That's when we heroically kick open the stall door and blast him unconscious. We put Reed Richards' magic "not be mind controlled anymore" hat on the guy, and we're good.


So we're in the sewers, tracking down the Marauders, who are trying to kill the morlocks. And we find two of them off by themselves. One of them appears to be made of crystal. The other is an asian guy, so we figure he's a super-powered martial artist, like the last one. We've got the drop on them, so we figure we'll ambush them. So Falcon throws a sonic grenade into the area, just as I fly in and sucker-punch the asian guy. Well, Prism (as we found out his name was) isn't made of crystal. He's made of glass, and has a large susceptability to sonic attacks. Scrambler isn't a super-martial artist--he's a power nullifier. So Scrambler, of course, fails his 15- Armor Activation, giving him a total of 3 PD, and I roll like 17 Body. He rockets backwards into the sewer wall, again failing his Activation roll, leaving him somewhere in the "very instantly dead" range. Prism, meanwhile, has thousands of micro-fissures criss-cross his body as soon as the sonic grenade goes off. Then he falls to the ground and shatters. We killed two villains in one phase. Both of us turned to the other, pointed, and said "Murderer!!!"


So finally, we run into J'onn J'onzz, and through a combination of good rolls and brutal tactics, we manage to defeat him. We say, "Hey, he's a telepath. He can use Cerebro. We can just plug him in, and he'll be able to free everyone from the Controller's grasp instantly!" So we take him to the X-Mansion, plug him into the most powerful telepathic computer anywhere, and watch him go to work. Yeah. We forgot to put Reed Richards' magic "not be mind controlled anymore" hat on him before we did any of this. We figured that we'd knocked him unconscious, so he had to be fine. Yeah.

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Re: Most Embarassing Champions Moment


This one was actually JI, not Champions, but it fits the mold. We were playing the crew of a mercenary air circus. We'd been forced down in the jungles of Central America and were about to confront the Mesoamerican themed Big Bad.


We were dragged before his throne, and he fixed us with an evil glare. At that moment, one of the PCs made an appropriate wisecrack. The GM stiffened, rose up and said,




After we stopped rolling on the floor laughing, we agreed he could hit the 'Retcon Button' so that the baddie actually said, "Silence, Dogs!", but from that point forward, "HUSH!...You...fellows..." became our battlecry of extremely poor results.

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Re: Most Embarassing Champions Moment


Most embarrassing Champions moment? Well, that'd be the time I got the entire team killed...


See we were fighting these aliens bent on invading Earth. We took over one of their space-craft and were using it to chase after another one. Well, we were having such difficulty piloting this strange, alien craft that I thought it would be simpler to ram the two crafts together. Both were powered by nuclear fission reactors. Kaboom. I thought the team mentalist could teleport us all to safety (this was in the days before megascale). Nope.

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Re: Most Embarassing Champions Moment


Which he had to deal with for a few hundred years..The character has evolved several times since its creation..and still gets himself in a mess..lol..Yes the character he is talking about was mine that was shot and later turned...He has gone from being a half vampire to a lycanthrope..The character is still trying to get use to the more ferile form..Also now has to deal with a bunch more..

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Re: Most Embarassing Champions Moment


A friend of mine is at present in an online RP thing, where...


... ok, it's science fiction, currently on board a small merchant ship that's being hijacked. The hijackers' objectives -- they're some type of political terrorist, apparently -- is to kidnap the Baron, a passenger, and get the ship to whatever rendezvous they've set up. They struck just after the ship went into jump, which is about the only thing they did right.


(Note -- the hijackers are the NPCs. Why am I posting this in a thread about stupid player moments? That's at the end.)


You see...


* Despite having the ship's security officer -- it's *only* security officer, given that this thing is only slightly larger than a free trader -- as their double agent, they neither managed to smuggle any weapons heavier than sidearms on board, nor did they accurately ID the # and provenance of sidearms available to the crew.


* At present, the hijackers control the bridge. And /only/ the bridge. They not only have failed to secure Engineering, they apparently haven't realized the necessity of doing so.


* Compounding the idiocy, despite the fact that they are not at present in control of the life support controls, and they're not even guarding them, apparently -- neither the hijackers nor their hostage are suited up.


* And last, but not least, these hijacking geniuses have no navigating officer among their number.


(They did have someone qualified to replace the engineer, but that someone bit it during the initial assault, apparently because the dread space pirates here never read the part about keeping essential prize crew personnel out of the first wave.


Of course, the fact that one of them /was/ a ship's engineer, and yet they have /not/ realized the prime necessity of securing the engineering spaces, makes the scenario doubly incomprehensible.)


The sad thing is, at present, these space piracy Darwin Award candidates are /winning/... because with the exception of my friend, the new player, the PCs are even less tactically ept than the hijackers.


I'm advising her to just pull the plug and quit the game, really.

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