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Everything posted by Starlord

  1. Re: Musings on Random Musings Cool. Russell Crowe impersonations! I'll try: My name is Starlordus Longfellowus Some-other-name-that-ends-in 'us'. Husband to a hot wife. Father to two sons and three kitties. ...and I will have Chips Ahoy 'Chewy' Chocolate Chip Cookies...in this life or the next.
  2. Re: A Thread for Random Musings My new hearing aide is about the size of a skittle. Cool.
  3. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Try to get something out of every day. A lesson learned, a good deed performed, a positive experience lived, etc. Don't just wade through your existence, moving from lifetask to lifetask. Be a human being, not a human doing. PS: Yes, it's easier said than done.
  4. Re: AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!!! in the CU I've briefly toyed with writing some short stories starring the Avengers with alternate histories in the CU. It began with Captain America being active starting in WW1 all the way through WW2 and disappearing near the end. Curiously, Dr. Destroyer disappears at the same time. PRIMUS discovers Destroyer's secret WW2 arctic base in 1990. They discover Destroyer (who would have been much less physically powerful back then) and Cap frozen in Destroyer's malfunctioning time machine while struggling with each other. They find notes suggesting Destroyer was going to use the machine to alter history and Cap was there to stop him. The machine was damaged in the struggle, but Destroyer tried to use it anyway. It malfunctioned while they were struggling and they've both been frozen in stasis for 45 years. A technician fools with the controls and they are freed. Destroyer escapes and Cap is taken in by PRIMUS. Some of my other ideas were: - Wonder Man is used similarly to his Marvel origin except it's Destroyer, not Zemo who uses him to infiltrate the team. - Mechanon creates Vision You get the idea, the other Avengers are modified to fit the CU timeline and basic power level, etc.
  5. Re: A Thread for Random Mooings Enforcer is right, people. These Mooings don't seem very random to me. If you can't follow the rules then I'll have Ben close the thread and I'll open a new thread complaining about how badly all of you acted. Oh, and by the way, Moo
  6. Re: Superman for President? First you need to decide whether Paragon is a hero or villain. Since once he became a politician, he'd be a villain.
  7. Re: What are these Ages exactly? I generall go with that and then the Bronze Age begins with the death of Gwen Stacy and the Iron Age begins with the appearance of Cable and X-Force.
  8. Re: Musings on Random Musings Suuuuuurrrrre. Go for the EASY chin jokes, people. C'mon, can't ya get a LITTLE more clever? My chin isn't REALLY that big. Remember, it's just a pic of my face and they say the camera adds ten pounds. Yeah, that's it! Oh, nevermind. PS: F-I-L is doing well, but very weak. Of course, that's to be expected when you have your chest ripped open ala John Hurt in Alien.
  9. Re: Musings on Random Musings I actually agreed with his initial opinion about goodbye/suicide threads and his initial opinion about Nexus' first few posts on the thread, however he was disgustingly nasty and smug on the thread which seems to be his typical way of posting. I hope he's permanently banned. Who needs him? Please.
  10. Re: A Thread for Random Musings By now, 75% of the people who've read recent posts will have tried to lick their elbow.
  11. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Turtles can breathe through their butts.
  12. Re: A Thread for Random Musings It's physically impossible for you to lick your elbow.
  13. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Richard Millhouse Nixon was the first US president whose name contains all the letters from the word "criminal." The second was William Jefferson Clinton.
  14. Re: Okay, Who's yer favorite Icon? All of these are good, but my favorite is: Cable Iconic representation: The constant reminder to me of what (and who) is wrong with the comics industry, when it started to go downhill, and that we should always keep the faith and do our best not to go down the road he represents. All the bad writing, bad retcons, bad continuity, and artists thinking they're writers.
  15. Re: Musings on Random Musings Cheese and potato soup is one of my weaknesses. Particularly Bob Evan's Cheddar Potato Soup with bacon bits. It makes me salivate just thinking about it.
  16. Re: Musings on Random Musings Here, here. Any fool who dreams of living in medieval times just doesn't have the required appreciation for dental hygiene, running water, and electricity.
  17. Re: Death with Dignity : An examination of the Golden Age
  18. Re: Death with Dignity : An examination of the Golden Age Don't forget the argument that: At what point is the hero, as well as society, culpable for the murders that a villain commits after he breaks out of prison for the umpteenth time? Basically, it's all about picking a point where you stop suspending belief, sticking to it, and being comfortable with it. Different things bother different people. For example, certain costumes bother me. Unless a hero/heroine has natural defenses, he/she should never be scantily clad (like female MA's in the equivalent of bikinis) and would, quite logically, armor themselves to some extent at all times.
  19. Re: PLEASE ! No more 'What would your character do ?' threads I'm usually all for letting folks do what they want as long as its peaceful, but I do think it's more sensible to contain it to one thread. Cleans things up and all, less clogging of the forum like the numerous 'game' threads in the non-gaming forum.
  20. Re: [4color] Why do you dislike the Iron Age style? (No flames, ok?) I'd like to be more high-minded and claim that the main reason I dislike Iron Age style is for many of the reasons stated such as murderous violence, petty heroes, less 4 color, etc. However, if I REALLY think about it, I'm prolly just getting old and unconsciously taking the same stance that everyone of an older generation takes...the simple feeling that the artforms of my generation are much better than the artforms of the following generations. Be it music, comics, or what have you. Nor will I ever reclaim the feelings of anticipation at opening a new comic, nor the sheer joy, from when I was a youngster. So I hold onto a feeling that those works were superior to todays. There were bad comics back in the day, y'know. Probably a lot of them. I've just forgotten them, or only the good ones stand out as more time goes by. So only the very best of an older time period is compared to ALL of the current time period. Not to mention that everything had the huge advantage of being new and fresh back then. Probably unfair. Overall, I KNOW the penciling/inking is better now. The stories are more complex, themes more mature, and the writing? Well, 20-30 years from now, maybe only the best will be standing out for comparison then, too.
  21. Re: A Thread for Random Musings It's a sickening feeling waiting around for my kids to get home so I can get them to someplace before someone dies to make sure they see that person one last time. blech
  22. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I've never seen a bustle in my hedgerow.
  23. Re: The Last Word Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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