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Heroes from All Fifty States


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Re: Heroes from All Fifty States




cuz I finally got her on the phone to interview her about her origin.



PLUS: I did a little data thingie:

Costume Design _ 5O STATE _ _ _ _ Nom De Guerre

Cap.Obvious 	VA 		VIRTUS 	   
Casual Player 	WI 		MISS FORWARD 	   
Certified 	AL 		GOLDEN HAMMER	   
Corven Ren	MI 		TEH MICH. WOLVIRENE 	   
Corven Ren	FL 		THE SEMINOLE 	   
Dawn Darke 	-MEX 		-SONORA 	   
Freakboy	N 		GRANITE 	   
Freakboy	KS 		KC & KM TURBO 	   
Freakboy 	HI 		AZURE	   
Freakboy 	NM 		ESTRELLA	   
Freakboy 	RI 		PROVIDENCE 	   
Greenwade 	OR 		ECO-RANGER 	   
Haven Walkur	CT 		NUTMEGGER 	   
Hermit _	AZ 		WIND-TALKER	   
Hermit _	TN 		THE VOLUNTEER	   
Hermit _	MA 		DOC SALEM 	   
Hermit _	GA 		EMPIRE 	   
Hermit _	ID 		GEMSTONE 	   
Hermit _	NJ 		JERSEY DEVIL 	   
Hermit _	LS 		RED STICK 	   
Hermit _   	OK 		THE EXPRESS 	   
Hermit _	NV 		THE SILVER LINE 	   
Hermit _ 	MS 		VALOR 	   
Log-Man 	KY 		THE THOROBRED 	   
NestorDR	PRI 		EL BORICUA 	   
Pariah __	MT 		BIG SKY 	   
Pariah __	SD 		RUSHMORE 	   
Pariah __	CO 		CENTENNIAL	   
Pariah __	UT 		HONEYBEE	   
Pariah __	WY 		BISON 	   
Pariah __	WV 		MOUNTAINEER 	   
Proditor	WDC 		REPRESENT 	   
Proditor 	MD 		RAVEN	   
Proditor 	SC 		GUNNY RAMOS 	   
Shigeru 	NE 		BIG HUSKER 	   
SSgt.Baloo 	CA 		CPT. CALIFORNIA	   
St.Barbara	AL 		WILD-CATTER	   
The Arc _	-PAC 		-SEA DRAGON 	   
Yamamura 	IA 		MISS HAWKEYE 	   
Egyptoid*	IL 		CHICAGO CHIEF	   
Egyptoid*	VT 		GREEN-TECH	   
Egyptoid*	DE 		THE INDEPENDENT	   
Egyptoid*	IN 		HURRYIN HOOSIER 	   
Egyptoid*	-CAN 		-PRAIRIE FIRE 	   
Various 	MO 		GATEWAY GIRL 	   
Egyptoid 	ND 		S.A.G.E* 4.0	   
Egyptoid 	ME 		BUCHERONDEAU 	   
Egyptoid 	NC 		KITTY HAWK


plus Washington State, Virgin Isles, New York, and Minnesota

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Re: Heroes from All Fifty States


Edit: Oops I gues I had already posted the write up but I have altered a little since then. So here's an edited version. In my campaing world he is part of a Florida based hero team called the Froces of nature which consists of himself, Armordillo Man, Reptyle, Mosquito & Sunburn. (Writeups for which can be seen in my heroes & villains thread just follow the link in my sig)



Val Char Cost Roll Notes

15 STR 5 12- Lift 200.0kg; 3d6 [1]

30 DEX 30 15- OCV: 10/DCV: 10

20 CON 20 13-

20 BODY 20 13-

20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13-

20 EGO 20 13- ECV: 7

20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6

16 COM 3 12-


8/38 PD 5 Total: 8/38 PD (0/30 rPD)

8/38 ED 4 Total: 8/38 ED (0/30 rED)

6 SPD 10 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12

8 REC 2

50 END 5

50 STUN 12 Total Characteristic Cost: 156


Movement: Running: 16"/32"

Leaping: 10"/20"

Swimming: 2"/4"

Swinging: 15"/30"


Cost Powers END

50 Trick Arrows: Multipower, 75-point reserve, (75 Active Points); all slots OIF (-1/2)

1u 1) Smoke Arrow: Darkness to Sight and Smell/Taste Groups 3" radius (35 Active Points); 3 Charges (-1 1/4), OIF (-1/2) [3]

