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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Offhand, sounds like you're running afoul of Windows' UAC. Do you have HD beneath "C:\Program Files" or some other directory that you do not have full access to?
  2. @Tom will no longer be engaging in gun "debates" on this site.
  3. Also bear in mind that without some pretty serious constraints wrapped around the ability, it's a game-killer. As others stated, at a minimum you need to define what abilities the character can mimic (and how) and to what level. You're not going to have a starting character able to take on the abilities of cosmic-level villain because they managed to shake their hand. Even without power level concerns, as defined in the initial post the character could simply touch someone and suddenly know everything about their abilities -- quite the Secret ID killer, there....and the GM can forget about having any secrets to their NPCs or villains.
  4. REG_REPLACE and REPLACE will both act on the entire document (by design). REPLACE is case-sensitive. If you're looking to do a replacement on a specific section of the document only, you'll need to put some start/stop identifier in the document and include that in your regular expression and swap value. If you're just looking to define line breaks, that's why all of those fields are containers: <!--BACKGROUND-->linebreaksequencehere<!--/BACKGROUND-->
  5. It doesn't much matter where it's placed so long as it's not inside of a conditional block that gets removed - REG_REPLACE, IFREGMATCH, and REPLACE are all handled at the top level, after all other tags (so after export of Powers, Skills, etc.).
  6. Look carefully at the tags that aren't working: you have three “-” characters at the end of /IF_CAMPAIGN_USE and in the opening and closing tags of IF_APPEARANCE
  7. Open a command prompt and cd to that directory. Run the following and let me know the results: java -jar HD6.jar
  8. List the full contents of the directory that you're running HD from. Also, have you changed how your system runs a .jar file (beyond running jarfix)? The error you're reporting would only happen if Java couldn't find the referenced class file, which is included in HD6.jar...so something in your process has either modified HD6.jar or removed it from the locations that Java will search for files.
  9. That's what Character Packs are for. HD implements the rules that are considered canon - for 6th edition, all rules and abilities that are defined in 6E1 and 6E2. Additional/non-canon rules and abilities laid out in the various supplements are only implemented when it is determined (by Steve Long) that they should be a part of the core system.
  10. Again, covered on the download page. 1. Ensure that you have Java installed. Go to www.java.com and click on the big button to download Java -- that's a pre-requisite for running HD (a Java application) 2. If you have Java installed and still running into issues, there are instructions on the download page for that as well...in short: google "jarfix" and run the small application which should be the first result to correct .jar file associations on your system
  11. When you go to Store -> Manage Purchases and click on HD, the page that includes the link to download HD also includes a rather detailed step-by-step process to install it. You cannot get to the link to download HD without scrolling past those instructions.
  12. To start out: have you followed the direction included on the download page? If so, where are you getting confused?
  13. One poster who will no longer be discussing anything political (or much at all for a while). Anyone else?
  14. You're not thinking it through. Look to those people doing Patreons for miniature STLs. One, they're doing it for MUCH larger target audiences. Two, they're doing it either as a small portion of a larger offering of design files or are doing a large and ever-increasing library of designs. And they're already doing it. They're the competition. You want super hero minis? Have them create some for you. Don't want to pay that much for them? You may be starting to see the issue. So you're suggesting that DOJ should hire in an STL designer to create a product that they can sell - something completely outside of their wheelhouse. Something that the vast majority of their market wouldn't even understand the purpose of. That product would likely sell in the double digits. Possibly only single digits. Total. Not enough to pay the designer...and certainly not enough to deal with the headache of those buying the STLs and not realizing that they're just the printer files and not actual miniatures....or those that buy the STLs thinking that they'll get usable, nice minis off of an FDM printer. If there was some untapped general market out there for super heroic miniature STL designs, the very Patreons you cite would already be designing for it. As for the cost of printers (for those reading along and thinking "hey! $189 for a resin printer sounds like something I can wrangle!") - especially in 3D printers, you get what you pay for. Lower end resin printers are fraught with issues (I would not recommend using one without serious ventilation)...and typically require other systems to properly cure and finish the printed product.
  15. That's my point, though: you're talking about a product with an insanely low margin that requires high sales volume to justify its development...and marketing it to the fraction of a small portion of a shrinking RPG community that focuses on HERO System supers...and then further limiting the potential buyers to those few who are into 3D printing...and limiting even more from there to the one or two who are both into 3D printing and have resin printers.
  16. There are a number of ways to get custom-designed STL files, from working directly with a designer (multiple Patreons that support this) to sites like Desktop Hero (https://desktophero3d.com). The main issue that I see is that most FDM printers are going to lack the level of detail/quality that you're going to need at that small of a scale -- the end product is simply not going to look like what you want, leaving you with resin printers as your best option. This limits the potential market for miniature designs for the HERO System DRAMATICALLY...for a product that you would not be able to market for more than a few dollars.
  17. Did I stutter...or do I just need to start with infractions and banning?
  18. I've been giving this thread a pretty loose rein for a while...that appears to be something I need to change, unless folks start REMEMBERING THE RULES. I don't care what you believe, what you think, or what your opinions are. This is not the site for that.
  19. Simple: 5 END for 1 Point is how the rules define the cost and how it's implemented in HD. But you don't have to buy END in increments of 5, so if you purchase +1 END, the cost is 1/5 of a Point....which does not round to 0 -- nothing is free. So +1 END costs 1/5 of a Point, which rounds to 1 Point. Similar for +2 END (2/5 of a Point, rounding to 1 Point)....and +3-5 END. Apart from general rounding rules in HERO System, abilities like END and STUN have specific considerations regarding nothing for free, so +1-5 END = 1 Point, +6-10 END = 2 Points, and so on. All in accordance with the rules of the system (and something of a PITA to code in).
  20. The software IS showing the correct costs - you're misunderstanding the rules.
  21. Also note that nothing is free, so while END is 1 point for 5 END, buying +1 END will cost 1 point.
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