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Help me get into Bricks.


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Re: Help me get into Bricks.


If a brick isn't powerful enough to punch the villain out' date=' what besides ineffectively punching them again can he do?[/quote']

1) Figure out what the villain's objective is.

2) Deny him that objective.


Suppose Takofanes is trying to steal a magical MacGuffin from the Metropolitan Museum which will allow him to bring back the bad old days.


Grab the MacGuffin and swallow it. If it's too big to fit in your mouth, stomp up and down on it. If you think you might need the MacGuffin later, throw it into orbit.


Be creative. It gives your GM seizures.

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Re: Help me get into Bricks.


If a brick isn't powerful enough to punch the villain out' date=' what besides ineffectively punching them again can he do?[/quote']


Grab him, of course!


Unless he's really strong (double yours), you're going to keep him under wraps for a phase. He can they be haymakered* by everybody else while at 1/2 DCV because you've got him pinned. You can also throw him into the air (assuming he can't fly), letting him stay at 1/2 DCV skeet-style, then take some more damage when he hits the ground. Or throw him down the way to keep him from whatever it is he's after.


*Remember, *anybody* can Haymaker an attack! If the energy projector or mentalist is the only one who can hurt them, set them up for more damage by keeping the bad guy in one place so they can Haymaker their blasts. Teamwork is key!

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Re: Help me get into Bricks.


The reason I can't get into the character type is I feel they're very restricted. If an energy projector's main attack doesn't work' date=' they'll usually have some kind of inherit back up plan like an entangle for instance. If a speedster is out gunned, they can still find other uses for their speed, and such can be said for the other characters I've played. If a brick isn't powerful enough to punch the villain out, what besides ineffectively punching them again can he do?[/quote']


- Throw a car.

- Throw the villain.

- Throw the villain into the giant electrical generator.

- Throw the villain into the massive tank of water.

- Throw the villain into his henchmen.

- Wrap a streetlight around the baddie, effectively entangling him.

- Drop something heavy on the baddie, pinning him.

- Pound the ground to knock the baddie off his feet.

- Pound the ground so you knock a whole in the road and the baddie falls through into the path of an oncoming subway train.

- Hold the baddie in place so the rest of the team can blast him.

- Pick up a nearby water tower, storage container of Freon / Aviation Fuel / Weird chemicals, school bus, and throw that.

- Grab a streetlight - Batter up!

- Frisbee a manhole cover at him.

- Grab the baddie, leap off the nearest building, using your momentum to drive the baddie into the ground.


Basically use the environment. Take a look around you and see what you can do. There's lots you can do, you just have to look at things other than your character sheet.

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Re: Help me get into Bricks.


Try an unusual origin or background.



Unusual Origin:


Hazel Elponi's family had been both prosperous and numerous; but both their fortunes and numbers fell drastically in a single generation. Family homes and places of business were destroyed in one super battle after another. An uncle and his children were destroyed by a berserk robot. An aunt and some cousins died in a skirmish with Viper agents. Evil mutants killed her two brothers. When her parents died, in her grief, she slashed her hair away and shaved her head. For a year she was on and off suicide watch as her hair again sprouted and gradually throve.


Then one day, as she stared in the mirror at her slowly recuperating mane, she reached a turning point. There would be no more mourning. What was left of her family needed protecting; other families like hers needed to be defended; the forces that threatened them had to be opposed, must be fought, would be defeated. To give in to grief was to surrender to evil. She swore never to cut her hair again.


As part of her new determination to take care of herself, she hit the gym. And soon learned she was stronger than she thought. Much stronger. Soon enough, nothing in an ordinary gym challenged her. And a few accidents with dropped weights and an experiment with a kitchen knife taught her that her skin was becoming as difficult to injure as her muscles were to challenge. When she did take a bruise or a cut, it healed quickly too. And the longer her now swiftly growing hair became, the more powerful she was.


Hazel Elponi was grateful for her strength, and knew that it had been granted for a purpose. She listens to the still, small voice inside her, that tells her where and how to apply the power that comes, not from her, but only through her.


Quote: I will protect you. Trust me. I have never broken my word and never will.


Powers: Besides high STR, defenses, and Regeneration, she should have powers to defend and nurture others - perhaps a touch that Heals or cures disease, as well as more obvious things like Missile Deflecton Usable for Other or Combat Skill Levels only to protect bystanders/ innocent victims. And of course ways to model a spiritual insight; perhaps a Spirit Contact, maybe a suite of abilities like Danger Sense. Powers have a -1/4 limit: Not if hair cut. Disads include moral codes and religious vows.




Unusual Background:

Bill Etin Had always been fascinated by art. As a child he preferred crayons, paints, and clay to any other toys. Had he not been athletically talented as well these interests may have subjected him to teasing and bullying, but his early childhood was quite pleasant.


Then he began to grow fast - too fast - and his STR grew even more than his height. When other children rejected him in fear and hatred, he withdrew deeper into the world of art. Encouraged by his parents, who did not like to see him to isolated, he began taking martial arts instruction as well. That ended when he injured a classmate accidentally.


As he became an adult, he continued to grow larger, stronger, uglier. In looks he was an ogre, but his soul was always that of an artist struggling to create beauty.


A starving artist. Until the day a running superbattle passed through the park where he was quietly trying to sketch a landscape. In a fit of pique he grabbed the fellow who knocked over his easel and tossed him through two trees; then he remembered what he'd learned in the dojo and carefully restrained two more miscreants (one with each hand) without injuring them. Shortly after turning them over the authorities, he found himself talking to reporters; and shortly after that he found his work was in demand.


Hey, if fighting crime sells art, why not? Besides, some people like him now. He's never stopped thinking, when dealing with these fans, "where were you when I was hungry and alone?" but he knows he is grateful for the attention and somehow, he's always felt the right thing to do is to be kind to people. And he likes this group of superheroes who are becoming the first real friends he's had in a long time. And it's not as dangerous as it looks. He learned the hard way he's nearly bulletproof.


