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Poison's Champions Art Thread


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Re: Poison's Champions Art Thread


I can draw anything... The problem is coming up with what "anything" is...

...and it has to be cool to draw.... I do really want to have "fun" drawing it...


...If any of you have ideas, please feel free to share them no matter how rough they are....


Poison, you're going to have to learn not to leave yourself open like that, at least on *this* Board. {grin} Why yes, as a matter of fact I *do* have a few ideas....


Please Stand By

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Re: Poison's Champions Art Thread


Well here is how I envision Stilt-Girl. I am not very good at drawing power armor, but I gave it my best shot. Hopefully you don't think it is horrible! :eek:


Log-Man wanted an action shot, so here is my stab at that as well...


I tried to keep the pencils clean. Done with 2H pencil on 11x14 smooth bristol. Didn't take as long as I thought it would, once I got in the groove it just drew itself!


Merry Christmas Log-Man I hope this is satisfactory...



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Re: *happy dance*


That is simply awesome! Thank you so much' date=' that looks great! :hail:[/quote']




But I am not done yet... ;) Those were just the pencils. I don't normally color non-commissioned stuff, but I want to try out a different coloring technique, so I am using your picture as a test subject...


I will post the colored version later today.


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Re: Poison's Champions Art Thread




Poison -- Have you ever watched the original "Planet of the Apes" movies? What about the old T.V. series, with Roddy McDowell as Galen the chimp?


Well, here's a character idea that's one of the "evolved" Apes from that continuity, where the Apes have become Earth's sentient races and Humans have degenerated into mute, near-mindless animals. [see "Planet of the Apes", the first one.] And no, I've never played her. Always wanted to, though.


Dr. Minerva is an educated, middle-aged lady Chimp, a zoo-ologist who was her world's equivalent of Jane Goodall, studying and working with the feral human packs out in the Wildlands. She also became interested in the artifacts occasionally found in the the human habitats, old artifacts of some very un-Apelike culture. But when Dr. Minerva began theorizing about an ancient species of 'greater humans' having once existed -- tool-using humans with the power of speech, humans with almost Apelike intelligence -- she found herself very unpopular in Ape society.


While searching for proof of her "greater humans" theory -- ("something that even those feces-flinging *monkeys* back in Pacifica won't be able to ignore!" ) -- in the Wildlands and the Wastes beyond, Dr. Minerva was captured by the Mutants, a small society of humans that had been living in the ruins for generations. They had preserved enough old human technology to have power and light...but they had also been guarding a cache of atom bombs, which had been irradiating them for generations. As a result, the Mutants were all born physically deformed -- but they had also developed telepathic powers. [see movie #2; "Beneath the Planet of the Apes."] And as their captive, Dr. Minerva endured a living hell of persecution and mental abuse....


But after almost a year of constant exposure to the Mutants' telepathic powers, Dr. Minerva began to develop abilities of her own, to defend herself from the Mutants' mental attacks. She learned to generate a powerful mental shield; she also began learning to "read" the thoughts and intentions of those around her with a low-level telepathy of her own. She even began developing the ability to "read" some of the objects and artifacts all around her. The lady Chimp was torn between staying on in the city with its treasure-trove of knowledge and trying to escape the Mutants and their cruelty -- and then the decision was taken out of her hands.


The Mutants captured a strange human, capable of thought and speech, and brought him to their city to interrogate, but the Gorilla soldiers pursuing him followed, and attacked the Mutant city. In the chaos, Dr. Minerva managed to scramble into one of the old human "flying machines" and tried to fly it safety. But the "flying machine" was actually a scout-class spaceship, which carried the startled Chimp into orbit -- just as someone in the Mutant city detonated the atom bombs.


And as her world was destroyed behind her, Dr. Minerva's ship carried her through the flaw or warp in spacetime separating her Earth -- the Ape Earth -- from the Human (Champions) Earth.


Fortunately, ships from the orbiting UNTIL station intercepted her before her ship could crash into the Atlas Mountains in Morocco. After debriefing, a stunned Dr. Minerva was provisionally classified as an extraterrestrial, and placed in the custody of METE...where she remained as she tried to find her place in this alien Human world.


Her few public appearances have earned her the name of "Monkeyshine" -- which she detests.


