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WWYCD: Welcome Divinity?


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This may or may not fit your campaign, and I'm no GM, so here goes.


It's actually quite simple. You have been taken to the top of a mountain, in the middle of a volcano, by a seashore, or orbiting your home planet by beings of great power. You can't see them very well, but since they know your mind and favorite locations for relaxation, the location is yours to imagine. One of the figures becomes clear, and you see a noble and extraordinarily striking being. Female characters will see males; males will see females. The others are shrouded in mist, but you might see shapes, colors and clothing, on occasion as the mist thins.


A warm, inviting voice intones:


"We have seen your power, your integrity, your virtues. We hold extraordinary power; some have, in your past, regarded us as divine. That may---or may not---be true, but we have determined that you hold great value. We would hereby make you one of us, in effect, a god. Do you accept?"


Blade would sit in silence for a moment, not sure he heard the speaker correctly.

Then, he would burst into cynical laughter. "Yeah, right. Pull the other one . . . I think I'll go sharpen my knives."


Gem: "Seriously: Have you lost your mind? I've got a family. Husband? Kids? You do remember what that means? Or have you forgotten? If you have, you're not worth joining. If you haven't, you're stupid."


Then, a twinkle enters her eye . . .


"On the other hand, if you have a sense of humor . . . Can you make me the goddess of science? No, no! Just joking!"


"In case you haven't quite gotten it, N-o spells no, that's the way it has to go. I'll be leaving now."


Raptorian: "Absolutely---not! You should know---if you are gods---that I'm a good Catholic boy, and therefore cannot believe in you, let alone, accept your offer. Take me back where you found me. Is that clear enough for you?"

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Re: WWYCD: Welcome Divinity?


'Why? With Universal Transmutation, I can change a $1 into a $100 or my old car into a new one or that piece of paper into an airline ticket or that assassin into a baby or that glass of water into a cure for the common cold or that 'no' into a 'yes' or...well, you get the picture....'

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Re: WWYCD: Welcome Divinity?


Riptide: Yeah, sounds good, but before I get into it, just what are you expecting from me afterward? What the rules?


Hellfire: Wait, you want to increase my capacity for destruction? Are you insane or just testing me?


TN Lung: Power is a distraction from the quest for enlightenment.


Misery: Yes.

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Re: WWYCD: Welcome Divinity?


Special Agent Trent: "It's tempting, but I don't trust any human being, myself included, with that kind of power. I tell you what, why don't we go the other direction with that, and reverse the effects of the incident that gave me my powers?"

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Re: WWYCD: Welcome Divinity?


Zl'f: "I worship the one true God. I have no interest in pretending to be a phony one."



Justicar: "You guys must not have read my résumé carefully enough. I'm a Roman Catholic priest in my day job. You're offering me virtually unlimited power? Jesus Christ had a phrase when that kind of power was offered to Him - 'Satan, get thee hence!' In other words, get lost."

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Re: WWYCD: Welcome Divinity?


"We have seen your power' date=' your integrity, your virtues. We hold extraordinary power; some have, in your past, regarded us as divine. That may---or may not---be true, but we have determined that you hold great value. We would hereby make you one of us, in effect, a god. Do you accept?"[/quote']


Remote: "Yes. Thank you."


Rogg I: (the Gamma Giant) (shrugging with already godlike self-assurance): "Sure."

Rogg II: (Dr. Freddie Green: the Gamma Genius): "Yes. I expect this will be very interesting."


Spirit Master: "Yes. I'll need help and guidance to do a good job at first. May I ask for a mentor?"

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Re: WWYCD: Welcome Divinity?


Hornet. "Magic..you must be joking. And anything close to a divinity would know never to give that kind of power to a mortal. So who are you really?"


Blaze "Umm, I think you have the wrong person. And if you give the power, I bet it comes with a catch. I'll get to omnipotence on my own, chump."


Seer laughs and laughs and laughs. "My....virtue?"


Seer then realizes that a lot of evil things were once regarded as gods....

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Re: WWYCD: Welcome Divinity?


