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Looking for Ideas/name for UMA villian group


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After reading and replying on the PRIMUS thread, I thought I'd pose this question for Ideas. I'm trying to come up wit a villian group (and/or agency) that would be Martial Arts in theme (of course), would be international in flavor, and more high-tech than mystical.


Thanks in advance, Ninja-Bear

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Re: Looking for Ideas/name for UMA villian group


"International" and "high-tech" are hard to combine, conceptually, especially for a stand-alone group. Do you have anything else in the way of concept that could help "hang a handle" on this group? Will this be a group of martial artist superagents, or martial arts supervillains?

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Re: Looking for Ideas/name for UMA villian group


It would probably be best if you provided a little more detail as to the mood you're going for, so we know whether to suggest something like "The Brotherhood" or something like "M.A.N.C.H.U." - Martial Artists of Nefarious CHaotic Uncivility.


That having been said, martial artists and technology has a few possibilities. The most obvious is just fancy versions of traditional fighting weapons, but this strikes me as rather boring ("They're nunchuks, but with *lasers*." "Sure, whatever"). Offhand, I would go with bionics and cybernetic implants, or outright robots. One possibility would be a team of expert martial artists surgically altered into national totems: for example, Gavril the Bear, a 6ft 8" Russian wrestler cybernetically enhanced with implanted fur and armour plate and piles of STR, especially for Grab/Squeeze.

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Re: Looking for Ideas/name for UMA villian group


What I am looking at is something akin to VIPER (or could be a VIPER subgroup). At one time I had was M.A.I.M. (Martial Artists International Mercenaries) but that seems to pigeon hole me. Which is what I am trying to avoid from groups such as Yoshoo from Ninja Hero 4e. It is a cool group, but strictly Japanese. So I am looking to make it broader. One thought I had was to make a villian group which was mainly asian who are trying to destroy U.S. because our past history. The big three would be China, Japan, and Korea.


Hope this helps.


P.S. the hero team could be the White Tigers (Tigers are the symbol of the direction of west.)

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Re: Looking for Ideas/name for UMA villian group


I once saw a Cybertech-Ninja themed group called "The iron throne" that were hyper nationalists who wanted a absolute emperor back....so look at something sort of mildly scarey, and obscure and it should fly..."The Fist of Kang!" (assuming a awesome MA named Kang (possably long dead) ) for example

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Re: Looking for Ideas/name for UMA villian group


First thing I thought of was a typical Bond style villain group. International high tech assassins. Not a totally a Martial World themed group, but using primarily martial arts and gadgets in their work.


To emphasize the Martial Arts aspect, could have them run a massive Kumite or other No-holds-barred annual tournament for recruitment purposes. And then in their daily operations add a veneer of eastern style, even for the Capoeira, Krav Maga, and Savate practitioners.


For a name, anything vague and sinister, or even totally understated would work.


"The Skull Society", "The Company", "The Builders", "Brotherhood of the Black Lapine".


( I think I'll be adding the Brotherhood of the Black Lapine to my world... )

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Re: Looking for Ideas/name for UMA villian group


Hmm... did you ever encounter the Third Edition Champions adventure "module," VOICE of Doom? It featured an agency/ villain team called VOICE which was martial-arts oriented particularly among the agents; but most of its agents and supers employed technology rather than magic. It was very international in its membership, operations, and goals.


With the permission of the module's author, Steve Perrin, some of our board colleagues undertook to update VOICE to Fifth Edition HERO, and you can view the fruits of their labors on this forum thread. Steve Perrin (aka "Captain Liberty") also contributed some background to the group from his campaign, and updated or additional character sheets, and several of us discussed our own ideas for the group, on this thread.


If you're familiar with VOICE, those threads would give you pretty much everything you'd need to use them in a campaign. If not, and if picking up VOICE of Doom wouldn't fit with your plans, we could probably supply enough info to work with. ;)

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Re: Looking for Ideas/name for UMA villian group


That having been said' date=' martial artists and technology has a few possibilities. The most obvious is just fancy versions of traditional fighting weapons, but this strikes me as rather boring ("They're nunchuks, but with *lasers*." "Sure, whatever"). [/quote']


I did devise a few "techno-ninja" weapons with which I tried to keep some of the flavor of archaic weaponry, but give them a non-cliched technological twist.




Falcon Bow: Although it resembles a powerful modern repeating crossbow, the Falcon Bow is an even more sophisticated weapon. The bow and quarrels are made of composite materials which dampen the sounds of its use, and contain an active targeting and guidance system which, once locked onto a target, adjusts the quarrel's flight path to it. Together they make the Falcon Bow an exceptional sniping weapon.


The quarrels are fitted with either an armor-piercing head, or a fragmentation warhead. Users will often carry one clip of each type of ammunition which they can interchange as needed (with GM's permission).


