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Silly question:


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Re: Silly question:


Why did the superhero cross the road?


To get to his origin.


For Legion tryouts.


Capes For Sale: buy one, get one free.


Because Storm and Beast on the same team means the smell of wet dog lingers.


Grant Morrison was looking at him funny.


Because everything he ever knew was wrong!


He thought he saw Gwen Stacy. No, it couldn't have been....


He saw Starfire and he knows 20 languages!

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Re: Silly question:


Can't believe you all fell for that one! That's not the superhero at all . . . it's a decoy created by Dr. Evil and it did just what is was intended to do: get every member of the HERO community wondering about street crossings while there -- right there behind you! -- Dr. Evil's evil scheme was going into operation.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Silly question:


Capes For Sale: buy one' date=' get one free.[/quote']


[Edna Mode] NO CAPES! [/EdnaMode]


Why did the superhero cross the road?


He was railroaded by the GM.


He saw Foxbat on *this* side of the road.


He thought he saw Power Girl on *that* side of the road.


That's where he parked the team vehicle.


It's his normal patrol route.


To find out how many VIPER agents it takes to change a light bulb.

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Re: Silly question:


Because he had to save that kid before he got hit by the car. Luckily, he pushed his running since he need to cross the road in one phase, do a grab-by and all before the car gets a chance to act of DEX 8 (the car has a DEX 15, but the GM rules that the car must wait until the driver gets to act). The kid is at DCV 0, surprised that he is about to be run over by a car, so he's an easy target for the minuses for Grab-by (The GM assigns a -4 to avoid looking it up in the rule book). He scoops the kid and makes it across the street, just in the nick of time.

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