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WWCYD: Lethal Force is Authorized


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(Notes: I'm basing this on the current Sinestro War storyline in Green Lantern where the Guardians have authorized rings to employ lethal force)


Like most Champions, you're probably the type who ha either the a Code vs Killing or the default Reluctant to Kill. Whether it's the belief that all life if sacred, the desire to not lower yourself to the level of those you fights, killing is icky, or fear of legal ramifications, you just don't normally use lethal force.


Over the past few days though, things have gotten really rough. A vast alien armada has set up shop and has been in general kicking tail across the globe. Several major cities have been razed, millions are dead, and millions more are in internment camps. The aliens have stated that they will settle for nothing less than total surrender so that they can turn the people into slaves and tear the earth apart for its natural resources.


While this is going on, you and the other supers are fighting back as hard as you can alongside the various militaries of the world. You've truly learned that war is hell.


At one of the meetings to coordinate, the Secretary-Marshal Eckhardt of UNTIL and acting commander of Earth's superhumans has stated: "remember people, this is war. Lethal Force is Authorized."


How would this affect your character and their tactics? Would you take off the kid gloves and not care what happened to the green little aliens? Would you hold to your standards since what is the point of standards if they can not stand under the direst of circumstances? Or would you still be simply unable to kill because that is simply not a part of your nature?


(More notes: I hope this doesn't seem like railroading- I'm just interesting in how your character would act in this situation. In combat, soldiers and police officer use lethal force but in general are not considered murderers (not to start a flamewar) but superheroes tend to be exempt from this especially given how sanitized violence is in most comics.


In most comics, the supers are able to pull their punches with great exactness so that their energy blast punches through a tank on one panel and just knocks out a normal in the next. Or they just disable the plane enough to let someone eject or even carry the enemy to safety themselves. Of course, this all takes time and can leave you vulnerable to retribution if you misjusge and your attack is too weak against that new supertrooper.)

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Re: WWCYD: Lethal Force is Authorized


Cheeta: "No problem. Off to the internment camps. If you need me, follow the line of dead guards."


Snow Leopard: "It wasn't before? My bad. I thought it was as soon as they started killing civilians."


Millennium: "There is always another way. I must set an example, and that means always doing the right thing."


Iron Will: "It's not the amount of force, it is applying it at just the right point."


Dolphin: "'You Homo sapiens and your guns!' Surrender is not an option, scorched Earth is not an option, failure is not an option. Only option left is to convince the aliens of the wrongness of their path."

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Re: WWCYD: Lethal Force is Authorized


Revenant: Looks up from the pile of gore that was an alien patrol, breaks out laughing. Moves on.


Paragon: Mumbles something about "Bureaucrats", starts yelling "Come out and fight you...."


Tremor: Spends most of his time building fortifications, slowing down the pursuing enemies, so long as he can keep them away from the kids they should be all right. 'Course if one gets hurt or killed...

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Re: WWCYD: Lethal Force is Authorized


Black Cat would move to lethal force. She has a code vs Killing, as much because it is the "superhero code" and she follows that, as she sees it. She doesn't kill because it is wrong for a civilian to kill (and she knows she is a vigilante civilian, not a cop or soldier). If the world authority authorities her to use lethal force she will - at that point she is not operating as an illegal judge and jury, but as a authorized agent of the government.


In this scenario, she is likely at the headquarters helping defend the planet that way-

Tactics on a 16-

KS Strategy/Tactics on a 15-

Deduction (tactical) on a 14-

and 3 levels in all Int Skills. (so with a couple of slightly average complementary rolls (say an 11 and a 10), she could have an extraordinairy skill roll tactics on a 13-) :)


And Oratory and Persuason on 14 - (to rally troops).

Meeb, who has been a soldier and cop and used lethal force in his history would have no problems, given the circumstances.


Terminal Velocity would likely not, he doesn't feel it is his right to kill anyone. He's likely be the lone holdout on his team (well aside from Defender).

Sift would do it, after some soul searching. She prefers not to kill for many reasons, but if it is our planet or the aliens, then she would.


Smokeater is involved in an alien invasion (that is the campaign) and he has killed the invaders to save humans, so that one really is a given. :)

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Re: WWCYD: Lethal Force is Authorized


Haze is an ex-assassin, and as such, tries not to kill, even to the point where he'll put himself into more danger by not killing. One rule he has, though, is if the other guy is trying to kill, he stops pulling his punches. Like Snow Leopard, as soon as the aliens started killing, Haze would be into lethal mode.


Jacob al-Duri is a PRIMUS operative, and has something of the superhero code (he also has mutant powers). He doesn't kill... unless lives are in danger and killing is the only way to stop it. After seeing that, indeed, killing is the only way to prevent more casualties, he'd kill. Time to break out the heavy armaments.


