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Good Luck, Superchuck


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Based on what I'm told is a terrible movie, and it certainly wouldn't apply to many characters, particularly those in happy monogamous relationships or that do not have a sex life. It applies best to those who 'play the field' (There are meaner terms, but let's be nice), so use any character you think might fit.



Your character has a casual fling with an attractive person that is enjoyable, but the next day the person ends up getting caught in a freak accident and gains superpowers!


A week after that, another hook up goes strange, when mere hours after that, he/she is abducted by aliens, experimented on, and returned with superpowers.


Indeed, it soon becomes apparent that EVERY NPC your character has sex with who didn't have powers before, somehow by odd twists of fate or chance ends up getting super powers. Radioactive animals, alien abductions, mystic artifacts on Ebay... the origins vary wildly, the only common factor is they 'bumped uglies' with your character. Not all of them will use these powers properly, while others might try to join the world of superheroics.


Whatever the cause of this is, it's kind of weird.




(And yes, ripping off poorly rated films for ideas is probably a sign the well has run dry for me ;) )

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Re: Good Luck, Superchuck


The only character I have who this could apply to is Sandboy, and I can see it being a great storyline for him. Since he's not a deep thinker, the first two or three gals who turned up all superpowery would produce a, "Whoa! Bitchin'!" reaction from him, but after that the strangeness of the situation would begin to penetrate even his geef-addled brain and he'd start to get seriously freaked out. He'd get even more freaked out when he remembered that along the way he's nailed some chicks he probably should have kept his hands off of (like friends' moms or teachers) and eventually he'd probably just isolate himself in his bedroom in his parents' basement and hide in the closet.

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Re: Good Luck, Superchuck


No way would this apply to Arachne! :rofl:


Georgette Batroc, on the other hand, has had plenty of casual flings. At first, she wouldn't even notice. She's pretty self-absorbed that way. Eventually, when she figured out what was happening, she'd be rather put out. She doesn't even have super-powers! She wouldn't want to stop ... ahem... stepping out, but obviously something's going on. So she'd probably go visit Dr. Brandon Pym (expert on superhuman physiology) for a full checkup to make sure it wasn't something to do with her.


Actually, now that she thinks about it... Dr. Pym is single and he has super-powers, so obviously she could date him without fear of something odd happening... "Oui! Eet is ze perfect solution! I shall pick vous up at eight. Do not keep me waiting, non?" :love:


Adamant probably doesn't sleep around enough for this to apply to him. He's got high standards, after all. :king:

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Re: Good Luck, Superchuck


Iron Will is 13, Millennium is celebate, Snow Leopard and Dolphin tend to be attracted to metas.


That leaves Cheeta.


Most of his hook-ups come in his civilian ID (pro football player). Most are one-night stands. It may take five or six of these showing up before the nickel drops and he realizes the common connection.


At which point he has three options.

  • Stop being a dog
  • Choose his insignificant others more carefully
  • Find out what is causing this and stop it so he can continue sleeping around without creating two new supervillianess a week

Care to guess which he's going to try?


He will try to find the meta-maker and turn it off.

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Re: Good Luck, Superchuck


My characters are all spoil-sports for this scenario. Each has reasons it just wouldn't happen.


Uncle Slam's sex life isn't very active these days, but he does have a particular woman he will see on occasion--but she has superpowers. Afraid his days of sex with random attractive women are decades behind him.


Anthem is a young woman without much experience in that area, and unlikely to become "that kind of girl". So if the scenario took place over the course of years then it could happen, but she might not notice an obvious pattern, especially with them all having different origins.


Audra Blue is base-bound, and the only pereson she even has direct contact with is her female psychiatrist. And even if they did, one person changing is hardly a pattern.


So now I'm digging to think of character's I've made who could have this scenario happen...


Lucretia, gun-fu practicioner and former spy, actually had a "colorful" past when undercover (and using drugs). These days she'd be more of a serial dater, so this could work. But it would be quite a few before she thought she could possibly be the cause. She'd contact Audra Blue, give her names of people from her past (the ones she can remember) and have her research online whether they're changing/have changed too. Then she'd seek reasons for such a strange situation, likely from someone with mystical means (This sounds like some kind of luck/unluck/curse situation) to analyze the problem. That would be Professor Scapular, who always wanted to have superpowers, so he'd hit on her in hopes of having sex AND getting powers.

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Re: Good Luck, Superchuck


Heh... I believe the proper quote for this scenario has already been discovered.


"Sweet Typhoid Mary, I've become patient zero for a social disease!"

She-Rorschach, of the Brotherhood of Damn Sassy Mutants


(Soooooo not a character - or setting! - that I'm involved with... but I remembered the line from the podcast and felt it was entirely too perfect. :D)

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Re: Good Luck, Superchuck


Okay, some amusing responses , thanks :)


It seems most of my characters are steady/monogamous.


Technically, Stereo and Banner might qualify, which would be interesting because that puts this in a variant Marvel Universe (The Bunnyverse). Banner doesn't strike me as hounding around that much, but he'd feel personally responsible for anyone he empowered and if he found out try to guide them towards using them responsibly.


