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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Guest Worldmaker

As a Comcast customer, I generally think they suck but am forced to deal with him because out here in the sticks they are the only option.


As a Disney stockholder, I'm loving Comcast, because boy howdy is my portfolio looking really, really good right now thanks to them.


I am trying to come to grips with this dichotomy and failing.

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When I hit 3000 posts, I think I'm going to swear off political threads. Not the NGD, just the political parts. It's getting to where I can't tell the difference between starting a political discussion and just trolling for an argument. With the campaign season gearing up, it's only going to get worse.


I'm also gonna take my customary time off at the 1k increment. I'm hitting these marks too quickly for my comfort.



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Guest Worldmaker

Heard a great joke this morning.


An unethical doctor is called a quack. An unethical lawyer is called a sheister. An unethical reporter is called a piker. What do you call an unethical judge?



Antonin Scalia.

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Guest Worldmaker

I've tried to ask only the legitimate questions when it comes to the Bush Administration and the September 11th attacks. I've only made the sort of tinfoil-hat conspiracy theory statements in jest.


But when the administration tries to pull what can only be called blatant stonewalling, its hard not to start asking questions that, under any other circumstances, sound pretty paranoid.


Like, OK, you all heard about the 23-minute phone call from flight attendant Betty Ong aboard flight 11 the day it was steered into the World Trade Center. How is it that in the span of twenty-three minutes, not one single fighter jet was able to intercept the plane?


(And if you're going to respond with the argument "Nobody had ever even conceived that this could happen before 9/11," stuff it — as the Cooperative Research piece indicates, plenty of people had conceived of it before 9/11.)


I'm not one of those nutbags who believes that the Bush administration planned 9/11, or even that they knew it was about to happen and let it happen anyway. But at the very least it appears there was some gross incompetence on the part of people in the administration that allowed things to happen the way they did. And when Bush pulls these kinds of ridiculous stonewalling tactics, it just makes them look worse.


So what's up, George? Is there really something you'd rather not let us know?

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What a joy, bill day. Nothing like watching a pay-check quickly disolve.


On the plus side I got most of my adventure written up for my go as group GM. Just have to work on a few more plot points and round out the main villain(I should add an 's' in case members of the group read this post;)).


Downside is that I spent too much time in front of my computer (using Quicken and Hero Designer). I sit in front of my computer nearly 8 hours a day for work, should decrease my computer usage on the weekends.

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I have been the game master for 13 years without a break (since I was 18, yikes!). Every time I have tried to abdicate the throne my players hem and haw, or stare at me in terrified silence.


Today we sat down and I said: "I'm tired of running. I've played six sessions in 13 years. I'm burnt."


One of my players shocked me and stepped up to the plate. He volunteered to run an adventure on the fly (insofar as I was the combat judge) and had me make a character.


I ended up taking the standard ninja-write up and tweaking it into a warrior-monk who serves as an inquisitor (investigator) for an ambigous monotheistic religion with a vaguely catholic structure (it has priests of both sexes and refers to higher ranking priests as high priests and patriarchs or matriachs, but it also has abbeys and monestaries).


He did a pretty good job all things considered - and asked for feedback from all the players as we went along. He has a few working points (streamlining plot-flow and meeting the world expectations of the other players (he basically jumped into a low-fantasy fairly-realistic midieval game) - but he has some potential.


It went well enough that one of my other players also volunteered to give it a shot if I help him work out his adventure.


If he works out too we may be able to round robin for a while.


Very cool.

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And after the weekend I still need 3 large boxes.


Curses !


The England Rugby team was in action over the weekend. The England Football team will be in action during the week. One gives me real pride in my country and is a real inspiration to everyone while the Football team is a bunch of over payed, over rated prima donnas.

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When the PS2 dropped price I went and picked one up, the only problem is, I don't play a lot of computer games, but I figured its okay, I can play on the console or play DVDs and its worked okay. But I did finally decide to buy more games as I might as well use the PS2 for more then just a nice paperweight. Being el Cheapo(read I owe the bank a lot of money) I usually wait until the games drop price, so this weekend I went out and got two games, Batman: Rise of Sin Tzu (cause I'm a big bat-fan) and Thirteen (on recommendation of one of the members our gaming group).


I had read about Batman: RoST and knew that it was basically an arcade game, but I am horrible at button masher games. However, the graphics are pretty cool, and you get the chance to play Nightwing, rock on. The moves are neat, though it took me a while to get the timing right, its great to see Nightwing turn a flying knee into a drop kick. The only problem, having not played much my thumb is now sore from all the gaming. Guess I will have to go the gym and do some thumb exercises to get it in shape for the big battle with Clayface.

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On the plus side I got most of my adventure written up for my go as group GM. Just have to work on a few more plot points and round out the main villain(I should add an 's' in case members of the group read this post).


Ahh HAAaa!! (Sorry, inside joke)


Cool! I didn't know if you were going to GM or if I needed to. Hopefully by the time my eye heals and Todd finishes his story you'll have all those villians done!

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How hard is this to understand? I'm right handed, and left eye dominant.


That means, for me to be able to see the target, I have to use my left eye, putting my head directly over the gun, or close it and use my right.


and, no, I can't shoot the gun with my left hand, I'm NOT LEFT HANDED.


I know damn well "proper shooting style" is that right eye on the sights, left eye open from the right handed position.


That won't work for me. All I'll do is shoot the target the next lane over.


I'm left eye dominant, right handed. Like Kirby Puckett (that's one of the things that made him a great hitter). Like Col Jeff Cooper for that matter.


Trust me. I've been doing this for years.



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"chest pains"... such an innocuous pair of words, yet people do take them seriously. Sometimes overly so.


My wife's father (56?) recently had severe chest pain, and had stents put in. He's doing fine so far.


Both me and my wife, on the other hand, are 32. And we've had what could be described as chest pain (although not severe) for a while. Soooo... we both get a little paranoid.


Paranoid enough that it actually causes my wife's blood pressure to rise pretty severely, so much so in fact that she goes to the hospital last Friday. We spend a pretty much worthless night in the hospital, where her blood pressure refuses to come down to normal levels... funny that, when she frelling hates hospitals, and they woke her (us, since they didn't make me leave, hurray for being married!) about every two hours... yeah, that helped.


Oh, and they didn't feed her Friday night, either, as she was in the ER for 7 hours and it was after 6:30 pm before she got a bed... fortunately, when I ran home to get her insurance information and some books for us to read, I grabbed some food... otherwise, she'd have had nothing since Friday breakfast. Hurrah for hospitals.


So... instead of staying through until Sunday like they suggest, she wants to get checked out on Saturday. Good so far, and they let her go, while of course getting her to sign a document waiving their liability. Good enough.


Monday... we use the federal holiday and day off for both of us to visit the doctor. I'm also having some odd tightness in my chest, so I see a doc as well.


My problem... unknown yet, but may be allergy-related due to inflammation of the lungs.


Her problem... she more-or-less had a panic attack. Funny how having medtechs rushed to the office of your boss, on your boss' orders, and being taken to the hospital on a gurney can spike your bloodpressure tremendously...


... fortunately, our hearts appear to be just fine.


Hospitals are great... IF you're actually dying.


I still, however, hate the medical insurance industry. And we both have medical insurance through our jobs.

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Running a game is tough when:


One player is in it to advance in levels

One player is in it to practice acting

One player is in it to escape from reality

One player is in it to have fun with a character concept

One player is in it just to have fun

One player is in it because he has no life


While the DM (that would be me) is trying to tell a cool story and keep everyone happy.


Just shoot me now....

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