"We have seen your power' date=' your integrity, your virtues. We hold extraordinary power; some have, in your past, regarded us as divine. That may---or may not---be true, but we have determined that you hold great value. We would hereby make you one of us, in effect, a god. Do you accept?"[/quote']


Nova: "Well, I've always known that mutants have a manifest destiny to become gods, so this will only bring my path to fulfillment sooner. I thank you for the honor. I must respectfully ask for a full and true disclosure of the rules this will committ me to. If your calling is compatible with the path I've chosen, I will be honored beyond words".


OOC question: exactly how much godlike are we talking, here, powerwise ? The Superman/Silver-Surfer/Thor tier ? The Q/Odin/Galactus tier ? The Infinity Gauntlet tier ?

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Re: WWYCD: Welcome Divinity?



"You must not have really looked at what I teach. The entire philosophy behind what I teach is that humanity can overcome it's own petty weaknesses and move beyond what common consciousness declares as real. I fight alongside the strongest and greatest superheroes the world has ever known, and I have done nothing but personal training to get to that position. And so could anyone who took the time, devotion, and had the same opportunity and insights I have had.

Go back to wherever it was you came from. We don't need you.

Oh, in case that wasn't clear, the answer is no."


Yeah sure whatever.



"ahh... thanks for the offer, but being a mage is tough enough as it is, I don't think I want an upgrade"


Terminal Velocity

"Can I have a backout clause if I don't like it?"



"Sure, sounds like fun."

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Re: WWYCD: Welcome Divinity?


Justicar: "You guys must not have read my résumé carefully enough. I'm a Roman Catholic priest in my day job. You're offering me virtually unlimited power? Jesus Christ had a phrase when that kind of power was offered to Him - 'Satan, get thee hence!' In other words, get lost."


I answer these before reading any replies, so as not to influence my answers. I find it funny that Justicar and Blackcat had pretty much the same kind of response for completely different reasons. :)

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Re: WWYCD: Welcome Divinity?


So many of my characters have Curiousity as a psych lim that most would say, "Tell me more," without considering actually accepting, just because there's so much more to know given that opportunity.


One would try to pick their pockets.


Two would try to pick up the good-looking goddesses.


Two would flat out say no, and I'm not sure if one of them wouldn't attack the gods immediately.

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Re: WWYCD: Welcome Divinity?


Darkfire: She would categorically refuse, for two reasons: 1.)she absolutely refuses to be beholden to any extra planar entity especially ones with delusions of grandeur. 2.) Despite her rather dubious morality, she firmly and absolutely believes their is only one true God. While the power they offered would tempt, to Darkfire it is simple their offer is not be worth the cost of her soul.


Ironhide: I'm honestly not sure of what he would do, if he could remain on earth and continue to be a superhero he might take them up on the offer. If he had to leave earth behind he would say no.


John O'Malley II: Catholic Priest, member of the Dominican order(the sword of the Church), member of the Holy Inquisition. Would have one response "you pretenders to God's glory! You think to tempt Me! with your empty promises and honeyed lies! Begone spawn of Satan! Before I crush you under my Inquisitorial Boot." Draws consecrated saber and double barreled shotgun! while praying for Jesus Christ to bless him with the Glory of heaven. Charge!

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Re: WWYCD: Welcome Divinity?


Justicar: "You guys must not have read my résumé carefully enough. I'm a Roman Catholic priest in my day job. You're offering me virtually unlimited power? Jesus Christ had a phrase when that kind of power was offered to Him - 'Satan, get thee hence!' In other words, get lost."


:thumbup: I love that response!


what's wrong with these 'gods' trying to tempt all these Catholic Fathers? It just won't end well for them.

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Re: WWYCD: Welcome Divinity?


Fallout: Would wonder if he would be the god of Radiation. Since he has seen others with powers far beyond his abilities claim to be gods while these entities only claim to have been called gods he would certainly be tempted. Likely he would wonder what their purpose for offering this to him would be. That and miss having a human body. Depending on if anything else is happening to remind him of his mortal life he may agree simply for the hope of being able to craft a human body.


Apollyon: As he has already bargained away some portion of his soul to the entity Abbadon to save his own life he would likely see this as a test. Possibly a trick by Abbadon to collect his bounty. In the end he would decline, reminded that no matter how much good he may do before he expires there is likely no way to redeem himself.