Dr. Minerva is...well, a humanoid chimpanzee. She's in her mid-40s (equivalent), about 5'6", slightly stooped, with long arms, short bandy legs and dark, intelligent eyes. To correct her short-sightedness, she now wears glasses...which weren't available on Ape Earth. The glasses are wire-rimmed in copper, with hexagonal lenses.


Her fur is walnut-coloured, dark brown-black stippled with grey -- particularly on her head and shoulders. She often wears a white labcoat, but doesn't care for most other items of Human apparel; she usually prefers her long mossy-green tunic with its dark leather shoulder-pieces and elbow patches, and matching leggings. She won't wear footwear of any sort.


Minerva is highly intelligent, strong-willed (read: "stubborn"), assertive and intellectually daring. She doesn't suffer fools gladly...or at all. She's gutsy and self-sufficient, has a very good constitution and loves fieldwork, especially out in the wild. She also loves lecturing -- and yes, she *is* inclined to be pedantic. She's physically fast and acrobatic -- though slowing down and stiffening up as she gets older -- and when she's in a hurry she adopts the typical chimpanzee "scurry".


The only weapon she'll use is a staff, and she has a total Code Against Killing ("We are not savages, after all.") She has a variety of mental powers, including low-level Telepathy, Mind Scan and Ego Attack, but her mental shields and her psychometry ("Detect, as a sense: events of the past" -- maybe?) are the truly powerful ones.



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Re: Poison's Champions Art Thread


That's absolutely marvellous, Poison. The pose is wonderful, dynamic and powerful, and the figure is thoroughly female -- not just a "feminised" version of a masculine character.


I think your colouring work is excellent, even if *you* have your doubts about it. The shadows and shading make the work very 3-dimensional, and the smoke/gas/vapour really does come across as insubstantial.


You're evidently a man of many (artistic) talents.

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Re: Poison's Champions Art Thread


Well I hope this is okay. I was trying out a few new coloring techniques. :eek:


I am not a big colorist, my strength is in my pencils (B&W)...


Outstanding pic....


I don't know why you doubt the color, everything seems to click to me.


looks great :thumbup:

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Re: Poison's Champions Art Thread


I've been slowly improving on my coloring ability, but I am definitely not as good as I would like to be. I keep trying new techniques to learn more.


Unfortunately, I am my worst critic.



But I keep trying and plugging away. One of these days all the planets will align, and I will be happy with my artwork. :)

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Re: Poison's Champions Art Thread




Poison -- Have you ever watched the original "Planet of the Apes" movies? What about the old T.V. series, with Roddy McDowell as Galen the chimp?


Well, here's a character idea that's one of the "evolved" Apes from that continuity, where the Apes have become Earth's sentient races and Humans have degenerated into mute, near-mindless animals. [see "Planet of the Apes", the first one.] And no, I've never played her. Always wanted to, though.


Dr. Minerva is an educated, middle-aged lady Chimp, a zoo-ologist who was her world's equivalent of Jane Goodall, studying and working with the feral human packs out in the Wildlands. She also became interested in the artifacts occasionally found in the the human habitats, old artifacts of some very un-Apelike culture. But when Dr. Minerva began theorizing about an ancient species of 'greater humans' having once existed -- tool-using humans with the power of speech, humans with almost Apelike intelligence -- she found herself very unpopular in Ape society.


While searching for proof of her "greater humans" theory -- ("something that even those feces-flinging *monkeys* back in Pacifica won't be able to ignore!" ) -- in the Wildlands and the Wastes beyond, Dr. Minerva was captured by the Mutants, a small society of humans that had been living in the ruins for generations. They had preserved enough old human technology to have power and light...but they had also been guarding a cache of atom bombs, which had been irradiating them for generations. As a result, the Mutants were all born physically deformed -- but they had also developed telepathic powers. [see movie #2; "Beneath the Planet of the Apes."] And as their captive, Dr. Minerva endured a living hell of persecution and mental abuse....


But after almost a year of constant exposure to the Mutants' telepathic powers, Dr. Minerva began to develop abilities of her own, to defend herself from the Mutants' mental attacks. She learned to generate a powerful mental shield; she also began learning to "read" the thoughts and intentions of those around her with a low-level telepathy of her own. She even began developing the ability to "read" some of the objects and artifacts all around her. The lady Chimp was torn between staying on in the city with its treasure-trove of knowledge and trying to escape the Mutants and their cruelty -- and then the decision was taken out of her hands.


