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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Tonight on VH1 they had John Mayer doing a half-hour show (with the specific guarantee of filling up 22 minutes of time with 'programming'). This began with him putting on a bear suit and walking out to the parking lot where all the girls were hanging out before the show, shouting things like "Did you know 'Your Body is a Wonderland' was written about a guy?" and "Keep drinking, it's the only way you'll get through the show!"


Later he admitted to a panel of his fans that his songs are actually written by Richard Marx.


Finally, he appeared in a cowboy bar with Trick Daddy singing "The Humpty Dance."


At least he's got a sense of humor.



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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I got one of these Lyfjacket things for my copy of 5ER. It's completely transparent and a nice snug fit so it looks great! I know these keep books in pristine condition for years because all the libraries around here use them. Don't be fooled by the fact that it says they're for paperback books, they work just as well for hardbacks that don't have paper dustjackets provided you get the size 2mm bigger than the measured size of the book. I don't know if you can get them in the USA, but presumably there is some equivalent.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I bought $6 worth of live capture traps.


So we catch them in the speaker of the stereo. I shook one out outside, then hours later, it sounds like we have another.


These mice should be paying rent for a nice apartment like that.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I just rescued a mouse (#3 of the night) from a glue board and set him outside.


I've written so much about making up for something wrong...


But it feels so damned good... I wanna cry.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


God I love this community.


In the last week three incidents happened that make me glad I'm here. One is here (link to be added), another was a Compliment that surprised me.


The other was today. RJM Hughes, I salute you and your wisdom -->

Life each day, not as if it were your last

But as if night had come, and your last day had just passed"

---Scott Miller

(As philosophical non sequiturs go, this is one of my favorites.)


thank you NGD.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I really like it when something is heated just right. I just put some macaroni and cheese in the microwave, and it came out just correctly hot, not too hot to eat but hot enough to feel cooked. And by the time it was done, it was pleasantly warm, not hot. Perfect! So rare to get that - usually it's too hot or not quite hot enough or spotty or whatever.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I have weird viewing habits around holidays.


Oh sure, I'll catch "It's a wonderful life" and such...


but I also find myself watching some philosphical stuff most wouldn't see as having much to do with it. I just watched a documentary on the Rwandan Genocide... earlier I watched the 82 version of Ivanhoe (Much prefer the 52 version though). Weird how near a holiday of 'peace on earth, good will to men' I am drawn to instances, real and fictional, where narrowmindness divides and creates tragedy.

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