RKA 2d6, Armor Piercing or Explosion (+1/2), No Range Modifier (+1/2), Invisible Power Effects (Hearing Sense Group; +1/4) (67 Active Points); OAF (-1), 2 Clips of 8 Charges Each (-1/4). Total Cost: 30 points.



Dragon's Tongue: This vicious weapon consists of a short (1 meter) length of supple metal cable attached to a heavy stock containing the power source, with a protective basket hilt. When swung at an opponent the cable releases an electrical charge on contact, at a frequency optimized to disrupt the target's nervous system. The result is violent and painful muscle spasms which tear the victim's tissues, and result in death after prolonged or repeated exposure.


A single charge will continue to affect a victim for several seconds, looking like tendrils of electricity writhing over his body. The charge can be dissipated by grounding the target with any conductor, such as a cable or metal pole.


Energy RKA 1d6, AVLD Does BODY (defense is Power Defense or ED Force Field; +2 1/2), Continuous (+1), 16 Continuing Charges Lasting 1 Turn Each (+1/2) (75 Active Points); OAF (-1), No Range (-1/2). Total Cost: 30 points.


(Non-Lethal Variant: Remove the "Does BODY Damage" part of the AVLD Advantage, and substitute "+4 STUN Multiplier.")



Singing Stars: These shuriken-like throwing weapons contain small but powerful motors which give the stars tremendous rotational velocity, greatly enhancing their effective range and allowing them to penetrate most forms of protective armor. The motors produce a high-pitched whine which inspired the weapon's name.


Singing Stars come in two varieties. Small stars (about 3" in diameter) can be hurled up to three at once, at one or multiple targets. Large stars (4" across) have variable gyroscopic stabilizers allowing for "trick throws," such as over or around barriers or even arcing back to strike targets from behind.


Small Stars: RKA 2d6, Penetrating (+1/2), Autofire (3 shots; +1/4), 24 Charges (+1/4) (60 Active Points); OAF (-1). Total cost: 30 points.


Large Stars: RKA 2d6, Penetrating (+1/2), Indirect (always originates with character, but can attack from any angle; +1/2), 16 Charges (+0) (60 Active Points); OAF (-1). Total cost: 30 points.


(Non-Lethal Variant: Change the RKA to 6d6 Normal Damage, and Penetrating to Armor Piercing. These could be blunt-edged throwing discs - "Dirge Discs?" ;) )



Thunder Sticks: Resembling bulky nunchakus, these weapons are wielded in a similar manner. However, the damage the Thunder Sticks do is the product of a series of shaped charges which detonate on impact with a solid object, in a powerful, deafening but tightly-focussed blast.


HKA 2d6, +4 Stun Multiplier (+1), 16 Charges (+0) (60 Active Points); OAF (-1), No STR Bonus (-1/2) (total cost: 24 points) plus Hearing Group Flash 5d6, 16 Charges (+0) (15 Active Points); OAF (-1), No Range (-1/2) (total cost: 6 points). Total cost: 30 points.


Note: GMs who want a weapon with heavy stopping power can eliminate the Flash component and give the weapon a straight +6 STUN Multiplier for the same Active and Real Points.


(Non-Lethal Variant: Change the HKA and STUN Multiplier to a 6d6 Normal Damage Attack, NND [Hearing Sense Group Flash Defense], No Range, making the Thunder Sticks a wholly sonic-based attack.)



Whispering Sword: A brilliant marriage of modern technology with traditional swordcraft makes this wakizashi-like blade one of the deadliest hand-to-hand weapons known. Forged of advanced alloy, with an edge lazer-honed to near monomolecular thinness, the blade can cut through almost any material. The Whispering Sword's aerodynamic properties are so exceptional that it barely disturbs the air it passes through, making its stroke virtually noiseless.


Lightweight and superbly balanced, it's the keenness of the sword's edge, and the skill of its wielder, that determines the blade's damage; mere strength adds little.


HKA 2d6, Armor Piercing (+1/2), Penetrating (+1/2), Invisible Power Effects (Hearing Sense Group; +1/4), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (75 Active Points); OAF (-1), No STR Bonus (-1/2). Total Cost: 30 points.

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Re: Looking for Ideas/name for UMA villian group


Actually, a sub-group of VIPER would work well. They already have two "levels" of martial artists - Melee Combat Specialists (martial artists) and Red Guard (knife fighters), and Takara-Shinja (snake-themed ninja). Neither "level" are all that mystic and fully utilize VIPER's technology.


And time for another giveaway from Peregrine's Closet of Ideas. :) I had an idea for an informal sorority within VIPER called the Scarlet Sisterhood. The Sisterhood started when a group of female VIPER Scarlet Serpents decided to keep in touch with each other and help one another out. The Sisterhood expanded by invitation only until it included female VIPER agents from all divisions; the only prerequisite being successful completion of one Level II course and the aforementioned invitation.


This is a bit beyond a purely martial arts group, but it does outline how a VIPER sub-group could be created to meet your requirements.

