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What's Up With These Protestors? (2 parts)


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A group of organized protestors shows up outside your hero's headquarters,

(or, if that is secret, at the last big public place they were seen like a battle)

and they are shouting slogans, carrying signs, and just disagreeing with your

character in general.


A) Why are they doing this / What are they protesting about you ?


B) What does your character say or do about it?

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Re: What's Up With These Protestors? (2 parts)


Oh, look. The the hero-haters in this Iron Age world are at it again. Tell me why we're still heroes?


Oh, yeah. We actually have a conscience. Unlike the protestors, who gladly try to kill us when think they have the capability.


(Yes, my GM runs a really dark game. :()

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Re: What's Up With These Protestors? (2 parts)


A group of organized protestors shows up outside your hero's headquarters,

(or, if that is secret, at the last big public place they were seen like a battle)

and they are shouting slogans, carrying signs, and just disagreeing with your

character in general.


A) Why are they doing this / What are they protesting about you ?


B) What does your character say or do about it?



A) Bunch of weak panzy-@SS bleeding heart types who are probably mad at him for collateral damage and/or killing a villain because they were going to kill a group of bystanders or something similar


B) Ignore. If people want to go after him too much, he might go back to his old villainy ways.


Frosty Bob

A) Much the same.


B) Much the same, accept more prone to a much more active approach.

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Re: What's Up With These Protestors? (2 parts)


A) The McProtest would be brought by the business community upset about the vandalism of restaurants and the destruction of vehicles by Beast (like your brick never tossed a car) and rightfully so.


B)Beast would explain that he is hungry and that cars are a waste of resources.

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Re: What's Up With These Protestors? (2 parts)


tuff-man would wonder why LUCHADORES can tangle with wierd crooks and not be seen as pons scum but guyslike HIM cant he doesnt have any powersso THATS not it

he'd look into it andf ind outwhats going on before the dojo he calls a headquarts gets anyreason to expel him

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Re: What's Up With These Protestors? (2 parts)


Hellfire: Probably religiously motivated, maybe influenced by Brother Angel. She'll steer clear of them. Flight means never having to deal with human obstacles.


The Wizard of Oz Incorporated: It would probably be sparked by someone like an animal rights activist super getting hurt when the team responded to a break in at one of the firm's corporate or institutional clients. Wizard would hold a press conference to spin the situation.


Riptide: If it was back in his hero days it would probably be a protest against the great amounts of collateral damage caused by the team. He'd go out and try to talk and listen to the protesters. If it was after his retirement, it would probably be outraged people objecting to his being a big music star who is infected with vampirism (a metadisease in his universe), because the secret came out. It's why he retired from heroics.


TN Lung: Probably an anti-alien group. TN would do nothing.

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Re: What's Up With These Protestors? (2 parts)


A group of organized protestors shows up outside your hero's headquarters,

(or, if that is secret, at the last big public place they were seen like a battle)

and they are shouting slogans, carrying signs, and just disagreeing with your

character in general.


A) Why are they doing this / What are they protesting about you ?


B) What does your character say or do about it?



A) No base, but she's not a secret ID either, so she can be tracked down. The protestors are street gangs claiming their civil rights are being violated by the local vigilante (which couldn't be further from the truth). The people in the building would come out in a show of support and either cops of Anthem herself would have to break it up.


B)"I would never knowingly step on somone's civil rights. Let them protest; In fact, that's one of their rights."


Audra Blue

A) No idea why. I'm guessing that an organization has dressed their troops as protestors in preperation for an assault on the base. This way they can get close.


B)"I'm going to take a nap. Wake me when they have some legitimate concerns."


Uncle Slam

A) He has thrown his hat into the ring for President. The protestors are likely another political faction dredging up some horrible part of his past. Funny thing is, he's bulletproof. There's almost nothing from his past that people can bring up that the public hasn't forgiven him for and won't continue to forgive him for.


B)"I'm far from perfect. I can only study the mistakes of my past and atone for them by taking great care not to make them again. I've apologized for this terrible [situation/incident/etc] before. I'll do so again if it will help."

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Re: What's Up With These Protestors? (2 parts)


A) Why are they doing this / What are they protesting about you ?

Zalman is a reformed necromancer currently serving his parole with a work release program, as part of it's B-Team. Project Freedom uses paroled super-villains to do community service. It started as conventional community service, but after an incident where Team A saved the life of a member of the Freedom League (Justice League equivalent) they started being used for Super Heroic type jobs. Normally really unpleasant ones, such as sewer patrols, guarding unpleasant people, and the like.


So the very premise of the game just screams for protesters. All that needs to happen is any member of the team to screw up in public. Just once. Then Mrs. Wainwright will be massively annoyed about bad press for her pet project.


B) What does your character say or do about it?
Depends on the details. He's come far enough that he won't be to tempted to burn the protesters to ash, but he may well let them know what he thinks of them. With an intimidation skill higher then all but the local Batman equivalent on the heroic side and a few gods/god-like beings on the evil side, Zalman would have little troubling scaring them off.