Lately Bill has been using his super strength to take his art in a new direction; sculptures made with his bare hands.


Quote: If you buy it, of course I'll deliver it myself. There's no other way to move it without risking damage. Just be sure you have a reinforced floor that can take the weight....


Powers: Besides high STR, defenses, and maybe Growth with Reduced END and Persistant, he should have some basic Martial Arts, and a decent DEX - martial arts and other athletic pursuits made him agile, and he has the sensitive hands of an artist. In fact he may have some form of enhanced touch, and an artist's discerning eye may qualify for Discriminatory on sight. Artistic skills are necessary, and possibly a "Brick Tricks" skill or some sort of STR Power Skill to represent creative and artistic ways of using his super strength. Years of social isolation have left him shy. Shyness and his monstrous appearance leave him at a disadvantage in social situations; he probably won't have any Interaction skills despite having a high PRE.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary wonders if I'm going to write those up now.....

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Re: Help me get into Bricks.


I usually try to include some other major power with my bricks. The first character I ever played was Echeton. He was a shrinking brick (Think Ant man, but could still lift the empire state building when tiny). What was great was the gm had a hard time even finding me, let alone trying to get through my defenses. And if i wasn't effective at hurting the bad guy, he had a helmet with a whole range of senses to scout the area and come up with a better plane...oh yeah and hitting the badguy with a crane usually helped.

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Re: Help me get into Bricks.


The biggest asset a Brick can have is a brain. Look at Mister Incredible; hes a Brick through and through, but what makes him the greatest hero of his generation is his ability to think on his feet.


Example: A friend of mine was playing a Big Red Cape homage named Ultraman. UM was being chased by one of his nemisese, who knew about his vulnerability to Argonite radiation, and was trying to get close enough to sap UM's powers with the Argonite chunk that the villain had acquired. He flew about as fast as Ultraman, and was chasing him through the campaign city at high speed.


Ultraman cant close to hit the guy, or else he will get within range of the Argonite. The guy is wearing reflective armor that deflects UM's heat vision. The exoskeleton the villain is wearing makes him immune to the cold breath, and so on.


The encounter went something like this:


Ultraman (OOC): Alright, I dive down through this man-hole, and into the tunnels under the city. You remember; the network of tunnels that Gorrillaman had his lair in a while back.


GM: Okay. You find the tunnels kind of tight; you cant fly at full speed and maneuver down here.


Ultraman (OOC): Thats fine. If I cant go full out, neither can he.


GM: Fair enough.


Ultraman (OOC): Okay. While Im flying around down here, trying to avoid him, I use my X-Ray vision.


GM: What are you looking for?


Ultraman (OOC): Pipes I -cant- see through.


GM: Okay. Youre under "Oldtown", so there are probably pipes down here you cant see through because theyve got too much lead content in them.


Ultraman (OOC): Groovy! Okay, I fly toward the biggest set of those pipes that I can find. Ill use my Ultra-Hearing to see if I can tell if theres anything running through the pipes.


[The GM has Ultraman roll. He makes his Perception roll by a ton]


GM: Okay, youre pretty sure these pipes arent in use any more.


Ultraman (OOC): All right! Ill fly along underneath those pipes, if I can.


GM: There are some running along the ceiling of the tunnels youre in, in some places.


Ultraman (OOC): Great! As I fly underneath them, I hit them with a strafing run of Heat Vision!


GM: Um...ok. The lead pipes melt under your heat beams.


Ultraman (OOC): Perfect! As the lead melts, I swoop underneath it, so as much of the lead as possible lands on ME. Ill turn in flight and coat myself with it.


GM: Its pretty hot, but considering you have Life Support to heat, and your ED is so high (and fully resistant) *rolls some dice* 22 Stun and 6 Body wont get through your hide at all, will it.


Ultraman (OOC): Nope! And now that Im coated in lead, Ill turn around and fly -toward- the bad-guy. His Argonite rock wont help him now; Im wearing a lead liner! :D


[uM proceeds to knock the villains block off]




For myself, when I was playing Guardian Alpha, there were entire fights I spent doing other things than hitting people. Like the running gun battle between some crazed cyber-bikers trying to hold up an armored car, while on a long suspension bridge. While my team mates handled the high-tech goons, I spent all my time grabbing cars that had been knocked off the edge, using my Atomic Vision to spot weld the support cables back together when the bad guys shot them out in an attempt to collapse the brisge behind them, and ultimately I had to support a large section of bridge long enough for everyone to clear off of it when they used some explosives. All things that no one else on my team -could- do!


Bricks (especially flying Bricks) also get to do things like lift massive amounts of rubble off of victims of a building collapse (for whatever reason it fell down), stand toe-to-toe with the opposition's heavy hitters, keep space shuttles and jumbo jets from crashing, and all kinds of fun stuff!


For great inspiration, I cant recommend the DCAU / Bruce Timm animated Superman series highly enough. Rent it, buy it, borrow it, but see it! Its fantastic :)

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Re: Help me get into Bricks.


- Hold the baddie in place so the rest of the team can blast him.


An example of this plus thinking on your feet. The villain has time powers, and has SPD drained many of the characters. The Brick has a 1 SPD. When his phase comes up, he Grabs the villain. Then he comments that the only effect being slowed down has now is that I can't let you go as quickly.


Like most characters, however, I find it's the Brick's personality and mindset that makes him interesting, not his powers and tactical options.

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Re: Help me get into Bricks.


Even just your generic super strong brick is VERY versatile. If he has a hard time hitting a quick target, just pick up a something big and hit the targets hex. Need a ranged attack, throw a car or manhole cover(or pull a fastball special and throw a fiesty teammate). superleaping between buildings can get you to the extreme highground without flight. Don't forget move-throughs and bys. Grabs and squeezes are potent brick moves, as well.