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Re: Looking for Ideas/name for UMA villian group


I did devise a few "techno-ninja" weapons with which I tried to keep some of the flavor of archaic weaponry, but give them a non-cliched technological twist.



Yeah, I take back what I said: some of these are pretty neat. In particular I like the large stars and the thunder sticks.

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Re: Looking for Ideas/name for UMA villian group


Thanks for all the suggestions!


What I didn't explain before was I am looking for a group/organization that would be the main villian in a Ultimate Martial Arts type game. I also want to be able to pull various styles across the globe without to much hassle. According to Dark Champions 4e, the Tongs and Yakuza are too clickish (well that is how it seems to me). And lastly I not against not having any mystical stuff but it seems that the only villian groups are mystical/religous in nature. I definatley am not against more super/mutant type villians such as Cheshire Cat, Powerhouse, or even Raccoon (with a name change).


I have thought about a VIPER Nest but I keep thinking why don't they use their guns? Then I thought the other night, what if this Nest is a type of R&D type nest? To develop the best style? Sorta like Dead or Alive (the video game)?


Any thoughts?

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Re: Looking for Ideas/name for UMA villian group


Thanks for all the suggestions!


What I didn't explain before was I am looking for a group/organization that would be the main villian in a Ultimate Martial Arts type game. I also want to be able to pull various styles across the globe without to much hassle. According to Dark Champions 4e, the Tongs and Yakuza are too clickish (well that is how it seems to me). And lastly I not against not having any mystical stuff but it seems that the only villian groups are mystical/religous in nature. I definatley am not against more super/mutant type villians such as Cheshire Cat, Powerhouse, or even Raccoon (with a name change).


I have thought about a VIPER Nest but I keep thinking why don't they use their guns? Then I thought the other night, what if this Nest is a type of R&D type nest? To develop the best style? Sorta like Dead or Alive (the video game)?


Any thoughts?


Here's a bit of shameless self-promotion: adapt the Scarlet Sisterhood origin I used above, substituting "VIPER Melee Combat Specialists" for "female VIPER Scarlet Serpents" and adjusting the rest accordingly. Basic requirements for membership would be 1. proficiency in a martial art other than VIPER Brawling and 2. invitation from the existing membership. They would probably exclude the Takara-Shinja from membership due to the exclusive nature of the Takara-Shinja's own membership. And, while the MCSs typically learn Commando Training, Karate, or Snake Kung Fu, "if the recruit already knows a particular style (such as Muay Thai), VIPER allows him to keep training in it instead" (VIPER, p. 53); allowing for the full range of martial arts styles.


As to a name for this group? How about ethical thievery (stealing only the best): The League of Assassins. Given that they would exist across VIPER, they could be in any Nest, or operating independently of any nest, at your preference.

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Re: Looking for Ideas/name for UMA villian group


1. PC (or PCs sidekick, for special fun) was trained by said villain group (or key member thereof) and has rejected their ways. They want revenge. "No one betrays the League of Assassins!" (See also Batman Begins; if you're gonna steal...)


2. PC has become romantically involved with the favored offspring of a key member of said villain group. Offspring is torn between their love for the PC and their loyalty to their parent. (Talia al Ghul and Batman... geez, do I gotta gift wrap this stuff? :) )


3. The Martial Arts World is having a secret tournament to determine the best in the world. The villain group wants its fighters to win, and to defeat (read: kill/maim/force into retirement/etc.) as many of its enemies as possible in the process. (Use the Tournament of the Dragon if you really want to, but it's not strictly necessary to go that far with it.)


4. Finally, go find, buy, and read Ninja Hero. Edit to remove the mystic stuff outright or to substitute technology.

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Re: Looking for Ideas/name for UMA villian group


1. PC (or PCs sidekick, for special fun) was trained by said villain group (or key member thereof) and has rejected their ways. They want revenge. "No one betrays the League of Assassins!" (See also Batman Begins; if you're gonna steal...)


2. PC has become romantically involved with the favored offspring of a key member of said villain group. Offspring is torn between their love for the PC and their loyalty to their parent. (Talia al Ghul and Batman... geez, do I gotta gift wrap this stuff? :) )


3. The Martial Arts World is having a secret tournament to determine the best in the world. The villain group wants its fighters to win, and to defeat (read: kill/maim/force into retirement/etc.) as many of its enemies as possible in the process. (Use the Tournament of the Dragon if you really want to, but it's not strictly necessary to go that far with it.)


4. Finally, go find, buy, and read Ninja Hero. Edit to remove the mystic stuff outright or to substitute technology.

right on and heres a bit use dr fang shen from pulp hero masterminds and madmen as the groups leader

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Re: Looking for Ideas/name for UMA villian group


right on and heres a bit use dr fang shen from pulp hero masterminds and madmen as the groups leader


oooOOOooo... Very nice idea... or Akash Varmandali, from Pulp Hero; he brings the second plot I mentioned above as well. I once thought of using Varmandali as an alternate origin for Dr. Destroyer...

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