Which wouldn't help a bit, and earn him a serious dressing down from the afore mentioned Wainwright. Which is why he'd probably just stay quiet and follow orders.

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Re: What's Up With These Protestors? (2 parts)


Volt - a) The only thing I could come up with considering his popularity is either 1) Being a professed Christian or 2) Having a professed pagan on the team, since Volt is leader.

B) In either case he would point out they have right to protest and just ask that they do not block access. If they do, he calls the cops after pointing out that he would and giving them time to comply.


Olorin - a) Either being a pagan, being too flip or being a bit too medieval. Probably the first or last.

B) See Volt's response, but with a bit of joshing.


Black Tiger - a) They'd be protesting how one of his foes has mysteriously "disappeared" (which knowing him, might really be his doing)

B) He'd ignore them unless they blocked access. He'd then call the cops without warning them.


Leadman - a) Very non controversial. Would almost have to be a mistake on their part or an accident on his part.

B) If mistake, he'd try to clear it up. If accdient, he'd apologize. The he'd go Volts' route.


Futurian - a) The protest would almost certainly be about not giving out future cures to diseases.

B) "Are you insane? Do you have any idea how that would mess up the time line? If I gave it out, you'd miss the research would would cause other cures and other good side effects to never occur. Go away." And then follow Volt's route - eventually.

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Re: What's Up With These Protestors? (2 parts)


Why protest? Well, frankly, with the Lolcat Brgud (and especially Skadi and Uglyhat), the best reason is probably colateral damage. Skadi likes to throw cars at villains. A lot. She also is rather casual sometimees with her strength, and tends to easily break things. That Ugly tends to be rather casual with anti-armour missiles probably doesn't help...


What would they do about it? Probnably get Red Comet (the leader and a lawyer in her secret ID to boot) to make a statement and ask them to go away. While they are prone to comedic overkill, the Lolcat Brgud aren't gonna beat up innocent civillians.


Of course, it may all be a part of a plot by their big-name enemy, Corporate Buyout. In that case, they'd be on the lookout for, members of CB's elite Super Legal Team hiding in the crowd.

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Re: What's Up With These Protestors? (2 parts)




if ickerus were on a project building a pipe organ of spheres for the public,

the protesters would be concerned that organ "sphere pipes" projecting into a dimension beyond length, width and height.

The crowd is concerned that this additional dimension could result in catastrophic chain reactions like singularities.


Ickerus would stand on his long spider legs high above the crowd (dissolid)

and explain if such an event were going to occur, It would already have happened to ickerus himself.

This however only incites the protesters who then destroy the partially constructed musical instrument.

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Re: What's Up With These Protestors? (2 parts)


Usually, I only have a protest occur when the PC's actually DO something protestworthy. (Discharging a firearm in the middle of a demonstration, making inappropriate comments about a religion or other social group, etc. Sometimes, villains may capitalize on such things for their own gain.)

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Re: What's Up With These Protestors? (2 parts)


What wouldn't they be protesting about? There's so many options!


Vitus provoking invasions by Ist'Vatha V'han, Eurostar, and Dr Destroyer? Allowing the War Machine a truce in return for a supply of addictive mutagens? Somebody leaking Vitus's plan to use Nebraska to seal a rupture in reality? Causing the rupture in the first place by deliberately dropping an unconstrained D-Gate on himself, his team, a squad of Kingdom City cops and PRIMUS agents, and the aforementioned Eurostar? Siccing giant tarantulas on a crowd of wannabe mystics? Openly stating his in-favour opinion of slavery as a vital part of any truly civilised society (i.e. his own )? Or simply for being a vehemently polytheist alien mage in a society that likes to come and wave placards at that sort of thing?



As to what he'd do - bask in the attention for a while and go back inside. His colleagues don't let him talk to the public anymore, which suits him fine.

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Re: What's Up With These Protestors? (2 parts)




The protester have accused The Brain of lying. They don't believe that he is the conglomeration of brains taken from holocaust victims as they deny the holocaust ever happened. The leaders are questioning where The Brain's brains came from and feel The Brain is keeping secrets.


The Brain would first appear to speak awing them with his 30 comeliness. The Brain would then explain to the crowd with a 60 presence via broadcasting his thoughts that the holocaust did indeed happen. They would be satisfied and disperse wondering why they ever thought the holocaust never happened. The Brain would also mentally fed still living memories of the death camps to the leaders to be sure they understood.

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Re: What's Up With These Protestors? (2 parts)


A. They're obviously protesting the fact that our heroes have not flown across the Atlantic and "taken care of" der Fuhrer.


B. (I'm the GM so I don't have a character, so...) I'm sure at least of the heroes would calmly explain the crowd that Roosevelt has specifically tasked them with protecting the homefront, but they're sure that our boys in Europe will give those ratzis the thumping they deserve.

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Re: What's Up With These Protestors? (2 parts)


Oh this is easy. Zeos holder of the light has stired up another mob. Scardeycat with his abilities to bring darkness and terror, is quietly preaching the rise of evil. They demand that everyone turn against him, and join them in the light. Scardey knows you can't talk resaonably with a mob, so he stays home.

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