This is all before you look into the dozens of brick tricks in the Ultimate Brick book. Just spend a few points on brick tricks (Power skill).

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Re: Help me get into Bricks.


I would recommend looking at some of the related powers' date=' too. My personal favorite is growth, but don't forget density increase, drain/transfer, or for a less explored option, duplication.[/quote']


... Ooo... brick with a Transfer (Body to Strength) Offensive Damage Shield ... I'll have to make sure it works but I'm make sure my player hate and loathing get's proper credit.

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Re: Help me get into Bricks.


Wow, thanks for the replies! I'm definitely going to give them some thought. I really like the powerset ideas you've given and got a kick out of the Samsonite idea. Might try combining that with the throwing weapons and martial arts for CV bonuses idea next time we play or the next pbem I get into.

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Re: Help me get into Bricks.


Wow' date=' thanks for the replies! I'm definitely going to give them some thought. I really like the powerset ideas you've given and got a kick out of the Samsonite idea. Might try combining that with the throwing weapons and martial arts for CV bonuses idea next time we play or the next pbem I get into.[/quote']


Hey, we're not done yet! ;)


I've got a brick... who's also an energy projector. Combine that with extra running so he can run 52 mph, Superleap and Acrobatics, he's a very effective brick.

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Re: Help me get into Bricks.


Miranda looked out at the crowd as she listened to her coach tell her about a threat upon the American Olympic team.


“I'm going out there.” She stated flatly as she got up from the bench and began walking out to the field.


“You fool, they specifically stated the hit would start during the discus throw! You're America's current sweetheart they hurt you and it'll be a big blow to the team's morale, not to mention your family's loss!” her coach roared at her.


“These people didn't come to see the terrorists push us around. In case you don't remember, these colors don't run.” With that she motioned to her red, white, and blue costume as she walked out to the field.


As she walked out towards the throw area, she scanned the crowd again. Any of these people could be the one that planned to take her life, but also any of these people could be the ones that deserved to see her go for the gold. If the later group's experience would be ruined, she was determined it wouldn't be by her.


She grabbed the discus and swiveled. As she released the projectile, she became dimly aware of two things, a cracking sound from the stands and a bee's sting in her side. Her vision faded to black as the sounds of millions of people screaming filled her ears. She was unconscious by the time her body hit the dirt. Her throw would win her the gold.




Miranda awoke to several I.V. Tubes sticking in several areas of her body.


“Miri honey, there's news.” her mother said patting the bed in as comforting manner.


Miranda turned her head, talking seemed too difficult at the moment, and looked softly at the woman who had given birth to her.


“The damage was too severe, honey... the doctors can't help you.” the woman said fighting back the tears that desperately wanted to flow.


Just then, the door opened, and a Man in Black type strode in, “That may not actually be the case ma'am and ma'am.” With that, he lifted one arm backwards pushing against the door, closing it.


“In fact, that's why you have a private room Miss Strode. You see, Uncle Sam has developed a serum that could be used to help save soldiers in the battlefield. The problem is, it needs to be tested before it can be widely used. We'd like to make that offer to you, and before you ask, accepting will in no way tie you to the government.” the man continued as he took off his glasses, looked at them once, and then put them into his suit jacket, “Of course, we need your answer as soon as possible, or we'll need to find another potential volunteer.” Punctuating this, the man stepped back to the door and went into a military at ease stance effectively blocking the door from opening.


“Miri?” the mother asked nervously looking between Miranda and the man and back again, “Honey, it could be your only chance.”


Miranda nodded and motioned for something to write on. The man responded instantly handing her stationary and a pen both stamped with the president's seal. She looked at it nervously for a few moments and shrugged as best she could despite the pain. “Mother, don't you think I know that? There has to be some reason that they're so anxious to get me to do this. I'll do it, but I want you to do what you need to ensure my safety. Take pictures of me so they can't make me disappear.” She then handed her mother the paper and several beneath it to try to make it so they couldn't do something to find out what it said. She then looked at the man and weakly nodded her acceptance.


Miranda was instantly moved from a public to a military hospital along with the barring of guest visitations until after a unspecified time all under the guise of being best for all concerned. Of course, upon arriving at the hospital, Miranda had been buried under a mountain of paperwork that all basically said that she wouldn't sue the government for any complications brought about by anything that she was exposed to or denied during her stay.


None of her doctors or nurses were told anything related to her identity and her only contact with the outside was the perpetually unnamed agent that had addressed her within her old room. She was instructed to always wear gloves so that her fingerprints would be left no where, she was told that no one was to take any form of dental samples or skin samples save for the agent, and was told that this was for her protection as well.


Her days were filled for several months with tests, dietary restrictions, medications, and extreme amounts of exercise. For instance, her daily caffeine rich helping of coffee was replaced with simple water, and the flavors she was exposed to could be summed as air and cardboard. The reasoning being that the chemicals in uncontrolled food and drink could interfere with her treatments.


At first everything went well, her health improved dramatically, the chemicals she was filled with helped her body be able to rally itself against the extreme damage the ricocheting bullet had done to her. Within a weeks time she was hobbling around with a walker, during which time the military worked her upper body getting it back into the shape it had once been. A few weeks later, she no longer needed the walker and stamina training began. By the end of the second month, she was able to walk a mile before tiring. It wasn't what she was at her peak, but it was a ton better than if she hadn't come to the military hospital she rationalized.


Her fourth month though, things got strange. The first week in, the attending physician complained having difficulty getting the needle past her skin, by the second week, that had been upgraded to impossible. Her strength went past the monitoring computers ability to measure by standard means and upon further testing, small cars were easy with pickup trucks being slightly more difficult. Her self-imposed gymnastics training become easier and easier until she was way better than her friends who had been in the gymnastics team at the same Olympics.


