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What would your character do #19?


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I got this idea from a recent JL TAS episode.

Your character get in some kind of fight with some focus using Supervillian who zaps you with his raygun (don't bother how he could he hit you or not, let's just say he rolls a 3), and you find yourself in the far future with no superpowers and no apparrent civilization. You have some provisions but not many.

What would your character do?

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Far future? or far past?



My main character would probably be awfully depressed, run around looking for people, and then in the end either die of old age or kill himself. He wasn't too stable any way...


Another one would look around for people, while building the most comfortable existence he could. He would be pretty bummed, but he would be a pretty competent survivor.

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...my character is a robot who requires daily refills of a rather particular fuel and can't create it himself. He can incinerate stuff ingested for energy, but not very well. Barring him stumbling upon a means to get back by himself within a couple of days or major divine intervention (for him, a non-zero possibility -- 3d6 Luck), he'd need to be rescued. -- Pteryx

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Ghost Archer: "Again?" Since he does things like this regularly, get lost somewhere in time, and without his powers, he'd take it pretty much in stride. Since civilization is gone, he would start by finding any humanoids, or other intelligent species, and helping them any way he could to create one. If it takes a decade or a century or a millenia, no matter, immortality has its good points.


Icehawk, however, would freak. No civiliazation? How the heck is he supposed to get reservations? What do you mean sleep on the ground? No, I DON"T know how to build a shelter! The worst thing, though, Pam isn't there. That would devastate him.

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Omega - loss of powers no big deal, just have to be more careful. Can hunt and survive, so would be OK until he can start contacting whoever's around, and try to help build a civilization.


Red Star (WWII character) - try to find a group, start farming/teach them farming, try as best he could to build communist utopia.


Lei Kung - actually pretty glad to be free of the rampaging thundergod. Try to find folks, use his medical skills to help.


Most of my characters are pretty social people - otherwise wouldn't work well on a team. Would all try to find/relate to whoever was around. If couldn't find someone, get by as best they could, maybe make some side project in whatever spare time could be found to help stay sane in isolation.

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If Husky was stuck as Husky he'd roam the land looking for adventure and women and since his powers are all based on his physical abilities he can't really be stripped of his powers. Now if by taking away his powers you mean he would be transformed back into Kenneth Clark then Kenneth would rely on his super intelligence to either build a time machine or replicate his Husky formula so he could roam the land looking for adventure and women.


Now if he character was turned into Kenneth and his natural genius was stripped away then he's a sickly teenager with no survival training and he would die relatively quickly unless rescued.



"Hello my name is Husky, I was raised here on Earth by wolves after my parents saved me from the destruction of Huskton I draw my amazing strength, toughness, and shiny coat from the power of your yellow sun. My only weakness is Huskinite."

--Husky whenever being interviewed about his origin

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Uncle Slam has plenty of Survival skills (being a veteran of two world wars, korea, vietnam, and desert storm). He would do the necessary tasks; gathering supplies, creating shelter, searching for other life. Even without superpowers he's still a commanding figure and his interaction skills are good with any tribal civilization he might find.


Anthem would likely be lost without her superpowers, and she's not much of a survivalist, being a city kid. She'd spend her days searching for signs of people.


Neither character has capacity to create a way back.

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Blackcat has no powers. She is just an amazing martial artist. She would find people and begin rebuilding civilization. If no people were found, she'd walk the world.


Ballistic is a supermage supersuit. If he had no suit, he would rely on his magic. If he lost his magic, he would rely on his old cop skills to survive and find other people, and live out life. He might try to work on convincing others that civilization needed to be rebuilt. If no people were found he would slowly go a little crazy. If his suit or his magic were intact, he'd find out what happened, and fix it.

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Well, Flippant would think to himself 'Great. Finally eligible to restart my career accusation free, and I'm stuck *here*...'


and then start looking for people. He's a 'Gymnastics' Martial Artist and Olympic-level athlete normally, so he should be pretty safe (although it would be nice if he could have just dimension hopped out of there...), and eventually something will happen... right?


Wraith is incidently a genius, and this ain't no power, so he'd find any people that might seem to be around, and be able to get things a bit civilized.


Both would be pretty much forced to rely on external events to get them back to the present, but both have powers that would be applicably useful if active... (Wraith is like that kid in the Sixth Sense only much more so, so he could find out what the heck just happened, and hopefully find the ghost of someone(s?) who can show him how to build a time machine... or not)

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Your character get in some kind of fight with some focus using Supervillian who zaps you with his raygun (don't bother how he could he hit you or not, let's just say he rolls a 3), and you find yourself in the far future with no superpowers and no apparrent civilization. You have some provisions but not many.

What would your character do?


Mayday: Would not realize it is the far future until she finds the buried Statue of Liberty. She has enough skills to provide for herself and do a pretty good Robinson Crusoe, including some martial arts. If she encounters other people she will form a nucleus of civilization and teach them, protect them, and keep a lookout for other time travelers or clues on where she is, and how to return home. Will not marry or bear children unless all hope is gone and she decides to make a life here.


Sabre: Is a genius and would quickly figure out from star patterns that this is not her Earth, and not much longer to figure out how far ahead/behind she is. With her suit of armor, even non functional systems on it, it is extremely tough and will protect her from fallout or whatever caused the collapse of civilization. Unfortunately she's a city girl and not a teenager anymore. Her Sabre will work in any era but without her computer targetting aids it will be harder. Her main goal would be to survive at first, and then use whatever resources (man and material) are available to repair her suit and scout the planet for tech she can canibalize. If she must stay here it will be as an overlord, in the model of a corporation with her on top.


Wraith: Her powers are that of a PRIMUS Silver Avenger, more or less. Without them she still has her military training and will survive anywhere. She follows orders rather than leads however, so she will spend her time initially trying to find her Superiors and getting home. Staying here is not an option. She has no scientific skills however so would rely on finding a scientist to do all the mumbo jumbo and then protecting him. Not above working for a warlord type so long as he furthers her goal. She can accept alot of imperfections and downright tyranny from him, but there are limits to what she herself will do in his service (kill children while not engaged in an active combat situation and so on). Others can do the actions, she can eve give the order but will not do it herself. It is a distinction that makes no sense, but thats the way it is.


ShadowCross: would end up the consort of some powerful unscrupulous guy, kill him, and take over.

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Ombra: He would lose his longevity, but woudn't mind about that. He would also lose his dependency on unusual chemicals, I assume, as this is tied in with his powers. Ombra is crafty an determined, and would adjust quickly to his new life, even though he lacks outdoor skills. He'd keep moving, looking for any trace of civilization and a way back home. He'd never lose hope, even if he was forced to wander a barren Earth for the rest of his life.


Tempest: He never had inherent powers, just a bunch of gadgets. And he's not even that good at maintenance. He'd probably take a long time for him to adjust to his new life, but that would be a chance for him to grow up.

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Checkmate has no powers, aside from an awesome intellect and the skills that go with it. Even if he lost the full intellect (unlikely in the extreme) he'd still have the skills. He would fairly quickly figure out when he was, and work on some sort of temporal signaling device. (communication being far easier than actual travel.)

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