Kid Dynamo is a child, idealistic, and Will Not Kill, Ever. (20 point CvK)

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Re: WWCYD: Lethal Force is Authorized


Mister Nonsense wouldn't care either way.

Shift would use lethal force to save a life or in self-defense, or if his nonlethal ammo was all used up.

Emerald Dragon would grab the first gun he gets.

October Raven would NEVER kill, nor would The Scrapper (who has a STUN Only EB). The Scrapper would gladly make some custom-made weapons for those who do.

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Re: WWCYD: Lethal Force is Authorized


Most of my characters have Protective of Innocents but do NOT have Code Vs Killing (Though I do have them at sort of a zero point "Never kills casually") mentality. The kid gloves for most would come off long before the speech was given since so many innocents had already died.

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Re: WWCYD: Lethal Force is Authorized


Shooting Star is not especially commited to non lethal force, even though it is her basic approach. She's mostly a superhero to do something useful with her powers and because it's what society generally expects of powered indviduals - and maybe because it's a good way to get killed. Pushed hard enough (or in the right ways), she'd drop superheroic conventions.



Temper basically always attacks for lethal damage. Her control over her power is such that it's a bit of gamble whether her 'safe' attack would actually be so. An alien invasion is something she'd be willing to kill to stop (including any human sympathizers).

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Re: WWCYD: Lethal Force is Authorized


All characters - none of them have a CvK (total) - most have "prefer to find other solutions" or "want to be a hero" or "aspires to follow the 8-fold path". But I as a player don't play characters with comlete pacifism. Thus, by the time the first city was razed, none of them would hesitate with responding with like force.

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Re: WWCYD: Lethal Force is Authorized


Zl'f: Although she has CvK (Total), that's pretty much for humans and applies in normal circumstances. She understands what war is (Her father fought in Russia's Great Patriotic War -World War Two to us decadent Westerners.) In a war to resist alien invaders, she would make the decision to kill. Reluctantly, and not without a lot of grief and angst afterwards, but she would kill. Most likely she'd borrow a couple of swords and play cuisinart with the bad guys.


Justicar: Is an agent of the Vatican and a Catholic priest (and a former US Marine). Killing non-humans in a just war to defend Earth and the faith wouldn't give him any qualms at all.

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Re: WWCYD: Lethal Force is Authorized


Hmm, no brainers for most of my guys here.


Doremo: He doesn't have a CvK anyway, just the traditional 0pt Reluctant. He'd have already gone with the nastiest/most effective chi techniques his curently 90 pt multipower can bring to bear. Time for the Vacuum Blades, Fleshcutting techniques and those sword-based ones he usually shies away from. No one kills or enslaves his planet while he's still breathing.


Gallant: He's a PRIMUS agent. He's already going to be using whatever the most damaging moves a fast hi-move brick has.


Thunderbolt: He's old-school Silver Age. This is going to tear him up. His heart's in defending civilians, but his power level says front-line combat. War is hell.


Atlas: He'd be all for the CvK till the camps and the ultimatum. After that, it's 'use the enemy spaceships as a blunt instrument' time.


Kid Dynamo: "Feh! I hacked my "No Kill" protocols months ago. Time to show these aliens why my creator gave me laser beam eyes and chainsaw hands!"

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Re: WWCYD: Lethal Force is Authorized


That's why, for 5 points less, I allow Code vs. Killing Humans, common, Total. This allows your character to fight and destroy slimy bug monsters, alien invasions, and blow up things that REALLY need to be blown up, but still suffer all the moral dilemma of not being able to kill his archenemy.

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Re: WWCYD: Lethal Force is Authorized


Void: "Some of you *weren't* pulling the trigger when you had the chance? What the blazes is *wrong* with you people?" He's a "Will not Murder"/CvK Strong sort at most. This broke the lines he's drawn long ago.


Outsider: *raises a finger, considers saying something, decides the better of it* Really, it's better to let the aliens take over than to risk *really* cutting loose, for him. His powers aren't exactly lethality-inclined anyways, so he'd probably keep on keeping on... though he'd be a bit less reluctant about feeding the Byakhee.


Scarface: *enters the room, scarf wrapped tightly around his face* "I'm sorry I'm late, I've been busy organizing and arming the 'gutter trash' you people ignore so cheerfully. They're having some target practice with a couple of POW's I kneecapped yesterday, so I've got a few minutes. Did somebody say anything important?"