The military then tried to draft her into service, but was deterred only because of Miranda's not to her mother who in turn contacted the president and asked him for reasons her daughter would be forced into service when explicitly told otherwise. The government settled with a independent contracting relationship wherein she'd have a contact she reported to monthly but wouldn't be forced into any specific mission she was not comfortable with.




Miranda was soon released from the hospital and went home where she continued to train. On top of strength and agility training, she started working with smaller discus approximately half the size of a manhole. Eventually, she became nearly pin point accurate with their targeting.


This all culminated in a momentous decision. She'd seen violence at its worst, her assailant had wanted her dead, and she determined to make sure that happened to no one else around her. To that end, she took a few classes in costume design and the designed a patriotic suit from spandex with metallic accents to her gloves, boots, and shoulders.


Appearance in costume:

(Note the wig designed to not be easy to remove)




Appearance out of costume:







Powers: Miranda is extremely strong able to lift anything up to dump trucks, an Olympic level gymnast, extremely durable able to bounce normal caliber bullets though they still tend to sting and heavy caliber bullets can still penetrate but to a lesser degree.


Equipment: As Discus, Miranda carries four small discus each approximately the half the size of the standard manhole cover.


Hobbies: Most of her hobbies focus around Olympic events primarily because that used to be her occupation. She's since become an avid reader of sports fiction and has began trying her hand at local theater. She's also an avid Eastwood fan and knows most of his movies by heart.


Does this look like a good basis for a decent brick background wise?

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Re: Help me get into Bricks.


Miranda looked out at the crowd as she listened to her coach tell her about a threat upon the American Olympic team.


“I'm going out there.” She stated flatly as she got up from the bench and began walking out to the field.


“You fool, they specifically stated the hit would start during the discus throw! You're America's current sweetheart they hurt you and it'll be a big blow to the team's morale, not to mention your family's loss!” her coach roared at her.


“These people didn't come to see the terrorists push us around. In case you don't remember, these colors don't run.” With that she motioned to her red, white, and blue costume as she walked out to the field.


As she walked out towards the throw area, she scanned the crowd again. Any of these people could be the one that planned to take her life, but also any of these people could be the ones that deserved to see her go for the gold. If the later group's experience would be ruined, she was determined it wouldn't be by her.


She grabbed the discus and swiveled. As she released the projectile, she became dimly aware of two things, a cracking sound from the stands and a bee's sting in her side. Her vision faded to black as the sounds of millions of people screaming filled her ears. She was unconscious by the time her body hit the dirt. Her throw would win her the gold.




Miranda awoke to several I.V. Tubes sticking in several areas of her body.


“Miri honey, there's news.” her mother said patting the bed in as comforting manner.


Miranda turned her head, talking seemed too difficult at the moment, and looked softly at the woman who had given birth to her.


“The damage was too severe, honey... the doctors can't help you.” the woman said fighting back the tears that desperately wanted to flow.


Just then, the door opened, and a Man in Black type strode in, “That may not actually be the case ma'am and ma'am.” With that, he lifted one arm backwards pushing against the door, closing it.


“In fact, that's why you have a private room Miss Strode. You see, Uncle Sam has developed a serum that could be used to help save soldiers in the battlefield. The problem is, it needs to be tested before it can be widely used. We'd like to make that offer to you, and before you ask, accepting will in no way tie you to the government.” the man continued as he took off his glasses, looked at them once, and then put them into his suit jacket, “Of course, we need your answer as soon as possible, or we'll need to find another potential volunteer.” Punctuating this, the man stepped back to the door and went into a military at ease stance effectively blocking the door from opening.


“Miri?” the mother asked nervously looking between Miranda and the man and back again, “Honey, it could be your only chance.”


Miranda nodded and motioned for something to write on. The man responded instantly handing her stationary and a pen both stamped with the president's seal. She looked at it nervously for a few moments and shrugged as best she could despite the pain. “Mother, don't you think I know that? There has to be some reason that they're so anxious to get me to do this. I'll do it, but I want you to do what you need to ensure my safety. Take pictures of me so they can't make me disappear.” She then handed her mother the paper and several beneath it to try to make it so they couldn't do something to find out what it said. She then looked at the man and weakly nodded her acceptance.


Miranda was instantly moved from a public to a military hospital along with the barring of guest visitations until after a unspecified time all under the guise of being best for all concerned. Of course, upon arriving at the hospital, Miranda had been buried under a mountain of paperwork that all basically said that she wouldn't sue the government for any complications brought about by anything that she was exposed to or denied during her stay.


None of her doctors or nurses were told anything related to her identity and her only contact with the outside was the perpetually unnamed agent that had addressed her within her old room. She was instructed to always wear gloves so that her fingerprints would be left no where, she was told that no one was to take any form of dental samples or skin samples save for the agent, and was told that this was for her protection as well.


Her days were filled for several months with tests, dietary restrictions, medications, and extreme amounts of exercise. For instance, her daily caffeine rich helping of coffee was replaced with simple water, and the flavors she was exposed to could be summed as air and cardboard. The reasoning being that the chemicals in uncontrolled food and drink could interfere with her treatments.


At first everything went well, her health improved dramatically, the chemicals she was filled with helped her body be able to rally itself against the extreme damage the ricocheting bullet had done to her. Within a weeks time she was hobbling around with a walker, during which time the military worked her upper body getting it back into the shape it had once been. A few weeks later, she no longer needed the walker and stamina training began. By the end of the second month, she was able to walk a mile before tiring. It wasn't what she was at her peak, but it was a ton better than if she hadn't come to the military hospital she rationalized.


Her fourth month though, things got strange. The first week in, the attending physician complained having difficulty getting the needle past her skin, by the second week, that had been upgraded to impossible. Her strength went past the monitoring computers ability to measure by standard means and upon further testing, small cars were easy with pickup trucks being slightly more difficult. Her self-imposed gymnastics training become easier and easier until she was way better than her friends who had been in the gymnastics team at the same Olympics.


