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Unwilling Bank Robber

Marcus Impudite

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Your character is at Campaign City Bank (insert character appropriate reason here), when he or she spots a nervous-looking, nebbish fellow come in and stand in line; strangely enough, with a scarf around his neck even though it's July. When he reaches the teller, he reveals that he has an explosive device locked around his neck! He explains that two individuals in ski masks grabbed him off the street, strapped the bomb to him, and told him to bring them a large sum of cash from bank within 10 minutes or they will detonate the device, killing him. From the looks of things, there's enough C4 in this collar bomb to not only reduce his head to the consistancy of Chunky Salsa Dip, but propably kill several other people as well. He puts a bag on the counter and pleads with the teller, "Please, just give me the cash, I don't want to die!"





The man is telling truth. The two individuals in ski masks he described are waiting down the street from the bank in a van. One is holding the remote detonator in hand as they watch for their cat's paw to return with the money.


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Re: Unwilling Bank Robber


Didn't authorities determine the robber was actually in on it in the real life equivalent? So as cynical as it might be, all my characters would unfortunately consider that possibility.


And unfortunately, a majority of my characters aren't Demolitions experts, so their #1 priority would be getting the other people safely out of the bank and setting up a safety perimeter.

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Re: Unwilling Bank Robber


Garrett has demolitions from his time in the military. That wasn't his focus, but each member of his group was given broad training.

Bolt would have to be evacuating people. But some of his teammates could be helpful...


Blaze has fire control powers. If it explodes, she can contain it.

Null Space grab the guy and teleport back to the safe house. That should get them out of range of the control device.

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Re: Unwilling Bank Robber


Knoghthawk would play the mediator, banking his small but positive reputation to convince the bank to give the guy the money and make a show of letting him then use his skills to tail him to the drop site and bust the real crooks (or see if the guy is lying). He's a young hero so he probably wouldn't consider that these guys could be sociopathic enough to just kill their catspaw anyway to cut down on witnesses. Hopefully he wouldn't learn that the hard way.

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Re: Unwilling Bank Robber


NIGHTWATCH would grab the collar and teleport it way leaving the victim behind. Since he has to go with the collar this would probably end up hurting. A lot.


LILITH is tailor made for this sort of encounter. She's a demolitions expert and has the power to animate non-living matter. She'd have the bomb unhook itself, give it the rough shape of a small dog, and have it lead her back to whoever planted it. The subsequent leg-humping scenario would be sublime.


GENESIS would hit the bomb with an electricity drain effectively disarming it.

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Re: Unwilling Bank Robber


Volt - Persuade the bank to give the money. Follow as best he can (flying) and deal with bad guys when found - if found.


Olorin - So many choices. So little time. He could t-port the bomb away. (In the middle of Antartica is his favorite spot for this sort of thing.) And then, hours later, find the bad guys (many methods for this) and see if the bomb wearer was in on it. (mind reading) He could also convince the bank to give the money, and follow invisible and flying. And he can t-port if necessary. He'd do the first however.


Black Tiger - Black ops trained. Demolitions, anyone?


Leadman - Get the guy away from others. Then using his speed, strength and defenses, take it off and fall on it. Then try to find any other bad guys.


Futurian "Heh. Heh. Heh. Technology. What fun!" Tranform the whole collar. It'd fall of as dust, no remote device, no detonator. Just C4 on the floor. And knowing him, he'd leave it at that and walk away - unless reminded that there are other bad guys involved.

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Re: Unwilling Bank Robber


Well, I am hungry for some Salsa now but anyhow.


Frosty Bob would probably be of some help being military then merc, since he has some knowledge on explosives. A bit disappointed though, as he prefers to likes the explosion instead of defusing it. But, oh well, you sometimes have to dirty work. (maybe the hot teller chick will be impressed with a guy with the ability to defuse bombs.:doi:)


Badger- not really applicable. He has enough flying speed to get it out of there once it has been taken off and enough defense that if it blows up in his face it'll just sting real bad. But, otherwise no help.

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Re: Unwilling Bank Robber


Vitus - Metal's Doom on the bomb, instantly crumbling all metal components to dust. Go find the people responsible, and beat them to a bloody pulp until he gets tired of it. Hand them over to the authorities, and head back to bank.


ROVER - Once the situation is explained to him, probably at length, use his brother AI SPOT to locate the bombers, superspeed to find them and bring them back to the bank, and handcuff all three together until the bomb is disarmed. He might have to have that idea suggested to him though, by which timethe bomb may have gone off anyway. At least he'd be able to locate the transmitter.


