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Adventuring company name

teh bunneh

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Here I am, asking the combined brainpower of the Herophiles for some help. I need to come up with a name for a company of adventurers, once rivals and now (hopefully) allies of our group. They used to call themselves the Fearless Monster Hunters, but the PCs won the right to that name in a fair fight, so the other group has to come up with a different name.


(The Fearless Monster Hunters thread is here: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=51367)


The group currently consists of 6 people:

Boh Hodgeson, son of the famous adventurer Hob Hodgeson. He's sort of a jack-of-all-trades -- knows a little bit about magic, a little bit about fighting, etc.

Tawny Rose, a bad-tempered and foul-mouthed wizardess. Think Starbuck from the new Battlestar Galactica series, with magic. :D

Golden Darkhair, an Elven nobleman and warrior.

Octavia the Lovely, priestess of the goddess of love, supernaturally beautiful.

Thor Thorssen, a warrior from the far north. Not too bright, but good to have in a fight (and a nice guy, as long as you're not his enemy).

Vestnik, a dour and fatalistic warrior from my world's version of Czarist Russia.


Adventuring companies tend to give themselves names like "The Fellowship of the Dragon," "The Order of the Torch," "The Warriors Five," stuff like that. But try as I might, I can't come up with a good one for these guys! Help a bunneh out? :o

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Re: Adventuring company name


Three guys. a witch and a babe.


psst.. there's six of 'em.


They need a REALLY impressive name now that they've lost their first choice.


Something like The Fist Of Khor, or whomever is the God Of War and or wholesale slaughter... you know, to sounds scary.

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Re: Adventuring company name


Hudson City Extermination and Reclamation, Ltd.

Always prepared to meet you unique needs!

Licensed and Bonded




Though kind of a nonsensical name, in Ambrethel.


My suggestions for you, Bill:


The Fellowship of Thunder

The Monsters' Bane Order

The Sky Warriors

The Fist of the Heavens

The Face of Boh*


*With apologies to my fellow Doctor Who fans.

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Re: Adventuring company name


Though kind of a nonsensical name, in Ambrethel.



The reference to Czarist Russia moved the world into the age of gunpowder and steam (1800's) at least in my mind. ;). The city name is just a filler.

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Re: Adventuring company name


They used to call themselves the Fearless Monster Hunters' date=' but the PCs won the right to that name in a fair fight, so the other group has to come up with a different name.[/quote']

OK, then, how about:


The Fearless Hunters of Monsters

The Monster-Fearless Hunters

The Monster Hunters who are Fearless

The Hunters, Fearless of Monsters

The Hunters of Monsters who are Fearless (the Hunters, that is, not the Monters)




OK, then. Is one of them clearly the leader?


Hodgeson's Half-Dozen


Is there a particular feat they're especially known for?


The Giant-Slayers of _____ (What was the name of that place where they slew the giants?)


Do they have some sort of uniform or unifying symbol/trademark/coat of arms?


The Red Gaunlets

The Order of the Iron Hammer

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Re: Adventuring company name


The Bastard Squad


The Devil's Six


The Butchers


Hell's Heroes


Hell's Half Dozen


The Damned


Butch Manly and his Masters of Mayhem



With their new, super macho names, give them new, over the top super macho attitudes.


Hodgeson - Now talks like a cross between Hunter S. Thompson and the drill Sargent from Full Metal Jacket.


Tawney Rose - Swaggers constantly, never seen without a drink in her hand, develops spells that let her punch people through walls


Golden Darkhair - Now dresses and talks like Dr. Frank-N-Furter, complete with bursting into song.


Octavia the Lovely - Dominatrix outfit, WF: Whip, refers to all males as "Simpering Lackeys" or worse. Because of her basic personality, not at all good at it.


Thor Thorsen - Bluto from Animal House


Vestnik - Ivan Drago, complete with the bare chested look.


Have them keep up the routine for one game, then show up the next time back in their original persona, pretending that nothing ever happened.

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Re: Adventuring company name


Speed-Looters Inc.

In the Warhammer game I run the group became Karl's Krew.Most people assumed they named themselves after the Emporer Karl Franz.

In reality Karl was the name of the little dog that followed them around.(Smartest member of the Krew actually)

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