The military then tried to draft her into service, but was deterred only because of Miranda's not to her mother who in turn contacted the president and asked him for reasons her daughter would be forced into service when explicitly told otherwise. The government settled with a independent contracting relationship wherein she'd have a contact she reported to monthly but wouldn't be forced into any specific mission she was not comfortable with.




Miranda was soon released from the hospital and went home where she continued to train. On top of strength and agility training, she started working with smaller discus approximately half the size of a manhole. Eventually, she became nearly pin point accurate with their targeting.


This all culminated in a momentous decision. She'd seen violence at its worst, her assailant had wanted her dead, and she determined to make sure that happened to no one else around her. To that end, she took a few classes in costume design and the designed a patriotic suit from spandex with metallic accents to her gloves, boots, and shoulders.


Appearance in costume:

(Note the wig designed to not be easy to remove)





Appearance out of costume:







Powers: Miranda is extremely strong able to lift anything up to dump trucks, an Olympic level gymnast, extremely durable able to bounce normal caliber bullets though they still tend to sting and heavy caliber bullets can still penetrate but to a lesser degree.


Equipment: As Discus, Miranda carries four small discus each approximately the half the size of the standard manhole cover.


Hobbies: Most of her hobbies focus around Olympic events primarily because that used to be her occupation. She's since become an avid reader of sports fiction and has began trying her hand at local theater. She's also an avid Eastwood fan and knows most of his movies by heart.


Does this look like a good basis for a decent brick background wise?

yes it does:thumbup::thumbup:

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Re: Help me get into Bricks.


I know what you mean.....I think straight bricks can be boring, the trick is to give them something secondary which doesn't detract from them being a brick.


Colossus from the X-Men is an example of someone who power-wise is just a boring brick.


Rogue on the other hand (talking about when she had Ms Marvel's powers permanently here) was a classic example of an interesting brick. Her prime use in combat was to lift heavy stuff and punch/charge with almighty force, but she also had the power-stealing thing to fall back on as an alternative to just punching stuff.


Other examples would be Marvel Comics' Sub-Mariners: Namor, Namora and Namorita.....they are super-strong, can fly, can breathe underwater, swim at high speeds....depending on who writes them they can conduct electricity harmlessly and inflate like a puffer-fish.... ;) A bit silly maybe but you get the drift. :)


A couple of characters I always liked using in my games who fit the bill:


Chrome Kisses: chrome skin, massive strength and defences, also has an uncontrolled power that turns people into metal when she touches them (thus the name).

Landslide: takes on a super-strong earth form, also has earth control to make walls, earthquakes etc..

Narwhale was one I never actually got a chance to use, but I really like him so I hope I do get to use him one day; he's a mutant whale that has been artificially evolved into humanoid form....underwater breathing, big horn for killing attacks, also has sonar and can focus the sonar through his horn into a sonic beam attack. Primarily though he's a brick.


Hope that helps! :)

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Re: Help me get into Bricks.


- Throw a car.

- Throw the villain.

- Throw the villain into the giant electrical generator.

- Throw the villain into the massive tank of water.

- Throw the villain into his henchmen.

- Wrap a streetlight around the baddie, effectively entangling him.

- Drop something heavy on the baddie, pinning him.

- Pound the ground to knock the baddie off his feet.

- Pound the ground so you knock a whole in the road and the baddie falls through into the path of an oncoming subway train.

- Hold the baddie in place so the rest of the team can blast him.

- Pick up a nearby water tower, storage container of Freon / Aviation Fuel / Weird chemicals, school bus, and throw that.

- Grab a streetlight - Batter up!

- Frisbee a manhole cover at him.

- Grab the baddie, leap off the nearest building, using your momentum to drive the baddie into the ground.


Basically use the environment. Take a look around you and see what you can do. There's lots you can do, you just have to look at things other than your character sheet.


Exactly. As a Brick, the ENTIRE WORLD is your arsenal.

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Re: Help me get into Bricks.


Things people have learned playing bricks.




"Alone, I, a brick, can only break things. United with others, I build things. Alone, I am only a brick; united with others, I am a wall, a home, a school, a hospital - a city. Civilization began when the first bricks of mud and straw were made and used to build the first town."


I have found that even the lowliest, commonest object, may have a surprising story to tell.


Lucius Alexander


Sometimes talking to a brick wall is like talking to a palindromedary

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Re: Help me get into Bricks.


Here's an example of a Martial-Brick, he is the first character I ever played in champions.




Val Char Cost Roll Notes

50 STR 40 19- Lift 25.6tons; 10d6 [5]

30 DEX 60 15- OCV: 10/DCV: 10

30 CON 40 15-

20 BODY 20 13-

16 INT 6 12- PER Roll 12-

12 EGO 4 11- ECV: 4

20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6

20 COM 5 13-


30 PD 20 Total: 30 PD (30 rPD)

30 ED 24 Total: 30 ED (30 rED)

6 SPD 20 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12

20 REC 8

60 END 0

60 STUN 0 Total Characteristic Cost: 257


Movement: Running: 12"/24"

Leaping: 10"/20"

Swimming: 20"/40"


Cost Powers END

12 Enhanced Running: Running +6" (12" total) 1

6 Gator Tail I: Extra Limb (1), Inherent (+1/4) (6 Active Points)

18 Gator Tail II: Swimming +18" (20" total) 2

10 Lizard-like digits: Clinging (normal STR)

16 Reptilian DNA: LS (Extended Breathing: 1 END per 20 Minutes; Immunity: Phytotoxins; Immunity: Zootoxins; Longevity: 400 Years)

25 Reptilian Healing: Healing 3 BODY, Can Heal Limbs, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (70 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2)

