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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Once again, I was given something for my birthday that I never would have bought for myself, and that isn't necessarily a bad thing. This time, it's an iPod. My sister-in-law loaded a few hundred songs onto it, some of which strike me as ... peculiar (so far, a couple of Gregorian chants, for example), but it'll take me a while to poll it all, of course.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings




Go to the appropriate user page, click on the right link, and the board software asks (leadingly, IMO)


Are you sure you want to add Mightybec to your contacts?


Does it do that for everyone?

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I went to bed about 11 with a slight headache. Took some asprin.


Woke up at 2am with a blinding headache that seized/fried my brain, ie could sleep. Got up, took more asprin (didn't know the time till afterwards) and put my hands under the tap to put cold water on them. Been told that that takes some of the pressure off the head. Also had a shower, this time putting the cold water on my forehead.


Nearly lost my balance, ie was having trouble standing up, without loosing my balance; forget about walking down the stairs, that would be too dangerous. Also while having my shower, all I could felt like of was resting my head. Grrr. So not only couldn't I sleep because of my headache, now I couldn't stay awake. The paradox was impossible. What did I do? Went back to bed.



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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


It's late and I got up early today, but I was watching a documentary of the Who. I always loved them, never liked My Generation, but almost everything else was awesome.


The weird thing is that I can never their names. Actually it's only Roger Daltry whom I forget, and I found it interesting that the band kind of felt the same way.


"Keith was a genius, John was a genius, I was on the edge of it, and Roger was just a singer."


I found the thing so fascinating that I stayed up way to late. But I will announce for the world, when I think Rock Star? I think Daltry, I think Moon, I think Townsend. After getting his solo stuff I agree that Entwistle was a genius...there was a question on some stupid show, I love the 70's or something like that and it was this:


The Who?


Led Zeppelin


I like both bands and they seem very similar from a purely superficial perspective.


Now I'm going to hear Baba O'Reilly in my head all night and will be lacking in sleep even more than I am now. Clearly, I've already give up cognizance.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Hm. The Washington Ren Faire was canceled, about 2.5 weeks before it was to start. They couldn't get the permits. The announcement is terse, so I wonder what the real story is.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Dave Tate once said "Set goals, but keep quiet about them. The world is full of jerks who want to tell you what you can't achieve."


I sometimes come down on the side of making your goals public, in order to hold yourself accountable. On the other hand, Dave was right; even your friends and loved ones will tell you what you can't do. People who are neither will rip into any statement of aspiration. In the case of loved ones, sometimes they're afraid for you; in the case of random jerks, it's primate chest beating and hooting, an attempt to establish their own boss monkey status.


The adult thing to do is ignore the hooting and get on with your life, but I'd be lying if I said I was good at it.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Today was a form of private vindication day at work. Ideas which I had been promoting or warning against for over a year have finally been accepted. Of course in one case it took a threatening letter from the RIAA to get them to pay attention. In another case I think it just needed for me not to be the one saying it. I got horribly and politically slapped down for making a suggestion about this time last year. Today, the manager suggests we do it like it's no big deal saying "I never liked the way it is now anyway."


Unfortunately it is a private vindication. only I and the chosen few whom I have ranted to know. But at least it's something.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


So despite our repeated pleas, this customer persistently refused to develop or sign a contract specifying what he expected out of us in terms of off hours response time, scope of work, overtime, even contract length. But we wanted to help him out so we hired a guy out to him anyway based on a handshake. We gave him and inch and, lo and behold, the sonuvabitch tried to take a thousand miles. And now he's pissed at us? That workplace literally works its employees to death; what makes him think I'm going to let him do the same to my guys? Unbelievable.

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