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Urban Fantasy Recommendations

Steve Long

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Re: Urban Fantasy Recommendations


He wasnt quite a leprechaun, your thinking of the Clurichane, not the nicest of fellows.


The Callahans Bar and Lady Sallys books are wonderful reads, just beware of the really abominable puns, tall tales, and other strangeness.


alt.callahans on usenet has been around what seems like forever, and its associated IRC channel is quite active too.


I used to run the alt.callahans website actually, and I can usually be found in the #callahans IRC channel on undernet, and or in #traveller

as either Shadowcat or Shadocat depending on which bot heisted my nick

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Re: Urban Fantasy Recommendations


Don't miss the Terry Pratchett books' date=' especially Nightwatch, Thunk! and Going Postal. Heavier on the Fantasy side, but an interesting look at adventures in a fantasy world with a modern Urban sensibility.[/quote']


Actually, any of the "Guards" sub-series (within the Discworld series) will have that urban sensibility. "Guards! Guards!" is the first of them. There's also "Jingo," "Men at Arms," and "Feet of Clay"; those and the ones OddHat mentioned are the only ones I can recall off the top of my head.

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Re: Urban Fantasy Recommendations


I've also just started reading The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde. It's pretty wacky and weird, but it could be counted as urban fantasy, from what I've seen of it. It's set in a universe where time travel exists, and literature fills the niche celebrities and rock stars would normally fill. I can't figure out if it's science- or magic-based, yet.

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Re: Urban Fantasy Recommendations


Wow.. I'm shocked no one has mentioned the show "Supernatural" yet. Granted it, like "Forever Knight" would fit in better with Horror Hero, but it has plenty that would fit the Urban Fantasy mold: Demons, djinn (Gennie), Reapers, magic rituals, etc.


Hey my favorite show on TV right now...

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Re: Urban Fantasy Recommendations


Wow.. I'm shocked no one has mentioned the show "Supernatural" yet. Granted it, like "Forever Knight" would fit in better with Horror Hero, but it has plenty that would fit the Urban Fantasy mold: Demons, djinn (Gennie), Reapers, magic rituals, etc.


Hey my favorite show on TV right now...


Dead Like Me!


Another take on death and one I enjoyed alot.


And does anyone remember Wonderfalls? A bit of an odd premise, but definitely modern fantasy (which is how I interpret Urban Fantasy ;)).

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Re: Urban Fantasy Recommendations


There sure are a lot of recommendations in this lengthy thread.


If I were to put up a simple database for Steve's benefit (and ultimately our own benefit), would any of you be willing to stop by and populate it with your recommendations?


If so, Steve could just print out the list or even just add each book to his Amazon "Wish List."

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Re: Urban Fantasy Recommendations


There sure are a lot of recommendations in this lengthy thread.


If I were to put up a simple database for Steve's benefit (and ultimately our own benefit), would any of you be willing to stop by and populate it with your recommendations?


If so, Steve could just print out the list or even just add each book to his Amazon "Wish List."


Hmmm.... So your asking if anyone here....on the boards....would be willing to post?


To opinionate?


Be careful your server doesn't overload ;)

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Re: Urban Fantasy Recommendations


Dead Like Me!


Another take on death and one I enjoyed alot.


And does anyone remember Wonderfalls? A bit of an odd premise, but definitely modern fantasy (which is how I interpret Urban Fantasy ;)).


Forgot about Dead Like Me. Nice! I haven't seen Reaper yet, but its supposed to be pretty good too...

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Re: Urban Fantasy Recommendations


This isn't so much a book reccomendation as a thematic topic one:


One of the themes that I've started to see crop up more and more in urban fantasy that has therianthropes of varying sorts in it, is the idea of genetically-programmed pack dynamics. By that, I mean the idea that 'alpha males' and 'alpha females' exist in pretty much all varieties of therianthropes, and that other members of the same 'family' of therianthropes are genetically programmed to kowtow to them, submit to requests and demands for services, and suffer 'programmed' physical and emotional attraction to them. Along with the individual effects, the therianthropes also have progammed social structures and responses that are (theroetically anyway) based on the social behavior of pack predators in the wild.