The Mutants captured a strange human, capable of thought and speech, and brought him to their city to interrogate, but the Gorilla soldiers pursuing him followed, and attacked the Mutant city. In the chaos, Dr. Minerva managed to scramble into one of the old human "flying machines" and tried to fly it safety. But the "flying machine" was actually a scout-class spaceship, which carried the startled Chimp into orbit -- just as someone in the Mutant city detonated the atom bombs.


And as her world was destroyed behind her, Dr. Minerva's ship carried her through the flaw or warp in spacetime separating her Earth -- the Ape Earth -- from the Human (Champions) Earth.


Fortunately, ships from the orbiting UNTIL station intercepted her before her ship could crash into the Atlas Mountains in Morocco. After debriefing, a stunned Dr. Minerva was provisionally classified as an extraterrestrial, and placed in the custody of METE...where she remained as she tried to find her place in this alien Human world.


Her few public appearances have earned her the name of "Monkeyshine" -- which she detests.


Dr. Minerva is...well, a humanoid chimpanzee. She's in her mid-40s (equivalent), about 5'6", slightly stooped, with long arms, short bandy legs and dark, intelligent eyes. To correct her short-sightedness, she now wears glasses...which weren't available on Ape Earth. The glasses are wire-rimmed in copper, with hexagonal lenses.


Her fur is walnut-coloured, dark brown-black stippled with grey -- particularly on her head and shoulders. She often wears a white labcoat, but doesn't care for most other items of Human apparel; she usually prefers her long mossy-green tunic with its dark leather shoulder-pieces and elbow patches, and matching leggings. She won't wear footwear of any sort.


Minerva is highly intelligent, strong-willed (read: "stubborn"), assertive and intellectually daring. She doesn't suffer fools gladly...or at all. She's gutsy and self-sufficient, has a very good constitution and loves fieldwork, especially out in the wild. She also loves lecturing -- and yes, she *is* inclined to be pedantic. She's physically fast and acrobatic -- though slowing down and stiffening up as she gets older -- and when she's in a hurry she adopts the typical chimpanzee "scurry".


The only weapon she'll use is a staff, and she has a total Code Against Killing ("We are not savages, after all.") She has a variety of mental powers, including low-level Telepathy, Mind Scan and Ego Attack, but her mental shields and her psychometry ("Detect, as a sense: events of the past" -- maybe?) are the truly powerful ones.




Haven Walkur, do you have a "HUMAN" character? I could draw the monkey, but it would require me to spend time researching monkey references to get the proportions right. And I really don't want to spend my vacation researching monkeys if you know what I mean...



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Re: Be careful what you wish for


here is one you can have fun with

my character Wraith

gravity based mutant(flying brick upright ala Magneto),who likes playing up the spooky stchick


although her colors should be

dress and boots)fire engine red

cloak inside) black

cloak outside)dark blue






I don't know if I would do any better than the two you posted here. They both look well done. What are you looking for? The character looks interesting though.

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Re: Poison's Champions Art Thread


Haven Walkur' date=' do you have a "HUMAN" character? I could draw the monkey...And I really don't want to spend my vacation researching monkeys....[/quote']


Dr. Minerva [shaking her head]: Human, had I met you back when I first began my studies, I should never have suspected that Humans had ever had any form of intelligence. I am not a monkey; I...am...an...APE.


Just couldn't resist, Poison. ;-)


Oh yes, I have characters that are more "human" than Monkeyshine (and don't need nearly as much background, ha ha)...but I thought you were looking for something challenging. That's why I picked her.


Hmm, I suppose robotic monsters (à la Transformers) are out too? Better forget Chimeron, then; she's an Autobot whose combat-mode is a huge mechanical chimera....

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Re: Be careful what you wish for


maybe her fighting somebody or crushing something(she can reduce something to a singularity)

have fun

I like seeing pictures of my characters done by different artist(becasues I can't draw to save my self)


I have others that I would like to see done if you want more challenges

a female sidhe/fey who is both a song based muse/energy projector and minoring in being a brick and is about 5'tall(fantasy)


a male martial artist who is a master at throwing things(most coins) and fighting(both hand to hand and ranged martial arts) with a large flowing cape and mask

gadget belt



I don't know if I would do any better than the two you posted here. They both look well done. What are you looking for? The character looks interesting though.
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Re: Poison's Champions Art Thread


Dr. Minerva [shaking her head]: Human' date=' had I met you back when I first began my studies, I should never have suspected that Humans had [i']ever[/i] had any form of intelligence. I am not a monkey; I...am...an...APE.


