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Everything posted by SirViss

  1. Just a nitpick: The date of the last update says it was done in August...
  2. SirViss

    VIPER Watch

    I'm new at GMing (though I have played Champions since the early '90s), and picked up VIPER as soon as it came out at my FLGS. Love this book, plenty of good ideas that spark the imagination for the future of the campaign. The illos I really liked: p17: "VIPER: Living the Dream" (followed by) p18: "VIPER: The unpleasant Reality" ROFL...
  3. I ran a game using the Chala-lion from CKC this week. The opponent in question has a HKA damage shield. The protagonist of the story were rushing to the scene. When they were still to far away to see the fine details of the lion-like creature, the brick threw the Martial artist (with low resistant defenses) in a "Fastball special". Said by Martial artist the instant she was close enough to see those aformentionned details (the range brought the range penalty below the theshold of her previous roll): Minx: "That's no lion! That a PORCUPINE!!!" Much hilarity was had by all...
  4. Present Commonwealth This is the current Commonwealth membership: Antigua and Barbuda (1981) Australia (1931) The Bahamas (1973) Bangladesh (1972) Barbados (1966) Belize (1981) Botswana (1966) Brunei (1984) Cameroon (1995) Canada (1931) Cyprus (1961) Dominica (1978) Fiji (1970 and left in 1987 but rejoined 1997) The Gambia (1965) Ghana (1957) Grenada (1974) Guyana (1966) India (1947) Jamaica (1962) Kenya (1963) Kiribati (1979) Lesotho (1966) Malawi (1964) Malaysia (1957) Maldives (1982) Malta (1964) Mauritius (1968) Mozambique (1995) Namibia (1990) Nauru (1999) New Zealand (1931) Nigeria (1960 and suspended in 1995 but readmitted 1999) Pakistan (1947 and left in 1972 but rejoined 1989) Papua New Guinea (1975) Samoa (1970) Seychelles (1976) Sierra Leone (1961) Singapore (1965) Solomon Islands (1978) South Africa (1931 and left in 1961 but rejoined 1994) Sri Lanka (1948) St Kitts and Nevis (1983) St Lucia (1979) St Vincent and The Grenadines (1979) Swaziland (1968) Tanzania (1961) Tonga (1970) Trinidad and Tobago (1962) Tuvalu (1978) Uganda (1962) United Kingdom (1931) Vanuatu (1980) Zambia (1964) Zimbabwe (1980) This site has more info about the Commonwealth: Commonwealth of Nations Gotta love Google!
  5. I would build the Mnemonics thing by taking Eidetic Memory (and various modifiers) with the limitation "Need Password or Hacking roll to Access" (-1?), or something to that effetc.
  6. I wonder... I just wonder if "Personnal Immunity" is necessary. Since your where the explosion originates, where would you get knockbacked to?
  7. SirViss


