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Wish List: Other Licensed Content


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Re: Wish List: Other Licensed Content


I would love to see some of the stuff created for other Superhero games come out for Hero. ie supplements that are created as generic supplements for Icons and Mutants and Masterminds. It would be cool to have those folk get a Hero licence.

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Re: Wish List: Other Licensed Content


Where to begin: The number of Series that I would want to be used in the hero systems is staggering. I could give an endless list of Series that I would be interested in see.

Some examples of the most interesting:


Shadows of the Apt by Adrian Tchaikovsky. A very interesting world in which humans are evolved from insects and each race has different traits relating to their heritage. It is also a world in which the old magic is in conflict with Technology. Most interestingly is that you have the Apt and Inapt. The Apt can use technology but the Inapt cannot even use a simple mechanical device such as a door handle.


The Stormlight Archives by Brandon Sanderson. Only written the first book but is shows so much promise, a really interesting world. Worth a read.


From the comic book world I would love to see Gold Digger by Fred Perry. Its got so much happening in the universe is staggering. I have used it for some of my fantasy games and my players really enjoyed it. Surbrook has written up two of the main characters on his site.


These are just a few but ones I feel have a solid world behind them which has room for GM and Players to explore.


To be honest everytime I read a book I create the characters from them in Hero Designer for a bit of fun.

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Re: Wish List: Other Licensed Content


For me, it's Masters of Orion HERO. I ran it for my tabletop group, and have piles of notes and data on my hard drive.


What's not to love? A dozen or so alien races, each with special characteristics that you can build in HERO. Rapidly advancing technology with different special effects that you can build in HERO. Politics, espionage, combat, all that you can build in HERO... ;)


I'd actually probably write it myself if I could get the license or do it as an APG for Star Hero, but I'm stuck in 4th/5th edition.



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Re: Wish List: Other Licensed Content


Where to begin: ...


The Stormlight Archives by Brandon Sanderson. Only written the first book but is shows so much promise, a really interesting world. Worth a read.



Same here on Both fronts, Brandon Sanderson, gets fantasy and writes well. The whole idea of writing a book that size and letting us read it for free is awesome. I cannot wait for him to follow up with a sequel.


Where to begin: ...


To be honest everytime I read a book I create the characters from them in Hero Designer for a bit of fun.


Again I have to agree

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Re: Wish List: Other Licensed Content


I know this is a wish list thread, but due to a recent post on RPG.net I dug through Hero's offerings to explain what was available. There's a lot of stuff! My wish would be to advertise the genres that are already available. They are:


1. Cyberpunk: Kazei 5

2. Fantasy: Narosia

3. Fantasy Victoriana: The Widen Gyre

4. Post-Apoc: The Day After Ragnarok (I didn't even know this was available.)

5. Modern: Monster Hunter International

6. Whole buncha Star Hero stuff, enough where I can't really even describe it all.


Next up, some sort of cosmic level superheroes seems like low hanging fruit. But more supplements aren't going to help unless Hero Games gets better about getting the word out. I'm here all the time and I had no idea how extensive their product line for 6e really was. There's a LOT of stuff available for it right now.

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Re: Wish List: Other Licensed Content


Since we are daydreaming instead of planning, for science fiction, both Star Trek and Star Wars would be obvious. I'm not sure how well it would translate, but I loved the Dune novels also the Well World books by Jack L. Chalker would make interesting worlds to play in. Riverworld by Farmer is also interesting. Larry Niven's universe would work well also. Old serials, like Buck Rogers, Flash Gordon, and Rocky Jones would also entertaining.


For super hero, Champions versions of DC and Marvel are obvious. Justice Machine was interesting. And, there are other gaming companies that had interest worlds that might work well with the Hero treatment. GURPS Supers and Villains & Vigilantes both had interesting worlds to play in. There were also a number of Saturday morning cartoon super heroes that might fit well into an amalgamated super world.


For fantasy, I'm not as keen, but I loved the Xanth, Belgarian, and Myth novels when I was younger, and I liked the old stop animation movies like Jason and the Argonauts and the original Clash of the Titans. I would classify heroes like John Carter of Mars and Tarzan in the fantasy vein though John Carter is probably more sci-fi than fantasy.


Also, how about King Kong and Godzilla license to draw in all of the classic giant monster movies.


A Godzilla license probably isn't realistically feasible. Toho charges a large sum to license the Big Guy(they've been screwed in the past) and they only license Godzilla himself. To license any other Toho monsters, you have to pay extra....with the more popular monsters costing more. That said...from a purely wish list perspective...it'd be very cool.

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Re: Wish List: Other Licensed Content


I second the motion. All those in favor say "Ariel. Ookla. Ride!"