Just couldn't resist, Poison. ;-)


Oh yes, I have characters that are more "human" than Monkeyshine (and don't need nearly as much background, ha ha)...but I thought you were looking for something challenging. That's why I picked her.


Hmm, I suppose robotic monsters (à la Transformers) are out too? Better forget Chimeron, then; she's an Autobot whose combat-mode is a huge mechanical chimera....


Some artists love drawing robots. I only draw them if I have to. Too many lines and angles. It is like being in a sick geometry class... :(


Drawing monkeys isn't harder, it just requires some research on proportions, and of course being able to handle having their "poo" thrown at you while doing it... ;) Understanding the skeletal structure and muscles is the key to drawing anything, including Xenomorphs. Omnce you know it, it is easy.


To be honest I am trying to practice drawing the human form, these days to improve my ability to render it in various poses derived from my head. So I am trying to focus on that to try and improve my drawing ability and speed. :)


When submitting a proposal to be drawn, I find having a character sheet to be helpful as well as a description of how the individual looks in as much detail as possible. With Stilt Girl, looking through her powers actually gave me the idea for her pose...

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Re: Be careful what you wish for


maybe her fighting somebody or crushing something(she can reduce something to a singularity)

have fun

I like seeing pictures of my characters done by different artist(becasues I can't draw to save my self)


I have others that I would like to see done if you want more challenges

a female sidhe/fey who is both a song based muse/energy projector and minoring in being a brick and is about 5'tall(fantasy)


a male martial artist who is a master at throwing things(most coins) and fighting(both hand to hand and ranged martial arts) with a large flowing cape and mask

gadget belt


Since you have already got 2 full body shot pictures, maybe I could draw a zoomed in dramatic one for you?

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Re: Poison's Champions Art Thread


This is very impressive. I like to draw, but I could not be considered an artist as you would be. At some point, I'd like to have Killer Shark done. He is one of my oldest and most favorite villains, but I have never been able to draw him properly. He always just looks silly when I do it. In fact, that has developed into a psych lim for him... not wanting to be laughed at or teased about his appearance. It sends him into the berserker rage.


Anyway, good job and keep up the good work.

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Re: Poison's Champions Art Thread


Well I hope this is okay. I was trying out a few new coloring techniques. :eek:


I am not a big colorist, my strength is in my pencils (B&W)...



She's wonderful--Woohoo! The choice of font is perfect, too; I never thought about that aspect. Thanks again, man! :thumbup:

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Re: Poison's Champions Art Thread


This is very impressive. I like to draw, but I could not be considered an artist as you would be. At some point, I'd like to have Killer Shark done. He is one of my oldest and most favorite villains, but I have never been able to draw him properly. He always just looks silly when I do it. In fact, that has developed into a psych lim for him... not wanting to be laughed at or teased about his appearance. It sends him into the berserker rage.


Anyway, good job and keep up the good work.


If you ever want any drawing tips feel free to look me up on Yahoo Instant Messenger or MSN. That goes for anyone else here, I always like to talk about comics, drawing and Hero System Characters!!!


I remember when I started out drawing, and I remember what it took to get me to that next level. It is more than just practice, unlike what many artists tell you... It is how and what you practice... It is an understanding of the body as a machine, and understanding 3 planes of space. Knowing how to understand this is key to moving on... ;)


I still have a long way to go before I get to the level I desire. :)


@Log-Man - I am glad you like it! :) I do have a much higher resolution version of this picture, just PM me if you want it for printing.

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Re: Poison's Champions Art Thread


As a side note:

I just registered on Hero Central recently. I will be making a character soon to play by post once I've found a campaign and GM willing to take me!


I will draw this character and post it here and list the character sheet for you all when I am done it and let you know which campaign I joined! Now the tough part is to come up with a concept... hmmm...

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Re: Poison's Champions Art Thread


cool I'm in 4 games but only 3 are active

But I'm have a great time playing on HC

it takes a little getting use to but once you have it down it works great



As a side note:

I just registered on Hero Central recently. I will be making a character soon to play by post once I've found a campaign and GM willing to take me!


I will draw this character and post it here and list the character sheet for you all when I am done it and let you know which campaign I joined! Now the tough part is to come up with a concept... hmmm...

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