    Thanks for what looks like a great adventure! I am new at GMing, and I haven't finished reading it yet, but I am already rubbing my hands with glee. My players are starting to be worried... Being a new GM, I also have to thank you for all the advice that you gave in the article. Don't be shy in coming up with other adventures for those of us who are low on ideas!
  8. Welcome to the new GM club. I'm a member too. I am new to GMing, but have played Hero for 3 or 4 years, so I know the system fairly well (though not as much as some of these people that have played 20 years or so.) I find the most complicated part is designing the characters and their powers. The rest of the rules are pretty intuitive. The reason the character design is "complicated" is that you have so MANY options. The biggest hurdle (IMHO) is figuring out that everything is SFX, and there are probably more than one way to design any superpowers you can come up with. And this system can be very easily "muchkinised", so that some powers could be way more powerful than other. Often, they are built with powers that have a Stop Sign or the like in FREd. If you want to start GMing with HERO, and aren't very familiar with the system, I would suggest the players keep the concept of theeir characters simple, or better yet, have them run a few games with the Champions superteam from the Champions genre book. Pregen characters do simplify things until you get a handle on the rules. Anyway, this is all IMHO. Like some people have said: YMMV.
  9. Shouldn't that be Mind Scan, not Mental Awarness? Mental Awarness just allows you to see the use of mental powers.
  10. I remember it being around 300 km/h, and that's pretty close to 190 mph, so I would use that as a good start...
  11. No problem Tech. I'm trying to get my post count up... By Hero rules, if you hold your breath you have to spend 1 END/Phase. With LS: Extended Breathing you can hold your breath for a longer period of time. Each point extends the time by one level on the Time Chart. So 1 level = 1 END/Turn, 2 levels = 1 END/Minute. Again, by Hero rules, you can reduce your Speed to 2 while holding your breath, and a Turn is 12 secondes, so you normally spend 10 END/Minute, if not doing anything strenuous. So one level of LS: Ex.B. would mean that you would spend 5 END/Minute, and two levels would be 1 END/Minute. The rules on Holding Your Breath are on FREd p.285, for more info.
  12. Sorry man, I was refering to the constrcut that Blue Jogger posted: I was saying to replace LS: Does Not Breath with LS: Extended Breathing. I dodn't have the book right now, so I assume that there is a Simulate Death talent or some such. So I don't know what the construct i sfor then. If there isn't then you have to say that Extended Breathing probably better fits than Does Not Breath. (Now, i just have to check the book...)
  13. If you want to simulate the "drowning" effect while using Simulate Death I wouldn't use LS: Self-Contained Breathing. I would use LS: Extended Breathing. One level should be enough for 10 times slower (loose 1 END per TURN), but I would go for two level, where you suffer END usage every minute. Just make sure the character in question doesn't have 60 END!
  14. In a previous thread I asked you: "... can a character «Haymaker» there breakout roll to get out of Entangle? ..." You replied: "With the GM's permission, yes, a character could Haymaker to try to escape an Entangle or Grab. Standard Haymaker rules apply." original thread for reference. I started running a game not long ago, and someone applied this, but I aran into a snag. He did twice the remaining BODY of the entangle, which generally means that he can act immediatly, but he did do a haymaker, so I was wondering if he still got that action. I don't think so, but I decided to allow it this time, as it was very dramatic. i just want to know what should generally happen.
  15. Well guys, the player and I have settled for a Detec. But to make it really CHEAP I handwaved the restriction where it has to cost end to be in an EC. It's nice to be the GM... I am making it a 3 point detect. The applicability in combat is (virtually) nil., but I am including Analyze. I had to get the points up for the EC... Anyway, i will still be still coming here to get ideas, so keep the suggestions coming!
  16. Well, if it is TRUE precog applied to the weather, then it should be a little expensive, since it will perceive weather changes that wouldn't be detectable by other means. What I mean by that, is if some other sentient (read super-villain or hero) force applies some changes on the weather he might be able to detect it. "And the weather tomorrow will be... SNOW?!? Someone will be tampering with the weather! Better keep my costume undies..." I would make the assumption that the character would not be able to sense his own changes to future weather, or else he would have a great way to send himself warnings in the past...
  17. Hello Steve, I was just wondering when "Time Modifiers" started to apply to reduce the skill roll on a Precog Clairsentience, if it had the appropriate limitation? I know the description of the limitation says that the RSR is at -2 for every step down the time chart after the present, but does that mean the=at "seeing" something that is going to happen next segment is at -2? Mostly, I am looking into what it would mean if a player of mine had "Weather Eye" from the USPD (p.253). Telling what the weather is going to be like next minute is pretty easy, generally...
  18. Archer: Your probably right. I think did miscount. Still, I wanted to see what suggestion popped up when I asked the board. I am the GM, but this is the first time I am GMing Hero (and 2nd time GMing anything). I have a few ideas of my own, but I wanted to see if I wasn't missing any ovious ones. The Detect idea I thought of and so did arbitrarilly changing the idea of "present time" for the limitation. It's nice to known that other people think of the same things you do... Keep the ideas coming. I think I know which I will suggest to the player. I might just show him this board and discuss with him then... Thanks for all the good ideas!
  19. Well, I thought of that, but neither I nor the player want the character to know what the weather is like 100 years in the future... At what level would you guys put the limitation (Only precise to 2 days in the future)?
  20. Hello everyone, I have a character in a game that I am running that will have the capacity to predict the Weather. So I suggested the Weather Eye power (USPD p.253). Basically Precog Clairsentience for weather only. It has the limitation Time Modifiers (-½), so I looked up what it meant. It says that the Power needs RSR limitation (no prob), and that the skill roll will be modified by -2 for every step on the Time Chart from the present. Ah, that would mean that to know what the weather will be like the next day would be at -18. Heck, the Skill is at -8 at 1 minute in the future! I was wondering how you guys would handle Weather Prediction?
  21. "The end result is I have a hard time seeing the perpetrators of Project: Sunburst experimenting on women soldiers." I would say it depends on there line of thinking. The purpose of the experiment was to see if they could actively create superpowered individual. Somebody on the staff might have mentionned that"We don't know if the sex of an individual might affect the test?" "Okay then, try to get some women..." of course you don't really need an explanation. Like you said, its a comic book world...
  22. Two campaigns come to mind: There was a supers game where we were still learning the mehanics (we including the GM) and the campaign wasn Sponsor: "Well team, to save the world we must got to another dimension. Your going to Hell..." Considering that we had gotten beaten by normals, the players thought the GM was nuts, and the campaign ended that night. The worst though was the Shadowrun game where the PCs just stood around as the GM showed off how bright and powerful his NPCs were.
  23. Comments... Just a couple of questions for you and the creator of the dagger: 1) Shouldn't the EB have the advantage "Does Body"? It is attacking the internal organs. 2) Just to know, the blade doesn't need to cause a wound for the nanos to attack you right? A hit delivers the little wonder-machines and they eventually do their thing.
  24. Sounds like it's either OIF or OIHID. Both are a -½ limitation. The reason, as I see it, is that once the armor is on, well ripping it off gets to be very hard. Which begs the question, is there something that can be taken away before the armor is active? If not, than it should definetly be OIHID. Else, I would say OIF.
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