I was always more of a Herculoids fan than a Thundarr the barbarian. How can you not love a prehistoic superhero group that included a Pterodactyl that shot energy beams from it's eyes and tail!

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Re: Wish List: Other Licensed Content


A Godzilla license probably isn't realistically feasible. Toho charges a large sum to license the Big Guy(they've been screwed in the past) and they only license Godzilla himself. To license any other Toho monsters' date=' you have to pay extra....with the more popular monsters costing more. That said...from a purely wish list perspective...it'd be very cool.[/quote']


Very cool indeed.


With the movie reboot coming, the time would be right, but probably not feasible for the reasons you list.


I'd love a game set in the '60s/'70s Japanese version of the future - something with a real Mysterians/Ultraman/Kamen Rider etc. vibe, but I don't know if anything like that would sell and you would certainly need players who "get it".

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Re: Wish List: Other Licensed Content


Very cool indeed.


With the movie reboot coming, the time would be right, but probably not feasible for the reasons you list.


I'd love a game set in the '60s/'70s Japanese version of the future - something with a real Mysterians/Ultraman/Kamen Rider etc. vibe, but I don't know if anything like that would sell and you would certainly need players who "get it".


I would love to do more experiential gaming, but most of the people I game with are in side of the box people who think they are out of the box. I would love something like that or old 50s monster movies. I would even want to do the cheesy dialogue.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Wish List: Other Licensed Content


I used to really enjoy the Redwall books. There's a new Kickstarter project for "fuzzy fantasy RPG," whose art is very reminiscent of the cover art for the Redwall books. You don't need a license to do something along the general idea. A somewhat simplified Hero System with fantasy anthropomorphs might be fun.

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Re: Wish List: Other Licensed Content


I used to really enjoy the Redwall books. There's a new Kickstarter project for "fuzzy fantasy RPG' date='" whose art is very reminiscent of the cover art for the Redwall books. You don't need a license to do something along the general idea. A somewhat simplified Hero System with fantasy anthropomorphs might be fun.[/quote']

Considering Mouse Guard has been somewhat successful, I think you would almost need the Redwall name or it would be considered a knock-off.

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Re: Wish List: Other Licensed Content


Game worlds:


Traveller/Third Imperium (for 6th edition; yes, I have the Comstar 5th edition)






Spacemaster (great setting, awful rules - I like Rolemaster, but those rules do not work for SF)


Harn (and yes, I'm probably one of the people most equipped to do this)


Fictional worlds:


Katherine Kerr's Deverry series


David Gemmell's Drenai (heroic fantasy) and/or Jerusalem Man (post-apocalyptic) stories


Poul Anderson's Polysotechnic League


Harry Harrison's Stainless Steel Rat

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Re: Wish List: Other Licensed Content


+1 to Stargate. Robert Asprin's Phule series could be good for a comedic RPG, and Harry Harrison's Stars & Stripes trilogy of Civil War alternate-history (basically, the Brits try to play divide-and-counquer and unintentionally reunite the Union to oppose them) could be kinda cool. Maybe a HERO Men In Black Roleplaying Game, Version 2.0?

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Re: Wish List: Other Licensed Content


The fallout tabletop game (in its current form) is not really conducive to tactics. It takes very few levels to get to where you can just hit people every time. At that point, it's just a big slugfest. Think D&D minus magic and you're just about there. I think a HERO adaptation would breathe a lot of life into the setting though.

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Re: Wish List: Other Licensed Content


That's funne, cause as I understand it fallout's mechanics were based on a broken contract with SJ Games.


I wonder if there is a way to validate how much of those rumors were true?


AFAIK, the rumors are 100% correct. Fallout was originally designed to use GURPS under the hood, but after the deal broke down they designed their own system. I don't mind SPECIAL, and put it in the same rank of game system as... oh, Morrow Project after they'd adapted the BRP skills system (3rd edition IIRC). It does what it was designed to do, but lacks internal balance

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Re: Wish List: Other Licensed Content


Game Worlds


FGUs Space Opera setting. The game mechanics were '80s FGU - kitchen sink-style. But the setting - an amalgamation of space opera tropes (as "space opera" was defined in the '80s) that somehow *worked* as presented - yum!


I actually have a copy of Space Opera and a couple supplements also. The system is too cumbersome for much gaming' date=' but I agree the background is fantastic. For that reason, [b']Villains and Vigilantes[/b] was good also.



I'm just curious if you've checked out the Star Hero settings that are currently available. There's like friggin' seven of them. (Or I assume they're settings, maybe they're scenarios or some sort of one-shot.) If these were selling better, I assume Hero Games would be producing more. But for a product that is probably a modest seller, it seems to me that Star Hero is very well supported.


Serious question: what have you bought from the Star Hero line, and how did it not work like the Space Opera setting you were hoping for?

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