Personally I find the idea annoying and a cheap cop-out to force characters to perform less-than intelligent actions required to move the plot along (I believe that it's a holdover from the current generation of urban fantasy's roots in the romance genre, personally), but it seems to be pervasive enough that it deserves some kind of discussion and representation as a Limitation.

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Re: Urban Fantasy Recommendations


Forgot about Dead Like Me. Nice! I haven't seen Reaper yet' date=' but its supposed to be pretty good too...[/quote']


I know a few people who like Reaper. I have watched a few episodes, and while I won't say I dislike it. I will say it did nothing for me or grab my attention. I don't even remember when it is on.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Urban Fantasy Recommendations


Not sure if these are too late to make Steve's reading list but I would recommend the books of Robert Holdstock and Mark Chadborne.


Robert Holdstock has written the Mythago Wood series including Mythago Wood and Lavondyss. The setting deals with modern day ordinary people interacting with a mythical world formed from our own subconcious thoughts and racial memories into heroic archetypes.


Mark Chadborne has written the trilogy Age of Misrule including World's End, Darkest Hour, and Always Forever. It deals with the end of the Age of Reason and the return of magic and fae into the world with drastic consequences for the world. In many respects it blends fantasy with post apocalypse themes.

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Re: Urban Fantasy Recommendations


Not sure if these are too late to make Steve's reading list


Far from it. "Too late" would probably be around next March. Though to be honest, there's no way I can read every book that's been recommended here. ;) Now it's a matter of picking and choosing what seems best from my own library, bibliographies I have access to, and these recommendations.

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Re: Urban Fantasy Recommendations


For movies, I know "Cast a Deadly Spell" has been mentioned, but I second the nomination. Fred Ward playing PI Phil Lovecraft in a world where everyone uses magic? A great film for the genre. :thumbup:


Some book & author suggestions:


Simon Green(one of my favorite authors)

  • The Secret History series: The Man with the Golden Torc, Demons are Forever, and The Spy Who Haunted Me
  • The Nightside Series

Orson Scott Card - Enchantment


Mike Resnick - Stalking the Unicorn (great book) :thumbup:

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Re: Urban Fantasy Recommendations


Far from it. "Too late" would probably be around next March. Though to be honest' date=' there's no way I can read every book that's been recommended here. ;) Now it's a matter of picking and choosing what seems best from my own library, bibliographies I have access to, and these recommendations.[/quote']


Well if you can't read them all, just read the good ones :thumbup:





I like being all helpful and stuff :D

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Re: Urban Fantasy Recommendations


The Complete Werewolf by Anthony Boucher (spelling should be close) - short story that's appeared in several collections and was originally published in the original weird tales. Any version (original or one of the ressurections) of Weird Tales in general should be a good source for short fiction fantasy in modern times.


Grendel (comic book by Matt Wagner)

Marvel's Thor

DC's Demon, Doctor Fate, Shadow Pact, Spectre, etc.

Both Marvel and DC's comics tend to be more super hero-ish but there may still be elements you'd want to pick up... or it may be relevant for the champions section of the book if there is one.


ZBS media's Jack Flanders radio plays. (Fourth Tower of Inverness, Moon over Morrocco, the various Travels with Jack.)


Fiction based on the games Shadowrun and Mage (or just the source books I suppose, but that might be a bit troubling to have floating in the back of your head as you write your own take on the topic).


Of the books etc. mentioned so far I recommend:

War for the Oaks

Mage - The Hero discovered (comics / graphic novel)


Anansi Boys (American Gods shares the same world but is a serious crunchy novel where Anansi Boys is more of a light screwball comedy) - the audio book version read by Lenny Henry was quite good.

Sandman - The new ultimate versions are very nice.

Lord Darcy - the stories are set in the year that Garrett was writing them, so they range from the late 1960's into the 1970's.

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  • 5 months later...

