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WWYCD: Dead Enemies are no fun.


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You have a great night celebrating a successful capture of a powerful group of supervillians. You go to sleep. When you wake up in the morning, you see on the news your greatest nemesis is dead. MURDERED. And the method of killing matches your exact power set. All the evidence points to one person being the killer.


Your super ID is the number one suspect.


The police have put out an APB on your Super ID. Arrest on sight.



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Re: WWYCD: Dead Enemies are no fun.


Millennium Call his lawyer, surrender to authorities, cooperate, make sure press release is prepared emphasising (1) he has never killed anyone before (2) he maintains he didn't kill this person and (3) he is cooperating fully with the authorities.


Dolphin doesn't sleep. Glossing over that, would find it amusing that he was a suspect if someone were not dead. Will approch the first police man he sees, "Officer, you are about to be fameous, may I trouble you for a ride to the police station? I'm wanted for questioning in a murder investigation." Then cooperate fully.


Iron Will Same as Millennium, except point out that his power set, a gadget pool, is very easy to duplicate.


Cheeta and Snow Leopard, go to the mattress and figure out who is framing them.

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Re: WWYCD: Dead Enemies are no fun.


Badger- "well he was going to kill his archnemesis anyway (bad guy killed his mother and sister). He might not mind so much them coming after him. Though he doesnt want to, he might not be opposed to being a villain (again). Him turning on his former comrades would make an interesting twist. :rolleyes:

His is more towards having something to fight against rather than necessary doing good. (though he had become kinder, at least towards the children/elderly/animals)



Lay low, and see what comes of it. The archnemesis is diabolical enough to have somehow staged this anyhow. What happens then he will act accordingly.




Frosty Bob- Umm, doesnt apply, gunshot doesnt automatically point to him (at least not till ballistics) Doesnt really have a nemesis.

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Re: WWYCD: Dead Enemies are no fun.


It would be absolutely shocking for anybody to believe that Blackberry S. Firr killed anyone; she is well known as, in spite of something of a rough-and-tumble attitude, not being particularly violent.


Blackberry would definitely be worried about what to do, but she would be more worried about why everyone so readily believed such an outrageous charge than anything else.

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Re: WWYCD: Dead Enemies are no fun.


Uncle Slam would contact the cops involved. Doubtful they would take him into custody. He would answer all questions and be forthcoming. He'd contact the city's local heroes to look into the issue in order to avoid a personal conflict of interest.


Anthem... "A martial artist killed him? Aren't there LOTS of martial artists?"

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Re: WWYCD: Dead Enemies are no fun.


Ace and Cat are both skilled normals, so I'll assume there's other evidence that implicates them. They would each react quite differently, though. Ace believes he's innocent, and has outrageous contacts with the Avengers, so he'd be willing to turn himself in and run the trial gauntlet. He can always try to escape later, he figures, if things go really bad.


Cat, on the other hand, grew up watching corrupt cops benefit off the chaos in her slum, so she trusts the gov't about as far as she can throw it. She'd stay underground, coming up with an alternate ID to investigate the crime if necessary.


Terminaxx is a powerful speedster with an attitude problem. He respects the law, though. He'd go along... well, not quietly, but he'd go along. If he ever caught the guy who framed him, though... he might come close to actually killing him.


Holocaust is a paranoid schizophrenic and a humongously powerful energy projector. She's also a resident alien citizen of the UK. She'd freak out - she's a genius at math and science, but she wouldn't have clue one what to do in this situation. For all she knows, she did kill that guy - she drinks heavily, which - combined with her haloperidol - produces blackouts. She'd probably run or turn herself in as her fellow heroes advised. She'd probably run, at first, though.

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Re: WWYCD: Dead Enemies are no fun.


Huntress: Didn't know she *had* an arch-enemy out there. This is obviously a plan to get her in trouble and have her powersuit taken away from her. Track down the person responsible and punish them.


Besides... being on high-strength, questionably legal prescription drugs doesn't mix with cooperating with the cops too well.


Void: Has a plausible case for self-defense; his arch nemeses are a mutant-hating powersuit jock with enough firepower to level a small city, and his psychotic ex-girlfriend, who's currently channeling a critter who makes Slug look warm and cuddly.


That said, it's actually plausible that he *did* do this... but at the same time, martial artists and Batman clones aren't exactly hard to imitate. He'd probably go into his Secret ID, putting his vast resources to work finding the person responsible before going to have a little three-way chat between he, the killer, and his good friend, Mister Nightstick.


Sparky: Are you kidding? Dogs who kill people don't go to prison, escaping to find their killers, having years to arrange said escape - they go to the pound and get euthanized after a few days. :angst: He'd do his best to avoid getting caught, or even noticed, by the police.


