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Cap is dead!!!!


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Re: Cap is dead!!!!


In all honesty I was more upset when Captain Britain died, not least because I much preferred the look of him a la Herb Trimpe than the revamp. Since then I've added a few years, gained some cynicism and seen too many potentially bold and engaging comicbook plots handled poorly to be anything other than mildly interested by this latest development.


It's a pity, really. And I do very much like Cap as a character, even though I may be just slightly behind the times with my view that nobody has topped Steranko when it comes to the definitive version. Still, I'm content to wait and see how things turn out. Maybe Marvel will actually surprise us all in a good way.

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Re: Cap is dead!!!!


I guess it's time to quit buying Marvel.


I disagree. I think this is the time to buy Marvel. The company, not their comic books. And put people in the comic book arm that actually like superheroes, and can either (1) rebuild respect for the existing characters, and/or (2) create new characters for buyers to enjoy. Put an editorial staff together that can push for good storylines, and create over-arching multi-character plots (maybe annually), working with the writers on individual lines to avoid a re-hash of nonsense like we got in SW and CW.


All I have to do now is win the lottery. Hmmm... should probably consider buying a ticket; that might help.

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Re: Cap is dead!!!!


I disagree. I think this is the time to buy Marvel. The company, not their comic books. And put people in the comic book arm that actually like superheroes, and can either (1) rebuild respect for the existing characters, and/or (2) create new characters for buyers to enjoy. Put an editorial staff together that can push for good storylines, and create over-arching multi-character plots (maybe annually), working with the writers on individual lines to avoid a re-hash of nonsense like we got in SW and CW.


All I have to do now is win the lottery. Hmmm... should probably consider buying a ticket; that might help.

I'm in, Bolo. Buy a ticket a week. When I win here in Idaho we'll pool our resources, buy a majority of the stock, and can all of the jack@$$es that have mucked things up so badly. :thumbup:
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Re: Cap is dead!!!!


I disagree. I think this is the time to buy Marvel. The company' date=' not their comic books... [/quote']


My thoughts exactly. Until then: 616 doesn't really exist, and the entire Marvel Universe is an LMD (life model decoy).

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Guest steamteck

Re: Cap is dead!!!!


I disagree. I think this is the time to buy Marvel. The company' date=' not their comic books. [/quote']




I've daydreamed about that for years.

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Re: Cap is dead!!!!


Wow, I'm amazed at the responses. How can you all be so cynical? It's not like a real person died. It's not even like the character isn't coming back.


Do any of you even read Captian America? If you did you would realize that it's the best its been in years. Ed Brubaker/Micheal Lark have been hitting it out of the park since they're first story arc. Yet, none of you seem capable of trusting them to write the character/storyline as they see fit. Fine, you don't want to stay around for the ride, in my opinion it's your loss.


I agree with you. The cynicism here is depressing me.


I for one am stoked to see where Brubaker and Marvel are going with this. Yes, they've done "Death of Captain America" stories before, but not with the kind of depth they are going to do with this.


The day when we stop letting writers take risks and not letting them tell the stories they want to tell, that is the day the publishers need to quit and close the doors.

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Re: Cap is dead!!!!


It appears that we are in the minority here Starfighter. I'm probably even more in the minority because I think this is one of the most creative periods in Marvel's history. I love what Quesada is doing and I love the chances they are taking. I wouldn't change a thing. Well, maybe a few things. ;)


Hermit, as for "The Truth in Red, White, and Black", I actually agree with you on the art. I think Kyle Baker is an amazing artist but the style he chose for that series really clashed with the tone. I think it lost a lot of it's audience because of that.

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Re: Cap is dead!!!!


One day the present group who runs marvel will die ( hopefully REALLY horribly) then maybe Cap and the real Thor will live again. Be honest guys all the real characters died a long time ago. I despise Quesada with the fury of a thousand suns. Marvel comics is obviously like a TV series that has run too many seasons. It would be better for everybody if it just ended while some of the wonder can be remembered. The idiots who run Marvel be force to ID themselves at a marine bar as Cap's killers. I weep that nothing good of the classic Marvel universe has survived except in the movies.



Amen to that, Brother!

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Guest steamteck

Re: Cap is dead!!!!


I agree with you. The cynicism here is depressing me.


I for one am stoked to see where Brubaker and Marvel are going with this. Yes, they've done "Death of Captain America" stories before, but not with the kind of depth they are going to do with this.


The day when we stop letting writers take risks and not letting them tell the stories they want to tell, that is the day the publishers need to quit and close the doors.



