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Steve Long

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Time for another WDYWTS thread! This time it's about our GenCon release, The Book Of The Destroyer, about everyone's favorite master villain.


Now, some parts of the outline I can't reveal to you right now, because they impinge on Cryptic's plans for the character, which have to remain secret until the release of the book. So don't worry about any of that and just make suggestions about what you're interested in seeing in this book as if there were no MMO. Nothing to see here, move along, move along.... ;)


So, here's the rough outline of the book as currently envisioned:


Chapter One: Doctor Destroyer: a thorough history of Dr. D (believe me... it's taking forever to write...); an examination of his personality, psychology, and motivations; his character sheet (for a couple different power levels); alternate Dr. D armors; Dr. D for other genres.


Chapter Two: The Legions Of Destroyer: his villains (reprints of ones already known, plus new ones); agents; other resources (e.g., the Medina family).


Chapter Three: The Tools Of Destroyer: weapons; vehicles; robots; etc.


Chapter Four: The Realms Of Destroyer: his major bases, including the Vale of Javangari and others mentioned in CKC, Destruga II, others. Major bases will get full maps; others minor maps or no maps.


Chapter Five: Gamemastering Dr. Destroyer: his current plots and schemes; how to use him in your games; his role in the CU and relationships with others in it; etc.


Plus, your very own Dr. Destroyer plushie! (Kidding! Kidding!) :eek:


So, beyond all that... what do you want to see in BotD?

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE DESTROYER: What Do *You* Want To See?


I'd like to see a few characters, of various power levels, who have tried and failed to bring Destroyer down. They'd make good adventure hooks.


The UNTIL or PRIMUS agent whose career was ruined by his obsession with Destroyer.


The beautiful Journalist whose unhealthy fascination with Destroyer makes her an indispensable, but untrustworthy, resource.


The bold young Hero who suspects that he may be Destroyer's only living son.


An ex-Hero, the only man who Destroyer almost respects as an intellectual equal, now embittered by years of failing to overcome his foe.

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE DESTROYER: What Do *You* Want To See?




What if DocD were a woman ?


What Doc D were more sorcerous than technical ?


What if Doc D had been in jail the last 40 years ?


it wouldnt have to be a full character sheet, just a few mods

and adventure hooks for time travel, or one-shots adventures, or ret-cons.


we have to get rid of this woman Doc D

and find our old pal,

she's worse than he ever was...

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE DESTROYER: What Do *You* Want To See?


Some narrative from the good Doctor's perspective. Maybe attached to Chapter Five to help GM's get into his head.


Also, I would like to second OddHat in the idea of stories and characters who have gone up against Dr. Destroyer and failed.


Additionally, it might be interesting to see what Dr. Destroyer's detritus does. Try saying that three times fast. Past followers and creations that once served Dr. Destroyer that have since escaped, lost favor or somehow gone it alone.

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE DESTROYER: What Do *You* Want To See?


I really have nothing to add beyond what's on this previous thread on the subject. Lots of what was discussed there already appears in your outline. :thumbup: However, there were other points raised on the previous thread that I thought particularly useful or intriguing, which I'd just like to re-emphasize here:


Stats for Albert Zerstoiten out of his armor, and as he was during WW II. Maybe a few details of projects he was involved with back then, for Golden Age games.


A description of Destroyer's spies and plants. To pull off some of the stunts he has in the past he must have a large and well organized network, which should be outlined here.


More about his quest for immortality, and perhaps the byproducts of his research. (Any chance for Mini-D?) ;)


A possible legacy that can be picked up in the future Galactic Champions era. After all, we have a descendant of James Harmon; why not Albert Zerstoiten?


Destroyer's plans for and tactics against potential opponents, particularly other master villains. He's a long term planner, so he must have developed contingency strategies.


Further to that point, what was DD doing during the period of his "death", besides upgrading his armor? He must have established a lot of ground work.


Plots for some of the Doctor's operatives to instigate or oversee on their own, so PC heroes who aren't yet powerful enough to face Destroyer directly can still have the satisfaction of thwarting his operations.


More examples of Destroyer as master strategist and manipulator, not just a combat monster. He's shown flashes of that in 5E CU continuity, but you don't get as far as he has without subtlety. Such things suggest many more possible uses for the Doctor in a campaign.