Patrick (Stereo) Is more likely, and would be griping in Gaelic when he started to make the connection. He'd try to see Dr. McCoy privately about it.... if word got out with the rest of the team, there'd be no mercy from many of them. Hip Hop would be none stop jokes, and Adamant's bemusement would be tangible.

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Re: Good Luck, Superchuck


Eve, Velocity, Hero Girl and Valkyrie need not apply since none of them will being getting intimate with anyone in the near future.


Harmony has yet to have a sexual experience but her boyfriend has been pressing for it and she’s willing due to various events in the game. But she wouldn’t notice that him gaining powers afterward was directly connecting to their first time or he just happens to be mutant like her and awakened with ironic timing. If she did find out, there would be mixed feelings. It would make her happy she didn’t have to hide her nature from him but she’d feel bad for opening him to some of the crap being a freak brings. She’d probably turn to her friend Jen who had a similar experience for advice and support.


Shidoku is a street level character in a "Dark Champions" style world so she couldn't really pass on "super powers" (most result from training of some sort or tech). Maybe physical enhancements of some kind which would frankly mean there would be a drastic increase in high end male (and a few female) specimens running the Hudson city before she caught the connection, probably when her techie contact starting looking like he subscribed to Men's Health and got a gym membership. It would freak her out but she'd probably keep it from her handlers and try to figure it out herself. Maybe she picked up some kind weird beneficial "STD" after that one bio weapon lab she helped shut down. She s responsible enough to start being slightly more selective about who she boinks but not responsible enough to go celibate, not even close.


Tao would be fascinated the potential advantage it could bring. It’s seems relatively easy to forge emotional connections with sexual intimacy so this could be ideal time to develop new allies, perhaps even enhance base security which is feels is lacking and improve moral at the same time. Sex just moved up near the bottom on her list of things that matter.


Ivy: The adult comedy/drama of her sex life would get even more complicated since her only current lover is the woman that her husband started sleeping with while she was thought dead how had a long term “thing” for Ivy when they worked together and desperately wants them to form a Triad.

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Re: Good Luck, Superchuck


Going for the sexually active ones....


Field Test: Yeah, he's monogamous, but I suspect that Kirby would be the first to cackle with the idea of his wife getting superpowers....


Steele: Oh lord, this would be *bad*... make for a heck of a 'memoir' novel though. (Gotta post here one of these days....)

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Re: Good Luck, Superchuck




Mask of Justice: Casual sex isn't his thing--he might not even find out until after he retires from heroing and finally settles down with a wife. Which will obviously cause some problems re her career choices.


Calculus: Monogamous with his wife. While theoretically he actually could trigger something with his body fluids that way, it seems odd that it would take over a decade to manifest....


Rock Bottom: Due to the nature of his powers, any man he has casual sex with will probably already be metahuman.


Kira Midori: Is another "wait for marriage" person, and the one person she'd seriously considered is already metahuman, sort of.


Talion: Would actually need to get laid first. Also, with his luck, all powers he activates will turn the woman into a omnicidal lunatic.


Doctor Nostalgia (new character, gadgeteer with a pulp SF fetish): Be very confused, as he himself is not metahuman. He curses his poor luck with keeping women interested with him though, as he could use a partner.

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Re: Good Luck, Superchuck


Badger- does not apply (Still a virgin, and no chance of dating in sight)


Frosty Bob- well yeah, definitely could happen to this guy. He wouldnt particularly bother to care though. Just figure it was par for the course. May make a move on them again though. :nonp:

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Re: Good Luck, Superchuck


Oh, and actually when I first saw Superchuck in the title, I actually immediately thought basically WWYCD if he got Chuck Norris angry. Which the only correct response to any character ever created would be "Pray for a quick death" (yes, even the immortal ones)



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Re: Good Luck, Superchuck


Oh, and actually when I first saw Superchuck in the title, I actually immediately thought basically WWYCD if he got Chuck Norris angry. Which the only correct response to any character ever created would be "Pray for a quick death" (yes, even the immortal ones)




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Re: Good Luck, Superchuck


Nova: "Argh, another turn at managing the Super-Harem. Is it Monday already ?!"


Seriously, given how much he is dedicated at sleeping... err, spreading love around, this might mean serious trouble for the world, or a wonderful source of plenty novice superheroines, depending on how much well-adjusted most of his casual partners turn out.


I suddenly picture the cover for a miniseries: Nova: The Bedding Initiative. :cool: Can we say Dynamo Nth ??

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Re: Good Luck, Superchuck


Your character has a casual fling with an attractive person that is enjoyable, but the next day the person ends up getting caught in a freak accident and gains superpowers!




Well, Truman/Zero is a virgin, altho imagining the way his brain will melt down at the thought of his mother ever finding out what he's up to is amusing.


"What did I tell you Truman *
. They're all
Truman *
* They're just going to take you away from me, aren't they Truman *


And Vitus has only ever slept with two people. A gnoll-girl subsequently decapitated by Scorpia, and 3, who's already superhuman, barring radiation accidents.


Of course, given how badly the thing with 3 turned out, he's now redoubled his efforts to find some more gnolls so he can actually breed. And if they all get superpowers.... A dynastic harem of super-powered hyenas? HELL YES! Line them up! Even if half of them leave that's still plenty to starta new gnoll nation with.

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