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CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE: NotW -- Updating Villains

Steve Long

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Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE: NotW -- Updating Villains


I'd like to see more of Teleios as well. His bases' date=' his servants, a write-up for the various kinds of his dinosaur-men would be nice (i.e., Tyrannosarus-men, Triceratops-men, Velociraptor-women... what?), and any long-term plans he might be working on, which should be truly [i']scary[/i] considering his resources and area of expertise.


Say, maybe Hero Games should just do a special Champs book covering the master villains? Call it Masters of Villainy and give each master villain from CKC a chapter devoted to their schemes, underlings, and adventure seeds. Sound good or not?


I'd give it a gander, though I'd rather see Paladins, Paragons, and Powerhouses first.

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Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE: NotW -- Updating Villains


Nah' date=' the Ra's Al Ghul-analog is the guy from [i']Pulp Hero[/i]... let me look him up... ah, here he is. Akash Varmandali.
Could you (or someone) give me a page ref for this guy? (Most of my books are currently either scattered or in an inconvenient location, to say nothing of how I currently don't have Internet access at home.)
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Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE: NotW -- Updating Villains


That aside' date=' I'd really like to see Teleios "updated", by which I mean "covered in more detail". I think he's one of the most interesting and flexible Master Villains with a staggering array of adventure concepts being possible with him, but he has not received as much attention as he, IMO, should.[/quote']


Teleios-boosters should note that Scott Bennie is planning to go into more detail on his facilities and followers for the upcoming Champions Of The North sourcebook, since T's main base is in northern Canada.

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Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE: NotW -- Updating Villains


I too would love a book dedicated to just the master villains.


Here are some ideas that I just concocted:

- The Crowns of Krim would make great lieutenants for Takofanes if he just imposed his will on them; maybe Takofanes can power them all up with the Dragon Crown?

- Could Zorran the Artificer be upgraded to a Delta class villain? When are we ever going to see Sharna-Gorak?

- Maybe a once trusted general of Ist'vatha V'han's armies reformed and became a hero?

- I wouldn't mind reading about a botched team-up between Foxbat and Black Harlequin.

- The legendary fight between Tachyon and Thunderbolts 1 and 2?

- How about the not so legendary hardcore wrestling match between Grond and Bulldozer?

- Holocaust: the new master villain (with his faithful servant Pulsar?).

- Grond needs to actually be able to do Delta-level destruction.

- More characters should emerge from Project Sunburst.

- Dr. Destroyer recruits a new lieutenant from the pre-existing roster (it could be you!)

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Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE: NotW -- Updating Villains


- When are we ever going to see Sharna-Gorak?


S-G is implied to be such an epic threat that he may work better as a GM plot device than as an actual writeup. There are also CU-specific reasons why he's unlikely to make an official appearance in the present-day Champions Universe, but a suggestion was made to bring him into the Galactic Champions era, where he would probably be more in balance.


- More characters should emerge from Project Sunburst.


Now that is an excellent notion. Sunburst is an excellent origin source for both new villains and heroes. In fact there are a couple of perfectly good Fourth Edition villains who are probably just languishing in that secret government vault, waiting to make their debuts. :eg:

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Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE: NotW -- Updating Villains


I'd really like to see Teleios "updated", by which I mean "covered in more detail".


Sorry, but that's not really what this book is about. "Updated" means just that -- updated. "Expanded" is a separate beastie. ;) I'd love to cover many of the villains we have, including Teleios, in greater detail, but that really requires a separate book. It could even mean one entire book per major villain, if we thought they would sell, but it's definitely gotta be a different book than CU:NotW. :hex:

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Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE: NotW -- Updating Villains


Nah' date=' the Ra's Al Ghul-analog is the guy from [i']Pulp Hero[/i]... let me look him up... ah, here he is. Akash Varmandali. That guy just screams Ra's Al Ghul. (Heck, in a short-lived campaign I played in, the GM made Akash the Supreme Serpent of VIPER instead of... well, the guy in VIPER: Coils of the Serpent (he said to avoid spoilers).
Okay, I found him on my own, at the end of Pulp Hero.


The big difference between Akash Varmandali and Doctor Fang Shen that makes the latter far more appropriate as the Champions era's Ra's Al Ghul is that the former is probably dead by now. Even if he isn't, at best he's walking around like Tim Conway.

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Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE: NotW -- Updating Villains


Ah yes' date=' GRAB's benefactor. That mystery has been dangling for a while now. From comments I've read on the boards GRAB is a pretty popular group, so doing something more with them would likely be well received.[/quote']


Gee, woulden't that be the now retiered silver age superthieth known as The Fox (Of Crime)? And woulden't he have any decendants who had similer powers to himself?