30 Reptilian Skin: Damage Resistance (30 PD/30 ED)


Maneuver OCV DCV Notes

5 Back Kick +1 +3 12d6 Strike

4 Low Kick +0 +2 14d6 Strike

5 Side Kick -2 +1 16d6 Strike

4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort

4 Disarm -1 +1 Disarm; 70 STR to Disarm

Tail Maneuvers

Maneuver OCV DCV Notes

3 Tail Grab -1 -1 Grab Two Limbs, 70 STR for holding on

4 Tail Squeeze +0 +0 16d6 Crush, Must Follow Grab

3 Tail Sweep +2 -1 13d6 Strike, Target Falls

8 +2 HTH Damage Class(es)



1 Fringe Benefit: Passport

1 Pilots Liscence: Fringe Benefit: License to practice a profession

5 Money: Well Off

10 Contact: Former Commanding Officer in the U.S.A.F. (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Very Good relationship with Contact) 13-



3 Ambidexterity (-2 Off Hand penalty)



10 +2 with DCV

6 +3 with any single attack

3 Acrobatics 15-

3 Breakfall 15-

3 Combat Piloting 15-

3 Conversation 13-

Everyman Skills (Cost: 0 Points)

0 1) Native: Language: English (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)

0 2) AK: Baton Rouge, Louisiana 11-

0 3) Acting 8-

0 4) Climbing 8-

0 5) Computer Programming 8-

0 6) Concealment 8-

0 7) Conversation 8-

0 8) Deduction 8-

0 9) PS: Pilot 11-

0 10) Paramedics 8-

0 11) Persuasion 8-

0 12) Shadowing 8-

0 13) Stealth 8-

0 14) TF: Custom Adder, Small Motorized Ground Vehicles

3 High Society 13-

6 KS: Cooking 15-

6 KS: Savate 15-

1 Language: Arabic (basic conversation)

4 Language: French (completely fluent; literate)

3 Language: German (fluent conversation; literate)

1 Language: Korean (basic conversation)

3 Mechanics 12-

3 Persuasion 13-

5 Seduction 14-

3 TF: Combat Aircraft, Helicopters, Large Planes, Small Planes


Total Powers & Skill Cost: 243

Total Cost: 500


350+ Disadvantages

10 Dependence: Submergence in Water Takes 3d6 Damage (Very Common, 6 Hours)

10 Distinctive Features: Green Skin & Tail (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

10 Distinctive Features: Cajun Accent (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

20 Enraged: if attacked with cold (Uncommon), go 14-, recover 11-

15 Hunted: Terror Inc 8- (Mo Pow, Harshly Punish)

15 Physical Limitation: Wierd Bio Chemistry, Requires Special Medical Attention (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)

10 Psychological Limitation: Shameless Flirt (Common, Moderate)

10 Psychological Limitation: Swashbuckler Attitude (Common, Moderate)

20 Psychological Limitation: Will Not Kill (Common, Total)

10 Social Limitation: Permanant Identity (Frequently, Minor)

10 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN Cold based attacks (Uncommon)

10 Vulnerability: 2 x BODY Cold based attacks (Uncommon)


Total Disadvantage Points: 150


Background/History: Andre was born in the French Quarter of New Orleans. His father owned his own charter flight sevice and he taught ANdre how to fly planes. When he graduated high school his natural flying talent led ANdre to joing the U.S. Air Force. He spent 12 years in the service, retiring at the age of 30. Andre spent the next two years in Lyon, France, where he learned savate. One night however he recieved a phone call from his father informing him that his mother had died. His life went down hill from there. SIx months later his father died. Andre sold his father's business, banked the money, and went to work for another charter service in Baton Rouge. During a return flight from Florida, Andres plane developed engine troubles and crashed into the bayous of Louisiana. He survived but was knocked unconcious. When he awoke, he was strapped to a laboratory table and looking straight into the armored visage of Professor Muerte, who told Andre he had injected his body with a mutating formula containing reptile DNA. Over the next few hour the lab was filled with the cajun's screams as his body underwent it's transformation. Once the transformation was complete, Muerte leaned in close, inspecting his handywork. Thinking he was unconcious, Muerte command two agents to take his latest project to a waiting cell. Andre was playing possum and, with his newley enhanced strength and savate training, overpowered the agents and escaped the facility into the bayou. During his flight through the bayou, he quickly discovered that his new tail allowed him to swim at an extraordinary pace and that he could hold his breath for, what seemed to him, an eternity. WHen he returned to the city he quickly adapted to his new form and began to fight crime, calling himself Reptyle. He even managed to create some custom maneuvers with his tail, intergrating them in with his savate. After several adverntures in both New Orleans and Baton Rouge, he made his way to Florida, where another new hero had recently emerged. Andre found Amordillo Man in the wetland game preseve near the Kennedy Space, and they quickly became friends and partners. Not long after they were joined by Sunburn and Seminole and the Forces of Nature, as the media dubbed them, was born.


Personality/Motivation: Reptyle loves being the hero. He loves the attention, especially from the ladies.


Quote: To female villains: "C'mon chere, leave this criminal life so we can get to know each other better."


Powers/Tactics: Reptyle is a pretty straight foreward martial-brick. He loves to taunt his opponents in battle, unless it is an atttractive female villain, in which case he will hit on them.


Campaign Use: Reptyle is the 'Celebrity' member of the FoN. He is often seen at charity events and in some of Orlando's hottest night spots. He can get tickets to any concert or sporting event in the state and is regularly seen at the Sunset Strip (A nightclub owned by former Warrent lead singer Jani Lane).


Appearance: Andre looks exactly as he did before his transformation, save for his skin is now green and he has a very long alligator like tail. An attractive man before his transformation, his enhancements only seem to add an exotic side to his attractiveness. He wear a black tank boots and gloves and blue pants as his costume. Also on his left wrist is a gold bandana signifying his achievent of the highest possible rank in savate.