3u 2) Stun Arrows: Drain BODY 7d6 (70 Active Points); 4 Charges (-1), OIF (-1/2) [4]

3u 3) Impact Arrow: EB 15d6 (75 Active Points); 4 Charges (-1), OIF (-1/2) [4]

3u 4) Gas Arrow: EB 6d6, Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2), NND (LS: Self Contained Breathing; +1) (75 Active Points); 3 Charges (-1 1/4), OIF (-1/2) [3]

3u 5) Bola Arrows: Entangle 5d6, 5 DEF, Backlash (+1/2) (75 Active Points); 4 Charges (-1), OIF (-1/2) [4]

2u 6) Scream Arrow: Hearing Group Flash 9d6, Area Of Effect (22" Line; +1 1/4) (61 Active Points); 2 Charges (-1 1/2), OIF (-1/2) [2]

3u 7) Titanium Razor Arrows: RKA 3d6, Armor Piercing (+1/2) (67 Active Points); 4 Recoverable Charges (-1/2), OIF (-1/2) [4 rc]

2u 8) Extunguisher Arrows: Suppress Fire 15d6 (75 Active Points); 2 Charges (-1 1/2), OIF (-1/2) [2]

1u 9) Grapnel Arrow: Swinging 15" (15 Active Points); 1 Recoverable Charge (-1 1/4), OIF (-1/2) [1 rc]

2u 10) Concussion Arrow: EB 6 1/2d6, Explosion (+1/4), Double Knockback (+3/4) (66 Active Points); 2 Charges (-1 1/2), OIF (-1/2) [2]

20 Titanium Alloy Bow: HA +8d6 (40 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), OIF (-1/2) 4

30 Titanium Mesh Costume: Armor (15 PD/15 ED) (45 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

3 Domino Mask I: Nightvision (5 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

5 Domino Mask II: +5 versus Range Modifier for Sight Group (8 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

7 Domino Mask III: Sight Group Flash Defense (10 points) (10 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

15 Energy Belt I: +10 DEX (30 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), OIF (-1/2)

13 Energy Belt II: +2 SPD (20 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

50 Energy Belt III: FF (15 PD/15 ED/10 Flash Defense: Hearing Group) (Protect Carried Items), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (75 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

13 Enhancement Moccasins I: Running +10" (16" total) (20 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) 2

8 Enhancement Moccasins II: Leaping +7" (10" forward, 5" upward) (Accurate) (12 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) 1



2 Fringe Benefit: Florida Police Powers



3 Systems Operation 13-

3 Weaponsmith (Arrows, Bolts, And Darts, Bows) 13-

3 Tracking 13-

4 Survival (Temperate/Subtropical, Tropical) 13-

3 Mechanics 13-

3 Inventor 13-

3 Electronics 13-

3 Language: Seminole (completely fluent)

3 Language: Cheyenne (completely fluent)

7 CuK: Seminole 17-

7 CuK: Cheyenne 17-

3 Demolitions 13-

12 +4 with Trick Arrow MP

15 +3 with DCV


Total Powers & Skill Cost: 311

Total Cost: 467


200+ Disadvantages

20 Normal Characteristic Maxima

15 Social Limitation: Public Identity (Frequently, Major)

15 Hunted: Terror Inc 8- (Mo Pow, Harshly Punish)

15 Hunted: Sinister Squadron 8- (Mo Pow, Harshly Punish)

10 Hunted: Florida State Police 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching)

20 Psychological Limitation: Will Not Kill (Common, Total)

20 Psychological Limitation: Wont Allow Bystander to Come to Harm (Common, Total)

25 Enraged: if Heritage is Insulted (Uncommon), go 14-, recover 8-

10 Native American Hero Bonus

117 Experience Points


Total Disadvantage Points: 150


Background/History: Jeremiah Spottedhorse is the son of a Cheyenne father and a Seminole mother. He spent his early years on a reservation learning the history of his people. After graduating high-school he attended Florida State University . While in college he learned that the super villain group, Terror Inc., had attacked his reservation, stole all the money from the casino & killed everyone. Jeremiah swore to see Muerte and his band brought to justice. Using his newly aquired education, he constructed his bow, trick arrows and costume. He then traveled to his mothers home in Florida, where he had heard of the group of heroes, the Forces of Nature. He had heard that they fought Terror Inc quite often. He has since joined the forces and earned the hatred of Terror Inc, especially Fuer who dislikes his extenguisher arrow.


Personality/Motivation: Seminole is very proud of his heritage and if you insult that you are likely to piss him off. His major goal as a hero is to see Muerte locked up forever for his crimes.


