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I need to brainstorm some anachronistic items


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Re: I need to brainstorm some anachronistic items


The Commisioning plate and battle stars of the german CV Von Hindenburg, including commendations for the second battle of Scapa Flow and the battle of the Thames.


One of the knives used to assassinate the Roman Dictator Pompey on the steps of the Senate.


The United Crown commisioned by Phillip IV/I of Spain and England.


An invitation to Lincoln's third inauguration party.


A petition to allow President Nixon a third term in office (suggested by Weldun).

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Re: I need to brainstorm some anachronistic items


...superhero stuff...hmmmm....


The Global Humanitarian Prize awarded jointly to Mother Teresa and Grond for their partnership work among the poor of India.


Wanted posters (or video from "America's Most Wanted") featuring one or more of the player characters for various despicable crimes.


Distinguished Service Cross awarded to for throwing the first atomic bomb from the deck of the USS Essex into Hiroshima, several miles away.


Letter from Albert Einstein, world-famous wizard, to President Roosevelt explaining how a superweapon could be produced by applying newly discovered thaumaturical principles, and how the Nazis were already beginning the required rituals to produce such a weapon.


Mysterious (and partially melted) artifacts from Chernobyl, where an interdimensional portal opened unexpectedly and spewed forth alien invaders: extreme measures (including superhero assault) were required to stop the invasion, but the presence and activities of the aliens - unlike anything seen before or since (by anyone!) - poisoned the area for miles around.




(By the way, if you want images for WW2 low-powered supers, the RPG "Godlike" has some delightful doctored and re-interpreted photos; soldiers lifting tanks, flying, and such.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: I need to brainstorm some anachronistic items


Birth certificate for one of the player characters - but for the "wrong" year.


Copy of the citation for a posthumous Medal of Honor for the one of the player characters, detailing actions against what appear to be from the description, non-human enemies. Aliens?


Marriage certificate for two of the player characters, who are of the same sex.


Newspaper with photos of one of the player character's recent exploits - and text in an unknown and indecipherable script. (I've pulled something like this in a fantasy game....)




Lucius Alexander



A contract between one of the player characters and Palindromedary Enterprises, for the leasing of a set of Interdimensional Babes.

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Re: I need to brainstorm some anachronistic items


Original Single of "The Day The Music Nearly Died"


The preserved remains of the world's first steam-train - as built by Hero, in Alexandria 62 A.D.


The Catalogue of the Great Library of Alexandria, 1870 A.D.


Signed copy of Dianetics, by Theodore Sturgeon

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Re: I need to brainstorm some anachronistic items


Action figures of the player characters, only with their secret identities and powers mixed up.


For a Champions example, what if James Harmon IV becomes Defender, grim dark-clad champion of the night, Mark Whitaker becomes the power-armoured Ironclad...

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Re: I need to brainstorm some anachronistic items


A folder containing newspaper clippings describing a devestating meteor strike in 1999. The meteorite apparently struck a small island in the south pacific, and it's passage through the Earth's atmosphere apparently brought it directly over several cities, it's shockwave destroying them. What makes the folder interesting is the copy of a Global Cease-Fire agreement,, dated July, 1999, and a Copy of a calling for "Globilisation" of all the Earth's governments under the U.N., dated september 1999.


A newpaper clipping dated September 14, 1999, detailing the disaster on the moon, shere the nuclear waste dump on the far side had apparently detonated in a massive thermonuclear explosion and has catapulted the moon out of Earth's orbit and into deep space at colossal speed. The article also talks about plans for memorials services for the 311 inhabitants of the moonbase that may have just become humanity's first interstellar explorers, if they survived at all. Unfortunately, a build-up of magnetic radiation, combined with the global communications disruption resulting from the catastrophe have made any attempts at contacting any survivors impossible. Sub-articles postulate the potential effects upon Earth's ecology, and discuss the possible extintion of mankind.


Walt Mervin's "Certain Essays in History", including a detailed description of the 1975 war between the U.S. and China, that ended in the genocide of the Chinese.


An unusual alloy sample (with micro-subspace pockets), with a report that it had been found in in the side of Mt. Saint Helens, under a layer of rock that had been laid down 4 million years ago.


The Crown of King Kull of Atlantis.


The cermonial blade used to kill Pharaoh Seti I in 1290 BC

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Re: I need to brainstorm some anachronistic items


May be too soon for this one.



A copy of the Virginia Tech allumni magazine with Sung-Hui Cho's picture on the cover. The story inside calls Cho a hero for tackling a derranged gunman, wrestling him to the ground, disarming him, and holding him until campus security arrived. The fact that while several students were wounded, including Cho and the gunman, there were no fatalities that day is attributted to Cho's quick action. The article is by Professor Liviu Librescu.


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