As you might guess, I don't have too many people whose CvK's extend to *this* level (in most games I play in, of course, CvK's only tend to extend to "creatures from our world/dimension, or aliens that have demonstrated they think of us as more than speedbumps on the way to smoking cinders of planets floating in space."


Those who *do* extend that same courtesy to the aliens would probably modify their tactics slightly... lethal force against vehicles, but keep using "knock them out, not kill them" force against footsoldiers. It rarely actually limits their power level.


Of course, my only *true* CvK'er - Copper - doesn't have a real choice. His gear is 100% Stun Only, except for a couple (literal) bunker busters that don't work against non-rigid targets (like most people).

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Re: WWCYD: Lethal Force is Authorized


Special Agent Trent carries a gun. Not for use against supers--it's only a .40 S&W--but because that's standard procedure for FBI agents. He's had to use that gun against humans, before he got his powers.


Trent thinks of himself as a law enforcement agent, not a superhero, and as such, he's already willing to use lethal force when it's required. In an all-out war like this, he wouldn't need anyone to tell him that it's okay to kill the alien invaders.



Lindsay "Gojira-chan" Connor, on the other hand, would be torn up about it. She's really a gentle soul, and she's also afraid of becoming the monster that people say she looks like. While she's far from stupid, and could easily recognize the necessity of killing to defend the planet, she'd still struggle to actually do it.

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Re: WWCYD: Lethal Force is Authorized


X-Fire: ok So your not going to be mad about all the ones I just killed?


Katana: Aliens arent People so killing them isnt wrong no matter how many of them I get.


Slag: Im an alien and this just gives us all a bad name lets give them what they gave us 10 fold to prove a point.


The Chaos Crew, well lets just say that they have never had to kill anyone to make everyone want to stop fighting.


And my secret weapon Mr. Brownstone, even aliens get high man... lets all just go say hi and see if we cant talk over some brownies.

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Re: WWCYD: Lethal Force is Authorized


Hmm, out of my characters...


Cyrande: Given she's already tried talking to them (Crown Princess of Malva, she kind of considers Earth her playground for a bit...or at least that's what she says), she's likely been killing them once they tried attacking her. Very effectively, too. Of course, I have a hard time seeing them get this far with our team.


Artemis: She's already in a war situation. Adding aliens just means it's tougher.


Nox: Not only has a total CvK, but pretty much a complete mental block against killing anything with a soul. Fortunately, she's also far more use evacuating civilians and moving troops, equipment and other superheroes then a frontline fighter. Then again, there were pacifists who've served as med corps and transportation in every war, so she wouldn't feel bad about it either.

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Re: WWCYD: Lethal Force is Authorized


I keep telling people, Vitus isn't a Casual Killer. He's a very deliberate killer.


In this case he would whistle a happy little tune about the divine vengeance of the sun god against the Tribe of Akkad, enlist the aid of his teleporting colleague Void, and disable the invaders ships midflight with some judicious magical sabotage. That's just for starters.


Vitus also wouldn't be overly concerned by collateral damage, either. Nuclear timebombs teleported into ships that have already landed? No problem. They're only human cities, after all...

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Re: WWCYD: Lethal Force is Authorized


Given all the debate that sometimes arises around CvK's, I've pretty much stopped using them for most of my characters. Still, not all my characters would react the same...


Facet was a soldier before he was a super, he wouldn't need somebody to tell him the gloves come off in a war zone. I can see him exploring the more lethal options his powerset allows as the need demanded. His biggest concern would be helping his teammates deal with the changed circumstances...


Speedzone, on the other hand, is a scientist with a strong sense of responsibility and a need to live up to the 'heroic ideal'. Throw in his partner/fiance (DNPC) who would almost certainly weigh in on the 'dove' side of the equation, he'd be very conflicted about the situation. On the plus side, assuming the average alien soldier was at least the equivalent of a VIPER agent, this wouldn't affect his ability to actually use his powers in combat as his attacks are all normal damage. I can't see him exploring lethal applications for his powers except under extreme need, though I imagine he'll get real good at taking apart (literally) warbots and other war machinery on the run...


JT/Focus is just a teen. I really don't know how he'd develop without actually seeing how things play out. He's got 'fiercely protective of others' as a psych lim, so his initial concerns would be getting civilians clear of combat areas. After that, well, he's got a wild streak that may just break loose into a full fledged adrenaline junkie. Biggest question is how his parents react to the circumstances. JT doesn't know it yet, but both his parents have masked identities as well -- and the player already knows how Mom is going to react to an invasion force. The part that's in the balance is whether she decides to take JT under her wing, figuring he's going to get involved anyway so she better make sure he learns the ropes from her (while she can keep an eye on him). Or if she tries to keep him away from fighting as much as possible.

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