Powers/Tactics: Seminole generally keeps his distance in battle, but if drawin in to H-H combat he will use his bow like a staff.


Appearance: Seminole is well muscled and lean. His hair is long and he wears a costume that looks like street close. He always wears his boot moccasins with the built in enhancements.

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Re: Heroes from All Fifty States


Now i'm not an American so I hope this doesn't sound too cliched but' date=' for Alaska, how about a super strong, tough guy with tunnelling named "Wildcatter" who formerly worked in the oil industry in the state ? His origin could involve local mysticism, or an industrial accident or whatever.[/quote']

But can he see Russia from Anchorage?:sneaky:

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Re: Heroes from All Fifty States


Submitted as a contender to replace the missing entry for New York.


By day, Adesh Seetahal is a mild-mannered janitor in a high-rise apartment complex. By night he fights crime as The Super!




As someone who grew up in New York this just seems right. He's the Super, he fixes things.

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Re: Heroes from All Fifty States


Submitted as a contender to replace the missing entry for New York.


By day, Adesh Seetahal is a mild-mannered janitor in a high-rise apartment complex. By night he fights crime as The Super!


Nice idea. I like the look of the guy. He's clearly not someone to be messed with.


You know what would make him even more impressive? If he were carrying a really big wrench....

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Re: Heroes from All Fifty States


Submitted as a contender to replace the missing entry for New York.


By day, Adesh Seetahal is a mild-mannered janitor in a high-rise apartment complex. By night he fights crime as The Super!





Give him a vest and he'd look like a more polished, albeit ethnic Dwayne F. Schneider. :D



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Re: Heroes from All Fifty States


New York - Subway (or possibly Mass Transit, Maybe "The 6 Train")


They say that if you can make it in the Big Apple, you can make it anywhere. For Vincent Scalletti, there wasn't a lot of choice, what with him being born there and all. Vinnie (to his friends) grew up comfortably in New York City's little Italy, the son of a hardworking family that had owned the same restaurant for as long as anyone could remember. The family history even said that the menu had been the same back in Sicily before they came over to the United States.


Vinnie was always extremely proud of his heritage, both Italian and American. As a native New Yorker, he considered the world his oyster, and roughly encompassed by a twelve mile island. But New York is a pretty cosmopolitan city, and Vinnie was constantly exposed to new cultures, ideas, and beliefs. His family had long taught him that you should be willing to listen to what someone else has to say, and respectful of their beliefs. After all, how would Vinnie feel if a stranger dismissed his ideals out of hand?


All in all, Vinnie grew up to be a pretty level headed person. He was most of the way through his Senior year at NYU when it happened.


Now it would be a cliche to say that Vinnie wandered into the physics labs looking for his professor so that he could inquire about an extension on his final project and somehow got lost in an area he knew very well, only to emerge into the room where the phased tachyon emitter array was about to be fired for the first time.


Call Vinnie a cliche.


His body bombarded by Tachyonic energy, he somehow absorbed it and promptly disappeared from the room. He reappeared on Ellis Island, confused, and in line for the tour.


Since that day, Vinnie has taken the simple respect his family instilled in him for all others, and made it a vocation. As Subway, Vinnie is the mass transit specialist for USA 50, as he can bend the tachyon energy at his command for a variety of uses, not the least of which is transporting the entire group to almost anywhere on the planet. This is tiring in the extreme, but it does mean that when the group absolutely, positively has to be there, Subway can deliver.


In addition, he can use the energy offensively, generating blasts that knock things just ever so slightly out of phase, and damaging their structure. He's loath to use that at anything remotely like full power on another human, so he spent some time learning self-defense from the guardian angels. He still patrols NY city and state, but he always keeps his ears open in case the team needs a lot of people moved somewhere fast.


Appearance: Vinnie understands the whole spandex thing, he just doesn't think it looks right on him. His normal garb wouldn't look too out of place on the streets of NYC; A Tan trenchcoat ("You can carry a lot of stuff in the these pockets, they are huge! Look, a ream of paper, no joke!") Blue jeans, Red Chuck Taylor Converse, a simple shirt, and red tinted glasses ("To match the Chucks! See, I can accessorize.") His one nod to his new job is a kevlar vest under the shirt. While he can usually make sure he isn't around to hit, or that the attack just passes right through him, he has to know it's coming or already be out of phase. A surprise gunshot could really ruin his day.

