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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


You know what? I believe Joe Madura might just be the most personally disappointing waste of talent ever.


I mean, I still would pay money to read Battle Chasers. I loved that world. His art wasn't that great, but he had awesome vision.


Then I'm reading a wikipedia article on him and it seems he dropped comics for video games and then didn't do anything nearly as evocative.


Last heard working in comics again in 2006.




Battle Chasers was so cool...

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I keep hearing my name mentioned, in some kind of context with training a co-worker is getting on Photoshop. I suspect this means more work.


And one person asked her, "Is it possible to start all over again?" If he means that project that took me three friggin' weeks and nearly burned me out entirely, I quit.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Human history, in 100 words or less:

First, tribes: tough life.

The defaults beyond the intimate tribe were violence, aversion to difference, and slavery. Superstition: everywhere.

Culture overcomes them partially.

Rainfall agriculture, which allows loners.

Irrigation agriculture, which favors community.

Division of labor plus exchange in trade bring mutual cooperation, even outside the tribe.

The impulse is always there, though: "Kill or enslave the outsider."

Gradual science from Athens' compact with reason.

Division of labor, trade, the mastery of knowledge, plus time brought surplus, sometimes a peaceful extended order and, rules diversely evolved and, the cooperation of strangers - always warring against the fierce defaults of tribalism, violence, and ignorance.

No one who teaches you knows what will happen.



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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I had the most wonderful dream last night. I woke up in a great mood and it has helped to sustain me through this not so pleasant day. I want to share it with my friends here at the old NGD, primarily because I want to tell someone and I can’t actually share it with the people involved.


Well, i wrote it up and I feel the stupider for it. So i'm not going to put it here. This is what I will say: I dreamt last night of the only woman I have ever truly loved. I haven't spoken to her-- or her husband-- for some months now. In my dream we were together, though. I miss her so much. My dream was so vivid that I woke up nearly crying. I know that we'll never actually be together, but for one fleeting moment we were. And we were happy in a way I have never really known. Even writing this now is getting me choked up.



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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


"Nitpick compensates for his limited fighting ability by pouncing on points that are only marginally relevant to the discussion. For example, if his opponent in a sports forum conflict casually mentioned the Cubs' 4-2 victory in the 1908 World Series, Nitpick would quickly counterattack with something like, "4-2 !? Any moron knows the Cubs won the Series 4-1! Someone so ignorant about baseball history can't possibly know anything about salary caps!" Even if the minor point is conceded by his opponent Nitpick will return to it whenever the battle turns against him. Though weak, Nitpick is very tenacious and will never admit defeat. Nitpick is a close ally of Artful Dodger." from flamewarriors.com

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I love days off in the week. I actually get stuff accomplished.




Got haircut

Donated the magazines, cooking utensils, gloves, coats, shirts, books, and speakers that have been sitting in my living room for ....a year?

Got Jenny's Christmas present "done" I can pick it up in about two weeks. It cost a little more than I expected, but it looks awesome.

Paid rent

Fixed sink in bathroom

did laundry



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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Speaking of rewarding the wrong kind of behavior...


Couple of weeks ago, we had a small power outage. During the outage, my UPS died. So the next day I emailed their customer service guys. Standard, "Hey, my UPS died and I think it's still under warrenty."


They responded, "What kind of monitor did you have hooked up to it?"


I responded: 15" flatscreen.


They responded, "OK, well, it can't be that. What kind of printer do you have?"


I said: Inkjet.


They responded, "OK, well it can't be that. What kind of system do you have?"


I said: (whatever kind of system I had, in as much detail as I could gather). Now I have no problem answering these questions -- I understand what they're doing, just trying to troubleshoot the problem.


They responded, "What kind of printer do you have?"


I said, somewhat bemused that they were asking again: Inkjet.


They responded, "OK, well it can't be that. What kind of system do you have?"


(Also keep in mind that each email is just tacked on to the top of the previous email, so if you scroll down you can see the entire conversation up to this point).


And... I blew my stack. I sent them back a profanity-laced email telling them exactly how incompetent they were, asking me the same g-d questions over and over again instead of telling me what I had to do to fix it, and I demanded that the guy pass me to someone who could actually f'n help.


I immediately got a response from a different guy (guessing he was a supervisor or manager) who apologized and send me a Return Authorization number. And I thought, "Finally, a little customer service."


But as I thought about it more, I thought, "OK, I've spend the last week being polite and professional, answering this guy's questions promptly and completely and, in one case, giving him more information than he asked for (anticipating that he might need more info). And I got nothing but repeats of the same questions. But the minute I start screaming profanities at them, I get results. Being polite didn't get the job done, but dropping the F-bomb did. So I wonder, the next time I have a problem, should I start out professional and polite, or just skip the middle man and go straight to the profanity?"


This is, IMHO, exactly the wrong kind of behavior for that company to encourage in its customers. So I went and bought a new UPS from one of their competitors. F*** 'em.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Over the past, I don't know, six months, I've tried all sorts of things to improve my productivity. I seriously don't have enough time for all the things that need to get done, and I thought that by tracking and prioritizing it all I could do better at blocking off my time and knocking things off the list. Since the part of my life where I have the most balls in the air is work, that's where I started.


So, I've tried creating to-do lists and tracking them in iCal. I've tried various methods of task tracking methods using flat text files or paper. I've tried various software organization tools like iGTD. (iGTD is really good, by the way.) And none of it has made me more efficient or faster at anything, although I suppose I don't forget stuff as often as I used to.


What it has done is made me realize what the real problem is: I hate my job. All I do is read and write email, talk on the phone, and occasionally write some marketing crap. I deal with the same peoples' same problems every god damned day. I know what needs to be done to improve the overall situation in my department, but that requires more staff, which I don't have leave to hire. I don't make anything. I don't create anything. When I go home and the wife asks me what I did at work today, the answer is usually that I fought some fire, talked some employee into (figuratively) putting down the gun, or on a really productive day I might have met with a vendor or customer and left a good impression.


Now I knew that I might not like the job when I took it, but of course it came with such a significant pay increase that I couldn't turn it down, and now I've gone and rearranged my life, mortgagewise, such that I need an income of about the same level if I want to remain homeful. So I'm stuck, and I knew it might happen. It's just tough when I'm confronted with actual hard evidence that I don't like the core functions of my job.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Every once in a while, I do a websearch on Kris Ziemer.


How is it possible that, as far as the internet is concerned, the most beautiful woman ever photographed never existed?


Lucius Alexander


Inquiring palindromedaries want to know.

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A Thread for Random Musings


Dominic: "Let's avoid drama forever, shall we?"

Luna: "....said the planar champion oracle to his deformed, low self-esteem girlfriend."





Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary predicts that Dominic Deegan will be known as the greatest web-comic ever.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Saw the fourth Die Hard film last night. My company has free movie night once a month and one of the actors, Maggie Q is a supporter of us.


Thoughts on the film:

Went in expecting overblown action with no groundings in reality and that's what I got. Enjoyable in that case.


I got the feeling that all the bad guys were playing with Rolemaster effects and John McClain was under the Hero System.

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