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Pet Powers


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Re: Pet Powers


The "red shoes" multipower:

* running

* swimming

* leaping

preferably bought with reduced or zero Endurance.


I originally bought this focused in a pair of red shoes for my first regular Champions character, a martial artist.


And yes it was inspired by a girl who when she put on a pair of magic red shoes couldn't stop dancing.


I like athletic characters: sprinting, jumping, swimming, diving, running long distance, clinging and climbing and swinging and doing insane chases on bicycles and stuff like that.


Super-athletes, though a comic book staple, are inefficient compared to power-gamed-up characters. That was why my martial artist had a pair of red shoes.


The neat thing about a "red shoes" multipower is that if the gamemaster retaliates by giving his non-player characters something similar, the game is improved, not least for the athletic hero.

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Re: Pet Powers


Martial arts.

Of my currently played characters only one does not have them (Meeb).

Black Cat is a martial artist, Terminal Velocity has a Speedster MA, Sift has Tae Kwon Do and Aikido, Smokeater has a ranged MA (fry-jutsu).


Another dead giveaway is Protective of Innocents and often Enraged when Innocents abused.


I tend towards VPPs if the GM allows them.

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Re: Pet Powers


Well, let's see...


I had a dog with "Detect Food Preparation" and "Detect rattle of Car keys". This was usually coupled with "Teleport to Location of Whoever's Preparing Food or Rattling Car Keys". He also could tell when the clothes in the washer or dryer were done and would come and get me when they were.


Oh. That's not what you're asking about, is it?:D

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Re: Pet Powers


I haven't played in enough games to really have a "signature" yet, but a trend I've noticed in myself is that I like CSL's. Even though I know it normally makes more sense to just buy up your DEX instead, I like the flexibility and the thinking that goes into declaring where CSL's go. I've lately been putting a lot of variable advantages onto my characters, too, so that I can get extra knockback against some opponents, armor piercing against tough guys, target a hex against the nimble baddies, or do the "I can do this all day!" 0 END thing if I have to. I like options, I guess.


I'm a big fan of Combat Pool in Shadowrun, Expertise/Power Attack in d20 stuff, and other mechanics in that vein. Just let me feel like I'm doing more than saying "I hit him" and grabbing the dice, y'know?

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Re: Pet Powers


Wow, I'd have to think about that. I don't exactly have a single signature set of powers but I'll throw out what I do see, now that I'm thinking about it:


- funny personality. I like playing characters with a bit of sillyness


- being versatile. It's not just about powers but also skills.


- nobility. Generally not played with the 'funny personality' above but I like a noble character, not in title (which could be fun) but in personality


Beyond that, I don't think I can nail down any set signature of my characters.

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Re: Pet Powers


Oh yes, one more:


- breaking the mold. I like to create characters that push me to try stuff I've never tried before, such as a toon character - which turns out to be one of my most enjoyable characters. My friends like him as well.

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Re: Pet Powers


I have a tendency to take historical personnages or characters in fiction and try to super-ize them. I've been trying to do this with Mary Shelley's Frankenstein for a while now but can't seem to get it right, since I can't decide what he's been doing in the intervening 200 years or what his powers would be other than mild Brickiness. I was going to give him electrical powers but then reread the book and realized the whole "created by electricity" bit isn't in there at all but is a Hollywood invention.


I also reworked The Thing (the horror movie one) into a superhero I really, really liked.

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Re: Pet Powers


I tend towards the highest DCV, lowest defenses in the group. If I don't get hit, I don't take ANY damage, and therefore have to do no paperwork. If I get hit, I frequently go down which also minimizes paperwork.


Similarly, I usually buy all my stuff to 0 End. And frequently sell back most of my Endurance.

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Re: Pet Powers


If a character has FLIGHT with Reduced END (Zero END Cost)' date=' it's very likely one of mine. What the hell is the point of being a superhero if you can't fly--and fly for as long as you want without tiring yourself out?[/quote']


My Flight-powered characters almost always have a few Non-Combat Multipliers. Many published Fifth Edition characters lack them, and are embarrassingly slow compared to most real-world aircraft.

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Re: Pet Powers


Now that I've posted a silly answer (bottom of page two), I'll try to give a serious answer.


Most of my characters have been Bricks or Martial artists. One thing that might count as my "signature" power would be a high PRE (25 or more, up to 50 in one case) and lots of pre-based skills. I'd rather have a good chance of persuading the bad guy (or at least his mooks) to cease and desist without resorting to violence. Of course, these same characters are, in fact, quite capable of dealing out violence should the occasion call for it.


I've also been fond of 10-point skill levels. You just never know when something like that will prove handy.

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Re: Pet Powers


I like to play one of two things. either the Pro from Dover: a character who's really good at something (usually only one thing) or the generalist: a character who's not the best at anything, but can turn his hand to everything.


So in the current DnD game (all I get to play these days, sob) I'm playing The Scout: I want to be able to, you know, actually scout - which means moving ahead of the group, which means, in turn, being a bit of a jack of all trades in a game designed for specialists. Interesting design challenge.


His predecessor was The Killer" - a magically-amped barbarian designed to wade into the middle of a mass of foes and kill everything in reach, whilst being as hard to kill or immobilise as possible.


In Champions, my last character was Phayze - a teleporter. That was his powerset basically. He could teleport himself, or other people, or things. But boy could he teleport - literally anywhere in the world. Actually much more fun to play than he sounds and a real game challenge to keep alive.


Prior to him, another Pro - a brick called Valiant! He was fast, strong and tough. That was it. He pretty much blew all his points on being really fast, really strong, and really tough. Oh and a little on being good-looking to help bring in that advertising revenue :D Very simple character to play: run up and punch your opponent, but also very flavourful. I loved Valiant! but I think everybody else in the group hated him.


Prior to him, I played Kenji: a generalist. He was an armoured suit guy with an ECM multipower, so he was a backup fighter, and stealth guy plus the team's backup IT/ hacker. He also had enough social skills/contacts to function as a backup frontman for corporate work. But he wasn't the best in the team at any of those things.


cheers, Mark

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