And further to that point, developing the plot element from Vibora Bay in which DD becomes aware of the "dark saints" faction of the High Apostolic Church worshipping certain supervillains including himself, and starts subverting the Church to transform it into a cult of personality to spread his worship more widely.


I've mentioned before that IMHO Dr. D's history as previously presented, that of a treacherous Nazi-era scientist who cumulatively schemed and backstabbed his way to power, is notably lacking in grandeur for a major supervillain. It's missing the grand dramatic moment, the pivotal event, that's part of all great supervillain origins. If Doctor Destroyer has indeed taken on the status of a technological god of destruction, I want to see the scene of discovery/ realization/ transformation that leads to that apotheosis.

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE DESTROYER: What Do *You* Want To See?


Some narrative from the good Doctor's perspective. Maybe attached to Chapter Five to help GM's get into his head.


Also, I would like to second OddHat in the idea of stories and characters who have gone up against Dr. Destroyer and failed.


Additionally, it might be interesting to see what Dr. Destroyer's detritus does. Try saying that three times fast. Past followers and creations that once served Dr. Destroyer that have since escaped, lost favor or somehow gone it alone.


Another vote for all of these.

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE DESTROYER: What Do *You* Want To See?


Destroyer's plans for and tactics against potential opponents' date=' particularly other master villains. He's a long term planner, so he must have developed contingency strategies.[/quote']


To this end, I'd also be interested in Destroyer's anticipated plans for dealing with those master villains he is sure would have plans against him. Fr'instance, some ideas or devices Destroyer might have for dealing with Mechanon, in case the genocidal robot tries to move against him. Might be useful for a "heroes in the middle" adventure.

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE DESTROYER: What Do *You* Want To See?


The World According to Destroyer...


What happens if he succeeds in his ultimate plans? What would the world look like? How does he intend to reshape it?


It could be an alternate dimension, dream sequence, portentious visions, whatever.

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE DESTROYER: What Do *You* Want To See?


The World According to Destroyer...


What happens if he succeeds in his ultimate plans? What would the world look like? How does he intend to reshape it?


It could be an alternate dimension, dream sequence, portentious visions, whatever.


Good call.


There could be a multiple interpretations as well. Dr. Destroyer's idolized world and possible realities should he "win"

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE DESTROYER: What Do *You* Want To See?


In addition to pretty much everything listed here, I'd be interested in some notes about what if Dr. D LOSES. Alright, you killed him. Now what? What forces have been held in check by him? Who is going to step in and try to snap up the pieces?

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE DESTROYER: What Do *You* Want To See?


What are the attitudes of Destroyer's various minions toward the Doctor? How do they see him: As another megalomaniac who happens to pay very well? As a terrifying tyrant who's safer to serve than oppose? As the ultimate winner whose side you want to be on? As a virtual god and destined ruler of the Earth? All of these probably apply to some of DD's servants.

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE DESTROYER: What Do *You* Want To See?


Time for another WDYWTS thread! This time it's about our GenCon release' date=' [i']The Book Of The Destroyer,[/i] about everyone's favorite master villain.


Now, some parts of the outline I can't reveal to you right now, because they impinge on Cryptic's plans for the character, which have to remain secret until the release of the book. So don't worry about any of that and just make suggestions about what you're interested in seeing in this book as if there were no MMO. Nothing to see here, move along, move along.... ;)


So, here's the rough outline of the book as currently envisioned:


Chapter One: Doctor Destroyer: a thorough history of Dr. D (believe me... it's taking forever to write...); an examination of his personality, psychology, and motivations; his character sheet (for a couple different power levels); alternate Dr. D armors; Dr. D for other genres.


This will be a minor point, but I'd like to know just what he did in Berlin and Java. In Champions Worldwide's chapter on Europe we're told that he made attacks on both places that were almost as casualty-heavy as his later destruction of Detroit.


Chapter Two: The Legions Of Destroyer: his villains (reprints of ones already known, plus new ones); agents; other resources (e.g., the Medina family).


Chapter Three: The Tools Of Destroyer: weapons; vehicles; robots; etc.


Chapter Four: The Realms Of Destroyer: his major bases, including the Vale of Javangari and others mentioned in CKC, Destruga II, others. Major bases will get full maps; others minor maps or no maps.


Chapter Five: Gamemastering Dr. Destroyer: his current plots and schemes; how to use him in your games; his role in the CU and relationships with others in it; etc.


