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Ingredients for Philosopher's Stone


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I'd suggest something from a meteorite. Say the re-entry heat alters the iron-nickel alloy (meteoric iron) in specific ways. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_meteorite to mine for ideas. (pun fully intended)


All materials don't necessarily need to be rare; perhaps some require a difficult refining process.

The idea of ideas being rare is that the game can have several robberies to stop. Hmmm I was thinking perhaps a special diamond is used somehow in the refining process? Or maybe one item would be an authentic alchemical set?

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Well in Full Metal alchemist, the main ingredient was Souls. Hundreds to thousands of souls.


All materials don't necessarily need to be rare; perhaps some require a difficult refining process. 

Hard to manufacture or refine? Here is a bunch of rather expensive stuff:


If it plays in the past, one of my favorite "rare materials" is alluminium. Wich is incredibly common, but whose production cost scales with the price of electicity.

And something that will be hard to obtain/maintain even today: Pure Aluminium.

You see it is actually extremely willing to oxidize. But the thing is that Aluminium-oxide effectively becomes a "armor" around the rest of the aluminium.

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how about some of the stuff left behind when you kill an elemental?

Except that this is a DC: TAS game which is "realistic" so no elementals.


Fwiw as to whether the Philosopher Stone works doesm't matter to the game. Midas thinks it will work and is commiting robberies to gather the resources together.

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The idea of ideas being rare is that the game can have several robberies to stop. Hmmm I was thinking perhaps a special diamond is used somehow in the refining process? Or maybe one item would be an authentic alchemical set?


Kidnapping a metallurgist or chemist to do specialized refining could work as a plot point.


Stealing an old alchemy text from a university museum could be another.  (I don't have DC: TAS but presume from your earlier post that Midas already has an alchemy text, but perhaps this one provides additional info.  Or it could be the journal of someone who studied the text Midas has.)


One thing with having robberies to stop -- theoretically, stopping the theft of even one key ingredient would derail the whole thing.  Unless the item / info is available through other means.


An idea -- the heroes might stop the theft of the old alchemy text, but Midas kidnaps a professor who studied the text to get the requisite expertise.  Then one of the PCs notices that the old text had additional instructions (in good old-fashioned invisible link) that mention a key ingredient and/or special processing needed.  Without that, Midas' plan may have... unintended consequences.  (Say, cause an uncontrolled spread of transformation to gold or lead.)

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The "green flash" sometimes seen at sunset.


Perhaps this is the true meaning of the Green Lion sometimes cited in alchemical texts, which is (IIRC) usually interpreted as, I think, copper sulfate? (Something to do with copper and/or sulfuric acid. I don't have my books handy, and I'm not web-searching alchemy right now.)


How you capture the "green flash" is left as an exercise for the reader. But even if you are ruling out explitly supernatural stuff such as elementals, some of the ingredients could be a bit uncanny.


Dean Shomshak

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Here is an idea.  Everyone is talking about material components.  How about a spiritual or metaphysical one?  Perhaps the willing cooperation of someone of an exceptionally pure spirit.  Note:  this spiritual person does not necessarily have to be "good".  It could even call for the cooperation (or willing sacrifice) of several people of "pure spirit", or some other metaphysical quality.


Also, you could draw inspiration from the eastern or western alchemical elements.  Western is Earth, Air, Fire, and Water.  Eastern is usually Water, Air, Metal, Wood, and Fire.  Things like for water, you need source of pure deuterium or Tritium (Heavy water).  Wood could be a branch from the world's oldest living tree.  Metal would be some amount of meteoric metal.  Fire could be from a specific active volcano, or plasma.  Air could be pure oxygen.


What's more, since most of the terms and names used are modern, that means that the person writing the formula would be trying to describe or name the item in terms that he or she knew at the time.  And some of them could be changing all the time in location, like a branch from the world's oldest tree.

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Well perhaps there is a real element called Green Lion.


P.s isn't the green flash called St. Elmo's fire?

I know the periodic table of the elements pretty well (thank you, Tom Lehrer), and there's no element whose name translates as "Green Lion."


Old alchemical texts are full of these allegorical names for substances and processes. Some seem pretty obvious, such as Sol and Luna for gold and silver. Others are far more obscure. Like, in one there's an image of a king being cooked in a cauldron with a dove rising from him. Okay, it probably means that you boil something and a vapor comes off it. But what?


(You'll get guesses from mystics and historians. You can come up with much more interesting interpretations.)


St. Elmo's Fire is an electrical discharge.


I've read that a blue flash or even a purple flash have been seen at sunset, though these are even rarer than the green flash.


Other odd things I once jotted down for a list of magic item ingredients. They're all real.


* "Singing Sand" -- sand that makes a sort of hum as its slides down the side of dunes or when you walk on it.

* Fulgurites -- sand fused into glass by being struck by lightning. (Glass from nuclear detonations is cool too, but unlikely to appear in ancient alchemical recipes. Then again, if someone is trying to update recipes for greater power...)

* The Maldive Islands double coconut, called the Arcanum Magnum in Medieval/Renaissance times. For centuries, these things occasionally washed up on shores around the Indian Ocean and nobody knew where they came from, so they were presumed to be magical.

* Spathe from the giant corpse lily, which blooms only once every 10-20 years. (Combine with the Arcanum Magnum, which from a certain angle resembles a particular feature of female anatomy, for the conjunction of masculine and feminine elements used to symbolize the fusion of other contrasting elements.)

* Water from the inside of a geode or thunder egg.


Dean Shomshak

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The porta alchemica inspired me how about materials stolen from NASA iron from Mars or silver from the moon.





Actually building the philosophers stone from materials linked to each of the alchemical planets and the related material.

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My approach to the Philosoper's Stone in TASK FORCE was more based on its origin as fragments of the Mandragalore's fuel core, and grossly abused my knowledge of the Periodic Table in the process.  I settled on it consisting of an alloy of rhodium, iron, thorium, and radioactive decay products suggesting something with an atomic number beyond 118 having also been a constituent.


Then again, as part of an ancient Lemurian superweapon, it was always going to emphasise the tech side of Magitech... :yes:

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