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Create a Villain Theme Team!


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The Otaku


Shinji Takamatsu is an obsessive consumer of manga and anime to the point that he barely sleeps eats or bathes. his appearance is a disheveled weakly looking japanese male of indeterminate age somewhere between 18 and 35. always Dirty and smelling of BO. he is usually seen wearing ramen stained pants and anime or manga inspired tee shirts usually of the fan service variety.


he is perhaps the most powerful member of the stereotypes. He is able to bring character and weapons from his favorite series into reality and with the right character he could quite literally blow up the moon.


Shinji is only a super villain for two reasons. firstly he needs the money to fund his massive anime manga and merchandise collection and secondly because he can summon the most beautiful women in anime to do his bidding but always passes out from blood loss from the nose at the slightest contact. plans by the japanese government to defang him by getting him a girlfriend have so far failed as no woman will put up with his petulant man-baby personality and his condescending attitude towards people with less knowledge of manga . 

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From Britain comes the yob known as Aggro. Fuelled by warm beer and fed by bland cuisine, Aggro is the member of the team who will start a fight even if the team should not be fighting anyone. Anything can set him off. Don't like M********d U****d ? That'll do. Like them ? That'll do as well. A skinhead with big boots, he is incredibly sexist. He also is a football supporter but any mention of the lack of success of the national team will see the person who said it carted off to the nearest hospital which obviously is not a patch on the NHS. In public he will look to make incredibly sexist remarks at Dixie or anti-French remarks at the Onion Seller. In the latter case his French colleague would then throw a grenade which Aggro then ducks. Aggro plays the stupid thug but he is smarter and wiser than he appears

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Herr Wirksamkeit


The stereotypes master mind Walther Von Stahlstadt was descended from prussian nobility while his family no longer had the prestige it once had walthers family was still well to do with a number of small industrial holdings. He was able to attend the best schools excelling at science mathematics and engineering. Walther had been fascinated with machinery since his child hood when he first visited his family's factories. he became obsessed with order and efficiency always trying to maximise his time and reduce his consumption to the bare minimum. he attended the Technische Universität Darmstadt, an elite technical university.


while at Darmstadt realizing that unless his body was at peak efficiency all other endeavours would not be Walther joined the University's fencing club liking the efficiency of movement good fencers used it was during an unusual drunken night with his fencing club friends that Walther was convinced to take part in a Duel and received a dueling Schmisse under his left eye.


after university walther returned to his families business but quickly grew dissatisfied no matter what he did he could not make the factory run as efficiently as he wanted if it wasn't his employees getting sick or being too slow for his improved workflow  it was his suppliers shipping late or truck drivers getting lost of stupid government safety regulations slowing down his important work.


there was only one conclusion he could draw if he wanted the efficiency he craved he would have to take over the running of everything and thus Herr Wirksamkeit was born an expert planner and mastermind of the team he seeks to bring the G8 and then the whole world under his perfect efficient regime. 


he dresses in a costume based on an imperial Prussian cavalry uniform (an efficient short cut to establish who he is) he carries a cavalry sabre and has developed his own fencing style that emphasis conservation of motion and precision . he also has a number of simple devices he uses at the most efficient time to disrupt others plans. he wears a high tech monocle that gives him information on his team mates and there enemies as well as enhanced vision.


Walther hates chaos and all his plans rely on order and rigid timetables which is why they often fail he is a very good strategist but he is not the team leader in combat no matter what he thinks as he lacks any tactical skill.


he generally likes his team mates, inefficient and chaotic as they are but he really wishes Aggro would stop with the whole two world wars and one world cup thing.

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Double header


People said Bob and Rob could have been twins well if Bob wasn't Irish American and Rob wasn't african American they where both huge muscular bruisers with shaved heads and fists like ham hocks.


. Bob and Rob where dumb muscle for a Boston loan shark until they went to "talk to" a scientist who was into there Boss for 250 grand they walked into the old warehouse the guy was using as a lab with baseball bats in hand and started their usual intimidation routine smashing stuff and demanding the bosses cash.


The dweeb in the lab coat kept babbling about a world changing invention that he was close so close Bob and Rob started smashing the equipment in annoyance as they simultaneously tried to smash these pad things at different ends of the lab there was a brilliant flash and Bob and Rob found them selves lying up against a wall looking at each other and the lab was burning .


Bob and Rob struggled up to their feet feeling very strange they stumbled from the blazing warehouse it wasn't till they collapsed on the asphalt outside and saw their reflection they had been fused into a single body with four arms, two heads, two legs. They also found that they where much stronger than they had been before .


Bob and Rob's boss didn't need a freak enforcer but knew people who did so clad in a costume based on the Red Sox uniform and wielding twin questionite bats they where muscle for hire before joining the Athletics club.

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Peregrine Anderson is Hat Trick. While his tuxedo is high tech armor and much of what he does is sleight of hand and illusionism, it's generally conceded that only truly arcane powers can explain his ability to pull seemingly impossible things out of his top hat - including things that could not possibly have fit in it.


Lucius Alexander


Pulling a palindromedary out of a hat

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Simon Shotowski always dreamed of playing hockey for his favorite team. He worked hard but his excessive zeal for the game made him a poor sportsman. he would do anything to win. He was suspended and barred from little league hockey for excessive violence. he came back as the enforcer for his high school team, his rough style appreciated if not condoned.