Plus, your very own Dr. Destroyer plushie! (Kidding! Kidding!) :eek:


So, beyond all that... what do you want to see in BotD?


So long as we get plenty of supervillainous goodness, and maybe even a write-up or two of heroes who went down facing Doctor D in the past, I'll be very happy.

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE DESTROYER: What Do *You* Want To See?


The beautiful Journalist whose unhealthy fascination with Destroyer makes her an indispensable' date=' but untrustworthy, resource.[/quote']


Just in case you didn't know, there is such a character in Cops, Crews, and Cabals -- though she's a criminalist and psychologist, not a reporter.


Further to that point, what was DD doing during the period of his "death", besides upgrading his armor? He must have established a lot of ground work.


Plots for some of the Doctor's operatives to instigate or oversee on their own, so PC heroes who aren't yet powerful enough to face Destroyer directly can still have the satisfaction of thwarting his operations.


And further to that point, developing the plot element from Vibora Bay in which DD becomes aware of the "dark saints" faction of the High Apostolic Church worshipping certain supervillains including himself, and starts subverting the Church to transform it into a cult of personality to spread his worship more widely.



I like them all, but isn't there also something somewhere about how Doctor D is viewed as an avatar of Shiva by some of his Indian servants/sorshippers?

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE DESTROYER: What Do *You* Want To See?


I like them all' date=' but isn't there also something somewhere about how Doctor D is viewed as an avatar of Shiva by some of his Indian servants/sorshippers?[/quote']


Thanks, and yes, the inhabitants of the Vale of Javangari in the Himalayas view Destroyer as their god. I expect a really good story as to how that happened. :sneaky:

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE DESTROYER: What Do *You* Want To See?


Perhaps a wtriteup of some of UNTIL's Project:Shiva members and their dossier on Destroyer. Something that a GM can use to give players some aid against the Doctor (right after getting their butts kicked by DD, natch).

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE DESTROYER: What Do *You* Want To See?


All the above and more. Even more so the 'what if he did die senerio' and those who have dedicated there lives to him, IE UNTILL agents, Reporters, Ex-supers, etc.


I would like to see some listings of his top agents, who they are, why they serve, and what they can do, and what they do do. A listing of how his operations work to gether. Or how do two DD agents know who to work with, is there any inner departmental communication. What is the ranking system DD gives his people.


Also stats for him in early life, like boyhood.


la Rose

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE DESTROYER: What Do *You* Want To See?


I'd also like some details on what Destroyer was doing in WWII. Ideally' date=' stats and plots for Destroyer in WWII, the 50s, and the 70s.[/quote']For some reason that got thinking of Dr. D in 70s style outfits... :idjit:





We don't need to see that in the book.

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE DESTROYER: What Do *You* Want To See?


For some reason that got thinking of Dr. D in 70s style outfits... :idjit:





We don't need to see that in the book.




We absolutely need to see Disco Destroyer in the book.


(I'm thinking Casanova Frankenstein with a metal face plate)

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE DESTROYER: What Do *You* Want To See?


All of the above especially the Destroyer in other periods.


Plus I would really enjoy a complete write-up of one of the follower organizations/cults (with maps of hideout/headquarters) that exist between Doc’s active periods. The people who have never seen him but still prepare the way….

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE DESTROYER: What Do *You* Want To See?


I'd like to see an alternate storyline of Destroyer that decided to help mankind (much like Champions in 3-D aka Professor Preserver) rather than threaten it.


A list of doomsday devices that DocD has threaten the world with.


Maybe a top 10 list (much like the FBI's) of most wanted heroes/villains that has crossed his path.


Another vote (if there is any) for a superhero of like power and/or one that Destroyer has come to respect in previous encounters.

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE DESTROYER: What Do *You* Want To See?


I'd like to see some of the grand plots he's had and has in place. Maybe some of the sleeper agents he has placed in some of his foes bases or UNTIL.


I like the idea of some of his foes represented and would like to add that some off his rivals would be nice to see :)


Some good coverage of the events that led to the destruction of Detroit.


WWII Stats for him ... so he can plague a GA group ;)


Imposters to the throne. Some coverage of the people foolhardy enough to claim they are Destroyer :)


A quick Q or 2 ... is Cryptic handling the art on this one? Is there going to be some lead up to the CO Doc D?

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