Oh, and more protental menbers of GRAB please. I myself have created one, who I call Packrat. Your free to swipe the name and his power to teleport small objects into and out of a pocket dimention.

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Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE: NotW -- Updating Villains


I'm curious about the Warmachine and the Warlord. There's too much instability in the world (even, I imagine, in the CU) that the Warlord would pass up a chance to capitalize on it in one way or another.


Did Herculan ever face Ironclad in the showdown he wanted, and how did the victory or defeat affect him? Did it force him to grow (and I'm not just talking more points), or lower him to new depths?

I second the Warlord and crew.

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Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE: NotW -- Updating Villains


Hornet, you say, Steve? Sweeeet. Hope he's got a lot of new tricks up his sleeve and a lot of new info and plot hooks! (I like insects. Sue me.) :)


Anyhoo, my top five "villains I wanna see updated", in no particular order:


1) Foxbat - He's got a lot of lovin' already, but I can't say no to a loon's loon!


2) The Ultimates, if possible (assuming I can squeeze in a group as one choice - I just like them. Sort of offbeat, but still effective.


3) King Cobra - I likes me snakes too. Perfect personality for a great villain, too.


4) Black Paladin - they don't get much more eeeeevilll than him in my opinion.


5) Bulldozer - I'd love to hear about some of the halfwit schemes he's tried (and likely failed at).


I have to say - I'd love to read more plot hooks, as well as quotes and roleplaying hints, for just about anybody - not necessarily just these guys.

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Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE: NotW -- Updating Villains


Shamrock and any other Irish Supervilians (or Heores) there may be in the IRA.


In the Real World, the Provisional IRA have been on ceasefire since 1994. Even the splinter groups have been on ceasefire for almost ten years.


Any superbeings associated with the IRA would presumably be doing something else. Some may have retired, some may have found another cause, and a few will have turned criminal. Some might be recognised heroes! Few if any would be under 30.

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Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE: NotW -- Updating Villains


Say, Steve, since you indicate in this post that you've nearly finished the book, would it be presumptuous to ask which villains made the final cut?


In terms of which ones actually got revised character sheets:


The Warlord



The Black Paladin


Lady Blue

The Slug




Zorran the Artificer


And also the Champions, but in their own chapter of course. ;)

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Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE: NotW -- Updating Villains


Crud, I just see this thread and stuff has been decided. Pooh. :(


For Grond, I played him in a campaign once with some changes (I think it was a 500point game), but I added to him a 3d6 HKA (6d6 w/Str) attack called "Drawn and quartered" that required all four limbs. If you put that in a multipower slot and make another slot +9 HtH with the same 4-limb requirement, (making it a 27d6 pummel), that can help make Grond more damaging.


I had thought of a separate 90 STR so that he could hit a person twice with his four arms or doing a 90 active point +18HtH with the above mentioned limitations along with "reduced penetration" so that the victim is essentially being hit with two 18d6 attacks.


As written in TUB, Grond does have a multi power attack, as weak as it is in that he has a 2d6 HKA AP "Horns" that could be used with a punch.


The Grond I use in my campaigns does have a MP slot as well having a 6 SPD (3 physical, 3 only punches) that doesn't cost extra END and his "Brick Tricks" don't jip him by using Dex. (I mean, if speedsters get to use Dex, Bricks should get to use STR, or even BODY or CON).


Anklyosaur, Black Paladin and Zephyr I'll be happy to see. Wish Bulldozer or Armadillo could have made the cut. Talisman might just get nasty since I have a future plot of her trying to kill her sister (but this is after Taipan escapes, so it'll be a while).

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Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE: NotW -- Updating Villains


Wish Bulldozer or Armadillo could have made the cut.


Armadillo gets a textual note. Bulldozer, like Foxbat, should never, ever change. ;) If I wanted to do anything with him, I would steal my friend John Losey's incredibly funny (at least to our gaming group) idea and make him part of a team called Dudes With Fists. The other members are Bulldozer II, Captain NRA, and Canyon Man. They're just way too much fun. ;)

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Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE: NotW -- Updating Villains


Well glad to hear it's done. If you get a chance to add a little more kibitz, I was thinking some of the rules discussion here on the forum might be worth a side bar or something.


1. Power Skill: How to use it in a campaign where players are supposed to use their powers creatively fairly often. I'm thinking the standard skill penalties should apply (easy, hard, routine, etc.), but not the -1 per 10 AP suggested in USK. Make a little chart of suggested situations and penalties in the +/-5 range.


2. Hit locations and stun multiplier for very large critters. Maybe the easiest is that big critters don't have hit locations per se, unless you get very close. Provide a Power for this.


Ok, that's all for now.

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