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Favorite lost villain group


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Re: Favorite lost villain group


You mean Deathstroke, don't you? Shockwave, Death Commando, Requiem, Stinger, Chiller and later Scatterbrain. Good group ... I've used them many times and even updated them to a modern feel :)

I liked several of the older characters, but particularly dug Mongoose, the 4th ed COIL, Genocide, Bullit and many of Aaron Allston's characters (Blood, Circle, METE, etc). Heck, most of them I've modernized with new looks and stats :) Ahh ... the good ole days ...

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Re: Favorite lost villain group


You mean Deathstroke' date=' don't you? [/quote']

They were originally called the Destroyers [Death Singer, Frost, Stinger, Arrowhead, and Death Commando]. Their team name was changed to Deathstroke in the adventure of the same name [i'm guessing so there was no confusion with the V&V Death Dual with the Destroyers group]. The member's names were changed in the Champions Universe book to Requiem, Chiller, Stinger, Shockwave, and Death Commando. At that time Scatterbrain was also added to the team. I currently use them as the Destroyers [with their original names and no Scatterbrain] in my current M&M games.

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Re: Favorite lost villain group


I'm a huge fan of most of the villains in Enemies and Enemies II. Enemies III was hit and miss for me and seemed to reflect that "outsiders" were now writing Champions material [Enemies III feels like the Fiend Folio to me]. I'm currently using most of the characters in E and E2 in their original forms converted to M&M. I love the oldies. :)

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Re: Favorite lost villain group


I liked C.L.O.W.N. as well, but I can see why some hate them. Some GMs use them to humilate the PCs, others use them to mock the NPC status quo... the latter is far more enjoyable as a player even if your character still has to stop them.

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Re: Favorite lost villain group


I tend to use C.L.O.W.N. for my wackier villain schemes and as comic relief when the tone of the campaign gets a little too dark or serious. The Criminal Legion Of Wacky Nonconformists should always be lighthearted and used sparingly.

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Re: Favorite lost villain group


The Destroyers/Deathstroke were certainly among my favorite pre-5E villain groups. The plot concept from the adventure Deathstroke!, that the team was behind a movement to put "crooks who are at least honest about it" into positions of power, rather than politicians, had tremendous potential IMHO. The way that the group went about recruiting followers for their cause was logical and practical. The adventure ultimately went a more conventional "stop the supervillain nuclear blackmail scheme" route, but I developed their organization and political agenda further for a subsequent campaign of mine. For my purposes the version of Deathstroke from the 4E Champions Universe book worked well, particularly Scatterbrain and her publicist father. Just the right additions to a group trying to influence public opinion. :sneaky:


I was also very fond of the Corruptors of All, from Enemies III. Those were some interesting and innovative villain concepts, with a very clever method of introducing them to a campaign. And you can't beat that name. :eg: The brief description of the alternate world of Lo that the Corruptors came from sounded intriguing, particularly the three rival global organized crime syndicates. I'd have loved to see that world developed further.

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Re: Favorite lost villain group


CLOWN for me too.


It was fun to have those short arcs where you have to stop CLOWN from replacing the drinking water with raspberry jello.


Yes, everyone would groan when they showed up, but a good time was had by all.

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Re: Favorite lost villain group


Hear is my list of lost villain groups which I miss.


1) The Arseanos: Heck, thay were in the BBB. There is no evidence that thay exist/did exist in the 5th edition.


2) The Geodecents: Othoe I came on to Champs via the BBB, this small group was still populer, eventuly forming not one rewrite, but TWO (one in the old paper magazeen recasting Ultraviolet, and the independent adventure Distopia, which reintroduces Ultraviolet, Dash, and Diamond).


3) The Zodiac: Yes, haveing twelve members can overtax some GMs, but my old GM could handle it (heck, he created the group "The Raindear Raiders" based on all thirteen members of Santa's Raindear made into human supervilains...then recristen them as "Demilition Crew" or something like that). And it was a semi-insperation for my own Mega-Group "The Black Tryangle".


4) Terror Incorprated: Yes, I know thay existed. And I know that officialy the bad profesor is dead. But did anyone recover the body? And even so, could the bad profesor come back? And can I ever learn how to spell his nome-de-crime without a cheat sheat, or without people confusing him with Sir Arther Conan Dole's infamous villain?


5) Radar And Sonar: Yep, I know that two people do NOT make a supervilain team, but who cairs? Thay both have intresting powers, and there are a mirade ways to expand them.


6 & 7) Thunder And Lighting...Panda And Racoon: See above.


8) Eclipse: Prehaps the ONLY good vilain team from Europiean Enimies. Not to mention the ONLY team from that book which the GM used at all.


9) The Director Of Crime and his Film Troup Of Crime: Um, acuality, I only miss The Director...the rest of his Film Troup Of Crime can fall off the edge of the Champions Multiverse for all I cair. Oh, and if you don't recognise him, read "Prymid In The Sky" (I think that was the name of the mega-adventure he was in).


10) The Demons: A group of demon-posesed street gain members. What's more to say. From "Demon Rules" (with one of the first "Seaker Gets Beaten Up" covers).

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Re: Favorite lost villain group


Definitely pre-Scatterbrain/name changes Deathstroke. Fun team.


Though they're still around, I liked the old Ultimates, when it was Binder, Blackstar, Slick, Charger and Plasmoid. My players enjoyed pounding them into the pavement many a time.


Terror, Inc. could be fun.


Love Anklyosaur, but never cared much for the Conquerors as a team or for Neutron.


Geodesics could be entertaining.

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Re: Favorite lost villain group


CLOWN can only exist and prosper in an environment where CvK is mandatory. In an Iron Age setting, there's no place for toymen or pranksters.


I extensively used Zodiac and that villain team with Sleeper, Silver Dragon, Terastar, Phobos and Deimos, Echo and Barefoot Hippy Chick but I can't remember their team name because I never used it. Critical Mass or something? I would like to see Zodiac updated just to finally see Libra's character sheet completed.

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Re: Favorite lost villain group


Geodesics could be entertaining.


I actually rebuilt the Geodesics for the kick-off adventure of my most recent campaign. The players immediately recognized the team. They were a little surprised when they found out the 350-point Geodesics could actually fight back...



In my old campaign, Viper Force 2 were always a good foil for the team.

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Re: Favorite lost villain group


Well, the Zodiac tops my list followed closely by Deathstroke/Destroyers. For the guys that think the Zodiac has to many members, there's nothing that says you have to have all 12 members appearing at the same time. They're far easier to handle in small groups. As for Deathstroke/Destroyers, did any of TPTB, ever explain why they decided to change the characters names?


Also, and this may be a little off topic, I prefer the former version of PSI to the 5e version, and I don't think I'm the only one.

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Re: Favorite lost villain group


Also, and this may be a little off topic, I prefer the former version of PSI to the 5e version, and I don't think I'm the only one.


I agree 100% ... man I miss 4e characters ;)

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