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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


She asked me why...I'm just a hairy guy

I'm hairy noon and night; Hair that's a fright.

I'm hairy high and low,

Don't ask me why; don't know!

It's not for lack of bread

Like the Grateful Dead, darling...


This song popped in my head as I was cleaning today. I am proof that you don't need to have a dog or a cat to have hair appear all over your place.

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On the road again...


Well, I'm off. Moving day is finally here. Getting the truck loaded up tomorrow morning early, then hitting the highway.


Exciting and scary. I guess that's what you would call anxious, though that word just doesn't feel right. I feel like I've hit my personal reset button so many times that it should be old hat by now. I still don't know what I'll do for money when I get there, but my expectations and desires have changed so much I think I'll find something. Something away from people. It's funny, Dad is scared I'll become a recluse, but that's exactly what I want.


Don't know when I'll get computer access again, so I'll be gone from here for a while. Be good. :)

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


So, stretched over 2 continents, I have six siblings, half-siblings, and step-siblings


In the continental US, I have four.


Of the five of us, four have lost our jobs in the last year.


I just found out today, that upon arriving home from being laid off from her job, my sister was told by her husband that he didnt' want to be married to her anymore.



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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Well, the move is finally complete. I'm in my new old home in Kentucky and got phone/internet connected at last.


This is the house I lived in as an undergrad and it's been rented out to some really revolting people for the last twelve years. It looks and smells like an ashtray with vague undertones of dog crap. I'm going to be renovating the place for quite a while, a project which I find I'm looking forward to.


The question now is: What next? Back to school? Find a job doing... who knows? Try and start a new career? I might even try to ... *gasp* date again. I don't know. I don't know anything anymore.


The reset button has been pressed.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Japan is a nation of advanced cellphone technology,” said Mr. Tsujimoto of Capcom. “By harnessing that strength, we can compete with America.”


Japanese companies have been especially successful in combining mobile phone games with social networking. Gree, a fast-growing site with about 12.6 million users, gets visitors hooked on its social networking service, then offers cellphone games on its mobile version. The company makes money on advertisements and by charging for premium accounts.


Linking social networks with gaming is one way forward for the video game industry, said Gree’s chief executive, Yoshikazu Tanaka. “After a certain point, consumers will say, enough with the high-spec hardware. Then the focus turns to content, to building communities around games,” he said. (source)


Oh great...the smartphone becomes the social-notworking (aka Facebook/Myspace) phone. Just what the smartphone needs more f* ads. :no: I'm sure Google is licking their lips, and wouldn't hesitate to turn Android into an ad-based social networking/gaming phone.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Scientific throw-away lines that go far to explain Teh Bunneh and the threat he represents.


(Spoilered text includes detailed technical discussion of mammalian male reproductive mechanisms, so technical it should be safe for work, but people get squeamish....)



Sperm competition. Two key factors dominate anthropoid reproductive behavior and are therefore diagnostic of socio-sexual structure: (i) sperm competition and (ii) male-to-male competition for mates. Various anatomical correlates distinguish monogamous or single male primates from other species whose males engage in sperm competition. Among the most obvious is the much higher ratio of testes volume to body mass. Human ratios are generally similar to those of monogamous gibbons and solitary orangutans, but the ratios are three times higher in Pan (41, 42) and other sperm-competing species such as Brachyteles (43). Moreover, human testes are most similar to those of gibbons with respect to their higher proportion of intertubular (non-seminiferous) tissue (42). Mammalian sperm competition is generally accompanied by elevated ejaculate quality (44), which is also notably poor in humans. In Homo sapiens, the absolute rate of sperm production is only about 20% that of much smaller rhesus macaques (45). Another measure, spermatogenesis efficiency (daily sperm production per gram of testes), "varies from about 2.65 x 10^7 in rabbits to <0.06 x 10^6 in humans" (46). The estimated corresponding value in chimpanzees is greater than that of humans by two orders of magnitude (42).


-- C. Owen Lovejoy, in "Reexamining Human Origins in Light of Ardipithecus ramidus", Science 2 October 2009, Vol. 326. no. 5949, pp. 74


(The Arabic numbers in parentheses are footnotes in the original text; emphasized text has been set in bold by the poster)




(Pan is the genus of the chimpanzee; Brachyteles is the genus of woolly spider monkeys.)


The guy's no human chauvinist, either, as evidenced by the sentence ending "... which is notably poor in humans." :D

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