Scarface: *read the paper, shrug, use it to keep his next patient from bleeding all over the floor* What, like bullets and a mask are a distinctive means of death when you've got psycho vigilantes out and about? If the guy also had his distinctive facial features, hey - he'll do the plastic surgery to try and fix him up gratis, for taking out the scumbag.


Try to track the guy down and bring him to justice? What does he look like - a hypocrite?


Mind Game: "Please. If I'd killed him, nobody'd know he'd been murdered, let alone by me. He'd have been found in a room with a dead hooker, tainted LSD, and slit wrists."


"That's funny... says here that's exactly what happened and why they're blaming you...."


"Sheesh, somebody you don't like commits suicide and everybody just *assumes* you're responsible. Typical."

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Re: WWYCD: Dead Enemies are no fun.


I've heard of "go to the mat"' date=' but never "mattress". Seems a lot sexier that way.[/quote']

Means move into the safe house. Comes from The Godfather (the novel, don't recall if the line was used in the movie). The Corleone family owned several houses through the city that were offically in someone else's name. The only catch was that the family residing there had to be ready to take a vacation at little or no notice if the Corleones needed the house. A common feature of these houses were that enough matresses were on hand to, at need, accomidate a much larger than usual number of residents.

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Re: WWYCD: Dead Enemies are no fun.


You have a great night celebrating a successful capture of a powerdul group of supervillains. You go to sleep. When you wake up in the morning, you see on the news your greatest nemesis is dead. MURDERED. And the methood of killing matches your exact power set. All the evidence points to one person being the killer.


Your super ID is the number one suspect.


The police have put our an apb on your Super ID. Arrest on sight.




Ashley would do an Irish jig on the corpse just to be sure. So what if they appoint yet another donut mavin to hunt him down?

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Re: WWYCD: Dead Enemies are no fun.


Anthem... "A martial artist killed him? Aren't there LOTS of martial artists?"
The Specter... "A martial artist killed him? Aren't there LOTS of martial artists?"


Whisper... "I would remember eating her." But would basically do whatever Bethany tells him because, well, he has no choice.


Weldun... "So, he was killed by a large sword. Uhuh. Not many of those in this dimension, are there? No officer, I'm not being cute, I'm just pointing out the obvious flaw in assuming that it was me. Oh, a large, flaming, sword. Well, yes, not quite as many as those, but if you cover one of those 'replicas' that you can buy here in lighter fluid, you can get about the same effect. No, sir, again I'm not being cute. Yes, Sir. Just let me unbuckle the scabard for you. 'Nice and Slow', but of course. May I request a cell with an eastern exposure? Morning prayer, you see. Yes, I know my goddess is dead, why is everyone is this dimension so hung up on that?" It doesn't help that whenever someone asks him what he does, his response is "I kill things."

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Re: WWYCD: Dead Enemies are no fun.


Shinji Miromoto - probably has evidence of Dark Taint at the scene; he would immediately point out that there is an entire organization of people who exist, with the exact same power set as he, who would be charitibly described as "ethically-challenged". He'd also call up said organization, and explain that someone is being terminally stupid with their powers, and would they please send over a laywer, thank-you-very-much.


Icon - someone shanked the Bucaneer? She'd roll her eyes, assume he was just being petty about something, but she'd turn herself into the Argus City Special Case Squad, and would be back out on the streets in less than a day.


Jake the Troll - Not in a campaign where this would occur.

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Re: WWYCD: Dead Enemies are no fun.


Black Cat - In play she was possessed by her powers (Darkforce) and killed someone. When she was depowered and realized what happened she turned herself in, and pleaded no contest.

In this situation, she would quickly make her way to a TV station, and broadcast a message to all that she did not do this, and that someone was trying to frame her, given past indiscretions. She would point to her history and that she was totally honest about the past incident, down to doing time at Stronghold, even when the action was done while she was possessed. She then informs everyone that she is going undercover and into hiding and will find out who framed her.


Meeb - He's figure another Auelioee had landed and was doing nasty things and find them. They all look the same to humans. :)


Smokeater would co-operate with the police, and try and find the new fire using villain who did this. He has a good reputation, and a "well respected superhero" perk, so the police would likely be willing to work with him.


Sift would likely remain in her secret IDs except for combat (and as her secret IDs are two different people, neither of which look like Sift, hiding is easy), and work with her team (and boyfriend (the Soreceror Supreme)) to find out who copied her magical style.

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Re: WWYCD: Dead Enemies are no fun.


Plex Due to his major Code vs Killing and his honor code he would immediately turn himself in. The rest of the team would go out and prove his innocence. He would not expose his secret id and potentially put those loved ones at risk even if it gave him an air tight alibi. He would have total faith and trust in his teammates to prove his innocence. He would also go out and hire the best lawyer. (He's not stupid.)

