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Rebuilding yourself


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Inspired by Susano's comment on this thread. If Real Life was a points-based game like Hero, what would you spend points on if given the opportunity to rebuild yourself as a 50+50 character?


A couple of caveats:

  • This is still the real world, so no actual superhumans.
  • Unfortunately, this also means no sexy catgirls as Followers. :(


I'd take 10 points of Wealth (why be too greedy?), boost my PRE and COM and replace some of my physical disads (weak back & nearsightedness) with some other disads (like maybe a sexy DNPC wife and children).

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Re: Rebuilding yourself


I'd buy up my CON (enjoying the benefits of increased REC and END) and EGO, and buy off my Physical Limitations (Nearsighted and Overweight). A few points into Wealth.


Given the whole "no superpowers" and "no catgirls" restrictions I'm not sure what I'd spend the rest of the points on.

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Re: Rebuilding yourself


I'd buy up my CON (enjoying the benefits of increased REC and END) and EGO, and buy off my Physical Limitations (Nearsighted and Overweight). A few points into Wealth.


Given the whole "no superpowers" and "no catgirls" restrictions I'm not sure what I'd spend the rest of the points on.


enough points in wealth and you could go with the "gorgeous healthy lunged gold digger" :D

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Re: Rebuilding yourself



A couple of caveats:

  • This is still the real world, so no actual superhumans.
  • Unfortunately, this also means no sexy catgirls as Followers. :(


What? You mean there really aren't *any* catgirls? I've been looking in vain? I just thought they weren't native to this part of the country... :doi:


Buying off most of my psychlims and physlims would be a start. Barring superpowers, I'd probably spend a fair amount on things like Life Support (never gets sick, ages slower, needs less sleep, poison immunity, etc.).


Ten points of Wealth should cover it for me, maybe even 5.


If I could talk the GM into giving me a 10-20 point Gadget Pool, that would cover most of the other non-super things I could think of.


If not, or in addition, depending on where the points stand, I'd buy Scholar and buy way too long a list of KS.


And while I could get a nice house with Wealth, I'd be happy to spend any few spare points on a Base to trick it out better.

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Re: Rebuilding yourself


10 points of wealth for me as well. :D


I'd up my CON and COM with the SFX of losing my overweight gut. I'd buy off my Hunted by Ex Wife Disad. I'd throw in Jack of All Trades (assuming I don't already have it; I do pick up trades quickly and easily) and master PS: Singing, PS: Pianist and PS: Musician. I'd also buy a HKA 2d6 OAF defined as the katana I just saw at the Renaissance Festival for $10,000.

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Re: Rebuilding yourself


But there are "gorgeous healthy lunged gold diggers" :eg:


Well, if someone went this route, I'd suggest 15 points of Wealth. Maybe also a Perk of some kind to protect that Wealth from getting taken away by said gold diggers. And with this much Wealth, who needs Seduction as a skill? :eg:

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Re: Rebuilding yourself


To play along for a moment*, lessee...


I'd probably grab a DNPC mistress, knock down a couple of basic physlims, sink some points into Wealth (who needs a gadget pool when you've got bank?) and flesh out my backstory more -- far, far less tragedy.




*However, for the record, while I'm rarely "ecstatic" over my life, I'm proud of what I've done with it and who I am.

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Re: Rebuilding yourself


5 pt Wealth

3 pts Seduction (just cause)

+5 CON (can't be too healthy)

+5 PRE

+5 INT

+5 EGO

LS: Extended Lifespan (+1)

LS: Diminished need for Sleep (+1)


If I hit any breakpoints, I'd likely try to scrounge an additional skill or two out of the mess. Probably a professional skill or two that are utterly meaningless in the grand scheme of things like PS: Writer, PS: Artist.

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Re: Rebuilding yourself


I've noticed there is been no mention of Luck or Unluck so far. Interesting...


Personally, I wouldn't want to buy any additional Luck (if I have any) or buy off any Unluck (if I have any). So far, random fortune has made my life interesting, though more often that not frustrating as well, and I like it that way.

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Re: Rebuilding yourself


  • Unfortunately, this also means no sexy catgirls as Followers. :(



That's okay. I don't need to rebuild myself to get those.



A couple of caveats:

  • This is still the real world, so no actual superhumans.


In the world they call real

Not a continent moves

Not a God intervenes

Not a crisis improves


Not a fervent believer

Will tell you the Truth

And not one superhero

Will come ouf of the booth.


Lucius Alexander


Perk: President Palindromedary Enterprises

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Re: Rebuilding yourself


Everyone is talking about what they'd buy up (skills/perks) or buy off (disads)... are you guys all less than 50+50 then? How do things change if you can simply shuffle your existing points around? Sell off 4 END for 1 more EGO? Become addicted to heroin for 5-10 character points you can spend any way you like?


And remember, if you buy that beautiful wife as a DNPC, it means she's going to be getting into a lot of trouble. Better to buy her as a follower.


Now, if I just got to spend 50 more points on myself (and possibly 50 more balanced by disads) here's some things I'd be looking at :


3 : Linguist

5 : Eidetic Memory

5 : Cramming

6 : Speed Reading (100x normal rate)


Then split the rest of the points up between stat modifications and various languages. Life support and other things of that sort are in the 'powers' section, so I think they are off limits, right?

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Re: Rebuilding yourself


Everyone is talking about what they'd buy up (skills/perks) or buy off (disads)... are you guys all less than 50+50 then?


I am a 350 point character, so I just assumed that I got to add 50 additional points to my character sheet. I didn't need any more disads nor do I want to swap any out, so those are static.




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