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Re: Help me get into Bricks.


Or here is a Stretching Brick for example.



Val Char Cost Roll Notes

60 STR 50 21- Lift 102.4tons; 12d6 [6]

24 DEX 42 14- OCV: 8/DCV: 8

30 CON 40 15-

25 BODY 30 14-

15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12-

17 EGO 14 12- ECV: 6

25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack: 5d6

6 COM -2 10-


20 PD 8 Total: 20 PD (15 rPD)

20 ED 14 Total: 20 ED (15 rED)

5 SPD 16 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12

20 REC 4

60 END 0

75 STUN 5 Total Characteristic Cost: 241


Movement: Running: 6"/12"

Leaping: 12"/24"

Swimming: 2"/4"

Swinging: 10"/20"


Cost Powers END

33 Snake Arms: Stretching 10" (50 Active Points); Limited Body Parts (Arms Only) (-1/4), no Noncombat Stretching (-1/4) 5

15 Reptilian Skin: Damage Resistance (15 PD/15 ED)

29 Reptilian Regeneration: Healing 3 BODY, Can Heal Limbs, Inherent (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (79 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2)

7 Reptilian Metabolism: LS (Extended Breathing: 1 END per 5 Minutes; Immunity: Ophidotoxins; Longevity: 200 Years)

60 Way of the Serpent: Multipower, 60-point reserve

1u 1) Bungee Arms: Leaping 10" (Accurate), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (22 Active Points); Conditional Power Must Grab Onto Something (-1/4), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4)

1u 2) Swinging Along: Swinging 10", Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (15 Active Points)

2u 3) In My Coils: Entangle 4d6, 4 DEF, Backlash (+1/2) (60 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Lockout (-1/2), Cannot Form Barriers (-1/4), Conditional Power Must Follow Grab (-1/4) 6

3u 4) Constriction: EB 4d6, NND (LS: Self Contained Breathing; +1), Continuous (+1) (60 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Must Follow Grab or Entangle (-1/2) 6

Boxing, Modern

Maneuver OCV DCV Notes

4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort

3 Clinch -1 -1 Grab Two Limbs, 70 STR for holding on

4 Cross +0 +2 14d6 Strike

5 Hook -2 +1 16d6 Strike

3 Jab +2 +1 Strike



9 +3 with Boxing

15 +3 with DCV

3 +3 with Grabs

2 Animal Handler (Reptiles & Amphibians) 14-

Everyman Skills (Cost: 0 Points)

0 1) Native: Language: Portugese (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)

0 2) AK: Rio De Janero 11-

0 3) Acting 8-

0 4) Climbing 8-

0 5) Computer Programming 8-

0 6) Concealment 8-

0 7) Conversation 8-

0 8) Deduction 8-

0 9) PS: Profession 11-

0 10) Paramedics 8-

0 11) Persuasion 8-

0 12) Shadowing 8-

0 13) Stealth 8-

0 14) TF: Custom Adder, Small Motorized Ground Vehicles

3 Hoist 12-

4 Language: English (completely fluent; literate)

8 Survival (Tropical) 15-

3 Teamwork 14-


Total Powers & Skill Cost: 217

Total Cost: 458


200+ Disadvantages

5 Distinctive Features: Mutant (Not Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable Only By Unusual Senses; Not Distinctive In Some Cultures)

15 Distinctive Features: Reptilian Appearance (Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

20 Hunted: Genocide 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)

20 Hunted: Viper 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)

15 Physical Limitation: Wierd Bio Chemistry, Requires Special Medical Attention (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)

15 Psychological Limitation: Likes to Showoff (Common, Strong)

15 Psychological Limitation: Reluctant to Kill (Common, Strong)

20 Psychological Limitation: Won't Allow Bystanders to Come to Harm (Common, Total)

15 Social Limitation: Public Identity (Simon Simonson) (Frequently, Major)

20 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN Cold Based Attacks (Common)

98 Experience Points


Total Disadvantage Points: 160


Background/History: Simon Simonson remebers little of his life before the Wild Bunch. He remebers the ridicule of the other children in his neigborhood. He remebers running away from home at the tender age of 11 and joining a travelling circus and side show. His snake like appearance and abiliteies earned him a place in the side show and as he grew his strength grew to such a point that he had to be careful or he could easily kill someone. When he was sixteen he met Damon Umbutu, a fellow mutant who was travelling the world determined to find acceptance among normal humans. Damon convinced Simon to join him and together they set off to find others of their kind, eventually forming the Wild Bunch.


Personality/Motivation: Simon has been inspired by the Golden Lion to become more than just the freak he was in the sideshow. Since them he has becom somewhat of the gung-ho member of the team. He is one of the first into the fray if a fight breaks out, or the first to aid a bystander who might be in trouble.


Quote: "Just because I might be cold blooded does not mean I am cold hearted."


Powers/Tactics: Simon possess many snake like qualities as well as the ability to strech his arms amazing distances. He also possess superhuman strength and resistance to harm. He can also hold his breath for extended periods of time, heals at an extraordianry rate and has found that he is immune to the venom of all snakes. (He was once bitten by a coral snake in Florida and has since tested every poisouness snake known). However like a snake he is more vulnerable to cold.


Campaign Use: Animalistic Mutant Hero


Appearance: Boa is a 19 year old latino male . His skin is covered in greenish brown scales of various sizes. He wears a brown vest, loose fitting pants and sandals.

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Re: Help me get into Bricks.


Miranda looked out at the crowd as she listened to her coach tell her about a threat upon the American Olympic team.


“I'm going out there.” She stated flatly as she got up from the bench and began walking out to the field.


“You fool, they specifically stated the hit would start during the discus throw! You're America's current sweetheart they hurt you and it'll be a big blow to the team's morale, not to mention your family's loss!” her coach roared at her.