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Re: WWYCD: Dead Enemies are no fun.


You have a great night celebrating a successful capture of a powerdul group of supervillains. You go to sleep. When you wake up in the morning, you see on the news your greatest nemesis is dead. MURDERED. And the methood of killing matches your exact power set. All the evidence points to one person being the killer.


Your super ID is the number one suspect.


The police have put our an apb on your Super ID. Arrest on sight.




Hellfire would switch to an alternate ID and try to only use her physical strength and not her fire. If only she didn't have Bad Temper and a compulsion to flame on every time she loses it.


(And yes, that response should reveal my Secret Identity to people with great memories. Curses.)

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Re: WWYCD: Dead Enemies are no fun.




Being that The Rose is a public figure, and his life is open in that he has no secret ID. If/when He woke up and saw the Police at His door waiting to escort Him down to the Department, he would go with them. Being that He is a diplomatic represenitive of the French Government and can't offically be charged or detained He would have no fear of being arested and held, but would have to do all he can to sway the press to the idea that it was a set up and he was framed. Shouldn't be that hard I mean He can talk his way out of calling the next morning, this should be a cake walk.


La Rose

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Re: WWYCD: Dead Enemies are no fun.


Question: Where exactly was the nemesis murdered?


If he was captured ( hence the celebrating ) then presumably he's either in the team's holding facilities, or turned over to the authorities. If the former, obviously this scenario doesn't work as written.


If the latter though. . . what evidence is present? Eye witness reports? Video camera records? Holes in walls heading towards the prisoner's cell?


This is important, because depending on the character, ambiguous or nonsensical evidence won't lead to an immediate arrest warrant.

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Re: WWYCD: Dead Enemies are no fun.




Being that The Rose is a public figure, and his life is open in that he has no secret ID. If/when He woke up and saw the Police at His door waiting to escort Him down to the Department, he would go with them. Being that He is a diplomatic represenitive of the French Government and can't offically be charged or detained He would have no fear of being arested and held, but would have to do all he can to sway the press to the idea that it was a set up and he was framed. Shouldn't be that hard I mean He can talk his way out of calling the next morning, this should be a cake walk.


La Rose


And besides... someone getting run through by a long, pointy object doesn't necessarily point to a flamboyant, publicity-seeking French playboy with unsavory connections on his mother's side and a signature fighting style using teleporting and a sword, right...? :sneaky:

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Re: WWYCD: Dead Enemies are no fun.


That would be a tough one as far as Dr. Anomaly is concerned. At one point, he would have surrendered to the authorities, and counted on his team-mates to solve the mystery... and perhaps persuade the authorities to allow him to help, as well. But now...


There are things that have happened, glimpses of what-might-be, and what-might-have-been, that have shaken his worldview a bit, and he and his team are on the verge of moving to a more global operations method, and one this is MUCH more out of the public eye... including secluded fallback bases in the event of the worst coming to pass. Given what is troubling him (and his team-mates) about the possible future... this might be seen as the first move in a wider gambit designed to take out the team before they can become an "issue" for a certain someone.


After all... though Dr. Anomaly is a gadgeteer (and thus many of the things he's done could, with some effort and the correct resources, be duplicated) there aren't that many beings out there who synergistically combine science and sorcery. If the evidence pointed to a techno-magical method of demise... or involved one of the "signature" devices that Dr. Anomaly commonly uses...


He'd talk it over with the team, but no matter what was decided, it's unlikely it would be a simple surrender to the authorities. The team might decide to play along... in which case the "person" that surrendered would be a homonculus while the real Dr. Anomaly (keeping a low profile) worked with his team to find out the truth. Or the team may decide that this is the opening gambit of something, and decide to use it as the watershed event and disappear off the face of the Earth, going "underground". That would almost certainly cause Dr. Anomaly to be listed by the authorities as a fugitive, and the rest of the team possibly as accomplices... but...


And regardless of what was decided, there would (until the truth were discovered) be lurking in the back of Dr. Anomaly's mind the question about whether he DID kill the person or not. He doesn't sleep much, is not one for partying and drinking to excess -- when you're a mage it doesn't pay to lose control of your impulses -- and has an eidetic memory. So he'd be pretty sure he hadn't done it. But still... there was an incident where, pushed past his limits, physically and magically exhausted, all pre-built equipment and ammunition expended... he'd restorted to using a... THING... a talisman... that had been in his keeping. A thing of evil, tainted magic... he still has nightmares about the consequences of using the Soul Rend Talisman. And though his opponent -- no, in his mind, his VICTIM -- didn't die... quite...


That little incident did get him hauled in by the Society for a "soul audit" to make sure that he hadn't been too badly or permanently tainted by using that talisman. He passed the tests, but he has wondered since then... what if? What if I were tainted in a way they missed...?

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