He was no ones first pick but he got a scholarship to a second tier university to be the designated Goon for their team graduated barely and was scouted by a bottom tier minor league hockey team.


he probably would have stayed there if in a fit of berserk rage he hadn't put another player in a coma and crippled his own teams star player when he tried to restrain him.


unable to find any team that would take him and his life long dream dead Shotowski ended up working as muscle for organised crime but he was sick of being some one else's enforcer he wanted to be a star.


Saving his money he commissioned a set of armour high tech roller blades a monomolecular edged hockey stick and a range of trick pucks he moved to the states to get into the big leagues and was a successful mercenary villain before banding the other sports themed villains. he considers him self the team leader though others may dispute it and has a bad habit of going out for personal glory. He wanted to be known as Sudden Death but the press christened him slapshot and it stuck if he ever gets a chance to get revenge on the reporter who started it he will jump at it but it hasn't come up yet.

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Own Goal is a bald little man in very good physical shape, who clearly has been training in martial arts most of his life.  But the thing that makes him dangerous is the ability to momentarily override another person's nervous system, causing them to attack themselves or allies.  He's especially hated by teams with dangerous ranged combatants.

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DeWayne Johnsonthe 12th Man, former American Football player, drummed out of the league for continual use of illegal and experimental drugs to enhance his performance.  Later, the chemical cocktails activated a natural mutation, allowing him to produce 11 duplicates at will.  Each formidable - stronger and faster than normal human standards - together the 'dirty dozen' are able to blitz, bloody and bruise nearly anyone into the turf.  DeWayne has often hired himself out as 'minion muscle' to wealthy supervillains, but is now looking to be a major player himself.

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The seventh member of the group is Count Out, a former boxer and professional wrestler who worked for a while in Mexico (where he picked up some Lucha Libre skills). A few to many injurys to the head started the belieth that he was really his Lucha persona, that of a masked American rudo (bad guy) who comes in, insults Mexico, and gets runned out of town by the local techico (good guy). Having no place to go, he joined the group. He is hunted by a techino by the name of El Doctoro, who recognized the injurys, and seeks to get him treated.

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It was bad enough that Susan Hegland was plain of face. But to add insult to injury she was flat chested. So she was often mistaken for a boy. Her intelligence did not compensate. At least as far as she was concerned. She did not get asked out and had few friends if any. She tagged along on an archaeological dig and it was there that she found the fabled brestplate of Krim. It was inscribed with mystic symbols which when translated read 'Let the one who is worthy wear this armour and they shall be remembered and protected but be warned thy soul belongs to Krim, although other demonic beings are available'. That was it. Susan cleaned the armour and put it on, dedicating herself to Krim. How she would be remembered ! And how. The armour has made her beautiful and enhanced her chest so she now has a bosom. The armour has adapted so that it shows cleavage. Susan has cheerful given herself over to evil and is having a whale of a time. She is going by the name of Chesterfield as it makes her laugh. The armour has toughened her and she can now lift several tons and take quite the beating.

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as I am ever the helpful soul here is a wikipedia link to armour pieces.



Now I have done the brestplate/cuirass so that leaves the rest of the body. Except as below.


Toby Smith was the security guard protecting the dig when the armour of Krim turned up. He tried to stop Ms Heglund taking the brestplate and cleaning it. But when the others picked up pieces as well he felt powerless to stop them. Feeling he might as well join them if he could not beat them, he got hold of the greaves. Not his first choice but beggers can't be choosers. He cleaned them and then found they were big enough to fit his legs. This struck him as odd as the brestplate fitted Ms Heglund and they were different sizes. But all his reservations vanished when she put on the armour. The transformation was incredible. So he put on the greaves. Now while they did not make him stronger or good looking they did make him faster. His legs gave him the endurance, agility and speed of a speedster. Now he is The Black Jet 

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Paul Jenkins was the general fetch-it boy for the dig, often overlooked or forgotten unless someone needed something.  When Susan Hegland put on the breastplate and was transformed, drawing many of the dig workers' attention, Paul slipped the pauldrons onto his shoulders... and disappeared.  He was completely invisible, not even leaving tracks when he walks, and when he speaks his voice comes from a random location up to 8 meters away from him.  And if he concentrates, he can also turn intangible, passing through objects as if they didn't exist.


At first Paul thought invisibility and intangibility were his only powers.  However, he eventually discovered that if he places his left palm on someone or something, and points somewhere with his right hand, the person or thing he was touching would teleport to the location to which he was pointing.  (He can teleport himself simply by placing his left palm on his chest and pointing where he wants to go.)  He can sometimes teleport things at range, by facing his palm at the person or object he wishes to teleport instead of touching them, but his aim at the ranged individual or object is spotty at best.  He carries a bag of ball bearings on his belt, which he often teleports into foes (a rather devastating Penetrating RKA).


Taking the name Ghost Porter, he became the scout for the Armor of Krim.  Since he spends much of his time invisible, he's still often overlooked by the others... until they need him (often to free them from a grab or entangle).

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Ronnie Renfield picked up the helmet from the dig. He tried it on and realized that it gave him knowledge of the unknown world. he was able to parlay this into mind mastery, including the ability to hynotically command someone to obey every words he utters. He likes to convince people he is their partner/best friend right before pushing them into doing something totally wrong.


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