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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Open Letter to SatinKitty and tkdguy:


Dear people, if I ever meet you in the flesh, you are hereby encouraged to slap me, once, across the face, for being a sissy.


Went to my first practice session in two months today, and I can't for the life of me think how I can conciously choose not to go to practice! I mean, it's among the most fun I've ever had in company, and I've chosen to ignore this and just sit at home, being semi-miserable. For two months. That's eight weeks. And twenty-four skipped sessions.


I must be crazy. :stupid:

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


The man was a Loon. Everything he said and did was merely the actions and ravings of a Lunatic. It's been 20 years and he might have been dead for many of them for all I know. If I must feel something, feel pity. When last I knew, he had no friends left. And he does not matter. He was a poor excuse for a Human Being, not a god and not my Judge.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Arrived at the hotel for the hacking contest. It was being held in the hotel next door, but it was booked, so we wound up in this one. Elevator buttons were very strange--white, like very tall and narrow rocker switches. Checked in, headed up to the room to drop off the bags, and then went to the hotel next door for the kickoff dinner. It was a pretty standard event, the usual hotel food, some meaningless speeches and polite applause. There was one sour point where one of the women working the buffet line opined that "these are the only kinds of customers that ever give us trouble." I shot her a dark look.


Dropped off the wife in our hotel room and headed back to link up with Steve, my teammate. Going back and forth between the hotels was quickly getting old. It was late, but this was a hacking contest; it had to happen late at night. Found Steve and without further preamble we jacked into the network in the lobby. The hack was pretty straightforward, just time consuming since we had to do a bit of custom coding. Getting the key back from the target also required some odd rerouting, to evade the intrusion detection mechanism.


The hack completed, we hung out in the lobby waiting for the competition to finish. Before long one of the event staff came by to let us know we'd placed 11th out of 24 teams. Pretty unremarkable, way back in the pack. I briefly wondered what the other teams had done to get the information faster. She handed us our prize, which was plane tickets to Canada; Steve and I laughed, because in order to get the information back from the hacked system we'd had to route it through a travel agency's system and had bought plane tickets to Canada in the process.


At this point some oddly dressed Japanese people started to wander in. Here was young man with bleached hair and a pinstriped suit with no shirt; he'd left the bottom jacket buttons unbuttoned so as to show off his well-defined abdomen. Another girl walked in with far too much eyeliner and mascara; it clashed with her intentionally-torn wedding dress. A tall man followed in a suit with broad black-and-white stripes that made him look something like a circus clown. Even his bowler hat had matching stripes.


As more of these gaudily dressed people streamed in, I reasoned that they must be here for some sort of style or fashion expo. Sure enough, some of them were beginning to set up booths to sell jewelry and accessories. One strangely-dressed girl, staring at me, asked her friend, "What is he doing here?" Her friend, a petite girl with a bob cut held up to the side with a large black velvet ribbon, said, "It's okay, he knows me from the Pearl Salon." Which was a lie, of course; I'd never seen the girl before in my life, nor heard of the "Pearl Salon".


This is about when my kid started to cry, waking me up.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Arrived at the hotel for the hacking contest. It was being held in the hotel next door, but it was booked, so we wound up in this one. Elevator buttons were very strange--white, like very tall and narrow rocker switches. Checked in, headed up to the room to drop off the bags, and then went to the hotel next door for the kickoff dinner. It was a pretty standard event, the usual hotel food, some meaningless speeches and polite applause. There was one sour point where one of the women working the buffet line opined that "these are the only kinds of customers that ever give us trouble." I shot her a dark look.


Dropped off the wife in our hotel room and headed back to link up with Steve, my teammate. Going back and forth between the hotels was quickly getting old. It was late, but this was a hacking contest; it had to happen late at night. Found Steve and without further preamble we jacked into the network in the lobby. The hack was pretty straightforward, just time consuming since we had to do a bit of custom coding. Getting the key back from the target also required some odd rerouting, to evade the intrusion detection mechanism.


The hack completed, we hung out in the lobby waiting for the competition to finish. Before long one of the event staff came by to let us know we'd placed 11th out of 24 teams. Pretty unremarkable, way back in the pack. I briefly wondered what the other teams had done to get the information faster. She handed us our prize, which was plane tickets to Canada; Steve and I laughed, because in order to get the information back from the hacked system we'd had to route it through a travel agency's system and had bought plane tickets to Canada in the process.


At this point some oddly dressed Japanese people started to wander in. Here was young man with bleached hair and a pinstriped suit with no shirt; he'd left the bottom jacket buttons unbuttoned so as to show off his well-defined abdomen. Another girl walked in with far too much eyeliner and mascara; it clashed with her intentionally-torn wedding dress. A tall man followed in a suit with broad black-and-white stripes that made him look something like a circus clown. Even his bowler hat had matching stripes.


As more of these gaudily dressed people streamed in, I reasoned that they must be here for some sort of style or fashion expo. Sure enough, some of them were beginning to set up booths to sell jewelry and accessories. One strangely-dressed girl, staring at me, asked her friend, "What is he doing here?" Her friend, a petite girl with a bob cut held up to the side with a large black velvet ribbon, said, "It's okay, he knows me from the Pearl Salon." Which was a lie, of course; I'd never seen the girl before in my life, nor heard of the "Pearl Salon".


This is about when my kid started to cry, waking me up.

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Re: A Thread for Random Skillings


I’ve been making an effort lately to give my players more opportunities to use some of their more obscure skills. Last night I managed to work in all the following:

Analyze: Magic

Analyze: Runes



Forensic Medicine


PS: Physician

PS: Engraver/Carver

PS: Sculptor

CK: New York City

KS: Arcane And Occult Lore

KS: Rune Magic

KS: Beatles Lyrics

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


The holiday blues hit me hard last night. I'm spending Christmas alone, which is generally fine by me, but everyone else has plans and I keep getting asked what I'm doing. The sudden overwhelming loneliness was unbearable. None of my usual distractions helped. I went to bed early trying to escape into sleep and was tormented by horrid dreams all night. I don't feel any better today. I feel like I'm on the verge of tears. Another wonderful holiday season.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I forgot to brag... The other night I was on Vent while playing CoH. I came up with a bad pun, and actually stunned one of the others on Vent. She was speechless for almost 3 minutes.


Then she had me share it with everyone else who came on.


The Joke: I was talking about making a Cow hero, and said There is only one origin that would fit. MOOtation. :sneaky:

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


One of the odd things that happened on my trip ... I succeeded in losing my underwear at a theme park. Sounds like the teaser line for a NSFW story, but in reality, there is absolutely nothing more of interest than that. All I can figure is that I dropped them somewhere between the shower/changing room and the lockers right after I arrived.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


So I'm reading about all the snow and wind in the midwest and just sitting here blinking. It's been between 57 and 60 degrees here all day and night despite a lot of rain. We saw a small dusting here about a month ago. That's it.


I expect an Arctic February. It's always our coldest month. If this January was like last we'll have many more days like today. :straight:

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