The day the writers to tell their stories by crushing the soul of the shared universe ( I'm talking about way more than Cap here) is the day they need to quit and close their doors Calling most of these replies cynicism just doesn't make sense to me. The cynics are the writers who hate heroism, idealism, and larger than life heros are the cynics here. The cynicism in modern comics has depressed me for years.

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Guest steamteck

Re: Cap is dead!!!!


I know you're not serious when you say this' date=' but even in jest it's really uncalled for.[/quote']



I'm of course jesting. But truthfully I am extremely angry at the current group of dispoilers and would not shed a tear if none of them ever worked in the industry again. I never understand what people who say stuff like that is uncalled for are doing hanging out with geeks to whom comments like that are a simple way of letting off steam. How can anyone who enjoys the darkness within marvel now possibly have a problem with a simple comment like that? methinks young man you take my comment too seriously.

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Re: Cap is dead!!!!


Hey, I have no problem with people letting off steam. If I did I would never be on the internet. Like I said I never truly believed you meant it. Still, I think there are certain sentiments (like wishing horrible deaths) that should be avoided at least in public forums. Plus, I would hate for you to get banned for something stupid like that. Who would I be able to argue with. :)

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Re: Cap is dead!!!!


methinks young man you take my comment too seriously.


Methinks some people take the treatment of fictional characters too seriously. Your comments suggest that real human beings should suffer a horrible fate because they made a fictional character suffer a horrible fate.

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Re: Cap is dead!!!!


I agree with you. The cynicism here is depressing me.


I for one am stoked to see where Brubaker and Marvel are going with this.


For me it is that I don't trust he current marvel editorial staff (what I have seen of the Brubaker Cap I've enjoyed). Maybe Brubaker can tell a great story. Maybe Joe Q decided he wanted something to come out a certain way, and steps on Brubaker's great idea and it turns to crap. Maybe it will be brilliant. But after a long long series of storylines and events that I thought were very very bad, and very poorly written, and very poorly thought out - I just don't trust them to do anything good with this story.


Now if the last three big events had been brilliant, and turned out great, I might be looking forward to what they are going to do with this, but after Civil War, Dissasembled and other things, I just don't trust the people at Marvel to tell a good story anymore.

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Re: Cap is dead!!!!


I disagree. I think this is the time to buy Marvel. The company, not their comic books. And put people in the comic book arm that actually like superheroes, and can either (1) rebuild respect for the existing characters, and/or (2) create new characters for buyers to enjoy. Put an editorial staff together that can push for good storylines, and create over-arching multi-character plots (maybe annually), working with the writers on individual lines to avoid a re-hash of nonsense like we got in SW and CW.


All I have to do now is win the lottery. Hmmm... should probably consider buying a ticket; that might help.

This brings up an interesting idea. If all the writers here on the Hero Boards got together and pooled their resources--and I'm not just talking about cash; I'm talking about writing, artwork, and other talents--couldn't WE start our own comic book line?


That way, we'd know that at least one comic book publisher was even capable of telling good stories....

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Re: Cap is dead!!!!


Just renewing my request for everyone who posts here to place in this sig:




If at least in our hearts where we hold his ideals of freedom, courage, and fighting for what you believe in, Steve Rogers aka the REAL Captain America lives on.


Done. And Repped.

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Re: Cap is dead!!!!


Well' date=' at least Planet Hulk and World War Hulk look pretty good. But then I have always been a Hulk fan.[/quote']


I also dig Hulk's current activity, from what I've gleaned from the net. I only wish Banner was more a part of it.

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Re: Cap is dead!!!!


This brings up an interesting idea. If all the writers here on the Hero Boards got together and pooled their resources--and I'm not just talking about cash; I'm talking about writing' date=' artwork, and other talents--couldn't [b']WE[/b] start our own comic book line?


That way, we'd know that at least one comic book publisher was even capable of telling good stories....


We would need a secret discussion board so as not to tip off the readers. :cool: Or not. Transparency has its virtues.

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Re: Cap is dead!!!!


Understood :cool:


I like Winter Soldier myself, which is weird in some ways because I LOATHE Cable, and you'd think a guy with a cybernetic arm who used a rifle would have me heading for the hills. ;)

Well if you're like me, the reason you hate Cable is the whole, "Sure I could level the whole planet with my mental powers, but I carry a gun 'cause it's KeWl"


My main issue with Winter Soldier is BUCK WAS IN DEATH'S REALM. People who are still alive with bionic arms don't typically show up there.

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Re: Cap is dead!!!!


This brings up an interesting idea. If all the writers here on the Hero Boards got together and pooled their resources--and I'm not just talking about cash; I'm talking about writing' date=' artwork, and other talents--couldn't [b']WE[/b] start our own comic book line?


That way, we'd know that at least one comic book publisher was even capable of telling good stories....



I look forward to the books being released.

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