Re: Urban Fantasy Recommendations


Another "I cant believe these have not been mentioned yet" is Michael Scott Rohan's Chase the Morning; Gates of Noon and Cloud Castles.


The first of those is the best and the other two dont add too much as they essentially are variations of the first novel. Chase the Morning is one of my favourite novels.





Dear heaven, but I love those books. They are enthusiastically recommended.


I forget who sent it to me, but thanks again to whoever shipped me the copy of Chase the Morning.

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Re: Urban Fantasy Recommendations


This isn't so much a book reccomendation as a thematic topic one:


One of the themes that I've started to see crop up more and more in urban fantasy that has therianthropes of varying sorts in it, is the idea of genetically-programmed pack dynamics. By that, I mean the idea that 'alpha males' and 'alpha females' exist in pretty much all varieties of therianthropes, and that other members of the same 'family' of therianthropes are genetically programmed to kowtow to them, submit to requests and demands for services, and suffer 'programmed' physical and emotional attraction to them. Along with the individual effects, the therianthropes also have progammed social structures and responses that are (theroetically anyway) based on the social behavior of pack predators in the wild.


Personally I find the idea annoying and a cheap cop-out to force characters to perform less-than intelligent actions required to move the plot along (I believe that it's a holdover from the current generation of urban fantasy's roots in the romance genre, personally), but it seems to be pervasive enough that it deserves some kind of discussion and representation as a Limitation.


I do remember reading about a female Swedish werewolf called a vargma ('Mother Wolf', I think) who could infect men with lycanthropy and then force them to change whenever she so desired. She could control their actions in beast form too.


The Swedes also had the varulf, werewolves who ran in packs and only ate human flesh when they couldn't get beer.

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Re: Urban Fantasy Recommendations


The Swedes also had the varulf' date=' werewolves who ran in packs and only ate human flesh when they couldn't get beer.[/quote']


Sounds almost civilized. "I'm going to chew your arm off!" "Here, have a beer instead!" "Oh. Why thank you, I believe I shall."



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Re: Urban Fantasy Recommendations


Sounds almost civilized. "I'm going to chew your arm off!" "Here, have a beer instead!" "Oh. Why thank you, I believe I shall."




Well, it's better than the French werewolves, the lupin, who used to hide outside cemeteries speaking to each other in "whispering voices", would dig up and consume the dead, and mugged any passerby who bothered them.

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Re: Urban Fantasy Recommendations


my wife is a big fan of Urban Fantasy so these are her favs...if these have been said, sorry:


Urban Shaman Series by C.E. Murphey

Moon Called (and sequels) by Patricia Briggs

Blood Pact (etc) by Tanya Huff

the first few Luarell K. Hamilton Annita Blake novels

the first few Anne Rice Vampire Chronicles

the Dresden Files by Jim Butcher

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  • 9 months later...

Re: Urban Fantasy Recommendations


I can't believe no one has suggested the Nightwatch and Daywatch movies. Good' date=' weird Russian urban fantasy. :thumbup:[/quote']


I know UF is already written but the novels these movies were based on are amazing! If there are gonna be UF source books I'd recommend Steve read these!

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Re: Urban Fantasy Recommendations


As would I.

I'd also recommend Twilight Watch,the last book in the original trilogy.Also there is the first of a new trilogy by the same author.The title is The Last Watch,and I haven't started reading it yet.

Another title I'd recommend is The Accidental Sorceror by K.E.Mills.The story is about a minor sorceror who's doing a long-overdue inspection of the premier staff-making factory in the country.Despite all his attempts to prevent a catastrophe (the new owner is a greedy miser) the factory goes up and he is unfairly blamed for the disaster,forcing him to take a job as a court wizard in a foreign country.

It turns out he's jumped from the frying pan into the fire.The kingdom is a mess,and the king is a deranged sociopath who has been meddling in black magic.(He's stolen the magic from the previous court wizards,which kills the wizard in question).Even with his few allies and his greatly increased powers,it comes down to a duel between dragons.

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