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Re: WWYCD: Welcome Divinity?


Volt would say "Let's see. 10 commandments, #1 commandment: 'You shall have no other god than me.' and 'You shall worship the Lord your God and Him only shall you serve.' No. I also think you are just pretenders with massive power at best. Strike me down with lightning for my temerity if you must, but - get lost." The lighning comment is ironic since his main attack is lightning.


Olorin would laugh so hard he'd be on th eground clutching his sides with his eyes tearing up. Once he recovered he'd say "Whoo!, thats good. I've been asked before by other gods, and my answer to you is the same. NO! You guys at best are trying to do good, but petty politics get in the way and thousands can, and have died when you guys get involved. And I'd have to accept worship. Yeah. Right. I like a quote by a wise man in this world that applies. His name is Groucho Marx. 'I would never join a club that would have me as a member.' Oh, man thanks for the laugh though. I haven't laughed that hard in quite a while. Got any more good ones?"


Black Tiger "Are you insane? I don't trust authorities, and here you are trying to make me one? Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutly. If you did this, I'd probably turn into one of the bad ones, and you'd have to destroy me. Or are you bad ones trying to tempt me? NO! Go away!"


Futurian "I am already a GHOD. Grand Humanity Over Divinity, a religion from where I come from. At least according to them. I don't buy it. Oh no! Did I start this by bringing it up here? No wait, they come later. Crud. Did I at least start the idea of man being God here?"

Volt "No. That goes all the way back to the Bible, even in the begining."

"Oh thank god!"

Volt , with a slight smirk "Is that with or without an 'H'?"

"Not telling."

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Re: WWYCD: Welcome Divinity?


Jake the Troll - "Prithee, mortal, dost thou...ah, screw it. Az, how's it going!" Jake is already a god. He'd probably be on the other side of this, trying hard not to laugh. EDIT - if they actually did approach him, he'd decline, but ask if any of them knew the way to Valhalla. Why? 'Cuz he hasn't been able to find it yet, and Valkyries are hot. Duh.


Icon - would be seriously tempted, but wouldn't commit without knowing the rules.


Shinji Miromoto - would likely decline: he's Buddhist, and becoming a god just has too many kharmic strings attached.


Widower - "Oh, hell no. Did Haziz put you up to this?" The Djinn can be considered (little) gods by some, and he really doesn't like the Djinn.

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Re: WWYCD: Welcome Divinity?


:thumbup: I love that response!


what's wrong with these 'gods' trying to tempt all these Catholic Fathers? It just won't end well for them.

Heh. Justicar is not only a priest and a Jesuit, but a member of the Vatican's secret metahuman team. His metahuman powers (quite similar to those of a D&D cleric) he views as literally a gift from God Almighty. However, as a former US Marine (and kid from the wrong side of the tracks in Hudson City) he's also not afraid to get in peoples' faces if he feels it warranted.
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Re: WWYCD: Welcome Divinity?


Aquatic's reaction would be doubtful these guys could be trusted anyway, and besides, having recently discovered he's the son of Atlantean Royalty and a superhero who was then tossed back in time is quite headache enough. He might be tempted to take the power and wail on the Crowns of Krim, but that probably wouldn't occur to him.


Banner would thank them kindly, but decline instead suggest instead they split the power between many good people. Heck, he'd go find good candidates if they wanted.


Mole might, then again, he always wanted to be a god of Rock and Roll ;)


Gaze would be less polite and decline. He is tempted enough by the power he has, he has no need for godlike power with no guarantee of godlike restraint or compassion to accompany it.


Doctor Sanguine would politely refuse, perhaps asking for a boon instead. After all, he hopes to have a chance to be Arch mage one day

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Re: WWYCD: Welcome Divinity?


Avatar: I don't think that is what my father intended for me. I am to learn about this world not rule over it. (by the way they would be floating out of the earths atmosphere at this point as that is where avatar relaxes) and whats with this gender thing you humans have it is just plain confusing anyway?


Orca: Tempting, what's the catch? Will I still be able to help out my team? Are there any rules I would need to follow? GOD damnit NO I don't want to become like the stormlord.

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