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I need to brainstorm some anachronistic items


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Re: I need to brainstorm some anachronistic items


a signed limited addition I-pod commemorating the 2006 Beatles reunion tour (featuring the signatures of all four Beatles).


also contain there entire back catalogue including John Lennon's critically acclaimed 1982 album "Bullet with my name on it" and the bands first reunion album from the following year



Somoething like that actually came up in New Excalibur - one of the members was from the Exiles, and another dimension, and had the complete Beatles catalog up to the last release just before she went all dim hopping in 2005. When Dazzler found out about 25 more years of new beatles music she completely freaked.



On to the topic of the thread.


A pin for the re-election of Robert Kennedy for President

The Superman shield with a hammer and sickle.

A series of pictures of Seeker beating up a bunch of big name villians.

The California and Texas national flags from 2000 after the great war.

The "Lord of the Rings: Return to Mount Doom" liscened sequel book series by Robert Jordan (or Kevin J Anderson)

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Re: I need to brainstorm some anachronistic items


The framed front pages of a particular paper proclaiming things in huge headlines, like you see handing on newspaper editors walls in the movies and on TV. For example:





(If aliens aren't known in the player's original world, but they find out aliens do exist, the might be able to creatively use this information somehow.)





(Since the press wouldn't have known about the atomic bomb yet.)







(His first official act to fire Congress and replace them with a more capable national 'board of directors.')


You get the idea.

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Re: I need to brainstorm some anachronistic items


The copy of the Two Powers Pact signed by Hitler and Stalin in Teheran, dividing the world into spheres of influencing, ending the Second World War in 1948.


The Magna Carta, signed in 1215 by Prester John in central Asia.


The Golden Spike, marking the completion of the Trans-Imperial Railway between Rome and Constantinople.


The assassin's bullet that struck down General Patton during his victory speech after the taking of Moscow, 1947.


Oswald's rifle, which killed Jaqcueline Kennedy, making President Kennedy a widower.


The crown of King George the First of America, crowned in 1789 by a grateful Continetal Parliament.


The sandals of Saint Mohammed, who revitalized Christianity in the Middle East and North Africa.


The "Feathered Thunderer," Emperor Montezuma's ceremonial heavy tank, complete with gold-inlaid decorative carvings.


Terra cotta soldiers from the Forbidden City of Chicago.

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Re: I need to brainstorm some anachronistic items


oh, this is too much fun....


The broken spear of King Leonidas, history's greatest traitor, after he surrendered to the Persians beore Thermopylae, sealing the doom of the Greek city-states.


The complete series of "The Wheel of the Time of the Ring" - all thirty-eight volumes! - by J.R.R. Jordan


The 2007 "Best Movie" Oscar for "Serenity II"


Signed photo of Manfred von Richtofen, Air Marshal of the Luftwaffe, 1942.


Official war bonnet of Pontiac, governor of the American colony of England.


Movie tickets to the immortal 1916 film "Macbeth," with Sir Charles Chaplin's career-defining tour de force in the title role.


The ring of Pope Augustine, the first German to occupy the Holy See (formerly known as Martin Luther).

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Re: I need to brainstorm some anachronistic items


I've noticed a lot of these deal with events in the past century. How far back should we be going for anachronistic items? I know technically anachronistic means "out of time" so even an alternate Miss USA 2007 would qualify, but I get the impression that some antique anachronistic items would be better.


A Guttenburg Talmud

Romeo and Juliet by Sir Francis Bacon

St. Thomas Aquinas paper endorsing usury

Ptolemy's Geographia with the meridian through Alexandria


All you have to do is take a famous (or not so famous) book or paper and have it say something different in a significant way. (Dante putting usurers in the 6th [not 7th] circle of hell wouldn't be too valuable, but Aquinas doing a 180 from real history would be. Ptolemy putting the meridian through his home city would be in between.)

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Re: I need to brainstorm some anachronistic items


Hey' date=' novi, how are we doing? Is this the sort of stuff you're looking for?[/quote']


Yes it is. Sorry, I've been busier than I expected for the last few days.


As to the timeframe, anything's good, as long as it's unique and distinctive. He wouldn't care for a recording of Nixon's 1960 inaguration, but the actual pages he read off of would be of interest. Not that he would pick them up, his interest run towards Superhero and Military geek, as well as some general geekdom. He already has IMAX prints of Serenity I & II (and the HD-DVDs of all 6 seasons).


Also, I wouldn't mind some more superhero options. Both the Champions Universe and Marvel Universe have already been used in my game, though I'm tending to stick more with the CU.


Oh, and thanks to everyone for the suggestions so far. I can certainly find a few plot hooks in all of these.

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Re: I need to brainstorm some anachronistic items


From the Game Group:


Karate Kid starring Bruce Lee as Mr Miyagi.


The newly restored and released Star Wars trilogy on Laser Disc and Betamax.


The 11 Acadamy awars for Ed Wood's Plan 9 from Outer Space


The Passport to the indpendant state (a la the Vatican) of Alexendrian Library, with an inivtaion to the grand opening of the new computer center featuring Quantumn computers.


Emma Thompson as Jane Bond.


Mugshot of Mahatma Gandhi for the Great Indian Terrorist Revolution.


Lee's address after the Confedrate victory at Gettysburg.


Susan B Anthony's speech with excepts from "Woman and Superwoman" by Frederich Nietchze.


The Nirvana 10th anniversary tour on Digital 8-Track.


John Adams Coronation scepter after his coup.