“These people didn't come to see the terrorists push us around. In case you don't remember, these colors don't run.” With that she motioned to her red, white, and blue costume as she walked out to the field.


As she walked out towards the throw area, she scanned the crowd again. Any of these people could be the one that planned to take her life, but also any of these people could be the ones that deserved to see her go for the gold. If the later group's experience would be ruined, she was determined it wouldn't be by her.


She grabbed the discus and swiveled. As she released the projectile, she became dimly aware of two things, a cracking sound from the stands and a bee's sting in her side. Her vision faded to black as the sounds of millions of people screaming filled her ears. She was unconscious by the time her body hit the dirt. Her throw would win her the gold.




Miranda awoke to several I.V. Tubes sticking in several areas of her body.


“Miri honey, there's news.” her mother said patting the bed in as comforting manner.


Miranda turned her head, talking seemed too difficult at the moment, and looked softly at the woman who had given birth to her.


“The damage was too severe, honey... the doctors can't help you.” the woman said fighting back the tears that desperately wanted to flow.


Just then, the door opened, and a Man in Black type strode in, “That may not actually be the case ma'am and ma'am.” With that, he lifted one arm backwards pushing against the door, closing it.


“In fact, that's why you have a private room Miss Strode. You see, Uncle Sam has developed a serum that could be used to help save soldiers in the battlefield. The problem is, it needs to be tested before it can be widely used. We'd like to make that offer to you, and before you ask, accepting will in no way tie you to the government.” the man continued as he took off his glasses, looked at them once, and then put them into his suit jacket, “Of course, we need your answer as soon as possible, or we'll need to find another potential volunteer.” Punctuating this, the man stepped back to the door and went into a military at ease stance effectively blocking the door from opening.


“Miri?” the mother asked nervously looking between Miranda and the man and back again, “Honey, it could be your only chance.”


Miranda nodded and motioned for something to write on. The man responded instantly handing her stationary and a pen both stamped with the president's seal. She looked at it nervously for a few moments and shrugged as best she could despite the pain. “Mother, don't you think I know that? There has to be some reason that they're so anxious to get me to do this. I'll do it, but I want you to do what you need to ensure my safety. Take pictures of me so they can't make me disappear.” She then handed her mother the paper and several beneath it to try to make it so they couldn't do something to find out what it said. She then looked at the man and weakly nodded her acceptance.


Miranda was instantly moved from a public to a military hospital along with the barring of guest visitations until after a unspecified time all under the guise of being best for all concerned. Of course, upon arriving at the hospital, Miranda had been buried under a mountain of paperwork that all basically said that she wouldn't sue the government for any complications brought about by anything that she was exposed to or denied during her stay.


None of her doctors or nurses were told anything related to her identity and her only contact with the outside was the perpetually unnamed agent that had addressed her within her old room. She was instructed to always wear gloves so that her fingerprints would be left no where, she was told that no one was to take any form of dental samples or skin samples save for the agent, and was told that this was for her protection as well.


Her days were filled for several months with tests, dietary restrictions, medications, and extreme amounts of exercise. For instance, her daily caffeine rich helping of coffee was replaced with simple water, and the flavors she was exposed to could be summed as air and cardboard. The reasoning being that the chemicals in uncontrolled food and drink could interfere with her treatments.


At first everything went well, her health improved dramatically, the chemicals she was filled with helped her body be able to rally itself against the extreme damage the ricocheting bullet had done to her. Within a weeks time she was hobbling around with a walker, during which time the military worked her upper body getting it back into the shape it had once been. A few weeks later, she no longer needed the walker and stamina training began. By the end of the second month, she was able to walk a mile before tiring. It wasn't what she was at her peak, but it was a ton better than if she hadn't come to the military hospital she rationalized.


Her fourth month though, things got strange. The first week in, the attending physician complained having difficulty getting the needle past her skin, by the second week, that had been upgraded to impossible. Her strength went past the monitoring computers ability to measure by standard means and upon further testing, small cars were easy with pickup trucks being slightly more difficult. Her self-imposed gymnastics training become easier and easier until she was way better than her friends who had been in the gymnastics team at the same Olympics.


The military then tried to draft her into service, but was deterred only because of Miranda's not to her mother who in turn contacted the president and asked him for reasons her daughter would be forced into service when explicitly told otherwise. The government settled with a independent contracting relationship wherein she'd have a contact she reported to monthly but wouldn't be forced into any specific mission she was not comfortable with.




Miranda was soon released from the hospital and went home where she continued to train. On top of strength and agility training, she started working with smaller discus approximately half the size of a manhole. Eventually, she became nearly pin point accurate with their targeting.


This all culminated in a momentous decision. She'd seen violence at its worst, her assailant had wanted her dead, and she determined to make sure that happened to no one else around her. To that end, she took a few classes in costume design and the designed a patriotic suit from spandex with metallic accents to her gloves, boots, and shoulders.


Appearance in costume:

(Note the wig designed to not be easy to remove)




Appearance out of costume:







Powers: Miranda is extremely strong able to lift anything up to dump trucks, an Olympic level gymnast, extremely durable able to bounce normal caliber bullets though they still tend to sting and heavy caliber bullets can still penetrate but to a lesser degree.


Equipment: As Discus, Miranda carries four small discus each approximately the half the size of the standard manhole cover.


Hobbies: Most of her hobbies focus around Olympic events primarily because that used to be her occupation. She's since become an avid reader of sports fiction and has began trying her hand at local theater. She's also an avid Eastwood fan and knows most of his movies by heart.


Does this look like a good basis for a decent brick background wise?


Nice.....I like it alot. Nice way to tie her to the Gov so she can be part of a Team later on, or doesn't get sued for collateral damage in the course of her duties. One of our GM's has us buy the Perk :Government Licensed Hero to avoid being sued for damage. Trust me Granite needs all the liability he can manage.

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