Zero - Well,at least he would be able to tell if the victim was in on it or not, using telepathy.

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Re: Unwilling Bank Robber


Can Opener: Can take the collar off the man without detonating it. That kind of thing is Can Opener's schtick.


Would then store it internally (if the bomb goes off, Can Opener can probably be repaired) and probably listen to the nice police officers, who would most likely say to wait for the bomb squad, and the bomb squad would probably lead the way to someplace it could be deliberately detonated harmlessly.


Lucius Alexander


Feed it to the palindromedary

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Re: Unwilling Bank Robber


Silhouette would read his mind to be sure he thought the bomb was real, and to know what the villains look like. She'd also lock a force field around the bomb to contain the blast, just in case.


Orion would teleport him to a location where the bomb would do minimal damage. The robber could probably talk him into taking him to the drop-off point in the hopes that the bomb would be removed and/or bad guys captured. Orion would assume the bomb is going off regardless of what happens later, and would try to talk the guy into staying put and letting someone try to remove the bomb.


Bombshell would call the cops. Other than asking people to get a safe distance away from the bomb, she's helpless.

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Re: Unwilling Bank Robber


Most of my characters would take the 'victim' at his word at first... but covertly follow him to the meeting where the money will be exchanged. Once all parties involved are present, it should be easy to sort the sheep from the wolves.

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Re: Unwilling Bank Robber


Pretty much the same repsonde from both Anthem and Uncle Slam... let them take the money and go. Whoever wants it will have to meet the reluctant robber in order to get the money; that's where you handle things. Uncle Slam has the additiona edge of being able to contact his PRIMUS folks to request a radio frequency Jammer, so by time the crooks and robber reunite he'll be able to foil the detonation.

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Re: Unwilling Bank Robber


Captain Wonder: not interfere with the robbery, unless there is a risk of people being hurt. Follow the robber to the drop off zone. Spot the bad guys. Steal the detonator at superspeed. Drop the cash, detonator, bad guys and the robber at the police station, and let them sort out if the robber was guilty.

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  • 4 months later...

Re: Unwilling Bank Robber


Pariah - Telepathically scan the "victim" to determine the "truth". Get a detailed impression of the crooks that accosted him, if any. Mind Scan the local area (how far can someone walk in 5 minutes, after all) to locate them. Lock on, and D-shift them, their remote bomb trigger and their getaway vehicle, if any, into the Astral Plane. And possibly "forget" to bring them back...


Qurria'al - Track (by scent) the "victim" back to the crooks that accosted him, if any. If necessary, track them to their location. Offer them a choice between a trip to jail, and a trip to Hell... literally.

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Re: Unwilling Bank Robber


Captain Citadel is a fully equiped CIA listening post, so has no problem tracking down the responsible parties. He's also naive enough to believe the man and a demolitions expert to boot. He's been working on a holographic projector, so may be able to use that to fake the victim's return to the bad guys. If it works correctly, this time.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Unwilling Bank Robber


Your character is at Campaign City Bank (insert character appropriate reason here), when he or she spots a nervous-looking, nebbish fellow come in and stand in line; strangely enough, with a scarf around his neck even though it's July. When he reaches the teller, he reveals that he has an explosive device locked around his neck! He explains that two individuals in ski masks grabbed him off the street, strapped the bomb to him, and told him to bring them a large sum of cash from bank within 10 minutes or they will detonate the device, killing him. From the looks of things, there's enough C4 in this collar bomb to not only reduce his head to the consistancy of Chunky Salsa Dip, but propably kill several other people as well. He puts a bag on the counter and pleads with the teller, "Please, just give me the cash, I don't want to die!"





The man is telling truth. The two individuals in ski masks he described are waiting down the street from the bank in a van. One is holding the remote detonator in hand as they watch for their cat's paw to return with the money.

Since Grey Angel lives in in 1960 but has the tech from 2200. These guys are so out-teched...


She will search a place where she can transform in peace. She has some forms avalible, anyone will suffice for this.

In heroic ID she will get into the bank and put a small device on him that blocks radio completely (she has VPP for such stuff). Then she will lead him to someplace save (when all fails the cellar, tunneling right through the floor if nessesary) and if she has the skills for it in her form disarm the bomb (just in chase). She will then take care of the guys in the Van the old fashioned way, has propably no need for the unwilling robber to come along.

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