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Re: Heroes from All Fifty States


Washington State - Orca


Donnie McCloud grew up watching the waters of Puget Sound. He'd always felt at peace with them, even when things in his life weren't at their best. His family were big proponents of activism and working for the good of the community, and as members of the Puyallup Tribal Council, they had worked tirelessly for the betterment of their people. His father had worked closely with those that had managed to get the Puyallup reimbursed for the land grab by the Port of Tacoma. You could say that the idea of fighting for the little guy was in Donnie's blood.


His great uncle had chuckled when the multi-million dollar settlement was announced and told Donnie "Thses things, this money, it means nothing. Look to the world around you to provide for you on a much deeper level." Donnie nodded, but thought the old man was half deluded. Money could buy everything after all.


As Donnie entered high school, things changed. He was less sheltered, and he found the full extremes of social cliques, running from open armed welcomes to derision and exclusion. Somewhat stunned that this was aparently the way of the world, he was in for a bigger shock when his great uncle was mugged on the streets of Tacoma.


Helping to nurse the old man back to health, Donnie spent all of his free time at the reservation. His great uncle begged Donnie to turn his back on the money and profit so easily offered and to seek inside, that which could bring him true peace. Partially to humor his ailing relative, Donnie followed his instructions.


A week went by before anyone saw Donnie again. His great uncle made a complete recovery, and would just smile knowingly, saying "The boy will be back when he's ready to come back. He's fine."


It's been difficult for Donnie to keep his new dual existance a secret. You see, on that fateful night, Donnie embraced the spirit of the sea. His people's totem of the Killer Whale personified this link, and Orca was born. In addition to popssessing vast superhuman strength and durability, he has the ability to function underwater for hours before needing to come up for air. His body has adapted to the ocean, and his swimming speed has been clocked at nearly 70 knots! In addition to these impressive physical gifts, Orca has some command of water itself. He can seemingly generate it from nothing in the form of blasts, or even a light freshwater trickle for a civilian on a hot day. He also can shape it a little, but this seems ot be a developing area of powers.


His costume seems to be part of him, appearing whenver Donnie transforms into the massive 9 foot tall Orca. In his normal form, Donnie looks like your typical 15 year old kid just trying to get through High School. He keeps his ID secret to the best of his ability, and the massive disparity in appearance is usually enough to throw folks off the trail.

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Re: Heroes from All Fifty States


At last! It took me a long time to get him done, but here he is . . . The Mountaineer! (Complete w/pic and background story for thiose who may have missed them the first time.)


He went to war a fresh-faced boy of eighteen years. Just a few weeks later he found himself wounded and alone, the rest of his unit dead or retreated. He lay on the cold, muddy ground, rain and darkness surrounding him, and waited for the end to come.


Three days later he awoke, weak, cold, and hungry, but alive. He found a friendly unit and joined up. Over the next three years he fought in numerous bloody engagements, including some of the key battles of the war. He was often injured, sometimes seriously, but never fatally. He always recovered.


He was there when the final shots were fired and the surrender orders were signed. That was in 1865, in Appomattox.


After the war, he returned to his hometown of Mill Creek, now in the newly formed state of West Virginia, and settled down. He married, raised children, ran a successful farm, and saw his children grow up and have children of their own. As he saw his wife, his children and his friends slowly growing older, he came to realize that he was hardly aging at all.


He grew a beard to hide his youthful face and tried to hide his unique condition as best he could. When his wife died, he decided it was time to move on, so he engineered his own ‘death’ as well. He moved to a new town and started a new life. It would be a pattern he’d follow several more times over the next 120 years.


He’s been doing this for so long that he doesn’t even remember his real name any more. Since the death of his wife, he’s fought in six major wars and more than a dozen smaller conflicts around the world. He’s fought at San Juan Hill, the Argonne, Iwo Jima, Incheon, Quang Tri, and Baghdad, as well as other locations in the Balkans, Africa, southern Asia, Central America, and the Middle East. But he’s recently decided to fight in a different kind of war—the war against crime, corruption, and terrorism. With his vast experience and apparent immortality as his main weapons, he’s taken up the fight for justice as the native son of West Virginia: THE MOUNTAINEER.



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Re: Heroes from All Fifty States


Sorry about the pre-empting, I honestly figured that was the one LEAST likely for someone to tackle for some reason.


Great minds think alike? ;)


Use if you like, don't if he's a bad fit, he was fun to write up and that's the best part anyway. :D


I keep trying on MN and USVI, but I'm swinging late at heaters right now.

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