2007 Ford Edsal Convertable.


Purina Velociraptor Chow.


Treasures of the Aztec Pillaging of Morroco in 1520.


Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon's 50th anniversary neclace.


George Custer's Medal of Honor earned at the battle of Little Big Horn.


Picture of Napolean's Arc de Triump in Moscow.


Textbook about the Czech splitting of Germany with Poland.


Milli Vanilli's lifetime achievement Grammy.


Tickets to the World series of Cricket between Detroit Tigers & St Loius Cardinels.


Copy of Hero System 5th Ed rules by Aaron Alston (Sorry Steve). :)


US Flag with 53 stars.

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Re: I need to brainstorm some anachronistic items


More from the aforementioned gaming group after Lord Mhoram stepped out for a moment:


The "Gazebo Boy" Graphic novel by Alan Moore


1st Edition "Papers and Paychecks" RPG rules by E. Gary Gygax


Iggy Pop's gospel album


Bill Gates' Welfare check


Elvis Presley's Presidential inaugural address


A press release from PeTA, signed by the organization's president, Ted Nugent


Israel's "Man of the Year" award, given to Mel Gibson in 2006


Brittany Spears' Nobel Prize in Physics

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Re: I need to brainstorm some anachronistic items


The Passport to the independent state (a la the Vatican) of Alexendrian Library' date=' with an inivtaion to the grand opening of the new computer center featuring Quantum computers.[/quote']

Quantum computers. Meh. I'm simultaneously for and against them.

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Re: I need to brainstorm some anachronistic items


Also' date=' I wouldn't mind some more superhero options. Both the Champions Universe and Marvel Universe have already been used in my game, though I'm tending to stick more with the CU.[/quote']


Superhero, hm? Let me think...


The original patent document for "super-adhesive fluid," from the lobby display at the corporate headquarters for Parker Industries.


The World Heavyweight Boxing Championship belt won by "Battling Jack" Murdock.


The original Howdy Doody puppet created by early children's television icon Uncle Albert (Zerstoiten).

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Re: I need to brainstorm some anachronistic items


For his film library:


Copies of "Casablanca" starring Ronald Reagan


"Raiders Of The Lost Ark" starring Tom Selleck




I'll swap both of those for the complete first season of "Kung Fu",

starring Bruce Lee.

(IOTL the studio accepted the series concept but went with David Carradine as he looked less asian. Talk about missing the point.)

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Re: I need to brainstorm some anachronistic items


The bomb found on the Hindenberg and the original bloodstained "confession" of Herschel Grynszpan, his signiture barely legible.


The Treaty of Charleston, allowing the slaves to go free in return for allowing southern seccession.


A copy of the Zimmerman telegram, without errors and with an attached note saying "Sorry but we'll just have to admit we broke their code.".


The American diplomatic note protesting the sinking of the Lusitana by British surface vessels after it tried to run the blockade.


Surrender documents from George Washington ceding control of Vermont, Pennesylvania and "other areas not recognising the authority of the Federal government" to the rebels. It is the first document known to refer to a specific "right of seccession".


One of the first 100 american rifles to be copied from the Fergerson rifle, the first mass produced breach loader.


A copy of "Warlord No More" the first volume autobiography of the warlord who became disgusted with the corruption of the KMT, rebeled against it and gained the support of the peasants by instituting genuine land reform. Ends before he proclaims himself emporer but after he soundly defeats the forces of the Communist Party.

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Re: I need to brainstorm some anachronistic items


In my game, the players are doing the Sliders/eXiles jumping between parallel universes type thing. One of their recurring antagonists is a collector (well, his agents). His shtick is that he is collecting rare items from parallel time lines.


I thought I'd see what other ideas we here in HEROdom can think of. I look forward to any replies and appreciate your thoughts.


I would suggest some items that could spook the characters. I suggest items diriectly associated with them, from other dimensions. For example, a power-armored character's suit (with modifications and holes?); a character's signature weapon (with a small change to signify it really isn't their own weapon). I would use items that would haunt/intimidate/violate :ugly: the characters.

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Re: I need to brainstorm some anachronistic items


The desolate brine swamp around the banks of the Tiber, the only remnant of the Republic of Rome after it was conquered and destroyed by Hannibal a couple of years after his tactical reverse at Cannae; its inhabitants were taken as slaves to Carthage, and the fields were sown with salt and drowned in seawater, carried in on the backs of those who had been senators.

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Re: I need to brainstorm some anachronistic items


Ok, I have to second spooky items which clearly should belong to the characters... The burnt-out shell of So-and-so's power armor...


The personal seal of Chao K’uang-yin, conqueror of Japan and eastern Asia. The associated plaque recognizes him as the father of the Song dynasty, the first dynasty to conquer the globe and bring world unity.


The USS Constitution, ironclad flagship of John Smith.


Full Uniforms for various grades of crew on the von Doom Helicarrier.


Bruce Banner's seminal text on quantum computing and advanced computer engineering.


The American Eagle's (Norman Osborn) Flying Eagle, product of OsCorp

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Re: I need to brainstorm some anachronistic items


Champions 5th Edition RPG line, with the infamous "Seeker kicks butt" line of covers.


The diary of one of the few British survivors from the disastrous and failed evacuation of Dunkirk.


Angel, Season 8 DVD.


The matchlock weapons used by the Chinese in their invasion of Europe


A book detailing the martial arts techniques of the early Christian church (created as an exercise regimen after monks fell asleep during services)


The Amber Room, intact


DC's Sandman, art and writing by Rob Liefeld



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